Lessons from Canberra 堪培拉的 教训


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Lessons from Canberra 堪培拉的 教训 Bryan Kavanagh

礼记 社会共同财富 475 BC–221 BC

Henry George (1839 – 1897) 美国人亨利乔治《进步与贫困》(1879)中指出,地租作为共同财富,将带来和平和繁荣。 French Physiocrat Francois Quesnay recommended the rent of land, l’impot unique, to France’s Louis XV as the peoples’ revenue source that would deliver stability and peace, and as a means of forestalling revolution in France. Louis failed to heed him ... 法国重农主义者弗朗斯瓦·魁奈向法王路 易九世推荐地租作为人民收益的来源以 带来和平和稳定,以此预防法国革命。 然而路易未能注意到他…… In “Progress and Poverty” (1879) the American Henry George also argued that land rent - the common wealth - would bring peace and prosperity 美国人亨利乔治《进步与贫困》(1879)中指出,地租作为共同财富,将带来和平和繁荣。 Henry George (1839 – 1897)

“The teaching of Henry George will be the basis of our program of reform” “ 亨利乔治的教导将是我们改良 的基础。” “The (land tax) as the only means of supporting the government is an infinitely just, reasonable and equitably distributed tax, and on it we will found our new system. The centuries of heavy and irregular taxation for the benefit of the Manchus have shown China the injustice of any other system of taxation.” (土地税)作为支撑政府的唯一 途径, 是极公正、合理、公平分 配的税,基于此,我们将构建我 们的新秩序。满人数百年的苛重 和不合理税负,为中国展示了所 有不平税负。 Sun Yat Sen (1866 – 1925)

Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈 Australia became a federation of six colonies (the states) in 1901 澳大利亚于1901年成为6个殖民地的联邦 The federal government was temporarily located in Melbourne and in 1908 a site for a new capital city was selected as a compromise between the two rival cities, Sydney and Melbourne 联邦政府暂位于墨尔本,1908年, 作为悉尼和墨尔本两大重要城市的 折中,两地中间的一块地被选为新 的首都。 It was agreed the 900 square miles’ Australian Capital Territory would be founded on the basis of leasehold land tenure – in order to publicly capture the ‘unearned increment’ in land values as the city grew 900平方英里的澳大利利亚首都圈, 在土地使用权租赁的基础上建立, 以此来公开获得因城市发展带来的 土地价值“自然增长”。 这被认为是孔子、亨利乔治和孙中 山所理解的共同财富。 This recognised the ideals of the commonwealth as understood by Confucius, Henry George and Sun Yat Sen Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈

Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈 在这新建之城,投机者蜂拥而至 As new cities develop, speculators move in ... 公共地租 Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈

Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈 ... 但不在此! ... but not here! 公共地租 Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈

Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈 It would be “a spectacle not previously seen in an entire city, and all connected with the city owned and managed by the people of Australia” – Austin Chapman, member of federal parliament (1901-1924) who lobbied for the location that was to become the Australian Capital Territory 这将是“一个城市前所未有的景象,澳大 利亚人民管理和拥有所有关于这城市的一 切。”—国会议员奥斯汀.查普曼 (1901-1924),为将成为澳大利亚首 都领域的地点游说。 S.125 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act provided for the seat of government to be within territory belonging to the federal government 《澳大利亚联邦宪法法案》第125条提供属于联邦政府的领土的政府所在地。 “No Crown land in the Territory shall be disposed of for any estate of freehold.” S.9 Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910 “区域内的王室土地不被作为永久产权处置。” 1910年政府所在地(管理)法第9条。 Australian Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都圈

Canberra 堪培拉

Design of Canberra 堪培拉的设计 It is a planned city 一所规划过的城市 An international competition for the design of Canberra was won by the Chicago architects Walter Burley Griffin and his wife Marion Mahoney Griffin 设计堪培拉的国际比赛由芝加哥 建筑师沃尔特·贝理·格里芬 和妻 子玛丽昂·玛奥妮·格里芬获得。 城市的蓝图构成为:圆圈、六边 形和三角形居中,周围是由地标 对齐的轴线。 The blueprint for the city featured circles, hexagons and triangles, centred around axes aligned with topographical landmarks Design of Canberra 堪培拉的设计

Design of Canberra 堪培拉的设计

Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日 The name “Canberra” was officially given to the proposed new city by Lady Denman, wife of Australia’s Governor- General, Lord Denman. “堪培拉”由澳大利亚丹总督劳德 丹曼的妻子丹曼夫人正式命名。 Canberra was said to mean “meeting place” in the local aboriginal dialect, but is now believed to be “woman’s breasts” on the basis of the local topography 有人说“堪培拉”在土著方言中意 为“会场”,然而根据地方志,现 在被认为是“妇女的胸部”。 是土著人用“堪培拉”之名来捉弄 白种人吗? Did the indigenous people play a trick on the white man with the name ‘Canberra’? Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日

Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日

Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日 Prime Minister Andrew Fisher 首相 安德鲁. 费舍尔 Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日

Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日 Minister for Home Affairs, King O’Malley (in his trendy camel-coloured suit!) 家庭事务部长金.奥马里(穿着他时髦的驼色外套!) Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日

Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日 Let’s see who features most. 看看谁最突出。 That’s The Prime Minister in the back-ground. 是背后的首相。 Naming Canberra – 12 March 1913 命名堪培拉—1913年3月12日

Development proceeds 发展过程 Development of Canberra was slow. It remained planned by the federal (“commonwealth”) government, but the bureaucracy encouraged it to drift away from the Griffin’s original plan (eg. no railway) 堪培拉的发展缓慢。它仍旧由联邦(共 和)政府规划,但官僚机构使它渐渐远 离格里芬最终的设计(例如,没有铁 路)。 From 1958-1989, under the National Capital Development Commission (NCDC), Canberra grew from a population of 40,000 to 300,000. It now stands at 367,000 从1958年到1989年,处于国家首都 发展委员会之下,堪培拉的人口从4万 人增长到30万人。现在保持在 367000人。 The provisional parliament house (1927) was replaced by the new parliament on Capital Hill in 1988 临时国会大厦(1927年)在1988年 由国会山的新址取代。 Development proceeds 发展过程

Parliament Houses – Canberra 堪培拉国会大厦

The First Leases 最初的租赁协议 Australia’s federal parliament had moved from Melbourne to Canberra in 1927 澳大利亚联邦议会在1927年由墨尔本迁 往堪培拉。 The first public sales of leases were in 1924. A typical bid of 400 pounds for a residential site established the annual rent at 20 pounds per annum (5% of the notional capital value of the site) 1924年第一此公开出售租赁权。一块典 型的居住用地为400英镑竞价,产生了 每年20英镑的租金(该地块名义资本价 值的5%) Leases were granted for 99 years. Rental reviews, initially proposed to be every 5 years, were finally conducted at 20 year intervals. This proved to be a great mistake 租赁期为99年。对租金的复核开始定为 每隔5年进行,后来改为20年间隔。事 实证明这是一个巨大的错误。 The First Leases 最初的租赁协议

The First Leases 最初的租赁协议 From 1935 initial rents were fixed at 5% of the assessed value, and any amount bid above that value was paid as a cash premium 自1935年起初始租金固定为评估值的 5%, 任何高于估价的出价部分作为现 金溢价支付。 This converted a rental system to a “premium leasehold system”, and, bidding from 1962 was solely for the premium 这让租金体系转化成“溢价租赁权体 系”,1962年起,出价只作为溢价。 Had ground rents been reviewed more regularly than 20 years, the growing confusion relating to premium payments would not have occurred 如果能够比20年更频繁的复核地租, 对于溢价支付的混乱现象就不会日益增 加。 The First Leases 最初的租赁协议

Confusion encouraged? 混乱被助长了吗? Private interests had always sought to undermine the principle on which Canberra was founded— that the rent publicly-generated from developing the planned city be used to finance its development—because it posed a threat to rent-seeking (the private capture of publicly-created land values) 建设堪培拉城的原则:公众建设城市创 造出地租,用其来支撑城市的自身发展 --总是遭到私人利益的破坏,因为这妨 碍了寻租行为。(这是私人攫取公共创 造的地租) Coupled with confused minds over Canberra’s ground rents which were increasingly no longer market-based, much ignorance was permitted to grow over capture of the common wealth 随着堪培拉的土地租金增长不再基于市 场的困惑, 对掠夺公共财富的无视被大 大助长。 Confusion encouraged? 混乱被助长了吗?

Confusion encouraged? 混乱被助长了吗? Federal public servants drafted to Canberra did not understand the rental system, whilst others based in the city realised their potential for windfall capital gains on their land if the leasehold system were to be abolished 设计堪培拉的联邦官员不懂地租系统, 但市一级的官员却意识到,如果取消租 赁体系, 他们将有望得到来自土地的 意外之财。 Such became the political agitation against paying land rent that Prime Minister John Grey Gorton abolished it altogether from the beginning of 1971 这导致了反对支付地租的政治骚乱,首 相John Grey Gorton于1971年起取 消了所有的租赁体系。 Since then leases are sold outright at auction (with 5 cents pa payable if and when demanded) 此后,租赁权以拍卖的形式被一次性出 售(以每年5澳分的价格,任何时候一 旦有需求) Confusion encouraged? 混乱被助长了吗?

