RE 3 Unit 12B Deadly Contact


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Presentation transcript:

RE 3 Unit 12B Deadly Contact Joyce Lee and Cynthia Yu 此範本可作為群組設定中簡報訓練教材的起始檔案。 章節 在投影片上按一下右鍵以新增章節。 章節可協助您組織投影片,或簡化多個作者之間的共同作業。 備忘稿 使用 [備忘稿] 章節記錄交付備忘稿,或提供其他詳細資料給對象。 於簡報期間在 [簡報檢視] 中檢視這些備忘稿。 請記住字型大小 (對於協助工具、可見度、影片拍攝及線上生產非常重要) 協調的色彩 請特別注意圖形、圖表及文字方塊。 考慮出席者將以黑白或 灰階列印。執行測試列印,以確保在進行純黑白及 灰階列印時色彩正確。 圖形、表格和圖表 保持簡單: 如果可能,使用一致而不令人分心的樣式和色彩。 所有圖表和表格都加上標籤。

p. 198 Study the map showing the spread of bird flu. There are three factors they should focus on: the key, which shows human cases in red and animal cases in brown; the timings of outbreak; and the directions in which the disease spread Answer the questions on p. 198

What is this reading passage about? The reading passage is about zoonotic diseases, animal viruses that spread to humans. In recent decades, more travelers are going into remote areas where they may encounter problematic plants and animals, to say nothing of diseases. Moreover, changes in medical technology have made diagnosis of disease easier and quicker.

outbreak (p. 199) n. to break out victim (p. 199--1) n. victimize v. stable (p. 199--1) n. a building where horses or farm animals are kept adj. a stable life veterinarian (p. 199--1) n. =vet, a person who is qualified to treat diseased or injured animals. =animal doctor poisonous (p. 199--1) adj. =toxic「化學物質」的毒

root (p. 200--2) n. origin originate (p. 200--2) v. to originate from transmit (p. 200--2) v. to pass a disease or infection from one person to another transmittable adj. infectious (p. 200--3) adj. that can spread from one person to another contagious 接觸傳染性的 fatal (p. 200--3) adj.=deadly=lethal immune (p. 200--3) immune system be immune from (safe from) an illness

emerge (p. 200--3) v. appear or become recognized emergence n. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (p. 201--4) 人類免疫缺陷病毒 AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome sufficient adj. =enough v.s. Deficient incidence (p. 201--6) the number of cases of an illness or a medical condition in a particular place, group, or situation subsequently (p. 201--6) adv. after something else happened; afterward

vaccine (p. 201--8) a harmless form of a disease given to people to prevent them from getting that disease. there is no vaccine against HIV infection emergency (p. 201--7) n. an unexpected situation involving danger in which immediate action is necessary zoonosis n. A disease that can be transmitted to humans from animals zoonotic adj. be on the rise (=increasing) An animal’s or a plant’s habitat is the natural environment where it normally lives and grows.

Researchers are in a race against time to be ready for the next big outbreak. erupt: start abruptly racehorse race car The first victim was a horse that was last seen eating grass beneath (=under) a fruit tree. One of the caretakers noticed that the horse didn’t appear to be well. Within hours, the horse’s health declined (got worse) rapidly. Nevertheless, the horse died two days later, leaving the cause (=what makes something happen) of her death uncertain.

All had high fevers, difficulty (in) breathing, facial swelling (becoming larger than normal) and blood coming from their noses and mouths. Despite efforts by the vet, twelve more animals died. Meanwhile (At the same time), the trainer and his assistant also became ill. The horse and men had been infected by a previously unknown virus, which doctors eventually labeled Hendra. Doctors labeled the unknown virus Hendra.

The virus passed from the bats to the horse, which then transmitted the virus to other horses and to people–- with disastrous results. Disease-causing agents, such as viruses, usually have specific targets. agent 媒介 target 攻擊的目標 Problems start when animal viruses are able to infect people as well, a process (which is)known as zoonosis.

Contact is crucial. Human destruction of animal habitats is forcing wild animals to move closer to the places people live– putting humans at risk for exposure to animal viruses. crucial adj. extremely important Raising animals or keeping certain kinds of wild animals as pets increases the risk of exposure. Eating animals (that are diseased) can also result in a virus being transmitted.

The factor that is probably most responsible for the spread of zoonotic diseases worldwide is international travel. subsequently (afterward) Now birds and mosquitoes (which are) native to North America are carriers of this virus as well. carrier 媒介 native to North America =have always existed in North America

Today, researchers are working to create vaccines for many of these zoonotic diseases, in the hope of controlling their impact on humans. In the hope of controlling (hoping that they can control….)