ACS800 Multidrive IGBT Supply Unit ACS800多传动 ISU


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Presentation transcript:

ACS800 Multidrive IGBT Supply Unit ACS800多传动 ISU Zhang Gang 2005/06/21

IGBT Supply Unit (ISU) IGBT整流单元

IGBT Supply Unit (ISU) IGBT整流单元 AC ICU Converter RMIO ISU Filter unit FIU DC

ISU Block Diagram ISU框图 LCL filter LCL滤波器 Charging circuit 充电回路 Line Converter 电源侧变流器

Core Technology 核心技术 IGBT Power Switches IGBT功率开关器件 ACS 800 MultiDrive Hardware ACS800多传动硬件 Input Filter 输入侧滤波器 DTC Based Control 基于DTC技术的控制 Power Rating 70 - 5450 kVA 功率范围 70~5450kVA

Main Switch 主回路开关 The cabinet (1/3) contains 辅助控制柜和输入柜 Circuit breaker or contactor 断路器 或 接触器 Disconnector (if not withdrawable circuit breaker) 隔离开关(如果不使用可抽出的断路器) Auxiliary power distribution 辅助电源配电 Options like emergency stop circuits 急停电路等可选件

LCL Filter LCL滤波器 The cabinet (2/3) contains LCL滤波器: Filter (LCL) for buffering switching frequency from net. LCL滤波器用于隔离高频开关频率进入电网 Ventilator for filter LCL滤波器风道

IGBT Supply Module IGBT整流模块 The cabinet (3/3) contains IGBT整流: Regenerative IGBT converter for supplying DC power. The converter is hardware compatible with motor inverters 可回馈IGBT整流器提供直流能量。IGBT整流器与电机侧逆变器硬件兼容。 Ultra fast (25 microsecond) control for DC voltage and gives supreme voltage dip immunity 快速(25微秒)的直流电压控制提供完美无波动的直流电压。 Inverter ventilators IGBT整流模块风道。

IGBT Supply Module IGBT整流模块

Power ratings 功率等级 Regenerative operation by selfcommutating IGBT bridge 通过自换向IGBT桥实现能量回馈 440, 460, 500 V 525, 575, 660, 690 V 100 - 2490 kVA 100 - 2960 kVA 70 - 5450 kVA 380, 400, 415 V

400V IGBT Supply Units 400V IGBT整流单元

500V IGBT Supply Units 500V IGBT整流单元

690V IGBT Supply Units 690V IGBT整流单元

R6i - 4 x R8i ISU模块产品供货情况介绍 从 60 kVA 到 1840 kVA, 400V, 500V 和 690V 和电机侧相同的逆变器模块 只有一种模块规格用于 60 到 140 kVA 只有一种模块规格用于 170 到 1840 kVA 独立单元 需要外部充电电路 LCL-滤波器是独立落地式带轮子的单元 (R8i) 辅助控制电路可以通过 I/O 或现场总线控制 外部 I/O 和控制 (RDCU-02) 易于服务和维护 与电机侧相同的逆变器模块和控制部分 --> 更少的备件 插接式连接端子 (R8i + LCL 滤波器 ) 主要的元件可以从一个方向更换 可以通过控制盘或 DriveWindow 调试

优越的低谐波性能 DTC 和 LCL 滤波器一起--> 谐波小 LCL 滤波器去除高频和中频谐波 (高于 1 kHz) M 进线侧逆变器 (整流桥) 电机侧逆变器 LCL 滤波器 电机 LCL 滤波器去除高频和中频谐波 (高于 1 kHz) 基于DTC 技术的进线侧逆变器去除低频谐波 (1 kHz 以下) 结果: 性能远远优于多脉波二极管整流器

R6i, R7i 和 4x R8i ISU 模块 + LCL 滤波器 LCL-滤波器用于 R8i- 4 x R8i R8i R6i , R7i 70 - 140 kVA 380V --> 690V 170 - 1840 kVA 380V --> 690V

IGBT 供电单元: 结构 ISU供电单元: R8i - 12xR8i + LCL ISU 模块是一种尺寸装有轮子和插接式连接器 两种柜体形式: 600 mm 宽, 1 x ISU / R8i + 1 x LCL (小型号) 800 mm 宽, 2 x ISU / R8i + 1 x LCL (大型号)

ABB 多传动: LCL 正弦波滤波模块 进线侧电抗器 电容器 逆变器侧电抗器

ABB 多传动: LCL 正弦波滤波模块

n×LCL+m×R8i Quick Connector KITs LCL+R8i LCL+2×R8i ALCL_1X_X Quick Connector KIT LCL+2×R8i RITTAL 2×LCL+3×R8i RITTAL 2×LCL+3×R8i

