马头动力工具中国客户中心 —— 上海途泰工业工具有限公司


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Presentation transcript:

马头动力工具中国客户中心 —— 上海途泰工业工具有限公司 动态扭矩与静态残余扭矩 马头动力工具中国客户中心 —— 上海途泰工业工具有限公司 Desoutter Customer Center China – Shanghai Tooltec Industrial Tools Co., Ltd. September 17, 2018 Let me introduce myself first. I am _________________ and work for Desoutter as _______________. What lies behind Desoutter? I will briefly introduce you to our company and our core values. (It is recommended to add your customer/addressee logo at the bottom right side: Insert->picture) GO TO THE NEXT SLIDE

一个世纪的创新 Desoutter – A Century of Innovation Desoutter plant in 1914 2014年的主要产品 Main new products 2014 E-LIT CVI3 新的办公大楼 The new headquater in Nantes Desoutter,也就是马头动力工具,是来自美丽的法国港口城市南特的紧固件装配系统供应商,公司成立于1914年,今年是2014年,正好是100周年,从19世纪20年代生产义肢,到2014年发展为一家完整的装配方案供应商,我们创新的脚步从未停止。对于紧固件装配过程的研究与探索也从未止步,接下来,我们希望可以和大家分享今天的话题,紧固件自动化装配技术及趋势 Auto screwfeeder 2

我们关注的行业 The main focused segments 通用工业 General Industry 航空航天 Aero plane & Aerospace 轻工装配 Light Assembly 汽车工业 Motor Vehicle Industry Desoutter产品线种类广泛,根据目标客户群的不同,我们的产品线也与之对应的进行了划分,分别是,通用工业,航空航天,轻工装配以及汽车工业,从2013年的公司销售业绩表可以看出,我们有65%的订单收入来自于汽车工业,在这65%中有11%来自汽车总装,17%来自汽车零部件装配,而有37%来自动力总成的业务。所以,Desoutter中国客户中心的发展与汽车行业尤其是动力总成的发展息息相关。 3

不同的阶段的扭矩值torque in different process 生产过程中in manufacture process 下线检测offline test

不同的阶段的扭矩值torque in different process 生产过程中in manufacture process 下线检测offline test 35 Nm OK ≠ 30 Nm

生产过程中——动态扭矩Dynamic torque 有加速度产生accelerations 动态扭矩(Dynamic torque): 动态扭矩是指紧固件在被紧固过程中测量得到的峰值,一般来说,是由动力工具施加得到动态扭矩,动态扭矩是在拧紧过程中测量的。动态扭矩产生的对于螺栓的轴向预紧力满足工程上对预紧力的要求。 Dynamic torque , measured as the peak torque during the tightening fasteners, in general, is obtained by applying a power tool dynamic torque, dynamic torque is measured during tightening. Dynamic torque generated by the axial preload bolt preload to meet the engineering requirements.

下线/线上检测——静态扭矩Static torque 一个紧固件被紧固好之后,将其在拧紧方向上继续旋转的瞬间所需要的扭矩。静态扭矩是在紧固之后测量的。 Static torque, measured after the fastener is tightened, is equal to the torque when fastener continues to rotate in the direction of tightening needed. Static torque is measured after tightening. 检测扭矩(Audit torque): 静态扭矩标准时用来监控生产过程的稳定性,因此又称为检测扭矩。 Static torque standard used to monitor the stability of the production process, so-called audit torque. 没有加速度产生No accelerations

动态扭矩和静态扭矩Dynamic torque and static torque 表面间的摩擦系数 螺纹副的摩擦系数 涂层 支撑件的粗糙度 涂表面处理 残余力矩 static torque 人、机、料 材料松弛 动态力矩 Dynamic torque 螺栓硬度、批次 工件材料、几何形状、连接特性

动态扭矩和静态扭矩Dynamic torque and static torque 生产过程中in manufacture process 下线检测offline test 哪个扭矩值更重要? Which one is important? 重要! 重要!

动态扭矩和静态扭矩Dynamic torque and static torque 动态力矩—生产过程中的扭矩 可以监控、反应拧紧装配过程的状态、结果以及工艺能力 × √

动态扭矩和静态扭矩Dynamic torque and static torque 残余扭矩—检测扭矩 拧紧装配完成后,相对稳定的螺栓连接状态 × √

这样一个现象One phenomena 30Nm? 35Nm 动力工具Power tool 动态扭矩 手动扳手 静态扭矩 Dynamic torque 手动扳手 Manual wrench 静态扭矩 Static torque 30Nm? 35Nm 一段时间后Later

这样一个现象One phenomena 40Nm? 35Nm 动力工具Power tool 动态扭矩 手动扳手 静态扭矩 Dynamic torque 手动扳手 Manual wrench 静态扭矩 Static torque 40Nm? 35Nm 一段时间后Later

ISO5393 定义连接的硬度Joint definition 扭矩 硬连接 α < 30 中性连接 30 < α < 720 软连接 α > 720 达到目标扭矩 100% 软 硬 螺栓开始受力 5% <30° >720° α, 角度

硬链接Hard Joint 40Nm? 35Nm 一段时间后Later

软链接Soft Joint 30Nm 35Nm 扭矩衰减 一段时间后Later 时间 T (Nm) 什么是衰减---由于工件彼此之间的局部嵌入\工件变形\或者由于工件不同的热膨胀系数,导致拧紧后的连接实测残余扭矩与装配实测扭矩产生偏差 时间

动态扭矩和静态扭矩Dynamic torque and static torque VDI——德国工程师协会 VDI2230、VDI2862(汽车行业拧紧应用)、VDI2647 (动态力矩检测) VDI2230高强度螺栓连接的系统计算:螺栓的扭矩弹性回弹,动态扭矩和静态扭矩的比值范围会较大,比如0.85-1.3

当动静态扭矩不一致的时候如何评判? 制定动静态扭矩的对比表 当动静态扭矩超出比值后/比值不稳定,如何分析? 通过鱼骨图逐项分析 有哪些装配过程中的误区,导致动静态扭矩不一致?

