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第二个谈话: Turning Down an Invitation 生词,shēngcí 记得jìde 想起来xiăngqilai 号码hàomă 搬bān 打扫dăsăo 扫săo(v) 整理zhĕnglĭ 房间fángjiān 旅行lŭxíng 电diàn

第二个谈话:Note 记得jìde, continuous state of remembering 想起来xiăngqilai, to recall from memory. 我记得他上过我的课,可是我想(不)起来她叫什么名字。 记得 means that you remember he took your class 想(不)起来 means you can (not) recall his name from your memory.

记得还是想起来? 你(记得/想起来)这个汉字吗? 我(记得/想起来)1997 年我跟朋友一起去看 “Titanic.” 你 (记得/想起来)2 年级老师的名字吗? 喂?请问毛泽东在吗?我姓邓小平,你 (记得/想起来)我吗?

Descriptive Complements The subject of a sentence can be described by a complement following 得。 我们玩儿得很高兴。 孩子笑得很可爱。 她打篮球打得很累。 他高兴得又唱又跳。 Textbook pg 176 ex A

Review: Resultative Complements First: What is a resultative complement? You will remember in Lesson 12 we talked about these when we talked about 白菜卖完了。 They show the result of a verb We also studied how 好is used to show that an action has been completed. 功课写好了。 晚饭做好了。 Identify the Verb and the Resultative Complement 功课写好了! 准备好了吗? 白菜卖完了。 看清楚了吗? 这个汉字我写对了吗?

Potential Complements 得 or 不 is placed between a verb and a resultative complement to show whether a result has been realized or not. You can also think of it as: does this action have the potential to be achieved or not? Have the potential=Verb 得 Complement (showing achievement) Not have the potential= Verb 不 Complement (showing failure)

Potential Complements (2) Red=Verb Blue=Resultative Complement 跳舞太难,我学不会。Dancing is too hard, I cannot study it. 这部电影我今天看不完。 “中国”汉字,我想不起来。 健康保险我买不起。 你晚上六点能回来吗?我等你吃晚饭。 我得开会,回不来。

What You Don’t Say Cannot be fulfilled by saying 不能. See the differences below: 功课做不完not able to finish (the homework) 功课不能做完not allowed to finish (the homework) 听不清楚。I cannot hear clearly. 不能听清楚。I am not allowed to hear clearly. 卖完了。Sold out 不能卖。Not allowed to sell

练习! Textbook pgs 177-178 ex B and C B=First day of school The resultative complements you will be using are: 到—reach, accomplish 懂—understand 清楚—clearly C=Competitive Eating The resultative complement you will be using is: 完—to finish

就 When it comes before a noun or a pronoun, it means “only.” 我们班人很少,就五个学生。 今天功课很少就五个汉字。 我们一家六口(人),就你对狗过敏。


谈恋爱 Dating is taken a little more seriously in China than it is in the United States. Girls and boy are often just friends. Having a significant boyfriend/girlfriend (more often than not) means that the relationship is headed towards marriage. While dating culture in China is gradually changing, children still tend to date someone that their family will approve of. Both female and male friends in China will be seen in public holding hands, walking arm in arm etc. Boyfriends and girlfriends restrain themselves more though, as to not seem disrespectful or too over the top with their feelings.

Culture Highlights Valentine’s Day (情人节) is becoming more and more popular with people buying chocolate (巧克力) and roses (玫瑰, méiguī) and going out to romantic dinners. Chinese people are very worried about saving face/losing face (/丢脸) which is why they tend to find excuses for not doing things instead of bluntly turning someone down.

Directional Complements Directional complements show the direction in which a person or an object moves. Directional verb complements should be placed after the subjects of sentences (where the verb usually comes). Some Basic Directional Complements: 上 (shang, to go up) 下 (xia, to go down) 出 (chu, to go out) 回 (hui, to return) 进 (jin, to go in) 开 (kai, to part from) 到 (dao, to arrive) 来 (lai, to come) 去 (qu, to go)

1. Simple Directional Complements: Formula = Subject + Verb + Directional Complement + Noun 他走上楼。 He walked upstairs. 老师走进教室。 The teacher walked into the classroom. 他拿出一枝笔。 He took out a pen.

