踝关节损伤lauge-hansen分型 山西医科大第二医院骨科 梁凯恒.


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踝关节损伤lauge-hansen分型 山西医科大第二医院骨科 梁凯恒


造成理解困难的几个原因 1 踝部的解剖结构不熟悉 2 足的旋前及旋后位置不清楚 3 外旋,内收及外展的含义?力的方向? 1 踝部的解剖结构不熟悉 2 足的旋前及旋后位置不清楚 3 外旋,内收及外展的含义?力的方向? 4 为什么没有内旋损伤分型呢?

踝关节的主要分型 分型的目的 更好的评价踝关节的韧带损伤 更好的评价踝关节的稳定性 更好的治疗效果 引自Ankle - Fractures by Robin Smithuis Radiology Department of the Rijnland Hospital, Leiderdorp, the Netherlands

来源! Lauge N.Fractures of the ankle: analytic historic survey as the basis of new experimental, roentgenologic and clinical investigations. Arch Surg 1948;56:259-317 Lauge-Hansen N. Fractures of the ankle. II.Combined experimental-surgical and experimental-roentgenologic investigations. Arch Surg 1950:60:947-985 Lauge-Hansen N.Fractures of the ankle. III. Genetic roentgenologic diagnosis of fractures of the ankle. AJR 1954:71 :456-471 Lauge-Hansen N. Fractures of the ankle. IV. Clinical use of genetic roentgen diagnosis and genetic reduction.Arch Surg 1952:64 : 488-500 FRACTURES OF THE ANKLE V. Pronation-Dorsiflexion Fracture N. LAUGE-HANSEN, M.D. AMA Arch Surg. 1953;67:813-820.

四型 旋后-外旋(supination external rotation) 旋后-内收(supination adduction) 旋前-外旋(pronation external rotation) 旋前-外展(pronation abduction)

Based on cadaveric study First word: position of foot at time of injury Second word: force applied to foot(or talus) relative to tibia at time of injury 第一个词是受伤时足的位置 第二个词是受伤时足(或说距骨)相对与胫骨受到的外力方向

足的旋后位-踝关节跖屈与内收联合,距下关节屈曲、内收及内翻,足掌面向内 引自老竹战友

足的旋前位-踝关节背屈与外展联合,距下关节同时背屈、外展及外翻,足掌面向外 引自老竹战友

旋前旋后位 Position of the foot There are two positions of the foot in which the flexible ankle joint becomes a rigid and vulnerable system: extreme supination and pronation. In these positions forces applied to the talus within the ankle mortise can result in fractures of the malleoli and rupture of the ligaments. In 80% of ankle fractures the foot is in supination. The injury starts on the lateral side, since that is where the maximum tension is. In 20% of fractures the foot is in pronation with maximum tension on the medial side. The injury starts on the medial side with either a rupture of the medial collateral ligaments or an avulsion of the medial malleolus.

内收、外展、外旋?为何没有内旋损伤? Normal flexibility of the ankle The ankle joint has to be flexible in order to deal with the enormous forces applied exerted on the talus within the ankle fork. . The medial side of the joint is quite rigid because the medial malleolus - unlike the lateral malleolus - is attached to the tibia and the medial collateral ligaments are very strong.On the lateral side there is a flexible support by the fibula, syndesmosis and lateral collateral ligaments. This lateral complex allows the talus to move laterally and dorsally in exorotation during forward motion and subsequently pushes it back into its normal position.

Pull-off or Push-off fractures The shape of a fracture indicates which forces were involved. An oblique or vertically oriented fracture indicates 'push-off'. A transverse or horizontal fracture is the result of a 'pull-off'. On the left image the lateral malleolus is pushed off by exorotation of the talus. On the right image the medial malleolus is pulled off by the medial collateral ligament due to pronation of the foot.

旋后-外旋 Weber B - Lauge Hansen SE This is the most common type and occurs in about 60-70% of all ankle fractures. The foot is fixed on the ground in supination and an exorotation force is applied to the talus due to an endorotation of the lower leg. Stage 1 The first injury will occur on the lateral side, which is under maximum tension. As the talus exorotates, the anterior tibiofibular ligament ruptures first. Stage 2 Since the foot is in supination, the lateral malleolus is held tightly in place by the lateral collateral ligaments and cannot move away without breaking. As a result more rotation of the talus will fracture the fibula in an oblique or spiral fashion because the lateral malleolus is pushed off from anterior to posterior. The fracture starts at or only a few cms above the level of the ankle joint and extends proximally. Stage 3 Posterior displacement of the lateral malleolus fragment by the talus results in rupture of the posterior tibiofibular ligament or avulsion of the malleolus tertius. Stage 4 More posterior movement of the talus will result in extreme tension on the medial side and the deltoid ligament will either rupture or pull off the medial malleolus in the transverse plane.


旋前-外旋 这个顺序错了! Weber C - Lauge Hansen PER This is seen in approximately 20% of ankle fractures. The foot is fixed on the ground in pronation when an exorotation force is applied to the talus. Stage 1 The first injury will occur on the medial side, which is under maximum tension. It will lead to rupture of the medial collateral ligament or avulsion of the medial malleolus . Stage 2 The talus rotates externally and moves laterally because it is free from its medial attachment. Due to the pronation, the lateral side is not under tension and the fibula can move away fron the tibia. This causes rupture of the anterior syndesmotic ligament. Stage 3 The fibula will be twisted distally, while proximally it is fixed in position. Finally the interosseus membrane will rupture up to the point where the fibular shaft fractures above the level of the syndesmosis. The fibular fracture may or may not be visible on the ankle X-rays. Stage 4 Finally the posterior syndesmotic ligament ruptures, or there is an avulsion of the posterior malleolus, also known as the malleolus tertius.

旋前-外旋 视频IMG_0444.MOV



旋后-内收 IMG_0440.MOV


旋前-外展 视频IMG_0437.MOV



Stability 1

Stability 2

Stability 3

Stability 4



Case 3-1

Case 3-2

Case 4-1

Case 4-2

Case 5-1

Case 5-2

Case 6-1

Case 6-2

Case 7-1

Case 7-2

Case 8-1

Case 8-2

Case 9-1

Case 9-2

Case 10-1

小结 外踝骨折线的方向和高低是判断分型的关键,但不是唯一的依据 若为长斜形或螺旋形所致,为外旋外力所致 旋后-外旋前下至后上,位置一般不超过联合韧带水平,旋前-外旋横行或短斜行,位置高于外踝尖2.5cm以上 旋前-外展位置一般为联合韧带水平,常有蝶形骨块

思考 一些分型的机制可能不太准确 有些尚需进一步研究以臻完善 有关力学的知识需进一步学习

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