語音學報告 英語歌曲連音介紹 劉念尹 古明豔.


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Presentation transcript:

語音學報告 英語歌曲連音介紹 劉念尹 古明豔

介紹粉紅佳人 自首次出擊樂壇就交出漂亮成績單之後,這位粉紅佳人就一直活躍在人才濟濟的靈魂樂壇,雖然是一名徹頭徹尾的白人新銳,但其出色的嗓音爆發力、怪誕無比的妖冶扮相和女性主張極強的氣質,使她成為反傳統女孩的代言人。在其新專輯中,除了節奏布魯斯、嘻哈元素之外,布魯斯搖滾、流行舞曲的加入給人耳目一新之感。

cuz=because looking’=looking catchin'=catching layin'=laying listenin'=listening hearin'=hearing sayin'=saying

Missundaztood Go Damon  Go Linda  Go Pink  Hahaha yeah  It's me  I might be the way everybody likes to say  I know what you're thinking about me  There might be a day you might have a certain way

But you don't in my luxuries  And its me, I know I know my name  Cuz I say it proud  Everything I want I always do  Lookin' for the right track Always on the wrong track  But all you're catchin' are these tracks that I'm layin' down for you 

There's a song I was listenin' to up all night  There's a voice I am hearin' sayin' its alright  When I'm happy, I'm sad, but everything is good  Its not that complicated I'm just missundaztood  There might be a day everything, it goes my way  Can't you think I know I'm superfly?  I might see the world in a world inside of you  Then I just might say goodbye  And its my name I know, I say it loud cuz I'm really proud 

Of all the things I used to do  Cuz its the wrong track  Lookin' for the right track  And all you're catchin' are these tracks that I'm layin' down for you  There's a song I was listenin' to up all night  There's a voice I am hearin' sayin' its alright  When I'm happy, I'm sad, but everything is good  Its not that complicated I'm just missundaztood

Yeah, yeah, yeah Lookin' for the right track Always on the wrong track But all you're catchin' are these tracks that I'm layin' down for you There's a song I was listenin' to up all night There's a voice I am hearin' sayin' its alright I was taken for granted but its all good

Cuz I'll do it again, I'm just missundaztood Said I'll do it again, I'm just missundaztood I said I'll do it again, I'm just missundaztood Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah UH! Yeah, yeah, UH! UH! UH! UH! Bring it back,UH! Damon: Exlax commercial? Pink: Wha? *Laughs* No this ain't no damn exlax commercial! This my first single MAN!