2. Simple Directional Complements: (using 来 and 去) You can use 来/去 to show the speaker’s position in relation to what is going on. 来 shows coming towards the speaker. 去 shows going away from the speaker. Formula = Subject + Directional Complement +Noun + 来/去 他下楼来。He is coming downstairs. He + to go down + storey + come The 来 indicates that “he” is coming to the speaker. The下 shows that the direction “he” is moving is down. 他上楼来。He is coming upstairs. He + to go up + storey + come The 来 again indicates that “he” is coming toward the speaker. The 上 shows that the direction “he” is moving is up.

Example sentences with (来 and 去) 1.Shàng lai上来 (to come up) 3. Xià qu下去(to go down) 我在楼上,请你上来 Wǒ zài lóu shàng, qǐng nǐ shàng lai. I’m upstairs, please come up. 楼下有人叫门。你下去看看是谁。 Lóu xiàyǒu rén jiào mén. Nǐ xià qu kàn kan shì shéi. There is someone knocking on the door downstairs. Go down and see who it is. 2. Xià lai下来 (to come down) 4. Chū qu出去(to go out) . 他在楼上。我去叫他下来。 Tā zài lóu shàng. Wǒ qù jiào tā xià lai. He is upstairs. I ‘ll go tell him to come downstairs. 天气真好!我们出去走走吧 Tiānqi zhēn hǎo! Wǒmen chū qu zǒu zou ba. The weather is so nice! Let’s go out and take a walk

action proceeding toward the speaker from where the speaker is Various Directional Complements with 来 and 去 verbs of motion simple directional complements shàng 上 to ascend xià 下 to descend jìn 进 to enter chū 出 to exit huí 回 to return guó 过 to cross qǐ 起 to rise dào 到 to reach Lái 来 action proceeding toward the speaker shànglai 上来 come up xiàlai 下来 come down jìnlai 进来 come in(to) chūlai 出来 come out huílai 回来 come back guòlai 过来 come over qǐlai 起来 get up dào ... lái 到 ... 来 come to Qù 去 action moving away from where the speaker is shàngqu 上去 go up xiàqu 下去 go down jìnqu 进去 go in(to) chūqu 出去 go out huíqu 回去 go back guòqu 过去 go over N./A. dào ... qù 到 ... 去 go to

3. Compound Directional Complement: Using more than one in a sentence When you combine 来/去 with another directional complement, you form a more descriptive sentence. Formula: Subject + Verb + Directional Complement 上/下+ Noun + 来/去. 他走下楼来。 She + to walk + down + storey + moving towards the speaker. 老师走进教师来。 The teacher + to walk + to enter + classroom + moving toward the speaker. 老师走进教师去。 The teacher + to walk + to enter + classroom + speaker is not in the classroom.

More Examples: Compound Directional Complements 弟弟跳上床来。 请你买回一些梨来。 我的同学走进书店来。 他拿出一张纸来。

4. Compound Directional Complements with 把 Using 把 shows that the object in the sentence is the recipient of the action. Subject + 把 + Noun + Verb + (Directional Complement) + 来/去。 请把你的课本拿出来。 学生们,请把的功课拿出来。 请把这杯咖啡拿去。 你快把爸爸的车开回家去。

练习:practice! Game Plan: -identify the subject -identify the verb -identify what kind of directional complement you are going to need -identify what the end result is: moving to you or away from you? -fill in the nouns where appropriate He ran upstairs. Take the table and put it downstairs. Buy fruit and bring it back here ASAP. Where is 小红?She is coming downstairs. My mother walked into the kitchen.

回答:answers! 他跑上楼去(了)。 请你把桌子拿下楼去。 你快买回水果来。 小红在哪儿?她下楼来。 我妈妈走进厨房来/去。

小故事翻译以下 Last night, my mom and I got in a fight (吵架). She said that I came into the kitchen and started yelling, then I ran up the stairs. She came upstairs to talk to me, but when she came into my room I started crying. She went downstairs and said that if I wanted to talk, I should come find her. Three hours later, I went downstairs and we talked.

See how you did! 昨天晚上我跟我妈妈吵架了。她说我走进厨房(来)叫喊着, 然后我跑上楼去。妈妈走上楼来跟我聊天,可是她走进我的房间来,我哭了。她走下楼去,说如果我要聊天,我得下楼去找她。三个小时以后我走下楼去,跟妈妈聊天。