Can We Trust the Bible? 圣经可信吗?


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Can We Trust the Bible? 圣经可信吗? Image from:

Christianity… 基督教…… All about a person – Jesus Christ 都是关于这个人-耶稣基督 Not: 而不是: A philosophical system (like Buddhism) 一种哲学体系(佛教) A code of morals (like Islam) 一种道德观念(伊斯兰教) A set of rituals 一套宗教仪式 We know Jesus from the Bible 我们从圣经认识耶稣

世界主要宗教 Table from: Mahummad (530-632)

Bible has 2 Parts: 圣经有两部分: Old Testament = Jewish Bible (Tanakh) 旧约=犹太经卷 New Testament = Jesus as the fulfilment of the Jewish Bible 新约=耶稣应验犹太经卷

The Jewish Bible 犹太经卷 3 Parts:三部分: Law 律法书 Prophets 先知书 Writings 智慧书 Written in Hebrew and Aramaic 用希伯来和亚拉姆语写成 = The Christian “Old Testament” (with a different order of the books) 基督教的“旧约” (书卷排序不同) Image from

Major Versions of the “Old Testament” “旧约”主要版本 Septuagint (LXX) (3rd – 2ndC BC) 希腊文译本 Codex Sinaiticus (AD 4thC) 西奈山抄本 Codex Vaticanus (AD 4thC) 梵蒂冈抄本 Codex Alexandrinus (AD 5thC) 亚历山大抄本 Latin Vulgate (AD 4thC) 拉丁文圣经 Leningrad Codex (AD 11thC) 列宁格勒抄本 = Masoretic Text (MT)  BHS =马所拉抄本BHS

Codex Sinaiticus 西奈山抄本 Image from Most of it is in the British Library. The earliest full copy of the NT. Contains apocryphal OT books. Image from

Image from http://st-augustines-web

Dead Sea Scrolls 死海古卷 Discovered in caves near Khirbet Qumran. 在库姆兰附近的洞穴发现 800-900 Manuscripts dated from 200 B.C. to A.D 70. 800-900手稿可追溯到公元前200年到公元70年 75% are “sectarian” (non-Biblical scrolls). 75%是当代的文献(与圣经无关的卷轴) The remaining 25% contain every OT book, except Esther and possibly Nehemiah (short books). 剩下的25%包含了旧约的每一卷书,除了以斯帖记和尼希米记 Nehemiah is quoted in Qumran documents. 尼希米记在库姆兰文献中有引用 Many manuscripts are only fragments. 很多原稿都是残片

The Psalms Scroll Image from This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to Australia, the European Union and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 70 years.

Merneptah Stele 麦伦普塔赫石碑 A black granite stone, found at Thebes in 1896, dated to 1209/08 B.C. 黑色花岗岩石碑,1896年在底比斯发现,可追溯到公元前1209/08年 The stone is 3.18 m high and 1.63 m wide. 石碑高3.18米,宽1.63米 It primarily commemorates the victory of Ancient Egyptian king Merneptah in a military campaign, but its final two lines refer to an earlier campaign in Canaan in which Merneptah states that he defeated Ashkelon, Gezer, Yanoam and Israel, amongst others. 主要纪念古埃及王麦伦普塔赫的军事胜利,但最后两行提到先前在迦南的一次战役,打败过亚实基伦、基色、雅罗安、以色列等 It is presently in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. 现陈列在开罗埃及博物馆 Image from This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons. 11

Shalmaneser III (859-825 B.C.) Tribute from Jehu in 841 B.C.

1 Kings 16 列王纪上 16章 23 In the thirty-first year of Asa king of Judah, Omri became king of Israel, and he reigned twelve years, six of them in Tirzah. 24 He bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver and built a city on the hill, calling it Samaria, after Shemer, the name of the former owner of the hill. (NIV) 23 犹大王亚撒三十一年,暗利登基作以色列王共十二年,在得撒作王六年。 24暗利用二他连得银子,向撒玛买了撒马利亚山,在山上造城,就按着山的原主撒玛的名,给所造的城起名叫撒马利亚。

1 Kings 16 列王纪上 16章 25 But Omri did evil in the eyes of the LORD and sinned more than all those before him. 26 He followed completely the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat, committing the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit, so that they aroused the anger of the LORD, the God of Israel, by their worthless idols. (NIV) 25 暗利行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,比他以前的列王作恶更甚。26 因他行了尼八的儿子耶罗波安所行的,犯他使以色列人陷在罪里的那罪,以虚无的神惹耶和华以色列 神的怒气。 27 As for the other events of Omri’s reign, what he did and the things he achieved, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? 28 Omri rested with his ancestors and was buried in Samaria. And Ahab his son succeeded him as king. (NIV) 27 暗利其余的事和他所显出的勇力,都写在以色列诸王记上。 28 暗利与他列祖同睡,葬在撒马利亚。他儿子亚哈接续他作王。

