Chapter 9 Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 9 Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories Lecture Presentation Chapter 9 Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories 考題詳解 James F. Kirby Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT

1051 考題詳解

31) The basis of the VSEPR model of molecular bonding is __________ 31) The basis of the VSEPR model of molecular bonding is __________. A) hybrid orbitals will form as necessary to, as closely as possible, achieve spherical symmetry B) regions of electron density on an atom will organize themselves so as to maximize s-character C) electron domains in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to minimize repulsions D) atomic orbitals of the bonding atoms must overlap for a bond to form E) regions of electron density in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to maximize overlap

31) The basis of the VSEPR model of molecular bonding is __________ 31) The basis of the VSEPR model of molecular bonding is __________. A) hybrid orbitals will form as necessary to, as closely as possible, achieve spherical symmetry B) regions of electron density on an atom will organize themselves so as to maximize s-character C) electron domains in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to minimize repulsions D) atomic orbitals of the bonding atoms must overlap for a bond to form E) regions of electron density in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to maximize overlap Answer: C 分子結合的VSEPR模型的基礎是_______。 A)混成軌域要形成,是盡可能接近地實現球形對稱性(無此要求) B)原子上的電子密度區域將自身最大化s特性(無此要求) C)原子的價電子殼中的電子域將自身排列,以便最小化排斥(正確) D)原子軌域鍵結原子必須重疊以形成鍵(不用重疊 例如反鍵結軌域) E)電子密度在一個原子的價電子殼中的區域將自己排列以便最大化重疊(沒有特別說明 ) 課本9.1 p384

32) The electron-domain geometry of __________ is tetrahedral 32) The electron-domain geometry of __________ is tetrahedral. A) PH3 B) CBr4 C) XeF4 D) CCl2Br2 E) all of the above except XeF4

32) The electron-domain geometry of __________ is tetrahedral 32) The electron-domain geometry of __________ is tetrahedral. A) PH3 B) CBr4 C) XeF4 D) CCl2Br2 E) all of the above except XeF4 Answer: E __________的電子域幾何是四面體。 A) PH3 B) CBr4 C) XeF4 D) CCl2Br2 課本9.2 p391

33) The central Xe atom in the XeF4 molecule has __________ unbonded electron pairs and __________ bonded electron pairs in its valence shell. A) 4, 0 B) 2, 4 C) 4, 1 D) 1, 4 E) 4, 2

33) The central Xe atom in the XeF4 molecule has __________ unbonded electron pairs and __________ bonded electron pairs in its valence shell. A) 4, 0 B) 2, 4 C) 4, 1 D) 1, 4 E) 4, 2 Answer: B XeF4分子中的中心Xe原子具有未鍵合的電子對和鍵在其價鍵殼中的電子對。 課本9.2 p388

34) The molecular geometry of the PF3 molecule is __________, and this molecule is __________. A) trigonal planar, polar B) trigonal pyramidal, polar C) trigonal planar, nonpolar D) tetrahedral, unipolar E) trigonal pyramidal, nonpolar

34) The molecular geometry of the PF3 molecule is __________, and this molecule is __________. A) trigonal planar, polar B) trigonal pyramidal, polar C) trigonal planar, nonpolar D) tetrahedral, unipolar E) trigonal pyramidal, nonpolar Answer: B PF3分子的分子幾何是__________,這個分子是__________。 A)三角平面,極性 B)三角錐體,極性 C)三角平面,非極性 D)四面體,單極 E)三角錐體,非極性 課本9.2 p388

35) The bond angles marked a, b, and c in the molecule below are about __________, __________, and __________, respectively A) 90°, 90°, 90° B) 120°, 120°, 90° C) 109.5°, 120°, 109.5° D) 109.5°, 90°, 120° E) 120°, 120°, 109.5°

35) The bond angles marked a, b, and c in the molecule below are about __________, __________, and __________, respectively A) 90°, 90°, 90° B) 120°, 120°, 90° C) 109.5°, 120°, 109.5° D) 109.5°, 90°, 120° E) 120°, 120°, 109.5° Answer: C a. N (3個鍵結+一個孤對電子對) sp4 109.5 b. C (4個鍵結其一算三鍵) sp3 120 c. C (4個鍵結 ) sp4 109.5 課本9.5 p386