RITTAL TS8 example / R8i assembly kitsl = Mounting kit = Plug connector kit

ISU的基本原理 ISU的基本原理通过一个交流电抗器的等效电路和矢量图的来表述。 这里: y1 电网磁通矢量 y2 变频器磁通矢量 ____ 电动 _ _ _ 发电 U1 电网电压矢量 U2 变频器电压矢量 UL 交流电抗器电压矢量 y1 电网磁通矢量 y2 变频器磁通矢量 yL 交流电抗器磁通矢量 d 功率转换角

ISU的基本原理 ISU 的主要功能是控制电网和直流母线之间的能量转换。交流电抗 器的使用目的(电抗的表达式 X = jwL)是平波以及给开关式供电单元 工作做能量储存。在电网和ISU 之间的能量转换方程如下所示: 仅当在两个电压矢量之间存在角度差时,传递有功功率。无功功率的传递方程如下所示意:

ISU的基本原理 为了得到所需的幅值和有功无功的流向,必须控制变频器的电压矢量幅值及其相位d (相对线电压矢量) 。通过保持电缆和传动设备之间的功率( 能量)平衡,对直流母线电压进行控制。 相角符号决定了功率流向,这样,ISU既能够从电网获取能量,也能发出能量返回电网 。 为了在对应的输出电压等级实现COS = 1.0通过设置磁通的大小,来控制交流输入电压。 对ISU进行控制必须测量直流母线电压和两个线电流。定子磁通(ISU 电压矢量的积分)的计算是通过对电压矢量(用来产生ISU的输出电 压)积分得到的,这是因为电网上存在的电压可以认为是由绕组的旋转磁场所产生的。 每个绕组是线电压的一相。绕组上的电压能用下面的 公式来表达:

ISU的基本原理 ISU 所产生的实际转矩是通过磁通和电流的矢量积计算得到的: P = wT 如果电网的频率是一个常量,那么功率就直接和转矩成正比。通过控制 转矩,在ISU和电网之间所传送的功率就可以设置成某个值,从而保证直流环节电压的稳定。这些基本条件就使得通过磁通和转矩实现直接转矩控制。


DTC Control loop DTC控制环 - Same hardware components used as in the motor feeding inverter. - Two 100 microsecons three phase short circuits is done to synchronise the line converter to the net frequency.

 Hysteresis Control 滞环控制 Controls amplitude of flux (=voltage) and torque (=power) 控制磁通(=电压)与转矩幅值(=功率)  s r 3 4 U 5 6 2 1 x y  o t a i n d e c - Stator flux corresponds to Line converter output voltage and Rotor flux corresponds to net voltage. Motor torque corresponds to the transmitted power. The output voltage stays normally constant, and the power is controlled by changing the power transfer angle ’r’ between the line converter output voltage and net voltage. It is possible to achieve the required torque very effectively by rotating the flux vector directly in a certain direction as fast as possible. The idea of Direct Torque Control is straightforward: If more torque is needed, the purpose of the next power stage switching is to fulfill this demand. The instantaneous value of the flux vector is controlled in order to achieve the required torque. The optimal switching logic defines the best voltage vector according to the actual value of the torque with torque reference. The absolute length of the flux is also taken into account in the switch selection. For example, in Figure 4, the voltage vector U4 decreases effectively the radial component of the flux vector while simultaneously moving the flux vector tangential component in the direction of rotation. The tangential movement makes the angle and torque to increase. The radial change affects the length of the flux thus changing the output voltage. The aim is to force the flux vector to turn into the direction where both reference values of the torque (power) and flux (voltage)are achieved.

Load Step 负载阶跃 Main goal is to stabilize dc voltage Load step of 40 kW (P nom=50 kW) 主要目标为稳定的直流电压 负载阶跃为40kW (P nom=50 kW) DC Voltage behaviour in load step.

Current Waveform 电流波形 SMALL HARMONIC CONTENTS (THD <5 %) With higher power current waveform is even more sinusoidal.

Power Factor control 功率因数控制 Reactive power control reference is normally zero. IGBT Supply Unit can be used to compensate the reactive power produced by some other devices which are connected to the same line supply.

Harmonical components 谐波成分 Spectrum components of the line converter 整流器频谱图 Total harmonical distortion is very small (<5%). Low frequency harmonical components (5. and 7.) are also small compared to 6 - pulse rectification.

DC reference change 改变直流电压给定值 In normal operation the DC voltage reference is constant. Main control principle is to keep DC voltage stable.

