Recent Progress of CCSA ’s Standardization Activities


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Presentation transcript:

Recent Progress of CCSA ’s Standardization Activities DOCUMENT #: GSC13-PLEN-31 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: CCSA AGENDA ITEM: Plenary; 4.3 CONTACT(S): Recent Progress of CCSA ’s Standardization Activities CCSA Submission Date: July 2, 2008

Current Activities In 2007, 29 national standards, 144 industry standards (YD/T and YD/C) , 22 technical reports of communication standard class (YD/B) , were completed. In the first half on 2008, 158 industry standards and 42 national standards were finished. Hot spot areas 3G and IMT-Advanced including TD–SCDMA and its evolution NGN Optical Transfer Network (OTN) and optical access network(OAN) Energy saving technologies Future ICT service management and operation Active areas Convergence of telecommunications network and Internet Information Barrier-Free standards Emergency communication China Communications Standards Association Intellectual Property Rights Policy (for trial implementation) was issued in December, 2007. In order to address intellectual property rights issues in the communication standardization process, encourage independent innovation, promote the adoption of new technologies, protect the rights of patent holders and interests of the public, and facilitate standards development and implementation. CCSA will gain experiences constantly through the implementation of the IPR Policy and make it promptly revised and improved.

Current Activities (2) Improvement of CCSA’s Operation Mechanism In order to adapt to the development of information and communication technologies and the protection of environment, CCSA established two Special Task Groups: Home Network Special Task Group (ST1) Communication Product Environment Protection Standard Special Task Group (ST2) Re-election of Vice Chairmen of TCs and Heads of WGs In 2007, CCSA accomplished the reelection of Vice Chairmen of Technical Committees and Heads and deputy Heads of Working Groups, following up the reelection of Chairmen of Technical Committees in 2006. CCSA’s English website was revised and supplemented. Making the information on CCSA’s activities and standards timely available to the international community. Actively participating in ITU, GSC, 3GPP, 3GPP2, CJK activities. More than 4000 contributions were submitted to ITU, 3GPP and 3GPP2 and other international and regional standards organizations in 2007.

Strategic Direction To insist on the principle that the technical innovation takes as the basis, the increase of key technology of independent IPR in the standard as the emphasis, meeting the needs of development of information industry as the goal; so as to improve the standardization level of the national information and communication industry, so as to contribute to realize the powerful nation in the field of telecommunications; To extensively establish friendly cooperation with other standards organizations. Changing the standards development method from only adopting international standards to actively participating in the development of international standards; To set up a market-oriented management mechanism in which the government takes as the pilot , enterprises as the main body, and the standards organization as the platform, widely attracting manufacturers, universities, institutes and users to participate in standards development; CCSA will follow the principle of “Openness, Fairness, Justness and Consensus” in conducting its standardization activities.

Challenges Convergence of Services and Technologies FMC Telecommunication network/Internet Telecommunication/Broadcasting Efficient management mechanism and fast development of technologies. Fast development of technologies The period of standardization process is relatively long currently

Next Steps/Actions To give full play to CCSA's role as a platform absorbing operators, manufactures, institutes and universities to contribute to the development of communications standards; To pay close attention to the studies on 3G, IMT-advanced, NGN, energy saving technologies, ICT service management and operation; To improve the operation mechanism to meet to requirements of fast development of technologies; To continue to strengthen international technical exchange and cooperation, to participate in the international standardization activities to deeper extent and more extensive field, seeking more extensive connection and cooperation;

Supplemental Slides

Supplemental Slides Hot spot areas CCSA IPR Policy Column of Number of Contributions to ITU,3GPP and 3GPP2 in 2007

Hot Spot Areas(1/3) 3G and IMT-Advanced NGN TD-SCDMA/HSPA(HSDPA/HSUPA) TD-SCDMA/MBMS and BCMCS TD-LTE Mobile IMS series interfaces MMD equipment series standards Study on Wireless system co-existing technologies IMT-Advanced core network architecture Study on IMT-Advanced key technologies NGN Technical Requirements of the Emergency Communication on NGN Study of NGN-based IPTV architecture Requirements for the Unified IMS (Release 1) General Technical Requirements of the Networking of the Unified IMS (Release 1) Unified IMS System Function and Architecture (Release 1) Technical Requirements of P-CSCF of the Unified IMS (Release 1) Technical Requirements of I-CSCF/S-CSCF of the Unified IMS (Release 1) Technical Requirements of HSS of the Unified IMS (Release 1) Identification Presentation and Restriction Service Call Forwarding Service Malicious Call Identification (MCID) and Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) services Call Waiting (CW) and Call HOLD (HOLD) Services IP Centrex Service Click to Dial Service Customized Multimedia Alerting Service Customized Multimedia Ringing Service Multimedia Conference Service

Hot Spot Areas (2/3) Optical Transfer Network (OTN) and optical access network(OAN) OTN T-MPLS based packet transfer network TDM service over EPON/GPON system GPON interworking Next generation access network PON fiber link monitoring and diagnoses 2.5Gbit/sEPON Energy saving technologies Requirement of lithium battery recycle-disposal of for telecommunication; Technical Requirements of Recycling of Lead Acid Battery for Telecomunications; synthetic reuse of power supply system of access network eguipment and remote module; Windy battery for telecommunication; Solar battery for telecommunication; General Technical Requirements of Power Supply System for Telecommunication; Technological Standards of Constant Temperature & Humidity Air Conditioning for Telecom Computer Room; Intelligent Save Energy System by Fresh Wind for Telecommunication Stations/Sites; Intelligent Heat Exchanger for Telecommunication Stations/Sites 用户的认证包括对通信终端的用户认证和非通信终端的用户认证,即不同的CA系统。