制定动静态扭矩的对比表setup coefficient of dynamic torque and static torque 计算装配力矩值 选择合理的工艺/工具进行装配 测量拉伸力/静态力矩

制定动静态扭矩的对比表setup coefficient of dynamic torque and static torque 硬连接 动态力矩 dynamic torque 静态残余力矩 static torque 理想状况—少数的连接 软连接——扭矩衰减

动态力矩与残余力矩—需要关注以下情况 Focus on following issues 静态力矩离散 动态力矩 dynamic torque 静态残余力矩 static torque 静态力矩过小

当静态扭矩异常时如何诊断? How to diagnose when static torque abnormal 装配过程 Assembly process 材料—连接 Parts and joint 操作者 螺栓是否同一批次 拧紧速度 装配工艺 拧紧策略 工件材料一致性 静态力矩离散 装配顺序 动态扭矩结果 工具/设备 几何/连接特性 1 2 静态力矩过小

静态力矩过小的常见原因 the reason of static torque is too low 扭矩衰减 torque attenuation

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 表面很光滑的工件,微观上是右图所示的毛刺 当工件被压紧后,毛刺在较大的夹紧力下变形, “变短”夹紧力下降,残余扭矩同步下降 拧紧速度越快,毛刺的初始变形越小,残余扭矩下降越多

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 尽量避免部件的表面粗糙度过大 avoid too high friction 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 表面很光滑的工件,微观上是右图所示的毛刺 当工件被压紧后,毛刺在较大的夹紧力下变形, “变短”夹紧力下降,残余扭矩同步下降 拧紧速度越快,毛刺的初始变形越小,残余扭矩下降越多

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 尽量避免部件的弹性过大 avoid high elastic part

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 降低最终拧紧的速度 reduce tightening speed 分步拧紧—如分步骤设置目标扭矩60%--80%--100% Multiple steps tightening 使用拧紧(如至目标扭矩80%)+反松+最终拧紧的方法 use reverse and multiple steps tightening (速度过快导致在最后产生一个“冲击”扭矩,似乎扭矩合格了,但是材料变形来不及释放,(用快速选入加慢速最终拧紧的方式,保证节拍,降低衰减))

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 最终扭矩: 100% 残余扭矩减小、夹紧力未达到 We here have independent start, not synchronized, and we can create some part distortion during the tightening which can cause more problems for yourself. These non synchronized starts are similar to the air tools, even though we have electric hand tools. It could be a single spindle tool operating. Because of the distortion that we can see in the parts, that will probably influence the residual torque, and we are going to see losses in the residual torque. Because the amount of effort it took to bend that part down caused friction of the amount of energy it took to form that part the clampload is getting reduced. Note, we are still taking you to the final torque and showing you perfect numbers, but we have torque loss in the actual fastener due to those effect – so we need to be careful with that. Anybody in the industry can handle an application like this. Just a simple tool.

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 选用合适的工具 use right tool 多轴同步拧紧 multiple spindle fastening 拧紧的次序 right assembly sequence We here have independent start, not synchronized, and we can create some part distortion during the tightening which can cause more problems for yourself. These non synchronized starts are similar to the air tools, even though we have electric hand tools. It could be a single spindle tool operating. Because of the distortion that we can see in the parts, that will probably influence the residual torque, and we are going to see losses in the residual torque. Because the amount of effort it took to bend that part down caused friction of the amount of energy it took to form that part the clampload is getting reduced. Note, we are still taking you to the final torque and showing you perfect numbers, but we have torque loss in the actual fastener due to those effect – so we need to be careful with that. Anybody in the industry can handle an application like this. Just a simple tool.

哪些因素导致扭矩衰减main reasons cause torque attenuation 被装配件的表面粗糙度:材料的变形--局部嵌入 The roughness of the surface of parts 弹性连接材料:尤其是塑料或密封件 elastic joint parts: such as plastic and rubber washer 过快的装配速度、不合理的装配动作 unreasonable assembly speed and sequence 其他:如装配过程中的温度 other reason: temperature 避免不合理的摩擦 avoid unreasonable friction 避免热膨胀系数不同/相差过大 avoid too high difference of coefficient of thermal expansion

动态扭矩和静态扭矩Dynamic torque and static torque 设计 Design 实验 Test 试制 Try on 验证 Validation 有没有公式? Any formula 连接的材料/种类 连接的数量 连接件的接触面积

联系方式 How to Find Desoutter http://www.desouttertools.com http://i.youku.com/desouttertools Info.desoutter-china@desouttertools.com Tel: 021-24165100 Fax: 021-24165202 上海市松江区新桥镇莘砖公路518号37号楼

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