英文繪本融入國中英語教學 分享者:李貞慧.


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英文繪本融入國中英語教學 分享者:李貞慧

講師介紹 台灣大學外國語文學研究所碩士班畢業,高雄市立後勁國中英語教師。 總是不斷思考著如何讓學生與自己的孩子對英文產生興趣,所以開始關注英語繪本,希望透過英語繪本中的文學、藝術與多元的議題讓孩子們打開另一個世界。 是一個每天在繁花盛開的繪本花園裡聞花香,感到既幸福又美好的書迷。

為何要用繪本來教英文? 美感養成。 提供真實語境。 藉由繪本圖文的生動呈現,提高孩子學習英語的興趣與成就。 想做一件讓世界變得更美麗的事情,因著對繪本的熱愛,於是我選擇了繪本推廣與繪本教學。

英語繪本如何融入 英語科的教學 ?

說個好聽的故事 好故事總是能夠讓人豎起耳朵專注聆聽,用英文繪本裡的好故事,讓學生在愉快的氛圍下,輕鬆接觸英語。

融入文法、句型的教學中 拿英文繪本來教文法、句型的好處是,學生學到的文法句型是在一個有意義的context下出現的,學生往後會比較知道如何在適切的場合活用這些句子。

深度議題繪本慢慢帶 我的議題繪本分類:性別、公民平權、種族、戰爭、生態環保、生死、多元民族文化。 由於議題繪本的用字遣詞較深,在國中帶議題英文繪本並不容易。可以先從單字沒有那麼多也沒有那麼難的議題繪本做起,帶領孩子藉由這些議題繪本走入世界,去關心除了自己以外的其他人事物,並培養身為一位世界公民該有的素養。

I Can Be Anything! (職業)

學生的作品 1. I want to be a cat holder. 2. I want to be a video game player. 3. I want to be a bubble blower. 4. I want to be a baseball player. 5. I want to be a book reader. 6. I want to be a snowman maker. 7. I want to be a food eater. 8. I want to be a ghost murderer. 9. I want to be a tomato grower. 10. I want to be a butterfly catcher.

Whose Mouse Are You? (where句型;family tree)

In This Book (句型:I am in the ______, said ____.)

以下是學生的作品: 1. I am in the sentence, said the word. 2. I am in the dark, said the star. 3. I am in your heart forever, said the girl.

If (與現在事實相反的假設句)

The Big, Bigger, Biggest Book (形容詞三級變化)

Cheese Belongs to You!

Frog and Fly: Six Slurpy Stories (句型:Frog: I can go high Frog and Fly: Six Slurpy Stories (句型:Frog: I can go high. Fly: I can go higher. Frog: I am fast. Fly: I am faster.)

I Wish You More (句型:I wish you more give than take I Wish You More (句型:I wish you more give than take. / I wish you more we than me. / I wish you more hugs than ughs. / I wish you more pause than fast-forward.)

Animal Opposites: A Pop-Up Book (動物;相反詞)

A House Is a House for Me (句型:A hive is a house for a ~.)

Is Everyone Ready for Fun. (句型:It’s time to wiggle Is Everyone Ready for Fun? (句型:It’s time to wiggle. & Is everyone ready for fun?)

The Rainbow Book (When…句型/有關描述情緒、人格特質的形容詞/顏色,例:When I feel ORANGE, I am energetic and strong. When I feel YELLOW, I am happy and bright. When I feel BLUE, I am calm and peaceful.)

Quick as a Cricket (句型:I’m as quick as a cricket.)

My Dad (句型︰He’s as strong as a gorilla, and as happy as a hippopotamus

Winston Was Worried

There is nothing as bad as having a splinter in your paw. It’s a great big, huge, enormous, gigantic splinter.

Z Is for Moose (字母書)

Take Away the A (字母書)

Tomorrow’s Alphabet (字母書)

Paul Thurlby’s Alphabet (字母書)

This Plus That: Life’s Little Equation (玩文字遊戲,例:smile + wave =hello)

Green (描述各種綠色)

Lemons Are Not Red (顏色)

Cat Says Meow and other animalopoeia (動物擬聲詞)

What Does the Fox Say? (動物擬聲詞)

The Seals on the Bus (動物擬聲詞)

That Is Not a Good Idea! (禮貌用語,例:Would you care to go for a stroll?)

how to (句型:how to +原形動詞)

How Do You Feel? (情緒形容詞)

Walter Was Worried (情緒形容詞、天氣)

Walter was worried when the sky grew dark. Shirley was shocked when lightning lit the sky. Frederick was frightened when thunder shook the trees. Henry was hopeful when the sky began to clear. Elliot was ecstatic when the sun came out.

Fortunately (趣味故事)

Fortunately one day, Ned got a letter that said, “Please Come to a Surprise Party.” But unfortunately the party was in Florida and he was in New York. Fortunately a friend loaned him an airplane. Unfortunately the motor exploded. Fortunately there was a parachute in the airplane.

