Unit 5 Think before you eat ______.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Think before you eat ______

Unit 5 Very vegetarian

brainstorm 2 food 1 prize

meat 鸡 chicken 牛排 steak 火腿 ham 牛肉 beef 羊肉 mutton 猪排 pork chop 香肠 food list 鸡 牛排 火腿 牛肉 羊肉 猪排 香肠 什锦烧烤 chicken steak ham beef mutton pork chop sausages mixed grill meat

vegetable 蘑菇 mushroom 竹笋 bamboo shoot 花菜 cauliflower 茄子 eggplant 白菜 food list 蘑菇 竹笋 花菜 茄子 白菜 番茄 土豆 胡萝卜 玉米 mushroom bamboo shoot cauliflower eggplant cabbage tomato potato carrots corn vegetable

Food vocabulary Grains: rice corn wheat bread cake noodle Meat: pork beef mutton chicken duck goose turkey sausage bacon ham steak

Vegetables: cucumber pea turnip radish carrot mushroom lettuce soya bean broad bean Chinese cabbage Fruit: peach pear apricot watermelon lychee orange cherry mango strawberry pineapple lemon

Drinks: water juice milk yoghurt tea beer wine liquor champagne

This is a false but commonly held English belief This is a false but commonly held English belief. Students frequently eat fish before sitting examinations.

Brown rice is much healthier than white rice Brown rice is much healthier than white rice. White rice has had bran and germ removed. This means it supplies very little fibre (roughage) and has fewer vitamins and minerals. During World II, when people were forced to eat brown rice, deaths from stomach and intestinal cancer dropped.

Of course, a hot drink will make you feel warmer than a cold one, but your body actually uses the sugar in a cold drink to keep your body temperature up.

If you have eaten breakfast, you will be ready for work and be much better able to concentrate during the day.

A vegetarian diet with beans, nuts and bean curd (tofu) can supply just as much protein, vitamins and minerals as a diet with meat. However, a diet of only green vegetables would be as imbalanced as a diet consisting of only meat.

A light snack before bed can make you drowsy because your body must expend energy to digest the food, draining blood from other parts of the body into the stomach muscles.

apple melon lemon orange cabbage plum mango Can you unscramble the names of these fruits and vegetables? aelpp acehp elmno aegnor aabbceg lmpu agmno apple peach melon lemon orange cabbage plum mango

aegpr aeelmnortw bccemruu ceelttu inprtu aefgiptrru innoo

Free talk 1 Do you like meat or vegetables? 2 Which do you think are better for your health, meat or vegetables? Why?

Listen to the text and finish exercise B,C on page 62

VS meat-eater Vegetarian fruit salad mixed grill prize steak pork chops mixed grill chicken Sausages … VS Vegetarian fruit salad prize

A __________is a person who does not eat meat. B skimming vegetarian A __________is a person who does not eat meat. a mixed grill For lunch, Sally ordered _____________ and Sam ordered________. a salad steak, pork chops, chicken and sausages A mixed grill is___________________________________. The transcript is probably about ________________________________________________. the different opinions about having a vegetarian diet At the end of the transcript, Sam wanted Sally to change the subject probable___________ ________________________________________________. she was making him lose his appetite for vegetables

transcript n. 抄本,文字记录 A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court. 录音带的文字记录被作为证据在法庭上出示。

scene n. 场景,镜头,景象, a scene in a movie These objects were found at the scene of the crime. 这些物品是在犯罪现场找到的。 scenery n. (U)自然风景 scenic spot n. 景点

no longer / not... any longer 表时间。习惯用来修饰表示状态的持续动词(如wait, live, work等)。 He was no longer a thief. 他不再是小偷了。 When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground. 如果没有重力,我们的脚就不能再站稳在地面上。 Don‘t wait any longer. 别再等了。 She could not keep up with him any longer.她不能再赶上他了。

no more / not... any more 表示数量、程度等。 (常用动词go, stand, visit等) She wasn’t afraid any more. 现在她再也不害怕了。 We couldn't stand it any more. 我们不能再忍受了。

当修饰动词时,no longer通常置于行为动词前;no more一般置于行为动词后。 not... any longer与not... any more常置于句末。 She could no longer find a way to get into the valley. 她再也找不到进山谷的路了。 Time or opportunity lost will return no more. 机不可失,时不再来。

bit n. 一小块,少量 bits of 少量的,少许 The floor was covered in bits of paper. a bit 有点儿,稍微 The story is a bit (too) long.

space n. (U)空间,宇宙 (U,C)场所,生活空间,房间 This big table takes up a lot of space. We witnessed a missile being launched into outer space. 我们目睹一枚导弹向外太空发射。 astronaut n. 宇航员 astronomy n. 天文学

industry n. 工业 Our automobile industry is expanding. 我们的汽车工业在发展。 industrial adj. 工业的,产业的 industrialize v. 工业化 industrialization n. 工业化 ICBC 工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China agriculture n. 农业

drug n. 药品,毒品 drug store 药店 drug dealer 毒贩 Few teenagers in our city use drugs. 我们城市极少有青少年吸毒。

pass v. 经过,传递 passerby n. 过路人 Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。 Nice pass. In to the danger area. 传得好,进禁区了。 Ten minutes passed. 十分钟过去了。 pass away 去世

instead of 而不是 e.g. Our teacher usually teaches us how to learn things instead of knowledge. instead adv. 通常放在句末,或者以逗号隔开放在句中。 e.g. Nowadays many tools are not made of metals, but plastic instead.

keep v. keep pets饲养 keep the change持有,拥有 keep a diary记日记 keep a promise遵守 Keep healthy

ill adj. 生病的(表语或宾补) fall/get/become ill be ill in bed卧病在床 be taken ill生病了 ill will恶意 ill effects不良影响(坏的,有害的,置于名词前) adv. speak ill of sb说某人坏话 think ill of sb认为某人不好 ill-treat v. 虐待

subject n. (谈话、研究、文学等的)主题;主语;科目,学科 a subject of conversation/research/the poem take an elective/a required subject 修一门选修课/必修课

The end of this part