DC voltage controller 直流电压控制器 - User can give DC voltage reference by parameter. - DC voltage controller is the primary controller of the line converter. - An error value is formed from dc voltage measurement and dc voltage reference. - Filtered torque actual value is added to the output of the nonlinear PD-controller. - Gain and derivation time values depend on the error value. - Torque reference is the input to the hysteresis control.

DC voltage controller 直流电压控制器

Technology, New LCL-filter 新型LCL滤波器 Filter construction 滤波器结构 Two three-phase common mode reactors in series 两个三相共模电抗器串联 aluminium foil windings 铝箔绕组 low loss core material 低损耗铁芯材料 Delta-connected capacitors between reactors 电抗器之间电容Δ连接 oil impregnated, non PCB technology 油浸 无PCB技术 low losses, low dissipation factor tgd 低损耗 lifetime >100’000 h 寿命 >100’000 h Capsulated in module with cooling fan 模块内置冷却风机

Technology, control features 控制特性 Voltage frame Technology, control features 控制特性 Advanced control principle DTC based control, 3 kHz average fSW 基于DTC的控制,平均开关频率3kHz Fast control, 25 us time level for measurements and control loop 高速控制,25微秒级的测量和控制环 New current control method produces sinusoidal line current and damps the filter resonance (patent pending) 新的电流控制方式产生正弦波电流,阻尼滤波器谐振 Voltage raise: 400 V input and 690 V output 电压提升,400V输入电压可690V输出电压 Q power compensation 无功补偿 Flux circle Current circle

I/O-Connections 默认I/O连接 DI1----Ack. of converter fan 整流模块风机确认信号 DI2----ON/OFF Control 启动/停止 DI3----Ack. of main Contactor 主接触器确认信号 DI4----Earth fault 接地故障 DI5----Aux. voltage fault 辅助电压故障 DI6----Reset 复位 DO1----Charging contactor ctrl 充电接触器控制 DO2----Fault indication 故障指示 DO3----Main contactor control 主接触器控制

I/O control Starting Sequence 1 启动按钮 DI2接收到启动信号 断开充电接触器 2.5秒 DI3主接触器确认 DI1风机确认 RO3主接触器闭合 风机 IGBT开始调制

I/O control Starting Sequence 2 ON: DI2 START:DI7

ISU Signals and Parameters 信号和参数 Actual signals are in groups one and two 实际信号 组1,组2 - frequency, current etc. 频率,电流等 Group 4 is information 固件和整流器信息 组4 - software versions and converter data 软件版本和整流器数据 7.01 is Main Control Word 7.01主控制字 - bit three (B3) is used to start the converter 第三位启动整流器 Group 8 includes status words 组8 状态字 - ready, tripped etc. 就绪,故障等 Group 9 includes Fault Words 组9 故障字 - overcurrent, overvoltage etc. 过流过压等 Parameters start from group 组11~组99 参数 - Group 99 (start-up data) is the latest group

Main Control Word 主控制字 MAIN CONTROL WORD (MCW) 7.01 Bit Name Value Function B0 ON 1 Command to “RDY_RUN”- state Command to “OFF”- state B1-B2 Not used 1 B3 RUN 1 Command to “RDY_REF”- states Stop by coasting B4-B6 Not used 1 B7 RESET 1 Fault resetting with a positive edge B8 Not used B9 Not used B10 REMOTE_CMD 1 Overriding computer is requested to control the converter - Main control word is a 16-bit binary word to control the Unit. - Four bits (0, 3, 7 and 10) are used to control the Line Converter. - Normally control to main control word comes from the I/O. - Optionally overriding controller can be used. Only OFF commands are valid B11-B15 Not used

Main Status Word 主状态字

Fieldbus Control Start Sequence stepA1 现场总线控制的启动时序图第一步1 a rising edge of Main Control Word (MCW) bit 0 and simultaneous high level of digital input DI2 (i.e. the operating switch on cabinet door turned first to position START and thereafter left to position 1) 主控制字第0位上升沿并且同时DI2保持高电平(柜门的操作三位开关先拨到START位置,然后保持在位置1.)

Fieldbus Control Start Sequence Step A 2 现场总线控制的启动时序图第一步 2 a rising edge of digital input DI2 (i.e. the operating switch on cabinet door turned first to position START and thereafter left to position 1) and simultaneous high level of Main Control Word (MCW) bit 0 DI2上升沿 (柜门的操作三位开关先拨到START位置,然后保持在位置1.)并且同时主控制字第0位置1.

