Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section A 3a-3c

Words and Expressions tiny adj. 极小的;微小的 cry v. & n. 哭;哭喊 field hug lift badly adj. 极小的;微小的 v. & n. 哭;哭喊 n. 田野;场地 n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱 v. 举起;抬高 n. 电梯;搭便车 adv. 严重地;差;非常

Words and Expressions talk back awful teen regret poem 回嘴;顶嘴 adj. 很坏的;讨厌的 n. (13-19岁之间的)青少年 v. & n. 感到遗憾;懊悔 n. 诗;韵文

Mother says… Let’s play a game. Make conversations according to the pictures. Teenagers should not be allowed to eat too much ice-cream. Mother says: Yes, you are right. But I think I can eat some. I say:

Mother says: Teenagers should not be allowed to go out with their friends every night. I say: I think we can go out if we can make sure our safety.

objectives To understand the poem Mom Knows Best . To talk about what you are allowed to do .

Read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner. Mom Knows Best

Be tired of mother’s love Part3 Lines11— 16 Before you read... Devide the poem into three parts and get the main idea of each part. Part1 Lines 1— 4 Enjoy mother’s love Part2 Lines 5— 10 Be tired of mother’s love Part3 Lines11— 16 Think back to mother’s love

Read Part1 affectionately! While you read... 深情地 Read Part1 affectionately!

was a tiny baby crying all night, was tired and hungry, When I was two running through the field, fell and hurt myself, sang to me and stayed by my side. my mom /she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in. made sure I was safe and kept me from danger. gave me a hug and lifted me up.

Read part 2 and role-play. I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now! There is no ice- cream for you. loudly

angrily I should be allowed to watch it! I’m not a baby. Don’t watch the scary movie, it’d give you awful dreams. angrily

Read part 3 and answer the questions. 1.What happened when the writer ate that ice-cream? 2.What happened when the writer watched the scary movie? 3.What happened when the writer stayed out past ten? He coughed for days. He had scary dreams. He was late for school.

4. How do you think the writer feels about his mom? His mother is a good mother . She knows the best, and for him she wanted the best.

We’ll see which group does the best. After you read... Role-play 1. Read the poem ; 2. Make a conversation with your partner according to the poem. We’ll see which group does the best.

Read the poem again and answer the questions. 3b 1. What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child? 2. Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old? 3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”? 4. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?

Debate Mom Knows Best. What do you think? positive side(正方) negative side(反方)

Language points When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. 当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小宝宝时,妈妈会给我唱歌,陪伴在我身旁。 crying all night 为现在分词短语,跟在名词baby后面作定语,修饰baby。 There is something important in today's newspaper. Most of the people singing are the students.

Now I’m an adult, thinking back to those times.现在我已长大成人,回想起那过去的岁月。 除times 一词外, 有时人们还会使用days 表达类似含义。 They were hard times and his parents had been struggling to raise their family. 那是一段困难时期,他的父母一直拼命地养家糊口。

I was late for school from staying out past ten.因为十点后才回家,第二天上学就迟到了。 They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people. 他们确实因把钱花在别人身上而从中得到快乐。 The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion. 问题仅因意见不同而引起。

regret 感到遗憾;懊悔 regret doing sth. 对某事感到懊悔,遗憾 I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.我后悔不该顶嘴,没听妈妈的话。 regret 感到遗憾;懊悔 regret doing sth. 对某事感到懊悔,遗憾 I believe you will regret leaving Paris.  regret to do  很遗憾地/抱歉地做…… We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.

用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1. I think one day books may __________ (replace) by computers. 2. Paper should not __________ (throw) away. 3. Books and CDs can ____________ (borrow) from the library. be replaced be thrown be borrowed

4. More man-made satellites must ______ (send) up into space. 5. Man can _________ (clone) by scientists. 6. The sun and its planets _________ (call) the solar system. 7. The work should _______ (do) at once. be sent be cloned are called be done

Homework Read the poem and try to recite the last six lines. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson.