State of the Chinese Standardization reform


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Presentation transcript:

State of the Chinese Standardization reform Dr. Hui Liu CNIS

Contents The State of China’s standardization Ⅰ The State of China’s standardization Ⅱ Reforming standardization in China Ⅲ Main contents of the Reform Plan Ⅳ Prospects of China’s standardization 2

Ⅰ. The State of Standardization in China In agriculture Developed 2237 agricultural national standards. Built 8026 agricultural demonstration zones involving 2000 counties. According to the statistics, the average production value of demonstration zones increased 15-45%. 第一个内容是标准化在中国的作用。The first content is the role of standardization in China. 标准化在中国的作用主要是它对中国经济社会发展的促进作用。 The role of standardization in China is that it promotes the development of economy and society. 在农业方面,In agriculture 中国共制定了2237个农业国家标准。China has developed 2237 agricultural national standards 建立了8026个农业标准示范区,涉及全国2000个县。Set up about 8 thousand agricultural demonstration zones, involving 2000 countries in China. 根据相关统计,农业示范区的平均生值提高了15-45%。According to the statistics, the average production value of demonstration zones increased 15 percent to 45 percent. 3

Ⅰ. The State of Standardization in China In quality and safety of consumer goods 在消费品质量和安全方面,In quality and safety of consumer goods 纺织品和儿童家具等国家标准已经达到国际先进水平,促进了质量和安全水平的提高。National standards of textiles and kids furniture have reached international advanced level and promote the level of quality and safety. National standards of textiles and kids furniture have reached international advanced level and promote the level of quality and safety. 4

Ⅰ. The State of Standardization in China 46 mandatory national standards of energy efficiency of terminal energy products 28 national standards of energy consumption quota of high energy consumption products About 80 water-saving national standards About 300 environmental national standards In energy saving and emission reduction 在节能减排方面,中国发布了46个终端用能产品能效强制性国家标准。In energy saving and emission reduction, China developed 46 mandatory national standards of energy efficiency of terminal energy products. 发布了高耗能产品能耗限额国家标准。Developed 28 national standards of energy consumption quota of high energy consumption products. 发布了大约80项节水国家标准和大约300项环境标准。Issued about 80 water-saving national standards and about 300 environment national standards. 由此可见,标准化为节能减排和环境保护法律、法规、政策实施和政府监督管理提供技术支撑。So, standardization supports to implement energy saving and emission reduction and environmental laws, regulations and policies. Standardization supports to implement energy saving and emission reduction and environmental laws, regulations and policies. 5

Ⅰ. The State of Standardization in China In society management and public service Developed 800 national standards, set up 50 standardization pilot and demonstration. Playing a positive role on safeguarding and serving people’s livelihood , improving government public service ability, enhancing and innovating society management. 在社会管理和公共服务方面,中国制定了800项国家标准,建立了50个标准化试点示范。In society management and public service, China developed 800 national standards, set up 50 standardization pilots and demonstrations. 标准化在保障和服务百姓生活,提高政府公共服务质量,加强和创新社会管理方面,发挥了积极作用。Standardization plays a positive role on safeguarding and serving people’s livelihood, improving government public service ability, enhancing and innovating society management. 6

Standards effectiveness isn’t full Ⅰ. The State of Standardization in China problems of standards Standards effectiveness isn’t full Overlap, repetition, contradiction Lack of driving force for industry upgrading deficiency Lack of driving force for products quality Outdated, lagged-behind Lack of driving force for international trade 总结一下,中国标准化问题的主要体现为两个方面:一是标准体系问题。另一个是标准管理体制问题。 In summary, the problems of China’s standardization are mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the problem of standards system. The other is the problem of standards management system. 对于标准体系来说,一个问题是一元标准体系结构,政府主导制定标准。例如,国家标准、行业标准和地方标准都是由政府制定。 For standards system, one is the unitary structure standards system, which is standards are developed by government. Such as national, industrial and local standards are developed by government. 另一个问题是缺乏市场主导制定的标准。Another problem is the lack of standards developed by market. 对于标准管理体制来说,For standards management system, 问题在于多头管理,标准发布主体多,层级多,体制割裂,各自为政。The problem is multiple management, multiple release subjects, multiple hierarchy, fragmented system, and working each for itself. So, these problems result in standards supply failing to properly meet demands of social and economic development. Weakness of implementation Lack of driving force for social management and regulating public service Low overall level Standards supply fails to properly meet demands of social and economic development 7

Ⅱ. Reforming standardization in China Plan for Furthering the Standardization Reforms The State Council of China issued the Plan for Furthering the Standardization Reforms in March, 2015. The plan is a guideline for china’s reform of standardization, proposed a new standards system composed of government standards and market standards. 第二个演讲的内容是中国标准化的改革。The second content of my presentation is reforming standardization in China. 为了提高中国的标准化水平,解决当前存在的一些问题,中国正在进行一次全面的标准化改革。In order to increasing the level of China’s standardization, resolving the current problems, China is carrying out an overall reform of standardization. 为此,中国国务院2013年3月发布了《深化标准化改革工作方案》。So, the State Council issued the Plan For Furthering the Standardization Reform. 该方案是中国标准化改革的纲领性文件,提出了政府标准和市场标准协调配套的新型标准体系。The plan is a guideline for china’s reform of standardization. It proposed a new standards system composed of government standards and market standards. Next , I will introduce the important document. 8

Ⅱ. Reforming standardization in China Basic thoughts of standardization reform problem-oriented collaborative promotion Combination of regulation and autonomy Legislation first 中国标准化改革的基本思路主要有四个方面。The basic thoughts of standardization reform mainly have four aspects. 一是突出问题导向。The first is to highlight problem-oriented. 凡是需要改革的,都是实际工作中反映问题较多、矛盾较大的方面。All need to reform are the things that there are many problems and contradictions in actual work. 从问题入手,分析哪些应该改、如何进行改.Reform starts from problems and analyzes what needs to reform and how to reform. 二是强调协同推进。The second is to emphasis collaborative promotion. 标准化工作涉及方方面面、各行各业,Standardization involves all kinds of fields and industries. 标准化改革需要集思广益、群策群力,Standardization reform needs to listen all useful opinion and work together. 三是统筹管放结合。The third is to emphasis combination of regulation and autonomy. 它的意思是标准化改革需要正确处理政府和市场的关系。That means standardization reform needs to correctly deal with the relationship of government and market. 一方面更好地发挥政府作用,强化强制性标准统一管理,突出推荐性标准公益属性。On the one hand, standardization reform needs to better play the role of government, enhance uniform management of mandatory standards, highlight the public welfare feature of recommended standards. 另一方面是发挥市场在促进创新、推动发展等方面的决定性作用,培育发展按市场机制运行的社会团体标准,建立企业产品服务标准自我声明和公开制度。 on the other hand, it needs to play market decisive role in promoting innovation and development, foster and develop social organizations standards operating according to market system, set up the system of self-declaration and openness of standards of enterprises’ products and services. 四是坚持立法先行。The forth is legislation first.凡属重大改革都要于法有据。All the important reforms should be implemented according to the laws. 要加快推进标准化法修改进程,以法治精神和法治思维推进标准化改革的顺利进行。Accelerate the process of the standardization law revision, promote standardization reform through the spirit and thinking of rule of laws. 9

Ⅱ. Reforming standardization in China Two principles of China’s standardization reform Principle of addition Principle of subtraction 中国标准化改革的基本原则有两个。There are two main principles of China’s standardization reform. “加法”原则 One is the principle of addition. 强化标准化宏观管理和综合协调,Standardization reform needs to enhance the macro-management and comprehensive coordination of standardization,尤其要强化强制性标准统一管理,especially enhance the uniform management of mandatory standards, 更好发挥政府标准在宏观调控、市场监管、社会管理、公共服务、保护环境等方面的作用。better play the government standards’ role in macro-control , market supervising, social management, public service, environment protection. “减法”原则 The other is the principle of subtraction 逐步减少政府标准的层级和规模,Standardization reform needs to gradually reduce the hierarchy and scale of government standards.从长远看,凡依靠社会组织和市场机制能够有效供给标准的领域,政府标准要逐步 退出、大幅“瘦身”,In the long run, government should gradually quit and significantly reduce quantity of standards from those fields where depend on social organization and market system to provide effective supply of standards. 同时培育发展按市场机制运行的社会团体标准,Meanwhile, government should foster and develop social organizations standards,有效增加标准这一制度供给,effectively increase supply of standards, 发挥市场标准 在促进创新、推动发展等方面的决定性作用。 play the market standards’ decisive roles in promoting innovation and development. 10