Hot Spot Areas (3/3) ICT service management and operation Study on ICT Access standards system for Small and Middle sized enterprises; ICT Access services requirement Technical for Small and Middle sized enterprises; The Service Requirement for Unified Communication; The Interface Technical Requirement of Instant Message and Voice Communication Services for Unified Communication; The Technical and Standardization Requirement for Unified Communication; IT operations and maintenance service management technical specification Part1: Architecture; Part2: definition of management service Part3: management process Part4: service management support system Part5: Configuration management database 第三层:节目流密钥管理 在3GPP体系下,使用节目流密钥加密节目流。将使用业务密钥加密后的节目流密钥在广播网络上传输。终端对节目流密钥解密时将使用业务密钥。节目流密钥消息采用MIKEY格式; 在3GPP2体系下,节目流密钥分为两个子层:移动网络节目流密钥SK和广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 广播网络节目流密钥:广播网络节目流密钥(MBK)用于加密节目流。MBK经移动网络节目流密钥(SK)加密后在广播网络上广播;终端将使用SK和加密后的MBK 通过f(SK, MBK)进行解密运算,生成广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 移动网络节目流密钥:移动网络节目流密钥(SK)用于对MBK的加密。为了实现终端正确解密MBK,需要首先生成SK。因此,网络需要将移动网络节目流密钥的相关信息(包括随机数SK_RAND、BAK ID、以及BCMCS_FLOW_ID)在广播网络上广播。终端将使用对应的BAK和移动网络节目流密钥随机数SK_RAND生成移动网络节目流密钥SK。

CCSA IPR Policy In principle CCSA is not opposed to adoption of patented technology in a Standard. CCSA encourages Members to early disclose information of patents related to Standard known by Members and their Affiliates. However this does not imply any obligation for a Member to conduct any patent searches. Members and their Affiliates who hold patents related to Standard shall submit patent licensing declaration to CCSA. Where a patent related to Standard held by a non-Member is brought to the attention of CCSA, CCSA shall immediately request the patent holder to disclose the patent information and submit a related patent licensing declaration. CCSA will not be involved in licensing negotiations in the implementation of Standards, which should be conducted between the patent holders and the other parties implementing the Standard. CCSA shall establish an appropriate procedure and approach to allow Members and public access to the patent information including licensing declaration, which has been provided by the patent holders. CCSA will not be responsible for checking the validity of the patents, and the applicability of the patent to the Standard, nor guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the patent information. CCSA shall own the copyright of the Documentation and Standards created by CCSA or its Working Organizations. The copyright of the Standards approved and released by relevant government authorities belongs to the authorities concerned. 第三层:节目流密钥管理 在3GPP体系下,使用节目流密钥加密节目流。将使用业务密钥加密后的节目流密钥在广播网络上传输。终端对节目流密钥解密时将使用业务密钥。节目流密钥消息采用MIKEY格式; 在3GPP2体系下,节目流密钥分为两个子层:移动网络节目流密钥SK和广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 广播网络节目流密钥:广播网络节目流密钥(MBK)用于加密节目流。MBK经移动网络节目流密钥(SK)加密后在广播网络上广播;终端将使用SK和加密后的MBK 通过f(SK, MBK)进行解密运算,生成广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 移动网络节目流密钥:移动网络节目流密钥(SK)用于对MBK的加密。为了实现终端正确解密MBK,需要首先生成SK。因此,网络需要将移动网络节目流密钥的相关信息(包括随机数SK_RAND、BAK ID、以及BCMCS_FLOW_ID)在广播网络上广播。终端将使用对应的BAK和移动网络节目流密钥随机数SK_RAND生成移动网络节目流密钥SK。

Column of Number of Contributions to ITU,3GPP and 3GPP2 in 2007 In 2007, the number of contributions to ITU, 3GPP, 3GPP2 and other international and regional standards organizations increased tremendously. 第三层:节目流密钥管理 在3GPP体系下,使用节目流密钥加密节目流。将使用业务密钥加密后的节目流密钥在广播网络上传输。终端对节目流密钥解密时将使用业务密钥。节目流密钥消息采用MIKEY格式; 在3GPP2体系下,节目流密钥分为两个子层:移动网络节目流密钥SK和广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 广播网络节目流密钥:广播网络节目流密钥(MBK)用于加密节目流。MBK经移动网络节目流密钥(SK)加密后在广播网络上广播;终端将使用SK和加密后的MBK 通过f(SK, MBK)进行解密运算,生成广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 移动网络节目流密钥:移动网络节目流密钥(SK)用于对MBK的加密。为了实现终端正确解密MBK,需要首先生成SK。因此,网络需要将移动网络节目流密钥的相关信息(包括随机数SK_RAND、BAK ID、以及BCMCS_FLOW_ID)在广播网络上广播。终端将使用对应的BAK和移动网络节目流密钥随机数SK_RAND生成移动网络节目流密钥SK。