36) The hybridizations of iodine in IF3 and IF5 are __________ and __________, respectively. A) sp3d2, sp3d2 B) sp3, sp3d C) sp3d, sp3 D) sp3d2, sp3d E) sp3d, sp3d2 Answer: E

36) The hybridizations of iodine in IF3 and IF5 are __________ and __________, respectively. A) sp3d2, sp3d2 B) sp3, sp3d C) sp3d, sp3 D) sp3d2, sp3d E) sp3d, sp3d2 Answer: E IF3和IF5中的碘的混成分別是__________和__________。 (3個鍵結+2組未共用電子對)sp3d (5個鍵結+1組未共用電子對)sp3d2 課本9.6 p402

37) Based on molecular orbital theory, the bond orders of the H􀁎H bonds in H2,H2+, and H2- are __________, respectively A) 1, 1/2, and 0 B) 1, 1/2, and 1/2 C) 1, 0, and 1/2 D) 1, 0, and 0 E) 1, 2, and 0

37) Based on molecular orbital theory, the bond orders of the H􀁎H bonds in H2,H2+, and H2- are __________, respectively A) 1, 1/2, and 0 B) 1, 1/2, and 1/2 C) 1, 0, and 1/2 D) 1, 0, and 0 E) 1, 2, and 0 Answer: B 基於分子軌道理論,H 2,H 2 +和H 2 - 中的 H – H 鍵的鍵序是分別是? Bond order = 1/2 (1-0) = 1/2 Bond order = 1/2 (2-1) = 1/2 Bond order = 1/2 (2-0) = 1 課本9.7 p413

38) A molecule has the formula AB3 and the central atom is in a different plane from the surrounding three atoms. Its molecular shape is __________. A) bent B) tetrahedral C) trigonal pyramidal D) T-shaped E) linear

38) A molecule has the formula AB3 and the central atom is in a different plane from the surrounding three atoms. Its molecular shape is __________. A) bent B) tetrahedral C) trigonal pyramidal D) T-shaped E) linear Answer: C 分子具有式AB3,並且中心原子在與周圍三個原子不同的平面中。其分子形狀為__________。 課本9.2 p386

39) PCl5 has __________ electron domains and a __________ molecular arrangement. A) 5, square pyramidal B) 6, trigonal bipyramidal C) 6, tetrahedral D) 5, trigonal bipyramidal E) 6, seesaw

39) PCl5 has __________ electron domains and a __________ molecular arrangement. A) 5, square pyramidal B) 6, trigonal bipyramidal C) 6, tetrahedral D) 5, trigonal bipyramidal E) 6, seesaw Answer: D PCl5具有_____電子和______分子排列。 P和5個氯共用電子,構型trigonal bipyramidal A) 5,正四棱錐 B) 6,三角雙錐體 C) 6,四面體 D) 5,三角雙錐體 E) 6,蹺蹺板 課本9.2 p386

40) Three monosulfur fluorides are observed: SF2, SF4, and SF6 40) Three monosulfur fluorides are observed: SF2, SF4, and SF6. Of these, __________ is/are polar. A) SF2 only B) SF4 only C) SF2, SF4, and SF6 D) SF6 only E) SF2 and SF4 only

40) Three monosulfur fluorides are observed: SF2, SF4, and SF6 40) Three monosulfur fluorides are observed: SF2, SF4, and SF6. Of these, __________ is/are polar. A) SF2 only B) SF4 only C) SF2, SF4, and SF6 D) SF6 only E) SF2 and SF4 only Answer: E 觀察到三種單硫化物:SF2,SF4和SF6。 其中,__________是極性的。 A) 僅SF2 B) 僅SF4 C) SF2,SF4和SF6 D) 僅SF6 E) 僅SF2和SF4 SF6都抵銷掉沒有極性 課本9.3 p395