Ⅱ. Reforming standardization in China General goal of standardization reform general goal To set up a new standards system developing and supporting in coordination for governments’ standards and markets’ standards. 标准化改革的总体目标是建立政府主导制定的标准与市场自主制定的标准协同发展、协调配套的新型标准体系. The general goal of standardization is to set up a new standards system. This new standards system can develop and support in coordination for governments’ standards and markets’ standards. 11

Existing standards system China’s standards system National standards Recommended Industrial standards Local standards Developed by government Existing standards system Enterprises’ standards Mandatory Social organizations standards By government By market New standards system Mandatory National standards National standards Recommended Industrial standards Local standards 本图是现有标准体系与新标准体系对比图。This figure is the comparison between existing standards system and new standards system. 左边的图是现行标准体系。The left in the figure is the existing standards system. 右边图是新型标准体系。The right in the figure is the new standards system. 从图中我们可以看到,现行标准体系有六个层级的标准,及强制性国家标准、强制性行业标准、强制性地方标准、推荐性国、行、地标准。现行标准都是由政府制定。 From the figure we can see that the existing standards system has six different level standards, that is mandatory national industrial and local standards, recommended national industrial and local standards. All these standards are developed by government. 新型标准体系与现行标准体系最大的区别在于强制性标准只保留强制性国家标准,同时增加了团体标准。由政府制定的标准数量大幅度减少,未来团体标准将成为国家标准体系中的主要构成。 The most significant difference between new standards system and existing standards system is that mandatory national standards are only reserved, and meanwhile, adds social organization standards. The quantity of standards developed by government is significantly reduced. In the future, social organization standards will become the main component in the China’s standards system. Enterprises’ standards Comparison of existing standards system and new standards system 12

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan 我演讲的第三个内容是改革方案的主要内容。The third content of my presentation is the main contents of the Reform Plan. 在《深化标准化改革工作方案》中,提出了六项标准化改革措施。 The Reform Plan proposed six measures of standardization reform. 1.建立高效权威的标准化统筹协调机制。The first is to establish efficient and authoritative standardization coordination mechanism. 2.整合精简强制性标准。The second is to integrate and reduce mandatory standards 3.优化完善推荐性标准。The third is to optimize and perfect recommended standards 4.培育发展团体标准。The forth is to foster and develop social organizations standards 5.放开搞活企业标准。The fifth is to enliven enterprise standards. 6.提高标准国际化水平.The sixth is to improve international level of standards Next, I will detailed introduce each measure. measures of standardization reform Establish standardization coordination mechanism 06 01 02 05 04 03 Improving international level of standards Integrate and streamline mandatory standards Optimize and perfect recommended standards Enliven enterprise standards Foster and develop social organizations standards 13

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan 1.建立高效权威的标准化统筹协调机制主要是建立国务院标准化协调推进机制。 To establish high-efficient and authoritative overall coordination mechanism of standardization is to establish synergetic promoting mechanism of State Council. 对跨部门跨领域、存在重大争议标准的制定实施进行协调 And coordinate development and implementation of cross-sector and significantly controversial standards. 该机制的召集人是国务院领导人。The convener of the coordination mechanism is a leader of the State Council. 成员是相关部委的负责人。The members are the heads of relative ministries. 协调机制的职责一是统筹协调重大标准化改革,二是协调跨部门和有重大争议的标准制定和实施。三是研究标准化重大政策。The duties of the mechanism is to overall coordinate important standardization reform, coordinate development and implementation of cross-sectors and major controversial standards, develop important standardization policies. 1 Establish high-efficient and authoritative overall coordination mechanism of standardization measures: Establish synergetic promoting mechanism of State Council. Overall coordinate important standardization reform Coordinate development and implementation of cross-sectors and major controversial standards A leader of the State Council Convener Heads of relative ministries members duties 14

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan To integrate and streamline mandatory standards 2 整合精简强制性标准的措施之一是要减少标准层级。The first measure of integrating and streamlining mandatory standards is to reduce hierarchy. 就是将强制性国家标准、行业标准、地方标准整合为强制性国家标准。 Integrate mandatory national standards, industrial standards, and local standards into mandatory national standards. 从而形成一个市场、一条底线、一个标准。And form one market, one bottom line, one standard. Measure 1: Reduce hierarchy Mandatory national standard integrate Mandatory industrial standard Mandatory local standard “One market, One bottom line, One standard” 15