Kurkh Monolith 库尔德石碑 A monolith, discovered in 1868, dated to 853 B.C. 石碑发现于1868年,可追溯到公元前853年 The stone is 220 cm high. 石碑高2.2米 It covers the first six years of the reign of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III (859-842 B.C.), dealing with his military campaigns. 记录了亚述王撒缦以色三世(公元前859-842年)前六年的统治,记载了他的军事胜利 At the end of the monolith is an account of the battle of Qarqar where Shalmaneser fought against an alliance of 12 kings, one of whom was “Ahab of Israel”. 石碑末尾记载了撒缦以色与亚兰联军的战役,这只联军共有12个王,其中一个是“北国以色列王亚哈” Image from 15

The Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone) 米沙石碑(摩押石) A black basalt stone, bearing an inscription by the 9th century B.C. Moabite King Mesha, discovered in 1868. 黑色玄武岩石碑,记载公元前9世纪摩押王米沙的事迹,1868年被发现 The stone is 124 cm high and 71 cm wide and deep, and rounded at the top. 石碑高1.24米,宽深都是0.71米,圆顶 It was set up by Mesha as a record and memorial of his victories in his revolt against Israel. 纪念以色列王亚哈死后米沙王叛变战胜并接管以色列。 It is refers to ancient Israel (the "House of Omri"). It bears what is generally thought to be the earliest extra-biblical reference to the name Yahweh, whose temple goods were plundered by Mesha and brought before his own god Kemosh. Some scholars reconstruct a possible reference in line 31 to the “House of David”. It is currently in the Louvre ( (巴黎卢浮宫网址) Image from Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. 16

The Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone) 米沙石碑(摩押石) The events, names, and places mentioned in the Mesha Stele correspond to those mentioned in the Bible. For example, Mesha is recorded as the King of Moab in 2 Kings 3:4: “Now Mesha king of Moab was a sheep breeder, and he had to deliver to the king of Israel 100,000 lambs and the wool of 100,000 rams.” Kemosh is mentioned in numerous places in the Bible as the national god of Moab (1 Kings 11:33, Numbers 21:29, etc.). The reign of Omri, King of Israel, is chronicled in 1 Kings 16, and the inscription records many places and territories (Nebo, Gad, etc.) that also appear in the Bible. Finally, 2 Kings 3 recounts a revolt by Mesha against Israel, to which Israel responded by allying with Judah and Edom to suppress the revolt. 17

The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 撒缦以色三世的黑色方尖碑 A black limestone Obelisk, discovered in 1846 in excavations of Kalhu, the ancient Assyrian capital. 黑色石灰岩方尖碑,1846 年发掘与古亚述首都卡拉赫 The stone is 198 cm high and 45 cm wide. 方尖碑高1.98米宽0.45米 It was set up in 825 B.C. to glorify the achievements of King Shalmaneser III and his chief minister, listing their military campaigns of 31 years and the tribute that they extracted from their neighbours. 公元前825年建立,赞扬撒缦以色三世和主要官员功绩,列举31年间军事胜利和收取到的邻国的贡物 There are five scenes, each occupies four panels around the face. 上面描绘五个场景,每个都环绕碑的四面 The caption of the second scene (in Assyrian cuneiform) reads: 第二个场景的说明文字(亚述楔形文字) “The tribute of Jehu, son of Omri: I received from him silver, gold, a golden bowl, a golden vase with pointed bottom, golden tumblers, golden buckets, tin, a staff for a king [and] spears.” 意思是亚述王撒缦以色三世收取以色列王耶户的贡物,包括金和银,还有一个金碗一个金瓶等 ( 大英博物馆网址 The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 撒缦以色三世的黑色方尖碑 Image from Approved purposes are private or non-commercial uses for education, academic study, scholarship or research by individuals or charities, societies, institutions or trusts existing exclusively for public benefit (but no other purposes). 18

The New Testament 新约 3 Parts:三部分 Gospels 福音书 Acts 使徒行传 Letters 书信 Written in Greek 希腊文写成 = The Fulfillment of the “Old Testament” =“旧约” 的应验 Image from

Timeline of the New Testament 新约时间轴 Chart from

作者 写作时间 最早版本 时间跨度 版本数量 凯撒 柏拉图 荷马 新约 亚里士多德 Image from 新约

P52 The oldest fragment of the New Testament, dating from AD 125. This contains parts of John 18. 新约最古老残片,可追溯到公元12年。这里包括部分约翰福音18章内容 Image from

JOSEPHUS (A.D. 93) 约瑟夫斯 He [Ananus] assembled a council of judges, and brought before it the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ, whose name was James, together with some others, and having accused them as law-breakers, he delivered them over to be stoned. Antiquities XX 9:1 于是他( 亚纳诺斯)下令召集审判议会,将自称是基督的耶稣之弟雅各等人提审,判他们违法之罪,定他们以乱石击毙之死刑。 《犹太古事记》二十章 9:1 Compare:对比 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?” Matt 13:55 “这不是木匠的儿子吗?他母亲不是叫马利亚吗?他弟兄们不是叫雅各、约西、西门、犹大吗?” 马太福音13:55