Suddenly! (趣味故事)

Olive and the Big Secret (趣味故事)

I’m Bored (bored vs. boring)

There’s a Frog in My Throat There’s a Frog in My Throat!: 440 Animal Sayings a Little Bird Told Me (動物相關片語、諺語等)

Raining Cats and Dogs: A Collection of Irresistible Idioms and Illustrations to Tickle the Funny Bones of Young People (英語慣用語介紹)

Eye to Eye: a book of body part idioms and silly pictures

這本繪本介紹一些body part idioms all ears You are very interested in what another person is saying. “I want to know what you think. I am all ears.” button your lip You keep quiet and don’t speak up. “She talked so much about her vacation that we told her to button her lip.” Cat got your tongue If you are supposed to say something and you are silent. “Why don’t you answer me? Has the cat got your tongue?”

cold feet A fear of doing something after you think about it for a while. “Billy wanted to ask Betty to the dance, but he got cold feet when he saw her in class.” cat got your tongue If you are supposed to say something and you are silent. “Why don’t you answer me? Has the cat got your tongue?”

Butterflies in My Stomach and Other School Hazards (美式俚語)

On my first day of school, my mother said I got up on the wrong side of the bed. She asked if we needed to have a heart-to-heart talk, so I wouldn’t bottle up my feelings. As I left the house, Dad told me to put my best foot forward. On the way to the bus stop, my sister said that on her first day of school, she had butterflies in her stomach.

Once Upon a Memory

現在式、過去式 句型: Does a feather remember it once was a bird? Does a book remember it once was a word? Does a chair remember it once was a tree? Does work remember it once was play?

A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You (形容詞子句)

Windblown (形容詞子句)

A friend is someone who likes you. I am the one who cut the paper into the pieces that the chicken saw lying around. I am the one who made the paper that the fish cut into pieces that the chicken saw lying around.

Happiness Is. : 500 things to be happy about (動名詞的用法;句型:Happiness is…

以下是我的九年級學生仿這本 圖文小書的句型寫下的一些句子: Happiness is watching a good movie and getting lost in it. Happiness is holding a big teddy bear in my arms. Happiness is helping someone. Happiness is looking at the stars at the beach. Happiness is being myself. Happiness is being a good man. Happiness is singing loudly. Happiness is finding the answer to a difficult question. Happiness is reading the novels I am interested in. Happiness is taking photos with someone you like. Happiness is sitting in a café and drinking a cup of coffee. Happiness is having a friend who really understands me.

Some Things Are Scary (動名詞的用法;句型:Getting hugged by someone you don’t like is scary.)

以下是學生分享的一些害怕經驗 Failing tests is scary. Eating an eggplant is scary. Cutting an onion is scary. Staying up late when you are very tired is scary. Staying in a dark room alone is scary. Thinking someday I cannot talk and laugh anymore is scary. Having nightmares is scary. Forgetting to do homework is scary. Having no friends is scary. Seeing a cockroach running toward me is scary. Getting hit by someone I don’t know is scary.

Brief Thief (趣味故事)

LION Lion (趣味故事)

I Didn’t Do My Homework Because…. (句型:I didn’t do my homework because…

Up & Down (地方介詞)

Roger Is Reading a Book (現在進行式)

Me… (形容詞)

When… (When I grow up, I want to be/do~.)

You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus

…don’t sit a monkey in a shopping trolley… And don’t hail a taxi if the driver’s a seal… And don’t put a camel in a sailing boat… And don’t ask a whale to ride a bike… And never let a bear near an ice cream van…

Things I Like (like + Ving)

為什麼要用繪本來帶議題? 何謂國際教育︰ 國際教育並不只是認識他國或異地,更應該是同一議題,在不同文化架構下,如何被看待,如:受教權。 國際教育,不只是英語能力的養成,而是希望學生能夠對世界保持好奇與關懷,能夠和來自世界各地的人不卑不亢的相處。

引領學生閱讀新聞文章,亦可討論新聞背後帶出的議題;但繪本有圖像,圖像最能直接觸動人心,先藉由圖像去感受,學生更容易進入議題中。 英文議題繪本只是媒介、只是工具,希望藉此帶領孩子看到台灣以外的地方,與世界連結,並能關懷國際,以行動力讓世界變得更美麗。

Monsieur Marceau (人物傳記;議題繪本)

Malala, a Brave Girl from Pakistan/Iqbal, a Brave Boy from Pakistan: Two stories of bravery in one beautiful book (人物傳記;議題繪本)

書裡有段文字是引述馬拉拉的話: I have the right of education. I have the right to play. I have the right to sing. I have the right to talk. I have the right to go to market. I have the right to SPEAK UP. 可以此段話為發想,帶領學生去討論兒童的權利,以及和學生一同了解塔利班進入巴基斯坦後,對當地人民造成的影響為何,另外也可以讓學生思考:「為什麼馬拉拉可以不畏強權,就是要捍衛自己和其他女性的受教權?」


Amazon 博客來 英文繪本書評網站︰ FB上臉友推薦 Q: 英文繪本書訊從哪裡取得? http://blaine.org/sevenimpossiblethings/ http://www.nytimes.com/column/childrens-books FB上臉友推薦

Q: 英文繪本哪裡買? 上網買。博客來或三民網路書局。


我的聯絡方式 電子信箱:kittylee0203@gmail.com FB粉絲頁:「水瓶面面的繪本幸福花園」 ID line: kittylee0203

Thanks for your listening.