Fieldbus Control Start Sequence Step B 现场总线控制的启动时序图第二步 调制 The modulator is started by high level of Main Control Word (MCW) bit 3, and stopped by low level of bit 3. The modulator can be started only after the charging of the DC bus is completed. 主控制字第3位可以激活(1)/停止(0).只有在直流母线充电完成后调制器才可以开始调制.

Stop ISU ISU 的停止 stop signal from the three-position operating switch on the cabinet door stops the modulator and opens the main contactor 柜门上的三位操作开关的停止信号能停止调制器,分断主接触器 只有柜门上的开关可以分断主接触器 The modulator can also be stopped from the Stop ( ) key on the control panel and from DriveWindow in local mode, and from an external control system in remote mode. These functions do not open themain contactor, but the line-side converter only shifts to the 6-pulse diode bridge mode (no regenerative braking is allowed/possible). 调制器也能在本地控制模式下,通过控制盘上的Stop ( ) 键或DriveWindow软件,以及在远程控制模式下的外部控制系统来停止。这些功能不能分断主接触器,但是进线侧整流器能切换到 6 脉波二极管桥模式下 ( 不允许/ 不可能在再生制动模式下)

DC Voltage REF 直流母线电压给定值 11.01 DC REF Select ( re-power) 直流电压给定源 23.01/AI/FB 23.01 DC Volt REF 2.07 直流母线电压给定值 1) (65%...120%) × sqrt(2) × par. 4.04 CONV NOM VOLTAGE 注意: 程序限制了 sqrt(2) × UAC 的最小值,这里, UAC 是指实际 的供电电压。 1) (approximately 65%...110%) · sqrt(2) · par. 4.04 CONV NOM VOLTAGE Note: The program limits the minimum value to sqrt(2) · UAC,

Reactive Power REF 无功功率给定值 11.02 Q REF Select 无功功率给定源 24.01/24.02/AI 24.01 Q power REF (%PN) 无功功率给定值 (%PN) Positive value denotes capacitive load. 正值为容性负载 Negative value denotes inductive load. 负值为感性负载 24.02 Q power REF2 单位由24.03设置的Q 给定值 24.03 Q power REF2 Select 24.04 Q power REF Add (kVar) 叠加在 Q power REF2

Reactive Power REF 无功功率给定值

I/O setting 基本I/O设置 Group13 Analogue Input 1-3 模拟输入 Group14 Digital Output DO2 DO2 设置 Group15 Analogue Output 1-3 模拟输出 Group18 LED Panel Control NLMD-01 LED显示面板的控制 LED PanelOutput (109) Scaled Panel (100) R D Y U N F L T 50 100 150

System Control Inputs 系统控制输入 16.01 RUN BIT Select (DI2/DI7) 运行信号给定 16.02 Parameter Lock/ 16.03 Pass Code/ 16.06 Parameter Backup 16.08 Fan SPD control Mode (Const 50Hz/ Run Stop/ Controlled) 风机速度控制方式 16.10 INT Config User (0~12) number of parallel connected converters 并联连接运行的整流器的个数 16.14 Power Sign Change 功率符号设置 positive = power flow from supply network to intermediate circuit 从电网流向直流母线为正 negative = power flow from intermediate circuit to supply network) 从直流母线流向电网为负 16.15 I/O Start Mode (DI2 level/DI2 edge)

21 Start / Stop 起动/停止 21.01 DC Level Start (No) 使用直流电压激活IGBT功能 21.02 DC Voltage Level 激活IGBT的直流电压值,直流 电压高于此值时,IGBT工作 21.03 Stop Level Time 正向功率达到设定值后IGBT 停止工作的延迟时间 21.04 Stop Level Power IGBT停止工作的正向(整流)功 率值 -DC -level start means that line converter starts to modulate (running) when DC -voltage exeeds the DC -start level high parameter value. Before this the line converter works like a diode bridge (Free Wheelin Diodes are conducting). -Line converter stops after DC -stop level time when positive power is above the DC -stop level power parameter value.

21 Start / Stop 起动/停止

DC-level Start / Stop 直流电压起动/停止 DC -start level high DC volt ref P -P DC-stop level power DC-stop level time LC Running

30 Fault Functions 可编程故障保护功能 *30.01 Panel Comm Loss 控制盘通讯丢失 30.02 Earth Fault 接地故障或电流不平衡 In parellel connection forced to FAULT, and display CUR NBAL ××. 多个模块并联时强置为FAULT,显示CUR UNBAL ××. 30.03 Earth Fault Level(8%/18% PW) 接地故障等级 30.04 EXT Earth Fault 外部接地故障输入口DI4 设置 30.05 EXT Event 外部事件输入口DI5设置 30.11 DC OVERVOLT TRIP 直流过压故障 427 VDC for 240 V units, 740 VDC for 415 V units, 891 VDC for 500 V units, 1230 VDC for 690 V units 30.12 DC UNDERVOLT TRIP 直流欠压故障 170 VDC for 240 V units, 293 VDC for 415 V units, 354 VDC for 500 V units, 488 VDC for 690 V units. -Control panel communication break can be selected as fault or continue running with last DC -voltage reference. -Internal earth fault supervision has eight levels to select the sensitivity for tripping. -Normally open or normally closed contact can be selected to activate the external earth fault supervision.

31 Automatic Reset 自动复位 31.01 Number of Trials(0) 自动复位次数 31.02 Trial Time (30 s) 自动复位时间间隔 31.03 Delay Time (0) 故障后复位的延时 31.04 Overcurrent (No) 过流自动复位 31.05 Overvoltage (No) 过压自动复位 31.06 Undervoltage (No) 欠压自动复位 If the start command is selected and it is ON, the converter may restart immediately after automatic fault reset. 如果有启动信号,自动复位后整流立即启动 Do not use these parameters when the drive is connected to a common DC bus. The charging resistors may be damaged in an automatic reset. 公共母线系统不应使用自动复位功能 -Automatic resetting can be selected for overcurrent, overvoltage and undervoltage. -Line converter restarts automatically after fault resetting. -Parameter 31.01 defines the maximum trial number after which the fault is not resetted any more. -Parameter 31.02 defines the time how long the resetting can last. -Delay time is the time between two consecutive resettings.

Communication 现场总线通讯 98.01 COMMAND SEL (MSW|I/O) 控制命令选择 98.02 COMM. Module (NO /Fieldbus /ADVANT-N-FB /STD Modbus /Inverter) 通讯适配器选择 Group51 Master Adapter Group52 Standard Modbus Group71 DriveBus COM Group90 Data Set Receive Addresses (ADVANT/N-FB) Group91 Data Set Receive Addresses Group92 Data Set Transmit Addresses Group93 Data Set Transmit Addresses Group19 Data Storage -These parameters are copied from the module when it is installed and the module is activated with parameter 98.02 Comm Module.

70 DDCS Control DDCS通讯设置 70.01 CH0 Node Address CH0节点地址 连接N-FB 或 DriveBus 70.02 CH0 Link Control CH0光强 70.03 CH0 Baud Rate CH0波特率 70.04 CH0 Timeout CH0通讯故障延迟时间 70.05 CH0 Comm Loss Ctrl CH0通讯丢失控制 70.19 CH0 HW Connection CH0拓扑 star/ring 70.15 CH3 Node Address 70.16 CH3 Link Control 70.20 CH3 HW Conncetion 70.06 CH1 Link Control -Link control parameters define the light intensity for transmission LEDs. CH0 can be used for overriding controller. Baudrate is defined with parameter 70.03. -Warning or Fault can be selected when the communication break lasts longer than defined in the timeout parameter. -CH3 node address is needed for Drive Window communication with several units.

99 Start-up Data 启动数据 99.01 language 语言选择 99.02 Device Name 设备名称 DriveWindow 99.10 Supply ID Number 用于外控检查光纤连接 99.09 Application Restore 恢复出厂设置 99.06 Fast SYNC 整流器启动时快速同步 99.07 Line Side ID Run 整流器收到起动命令后进行电源 测辨识运行 约5s 99.08 Auto Line ID Run 整流器收到起动命令后自动进行 电源测辨识运行 如果初次辨识 后电源相序不变可以disable自 动辨识 -The only language selection is at the moment English. -Line side ID -run is not necessary to perform. Line converter makes it automatically when the main power supply is connected to the unit first time. -Application restore restores the original factory setting to the parameters except group 99. -Supply ID number is information to the overriding controller.

~3 进线 Q1主接触器 直流母线 交流熔断器 直流熔断器 K2充电接触器 Q10合辅助电 充电电阻 LCL滤波器 ISU ISU 辅助电

LCL,ISU风机电源 辅助电 辅助变压器 INU风机电源 24V电源 ~220 辅助电


ISU 控制板 LCL风机过温 启动信号 ISU复位 ISU主接触器闭合 充电接触器 故障信号 主接触器

1 5 3 2 2 6 4 7 8 ISU,INU风机控制电路 RMIO RO3 RMIO RO1 LCL风机确认信号 RMIO DI2 充电接触器 主接触器



LCL、ISU、INU风机确认信号 ISU故障信号