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan To integrate and streamline mandatory standards 2 通过废止、转化、整合、修订、保留等不同方式,将现行3000多项国家强制性标准大幅度减少到1500项。The existing three thousand mandatory national standards are greatly reduced one thousand five hundred mandatory standards through abolishing, converting, integrating ,revising and retaining. 废止是对于那些没有制定必要性的标准,予以废止。 Abolishment is to abolish the unnecessary standards. 转化是将强制性标准转化为推荐性标准。Conversion is to convert mandatory standards into recommended standards. 整合是将多个强制性标准中有关“安全、健康、环保”技术要素进行提取,重新形成一个新的强制性标准。Integration is to extract the technological factors related to safety, health, environment protect from several mandatory standards of the same field and reform a new mandatory standard. 修订是按照国家强制标准制定程序,对标准的技术内容进行必要的修订。Revision is to revise the technological content of a standard according to the development procedure of national mandatory standards. 保留是将强制性标准发布为国家强制标准,对强制性标准的技术内容不做调整。Retention is that a mandatory standard is issued as a national mandatory standard without adjusting its technological contents. Abolish Convert Integrate Revise Retain 1500 national mandatory standards Greatly reduce “One market, One bottom line, One standard” 16

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan To integrate and streamline mandatory standards 2 整合精简强制性标准的措施之二是限定范围。The second measure is to limit scope. 未来,强制性标准的制定范围将被严格限定在三个方面,即人身健康安全和财产安全、国家安全和环境保护等方面。In the future, the scope of mandatory standards will be strictly limited three aspects, including personal health and safety of life and property, national security, and eco-environmental safety. Measure 2: Limit scope The scope of mandatory Personal health and safety of live and property National security Eco-environment safety basic requirement of social and economic management “One market, One bottom line, One standard” 17

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan To integrate and streamline mandatory standards 2 整合精简强制性国家标准的第三个措施是明确职责。The third measure of integrating and streamlining mandatory standard is to clarify the duties. 明确职责主要是指明确国务院相关部委和国务院标准化行政管理部门的相关职责。It is to clarify the duties of relevant department of the State Council and the standardization administration department of the State Council. 国务院相关部委的职责是负责强制性国家标准项目提出、组织起草、征求意见、技术审查、组织实施和监督。 The duties of relevant department of the State Council are in charge of Proposing, drafting, asking for advice, technical review, implementing and supervising of mandatory national standards. 国务院标准化行政主管部门的职责是负责强制性国家标准的统一立项、编号和对外通报。The duties of the standardization administration department of the state Council are in charge of approving , numbering, notifying of mandatory national standards. Measure 3: Clarify the duties Relevant departments of the State Council Proposing, drafting, asking for advice, technical review, implementing and supervising of mandatory national standards Standardization administration departments of the State Council approving , numbering, notifying mandatory national standards “One market, One bottom line, One standard” 18

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan To integrate and streamline mandatory standards 2 整合精简强制性标准的措施之四是提高发布层级。The forth measure of integrating and streamlining mandatory standards is to improve release level of mandatory national standards. 未来,国务院批准发布或授权批准发布强制性国家标准。In the future, the State Council will approve and issue or authorize to approve and issue mandatory national standards Measure 4: Improve release level The State Council approves and issue or authorizes to approve and issue mandatory national standards “One market, One bottom line, One standard” 19

Optimize and perfect recommended standards Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Optimize and perfect recommended standards 改革方案的另一个主要内容是优化完善推荐性标准。Another of the main contents of the reform Plan is to optimize and perfect recommended standards. 这需要明确推荐性标准的定位。It needs to clarify the position of the recommended standards. 未来,政府主导制定的推荐性标准要突出公益属性,逐步减少数量和规模. In the future, the recommended standards developed by government should highlight public benefit, gradually reduce their quantity and scales. 3 Measure 1: Clarify the position of the standards The recommended standards developed by government should highlight public benefit, gradually reduce their quantity and scales. 20

Optimize and perfect recommended standards Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Optimize and perfect recommended standards 优化完善推荐性标准的另一项措施是合理界定推荐性标准的范围。Another measure of optimizing and perfecting recommend standards is to reasonably define the scope of the recommended standards. 对于不同的推荐性标准,有不同的范围。 There are different the scope for the different recommended standards. 对于推荐性国家标准来说,重点制定基础通用、与强制性国家标准配套的标准 For the recommended national standards, China mainly develop the standards which are basic, common and supporting mandatory national standards. 对于推荐性行业标准来说,重点制定本行业领域重要产品、工程技术、服务和行业管理标准 For the recommended industrial standards, China mainly develop the standards about important products, engineering technology, service and industrial management in the industry. 对于推荐性地方标准来说,可制定满足地方自然条件、民族风俗习惯的特殊技术要求。 For the recommended local standards, China develop special technical requirements for meeting local natural environment and ethnic customs. 3 Reasonably define the scope Measure 2: Recommended national standards :basic , common and supporting mandatory national standards Recommended industrial standards :important products, engineering technology, service and industrial management in the industry Recommended local standards :special technical requirements for meeting local natural environment and ethnic customs 21

