Bell Work.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Work

生词:vocabulary shēng cí List action by order

生词:vocabulary shēng cí Try to guess the meaning of the following vocabularies based on the visual clue. 以前 以后 yǐ qián yǐ hòu

以后 以前 yǐ qián yǐ hòu

以后 以前 yǐ qián yǐ hòu

以后 以前 yǐ qián yǐ hòu

生词:vocabulary shēng cí 以前 以后 yǐ qián yǐ hòu Before After

Grammar Point In Chinese, when combining with an action(verb), the proposition after/before is always placed after the verb. See example.

Grammar Point shower After 以后 洗澡 yǐ hòu xǐ zǎo 洗澡 以后 yǐ hòu xǐ zǎo

以前 吃早饭 吃早饭 以前 Grammar Point breakfast Before yǐ qián chī zǎo fàn

Grammar Point Remember, the proposition after/before is always placed after the verb.

上厕所以后 刷牙以前 吃早饭以后 Individual Practice How do you put the following phrase with proposition before/after a in a correct way. Write them down in the back of your bell work. 上厕所以后 1. After using the toilet 刷牙以前 2. Before brushing teeth 吃早饭以后 3. After eating breakfast

我吃早饭以前洗澡 翻译:translate 洗澡 吃早饭以前 fān yì Translate the following sentence into Chinese using 以前/以后 yǐ qián yǐ hòu I shower before eating breakfast. 我吃早饭以前洗澡 洗澡 吃早饭以前 Time Word xǐ zǎo chī zǎo fàn yǐ qián

我洗澡以前刷牙 翻译:translate 刷牙 洗澡以前 fān yì Translate the following sentence into Chinese using 以前/以后 yǐ qián yǐ hòu I brush teeth before shower. 我洗澡以前刷牙 刷牙 洗澡以前 Time Word shuā yá xǐ zǎo yǐ qián

我洗澡以后写功课 翻译:translate 写功课 洗澡以后 fān yì Translate the following sentence into Chinese using 以前/以后 yǐ qián yǐ hòu I write homework after shower. 我洗澡以后写功课 写功课 洗澡以后 Time Word xiě gōng kè xǐ zǎo yǐ hòu

我写功课以后睡觉 翻译:translate 睡觉 写功课以后 fān yì Translate the following sentence into Chinese using 以前/以后 我写功课以后睡觉 yǐ qián yǐ hòu I sleep after writing homework. 睡觉 写功课以后 Time Word shùi jiào xiě gōng kè yǐ hòu

Individual Practice Look at your illustration. Write down three sentences using before/after to describe you daily routine by order. See example.

上厕所 刷牙 我刷牙以前上厕所。 2. 3. I use restroom before brushing teeth. His Laoshi’s routine 2. 3. 上厕所 I use restroom before brushing teeth. 我刷牙以前上厕所。 刷牙

刷牙 吃早饭 我刷牙以后吃早饭。 4. 3. I eat breakfast after brushing teeth. His Laoshi’s routine 4. 3. I eat breakfast after brushing teeth. 我刷牙以后吃早饭。 刷牙 吃早饭

生词:vocabulary shēng cí 赖床 lài chuáng

生词:vocabulary P. 112 shēng cí 上厕所 shàng cè suǒ To use the toilet

生词:vocabulary P. 112 shēng cí 化妆 huà zhuāng To put on makeup

你每天化妆化多久? Review How long for you to put on make up? Time Spent on an Activity How long for you to put on make up? 你每天化妆化多久? How long Activity Repeated Verb

生词:vocabulary P. 112 shēng cí 换衣服 huàn yī fú change To change clothes

生词:vocabulary shēng cí 吃早饭 chī zǎo fàn To eat breakfast

生词:vocabulary P. 112 shēng cí 出门 chū mén Step out Door To go out

生词:vocabulary P. 112 shēng cí 洗澡 xǐ zǎo Radical: Water To take shower

泡澡 生词:vocabulary pào zǎo P. 112 shēng cí To take a soak in the tub Radical: Water To take a soak in the tub

生词:vocabulary P. 112 shēng cí 吹头发 chui tóu fā To blow dry hair

句子:sentence jù zi 你早上做了什么? zǎo shàng

Illustration : Your Daily Routine On the worksheet, write and draw your daily routine(at least 6) in order and indicate how much time you spend on it. Have Hsu laoshi stamp it when you finish. See example.

Daily Routine:许老师 1. 起床 六点半

Daily Routine:许老师 2. 上厕所 一分钟

Daily Routine:许老师 3. 刷牙 五分钟

Daily Routine:许老师 4. 吃早饭 十五分钟

Daily Routine:许老师 5. 换衣服 五分钟

Hsu laoshi’s Daily Routine 出门 chū mén 开车 四十分钟 ……………

Daily Routine:许老师 6. To Marion 开车 四十分钟

Hsu laoshi’s Daily Routine 起床 六点三十分 qǐ chuáng 上厕所 一分钟 …………… 洗脸 …………… 两分钟 刷牙 五分钟 …………… 换衣服 三分钟 ……………

Portfolio Book Please put your portfolio book at the basket before you leave the room.