Ericsson Innovation Award 2018 愛立信創意競賽2018


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Presentation transcript:

Ericsson Innovation Award 2018 愛立信創意競賽2018 2017-09-27 Ericsson Innovation Award 2018 愛立信創意競賽2018

About the Ericsson Innovation Awards 愛立信創意競賽 The Ericsson Innovation Awards is a global student competition that allows university students to partner with Ericsson experts to envision the future of ICT. Each year, we challenge students with a theme that is relevant and impactful. The global innovation competition initiated as The Ericsson Application Awards 2009 The scope was broadened to focus more on innovation. The competition became exclusive for students. 2015 The Future of City Life theme, along with strong university partnerships garnered an increase from 270 teams to 843 teams. 2016 The Future of Food theme and increased social media brought in 907 submissions and a greater alignment with Nobel for the grand final. 2017 The Future of Truth allows us to align with Nobel. We will launch in Sep 2017. 2018

2017 主題 : The Future of Truth 關鍵未來 How will we find, validate and share information in the age of ICT? 在通信技術的時代,我們如何成為影響未來人類生活的關鍵改變者? Validate How will we confirm the truth of what we find according to our standards? What standards will we use? Will validation be necessary? Share Where and how will we share the information that we believe to be true? How will we determine what is worthy of sharing? How will our intended audience receive it? Find From what sources will we receive information that we perceive as true? Our theme is based on the 2017 Nobel Week Dialogues. However, we’re focusing on truth as it relates to ICT. Considering truth in connection to ICT: 專案方向建議 Augmented, Virtual & Merged Realities Digital & Social Media Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Privacy & Security Health & Education

競賽方式介紹 (每支隊伍 2~4人) 東北亞區競賽 全球競賽 Regional Prize: $1,000, 800, 500 USD 東北亞區第一名將自動進入全球半決賽,共6隊伍代表全球6個區域 另外再從各區域選出9支優秀團隊,共15支團隊進行全球半決賽 進入半決賽的15支團隊,愛立信將指派經驗豐富專案導師,協助同學完善專案方案,進入最終評比 全球競賽前四名團隊(獲得基金獎勵)將進入總決賽來到瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩,角逐全球大獎,冠軍優勝團隊將獲得歐元25,000的創新基金 (約合新台幣89萬) 東北亞區包含中國、日本、韓國、香港以及臺灣地區 隊伍選拔以在官網上提交的參賽項目為准 東北亞區進行隊伍選拔選出5支優秀團隊參加區域總決賽 前五名隊伍參加區域總決賽,通過線上專案展示的方式決出前三名 前三名將分別獲得美金1,000、800、500的獎勵 Regional Prize: $1,000, 800, 500 USD Global Prize: 25,000, 10,000, 5,000, 2,000 EURO

東北亞區競賽賽程安排 Nov 15, 2017 報名截止 Deadline for Student team Application Nov 15, 2017 (Pacific Standard Time) Deadline for Student team Application Nov 20- 22, 2017 Regional Competition review & selection for top teams by Judges Nov 23, 2017 Announcement for Top 5 teams selected for preparation of regional competition virtual presentation Nov 29 – 30, 2017 Virtual Presentations of top 5 teams for regional prizes Dec 1, 2017 Regional Competition Winners Announced

Registration Link: 創意方案提交要求及截止報名時間 Student Team Registration & Submission Deadline: Nov 15, 2017 Submission requirements (Your team must answer all these questions to complete the registration) Names and contact information of 2-4 team members who are current university students. Complete the online Submission 創意方案提交要求– Must answer the following: Registration Link:

創意方案提交要求(線上提交) Registration Link: All team must answer these questions in the Online Form in order to complete their registration Questions Word Count Required? Which of these areas of truth does your product or service address – Find, Validate or Share? Select one area Mandatory Briefly describe the problem you idea will solve Who is the Beneficiary or customer or your product or solution? How will it benefit them? Max 170 words What is your innovative idea to impact the future of truth? Max 200 words What is innovative about your solution? Max 300 words What Sets it apart from other products or services already available on the market? Technical Overview Document (This document can serve to explain your idea in greater detail. You may include technical specifications, diagrams or customer information..) This document may not exceed 2 pages Optional