TACITUS (A.D. 112)塔西佗 Christus, from whom the name [Christians] had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate [in] Judaea. The deadly superstition, thus checked for the moment, broke out afresh not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but also in the City [of Rome], where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world meet and become popular. Annals of Imperial Rome XV.44 (基督徒)他们的创始人基督,在提贝里乌斯当政时期便被皇帝的代理官彭提乌斯·彼拉图斯处死了。这种有害的迷信虽一时受到抑制,但是不仅在犹太、即这一灾害的发源地,而且在首都本城(罗马,世界上所有可怕的或可耻的事情都集中在这里,并且十分猖獗)再度流行起来。 《编年史》 (王以铸、崔妙因 译本) 十五章44 Compare:对比 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. Mark 15:15 彼拉多要叫众人喜悦,就释放巴拉巴给他们,将耶稣鞭打了,交给人钉十字架。--马可福音15:15

SEUTONIUS 绥托纽阿 As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus [another spelling of Christus], he [Claudius] expelled them from Rome. Life of Claudius 25.4 因为犹太人经常为基督徒之事起哄,因此他(革老丢)下命将他们全部驱出罗马。 《罗马皇帝革老丢之生平》25.4 Compare:对比: There [Paul] met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome. Acts 18:2 遇见一个犹太人,名叫亚居拉,他生在本都;因为革老丢命犹太人都离开罗马,新近带着妻百基拉从意大利来。保罗就投奔了他们。 使徒行传 18:2

John 20:30-31 约翰福音20:30-31 30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (NIV) 30 耶稣在门徒面前另外行了许多神迹,没有记在这书上。  31 但记这些事,要叫你们信耶稣是基督,是神的儿子,并且叫你们信了他,就可以因他的名得生命。

Luke 1:1-4 路加福音1:1-4   1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. (NIV) 1-2 提阿非罗大人哪,有好些人提笔作书,述说在我们中间所成就的事,是照传道的人从起初亲眼看见又传给我们的。 3 这些事我既从起头都详细考察了,就定意要按着次序写给你, 4 使你知道所学之道都是确实的。

A Summary of the Bible 圣经小结 New Creation Creation God chose a special part of humanity, Israel 神选了一部分特别的人,以色列 Israel is represented by its fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 以色列代表它的祖先,亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各 Israel was to rule humanity (and therefore creation), under God. 以色列本按照神的旨意,应治理人类(也包括受造物) This involved rescuing humanity from its rebellion and restoring it to God. 这包括拯救人类脱离离弃神的境地,与神重修和好的关系 God made a special part of that creation, 神创造了创世中特别的部分 Humanity. 人类 The first man, Adam, represents humanity. 第一个人,亚当 代表人类 Humanity was to rule creation, under God. 人类要按照神的旨意 治理这地 This involved taking care of creation. 这包括要管理万物 受造物 But one king came, Jesus, From the dynasty of David From the nation of Israel Born as a human 但是有一位王来到,他就是耶稣 是大卫的子孙,出自以色列国 道成肉身 He died on a cross, taking the punishment we deserve, 死在十字架上, 为我们担了应受的惩罚 rescuing Israel and all of humanity from its rebellion against God. 将以色列和人类从离弃神的罪中拯救 Humanity Adam 人 God chose a King from Israel 神为以色列选了一位王 The original King was David 最开始的王是大卫 The King was to rule Israel (and therefore all humanity and creation), under God. 王本应按照神的旨意,治理以色列,因而治理全人类及受造物 This involved rescuing Israel from opposition. 这包括拯救以色列脱离逼迫 God made the universe. 神创造宇宙 “The heavens and the earth” or “Creation” “天地”或“受造物” Israel Isaac/Jacob Abraham/ BUT Humanity rebelled against God. 但是人类离弃神 We sinned. 我们犯了罪 God punished us by death 死是我们的惩罚 and all of creation suffered. 并且所有受造物也受苦 The Kings (and all Israel) rebelled against God. 王(和全以色列)离弃神 God punished them and sent them into exile. 神惩罚他们,流放他们 以色列 He calls Israelites (Jews) to follow him 他呼唤以色列人(犹太人)跟从他 and Gentiles (non-Jews) to follow him. 也呼唤外邦人(非犹太人)跟从他 And he therefore rose from the dead to rule Israel and all of humanity 他从死里复活,治理以色列和全人类 Kings David 亚伯拉罕、 以撒、雅各 God’s plan from before the beginning of time was 神的计划从一切之先已经开始了 To glorify his Son, Jesus Christ 要荣耀他的儿子 耶稣基督 王 Ruling and rescuing a whole new people for himself Jesus When this task is complete, he will return. 当这项工作完成,他就会回来 He will renew creation, which he will rule over with his people 更新天地,他将治理他的百姓 And he will judge those who do not belong to him. 并且审判那些不属神的 大卫 耶稣 But Israel rebelled against God. 但是以色列背叛神 亚当 Christian Jews 犹太基督徒 Christian Gentiles 外邦人基督徒 新天新地 Copyright © 2001 Lionel Windsor

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