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Presentation transcript:

Good morning everyone, Welcome To our class.

——谢建蓉,邓婷婷,刘嘉雯,李欣,石霜,何琴。 学号 :03,06,09,13,19,25 Better City,Better Life Environmental protection from all of us started ——谢建蓉,邓婷婷,刘嘉雯,李欣,石霜,何琴。 学号 :03,06,09,13,19,25

Environmental Protection

Environment is the things around the center of things

Rainforest is the lung of the earth This is the distribution of the rainforest onEarth There are three main reinforest on Earth:one is in Africa, another one is in South-eastern Asion and the last one is in South America.

The law of Environmental Protection Environment is : air, water, land, minerals, forests grasslands, wildlife (野生动植物) aquatic flora and fauna(水生动植物) historical sites, scenic areas nature reserves, residential areas

Some kinds of the species

on the earth every second What is happening on the earth every second ● 2.4 Neonates born in the world. ● extracted 28.6 tons of metal. ● produce 1.3 cars. ● CO2 emissions of 760 tons worldwide. ● Decrease of 0.6 square kilometers forest.

top ten environmental problems The world's top ten environmental problems ◆ 1.Global warming---全球变暖 ◆ 2.Ozone layer depletion---臭氧层破坏 ◆ 3.Loss of biodiversity---生物多样性减少 ◆ 4.The spread of acid rain---酸雨蔓延 ◆ 5.Forest dropped---森林锐减 ◆ 6.Desertification---土地荒漠化 ◆ 7.Air pollution---大气污染 ◆ 8.Water pollution---水体污染 ◆ 9.Marine pollution---海洋污染 ◆ 10.Cross-boundary movements of poisonous wastes---毒性废弃物越境转移

NO.2 Ozone layer depletion NO.1 Global warming ◆Gradually increasing the greenhouse effect, Earth's temperature rising. ◆ Main hazards(危害): abnormal weather, species extinction, the sea level rising. NO.2 Ozone layer depletion ◆ Ozone (O3) layer: the Earth's protective layer ◆ Main hazards: strong UV (ultra-violet ray紫外线) radiation can damage immune system(免疫系统) of human natures and animals , cause skin cancer and cataracts(白内障), damage to the earth’s ecosystems(全球生态系统).

The present situation of water pollution 从全国总体情况看,废水排放量增长速度极快。城市生活污水总量也不断增加,2000年约达到783亿吨。由于废水处理事低(估计仅为20%~30%),大部分废水未经处理直接或间接排入水体,严重污染了水资源。我国七大水系中近一半河段污染严重,86%的城市河段水质普遍超标。全国被污染水系,比较严重的是淮河、海河、松花江、辽河、长江中下游以及珠江三角洲等工业比较发达地区。河流的城市段污染明显,小河重于大河,北方重于南方。1990年,在被评价的94个河流城市段中,65个受到不同程度的污染,占69.1%,污染物主要以氨氮、挥发酚和耗氧有机物为主。据调查,全国有7亿人饮用大肠杆菌超标水,1.64亿人饮用有机污染严重的水,3500万人饮用硝酸盐超标水。 From the general situation look, wastewater emissions growth very fast. City life total sewage are also increasing, about 2000 to 78.3 billion tons. Due to the low wastewater treatment things (estimates only 20% ~ 30%), most of the waste water treatment without directly or indirectly into the water, causing serious pollution of water resources. Seven of the great river in nearly half of river pollution is serious, 86% of urban river water quality common to exceed bid. The polluted water system, more serious is the huai river, hai river, the songhua river, liao river, the Yangtze river and the pearl river delta and other industrial more developed regions. The river city period of pollution obvious, on the river to the river, and the north on the south. In 1990, in 94 by evaluation river city paragraph, 65 by different levels of pollution, accounting for 69.1%, the main pollutants in ammonia nitrogen and oxygen consumption of volatile phenol and organic matter give priority to. According to the survey, the 700 million people who drink escherichia coli overweight water, 164 million people who drink organic pollution of the water, and 35 million people drinking water nitrate exceeds bid. 水污染的现状 The present situation of water pollution

NO.3 Loss of biodiversity ◆ Global extinction of 50,000 species / year, 140 / day on average. NO.4 The spread of acid rain ◆ pH <5.6 referred as acid rain. ◆ Main hazards: Water and soil acidification(酸化), plant and animal death, corrosion(腐蚀) buildings, railways and bridges and other facilities.

Air pollution

air pollution

NO.5 Forest dropped NO.6 Desertification NO.7 Air pollution ◆ Huge numbers of global deforestation. NO.6 Desertification ◆ 600 million square kilometers of land into desert each year. NO.7 Air pollution ◆ Sulfide and nitrogen oxides(硫化物和氮氧化合物) into the atmosphere worldwide up to 30 million tons each year.

Poverty Developed countries’ request of valuable timber

NO.10 Cross-boundary movements of poisonous wastes NO.8 Water pollution ◆ About 40% of the world’s rivers are seriously polluted. ◆ Freshwater(淡水)resources are becoming exhausted. NO.9 Marine pollution ◆ Hundreds of tons of silt and waste(淤泥和废弃物) into the coastal waters annually. NO.10 Cross-boundary movements of poisonous wastes ◆ Toxic waste-induced cancers.

Water pollutant

water pollution

环境的污染 触目惊心

Environmental Problems Amazing

The land we have owned once we depeneded to raised our life now have become more and more infertility ,the desert is gradually expanding oneday when we have no land to live what we should do?

Yes, we only have one earth ,so all of us take the action to rescued the world ,once the maya said that the 2012 is the end of our world ,while I believe that we can conquered every diffculties ,we can face the challenges,Just do it from now on ,from ourselves,from every little action!

It seems that there are fewer birds we can see now ,we should have mercy on the nature,all the creatures should be get along well with each other>

A jiornalist have once said that we should not let the last water we see Becoming our from now on we should take actions to save every drop of water,take off the tap when you are not to use!

Now our country is still mostly based on the fire electricity so large amount of coal is used for make the power,so your just a little action can make a difference! Have the consciousness in every part of our daily life! If we use little power ,then less carbon dioxide can put into the air,so there will be less risks that the countries in the world can be flooded by the water! Have mercy on the human just as us !

the beauty of our natural scenery

the beautiful sky 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本 添加文本

The end