Capital value of ACT land 首都圈土地的资本价值

Leasehold system gutted 租赁体系被毁 The Australian Capital Territory and Canberra now remain leasehold in name only 如今澳大利亚首都圈及堪培拉的租赁体 系已名存实亡。 Land prices paid for Canberra leases are little different from bubble-inflated prices paid in Australia’s other capital cities 堪培拉的土地租约价格与其他存在泡沫 膨胀的首都城市相比,仅有微小差距 。 The principle of capturing in Canberra the unearned increment—the common wealth— had been diverted and defeated 拿走堪培拉不属于任何人的增值(公共 财富)的原则,被稀释和挫败了 。 Most Australians no longer know the history of Canberra leasehold tenure: it is rarely spoken about 多数澳大利亚人已不知道堪培拉土地租 赁权的历史了,几乎没人提起此事。 Leasehold system gutted 租赁体系被毁

Canberra remains attractive ... 堪培拉迷人依旧……

... but the principle of commonwealth territory based upon the capture of rent had been defeated ……然而公共财富领域源自地租的原则,已被破坏

... that a latent bubble in land prices in Australia stands as a proxy for the West, and would burst into a depression by 2009 澳大利亚土地价格潜在泡沫现象成为西方的代表,将在2009年爆发危机。

Financial collapse? 金融危机? Whilst the US and much of Europe have begun to experience this land price-induced financial collapse, China and Australia have not - yet 当美国和欧洲大部已开始土地价格和金 融的危机,中国和澳大利亚暂时还没有 开始。 没有理由说中国和澳大利亚已控制了土 地投机。 It cannot be argued that land speculation has been controlled in either China or Australia The evidence is that a bubble is rife in both countries, because little land rent is publicly captured to keep the lid on speculative land prices 很明显两个国家都普遍存在泡沫,因为 几乎没有将地租公众化以限制投机性地 价的行为发生。 Financial collapse? 金融危机?

Australian land price bubble 澳大利亚地价泡沫 澳大利亚土地总价占GDP的比例 (Average ratio over 100 years 1:1) 100多年的平均比例为1:1 Australian land price bubble 澳大利亚地价泡沫

Although recent analyses of Australian taxes have not resurrected the principle of the common wealth, all have shown land-based revenues to be the most efficient and to carry little or no deadweight 虽然近来对澳大利亚税收的分析还未使 “公共财富”原则重见天日,但种种迹 象表明基于土地的财政收入将是最有效 的,并几乎或完全没有社会损失 The Henry Tax Review (2 May 2010) KPMG-Econotec (5 July 2010) Price Waterhouse Coopers (July 2013) 把税收重心从收入税和资本税转移到 土地税和资源税的提议,让全澳大利 亚人对保护公共财富有了一线希望。 taxes on labour and capital to land and resource rents now offer a slight prospect of securing the commonwealth to all Australians The good news?

Lessons from Canberra 堪培拉的教训 Canberra is the offspring of politics (the federation of Australian states) and a social ideal (public capture of land rent as the common wealth) 堪培拉是政治(澳大利亚联邦政府) 和社会理想(将地租公有化作为公共 财富)结合的产物。 Increasing private land prices and growing taxes on labour and capital—both antithetical to the commonwealth—have accompanied the failure of Canberra’s leasehold system 抬高私有土地价格,增加收入税和资 本税,伴随着堪培拉租赁体系的失败, 二者与公共财富背道而驰。 Whether the tenure of land is freehold or leasehold has proven to be of no consequence: what is essential for true prosperity and peace is for the rent of land to be captured to the public purse for the community - and that this ground rent be reviewed annually 无论是自由持有还是租赁持有土地均 无结果:对真正的繁荣和稳定至关重 要的,是由社会将地租以公共的目的 所获得,并且每年对地租进行复核。 Lessons from Canberra 堪培拉的教训

Do the lessons from Canberra translate to China, the world’s second-biggest economy, shortly to become the biggest? 对于全球第二大,不久将成为最大经 济体的中国来说,堪培拉的教训是否 可以引以为戒? If China makes the same neo- classical economic mistake of the West—of not capturing her land rent—she must suffer the same financial collapse the West is currently experiencing 如果中国犯与西方同样的新古典主意 经济学的错误,忽略对地租的获取, 她将发生如今西方正在经历的金融危 机。 这将总是导致在公共资产、土地、全 民的公共财富中产生个人寻租。 This will always be the result of private rent-seeking in a public asset, the land, the common wealth of all nations So; to summarise: 小结

Land: the soundest revenue base 土地:最好的财政收入来源 社会财富从何而来? 来自只是因人口和基础设施产生的土地(租金)? 来自对人力和资本的税收(罚款)? Land: the soundest revenue base 土地:最好的财政收入来源

Land: the soundest revenue base 土地:最好的财政收入来源 社会财富从何而来? 当允许对土地收入私有化,人民只有 当将地租给予全体人民,人力和资本的收入将最大化。 Land: the soundest revenue base 土地:最好的财政收入来源

Lessons from Canberra Bryan Kavanagh