The subjunctive mood ( I ) (虚拟语气)


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Presentation transcript:

The subjunctive mood ( I ) (虚拟语气) 1. What is subjunctive mood? 虚拟语气是一种与时态有关系的假设, 这种假设是与事实相反,或不可能成 为事实的。 1). If you can help me, I’ll be very glad. 2). If it were winter now, I’d go to skate. e.g.

因为虚拟语气与时态有关,所以根据时态,虚拟语气大致可分为三类: 2. three kinds of subjunctive mood: 1).与现在事实相反;2)与将来事实相反; 3).与过去事实相反。 1). If you were here now,… 2). If there were going to be an exam tomorrow,… 3). If he had come here yesterday,…

不同的条件,会产生不同的结果,所以虚拟语气是由条件句和主句两部分构成。 1). If you were here now, you would help me. 2). If there were going to be an exam tomorrow, you could not be here. 3). If he had come here yesterday, he would have seen you.

由此可见,谓语动词在条件句和主句中都是以不同于陈述语气的形式出现的。所以,对于虚拟语气的掌握,关键在于对谓语动词的掌握。 时 态 句 式 过 去 现 在 将 来 should \were to \ were going to + do 条件句 主 句 did(were) had done\ been would could + do might would \ could \ might need + have done (been) would could + do might

a). 与现在事实相反的假设: e.g. 1). If it were the Spring Festival today, we might go home. ( If it is the Spring festival today, we may go home.) 2). If you were a boy, you might (could) join the Army. ( If you are a boy, you may \ can join the army.)

e.g. 3). If you didn’t come, we couldn’t hold the meeting. ( If you don’t come, we can’t hold the meeting.) 4). If you listened carefully, you could( might) understand. ( If you listen carefully, you can ( may) understand.

b). 与过去事实相反的假设: e.g. 1). If I had studied hard at that time, I wouldn’t have failed this time. If I studied hard at that time, I couldn’t fail this time. 2). If you had been more carefully, you couldn’t have made so many mistakes. If you were more carefully, you couldn’t make so many mistakes.

e.g. 3).If you had come here yesterday, you might have met him. ( If you came here yesterday, … …) 4). If I had learned English at school, I could have passed the exam. ( If I learned English at school, … …)

c). 与将来事实相反的假设: e.g. 1). If it were to \ should \ going to rain tomorrow, we wouldn’t go swimming. ( If it rains tomorrow, we will not go swimming.) 2). If I should \ were to \ going to come, I would telephone you. If I come, I will telephone you.

e.g. 3). If you were going to be a scientist in the future, you could do what you like to. ( If you are a scientist in the future, you can do what you like to.) 4). If I should go to the moon, I would take a lot of pictures there. ( If I go to the moon, I will take a lot of pictures there.)

d). 混合的虚拟语气条件句和主句: e.g. 1).如果我在学校学过英语,今天就 能听明白你说的话了。 If I had learned English at school, I could understand what you said today. 2). 如果我是你,当初就不跟他走。 If I were you, I couldn’t have gone with him at that time.

所以,我们应特别注意虚拟语气的句子中谓语动词的使用。 e.g. 3). There is still so much time left, so you needn’t have been worried. … …, but in fact, you were worried. 所以,我们应特别注意虚拟语气的句子中谓语动词的使用。

Exercises: B I ___ you a more valuable present if I ___ enough money. A. must have bought, had B. would have bought, had had C. had bought, had had D. could have bought, had

B 2). If he ___ come, the problem would be settled. A. would B. should C. shall D. will B 3). He ___ the job well, but he ___ so careless. A. hadn’t done, had been B. could have done, was C. could do, was D. had done, had been

4). What would you do if the war ___? B A. would break out B. were to break out C. will break out D. breaks out 5). Their maths teacher died of cancer last term, otherwise, he ___ now. C A. should still work B. will still work C. would still be working D. would still have worked