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Optimize and perfect recommended standards 优化完善推荐性标准的措施之三是如何提高标准制定的透明性,The third measure of optimizing and perfecting recommended standards is how to increase transparency of development. 有几个具体的措施。There are some detailed measures. 首先,建立制修订全过程信息公开和共享平台。Firstly, set up an information disclosure and sharing platform of whole process of development and revision of standards. 第二,简化制修订程序。Secondly, Simplify the process of development and revision of standards. 第三,推动免费向社会公开公益类推荐性标准文本。Thirdly, promote free availability of public benefit recommended standards to society 第四,建立标准实施信息反馈和评估机制。Fourthly, Set up a mechanism of feedback and evaluation of implementation of standards. 第五,加强标准化技术委员会管理。Fifthly, Enhance management of standardization technical committees. 3 Increase transparency of development Measure 3: Set up an information disclosure and sharing platform of whole process of development and revision of standards. Simplify the process of development and revision of standards. Promote free availability of public benefit recommended standards to society Set up a mechanism of feedback and evaluation of implementation of standards. Enhance management of standardization technical committees 22

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Foster and develop social organizations standards 4 ASTM ASME UL 另一项改革的重要内容是培育和发展团体标准。Another important content of reform is to foster and develop social organization standards. 发达国家团体标准发展十分成熟。The development of social organizations standards in developed countries is very mature. 国际上有许多非常著名的团体标准制定组织。There are many famous standards setting organizations. Such as ASTM, ASME, UL, LT, BV, DVE , etc. ASTM:美国材料与试验协会 American Society for Testing and Materials ASME:美国机械工程师协会 American Society of Mechanical Engineers UL: 美国保险商实验室Underwriters Laboratories LT: 英国劳氏船级社Lloyd’s Register of Shipping BV:法国船级社 Bureau Veritas DVE:德国电气工程师协会Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker LR DVE BV 23

Requirement of streamlining administration and delegating power Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Necessities of establishing social organization standards Requirement of promoting innovation and meeting the varies of needs of market Requirement of streamlining administration and delegating power Foster and develop social organization standards 对于中国来说,设立团体标准十分必要:For China, it’s very necessary to set up social organizations standards 首先,设立团体标准是简政放权的需要。Firstly, setting up social organization standards is the requirement of streamlining administration and delegating power 其次,设立团体标准是创新驱动、满足市场多样化的需要。 Secondly, it is the requirement of promoting innovation and meeting the varies of needs of market 第三,设立团体标准是创建国际标准品牌的需要。Thirdly, it is the requirement of establishing the brand of international standards. Requirement of establishing the brand of international standards 24

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan measures Issue the Guiding Opinion on Fostering and Developing Social Organizations Standards. 为此,中国政府制定发布《培养和发展团体标准指导意见》,这是一个重要的文件。For this purpose, China develop and issued the Guiding Opinion on Fostering and Developing Social Organization Standards. It is an important document. 该文件提出要鼓励具备相应能力的学会、协会、商会、联合会等社会组织和产业技术联盟协调相关市场主体共同制定满足市场和创新需要的标准,供市场自愿选用,增加标准的有效供给。 This document proposed to encourage social organizations, such as societies, associations, chambers of commerce, unions, and industrial technical leagues to develop the standards that meet the needs of market and innovation for voluntary using by society, increasing the effective supply of standards. 25

survival of the fittest Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan measures 培育发展团体标准的三个原则是不设许可,不搞准入;市场驱动,自主制定;自愿采用,优胜劣汰 There are three principles of fostering and developing social organization standards. First is no license no access. That means any social organization can develop social organization standards. Second is market-driven, independently developing. That means the social organizations independently develop the standards which are the needs of markets. The third is voluntary using, survival of the fittest. That means users voluntarily use the best social organization standards. The three principles No license, No access Market-driven, independently developing Voluntary using, survival of the fittest 26

Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Relationship between social organization standards and recommended standards 团体标准与推荐性标准的关系是承接和补充。The relationship between social organization standards and recommended standards is inheritance and supplementation. 承接关系意味着一般性产品和服务标准要逐步放给社会组织制定。 Inheritance means general products and services standards will be gradually developed by social organizations. 相互补充关系意味着围绕创新活跃、技术发展快的领域积极制定团体标准,作为推荐性标准的有益补充。 Supplementation means the social organizations standards will be developed in the field of active innovation, rapid development of technology, as the beneficial supplements of recommended standards. inheritance supplementation 27

Action Plan of Implementing Reform Plan(2105-2016) Ⅲ. Main contents of the Reform Plan Action Plan of Implementing Reform Plan(2105-2016) Standardization Administration of China issued Action Plan of Implementing Reform Plan(2015-2016) The Plan included 14 tasks. 为贯彻实施《改革方案》,确保第一阶段(2015-2016年)各项任务落到实处,国家标准委正在组织制定《贯彻实施<深化标准化工作改革方案>行动计划(2015-2016年)》。 In order to implementing Reform Plan, ensuring all the tasks of the first stage to be implemented , Standardization Administration of China issued Action Plan of Implementing Reform Plan(2015-2016) Action Plan proposed the relevant detailed measures of 2015-2016, ensured the implementation of the tasks of the Reform Plan. 共包括14项任务。The Action Plan had 14 tasks, including enhancing the construction of standardization law, setting up a State Council overall coordination mechanism of Standardization, clearing and evaluating mandatory standards, reviewing and revising the recommended standards, optimizing the development procedure of recommended standards, improving the management of standardization technical committees, carrying out pilot of social organization standards, carrying out the pilot of self-declaration and self-disclosure of enterprises products and services standards, enhancing the implementation and supervision of standards, and so on. 28

Ⅳ. Prospects of China’s Standardization Powerful government + powerful market Powerful governments Weak markets China Standards exert their effects Weak governments Powerful markets Developed countries Increase efficiency 我演讲的最后一个内容是中国标准化的未来发展展望。The last content of my presentation is the prospects of China’s standardization. 关于中国标准化未来发展的展望,这个图能够很好地进行说明。 For the prospects of China’s standardization, this figure can explain well. 为了更好地发挥标准的作用,未来中国将在三个方面下功夫。In order to exerting the standards effects, China will focus on the three aspects. 当前,中国是强政府和弱市场。Today, China has powerful governments and weak markets. 西方发达国家是小政府和大市场。On the contrary, developed countries are weak governments and powerful markets. 未来,中国的发展趋势是强政府和强市场。In the future, the trend of development in China is to set up powerful governments and powerful markets. 此外,中国将提高标准化效率。In addition, China will increase efficiency of standardization. 从产业结构看,中国将着重提高农业标准效率和服务业标准化效率。In industrial structure, China will focus on increasing the efficiency of agriculture and service standardization. 第三个方面是发挥市场的作用。The last aspect is to exert the market roles. In industrial structure Agriculture service Industry Exert the market roles 29

Ⅳ. Prospects of China’s Standardization Government Hold the bottom line 01 Mandatory standards(safety) 02 Ensure basic Recommended standards (basic, common) Market 对于政府来说,强制性标准主要关注安全,起到底线作用。 For the government, the mandatory standards mainly focus on safety, and play the role of bottom line. 推荐性标准主要关注基础通用技术,起到保基本的作用。And the recommended standards mainly focus on the basic and common technology, and ensure the basic. 对于市场来说,大力发展团体标准,满足市场需要,促进经济和技术的发展。For the market, the social organization standards will be greatly developed, in order to meeting the demands of markets and promoting the development of economy and technology. 03 Promote development Social organization standards (general products and services) 30

Ⅳ. Prospects of China’s Standardization Government standards Social organization standards Enterprise standards Increase level, Focus on competition Meet demands, Promote development 这个图是在新型体系中各类标准功能定位。 This figure shows various standards functional position in the new standards system. 政府标准的定位是守底线保基本。The functional position of government standards is to hold bottom lines and ensure the basic. 团体标准的定位是满足需求,促进发展。The functional position of social organization standards is to meet demands of the market, and promote the development of economy and society. 企业标准的定位是提高标准技术水平,获取竞争优势。The functional position of enterprises standards is to increase the technical level of standards, and gain superiority of competition. Hold bottom line, Ensure basic The functional position of various standards in the new system 31

Above is my today’s presentation. Thank you for your listening.