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Presentation transcript:

丰富的产品线路图指引数据中心以VMware架构标准化 虚拟化市场的增长 VMware的产品正让客户受益 丰富的产品线路图指引数据中心以VMware架构标准化

43%的VMware客户已经以VMware虚拟架构为标准构建他们的IT架构 2006年9月 行业变革的加速动力 Forrester 2006 Global 2000企业中的46%正在实施虚拟化 Global 2000企业中的71%在未来的12个月中将增加虚拟化的投入 Source: Forrester Research, 2/06 43%的VMware客户已经以VMware虚拟架构为标准构建他们的IT架构 2006年9月

2006年VMware获得了更多的IT消费份额! 2006年5月 2006年7月 2006年9月 2006年12月 Quarterly survey of Enterprise spending - Shows those technologies and products gaining share and losing share Results are incredible VMware is the only company to be in the top five for the past nine quarters VMware #1 for 6 out of the past 9 quarters 06Q4 - VMware is #1 again in gaining share, this time with Cisco in #2 followed by BMC, Oracle, Mercury, Symantec, SAP, EMC SW (excl VMware), Citrix, Microsft EMC was #1 in storage gain of share followed by IBM and NetApp. Hp and Dell were 1 and 2 on losing storage share Novell and CA are 1 and 2 on losing in sw share 2006年12月

VMware的高速成长 VMware Infrastructure 营业额快速成长 2006年第四季度营业额为2.32亿美金,同比年增长101% VMware Infrastructure 财富100强企业中的100% 财富500强企业中的87% 43%的用户已经将虚拟化作为标准平台 $7.09亿 $3.87亿 $2.18亿 And so are our past results…in terms of where it counts REVENUE…. VMware at $750 Million Run Rate with 86 Percent Year-Over-Year Growth Body: VMware (an independent subsidiary of EMC with separate sales, marketing and R&D) grew total Q3, 2006 revenues 86% year-over-year to $188.5 million, its highest growth rate in 5 quarters and the 2nd consecutive quarter that VMware experienced 20% sequential, quarterly growth.  (VMware 1H, 2006 revenue was $288 million, 2005 revenues were $387 million, 2004 revenues were $218 million and 2003 revenue was just under $100 million.)  VMware's exceptional growth in Q3, which now places the company’s revenue on an annualized run rate of $750 million, was fueled by the broad adoption of VMware Infrastructure 3, the third generation of the industry-leading virtualization software suite, which shipped in June of this year.  ~$1.00亿 2003 2004 2005 2006

VMware是全球性的公司 VMware全球办公室分布 Palo Alto, CA 全球总部 Palo Alto, CA 中等规模的办公室 Burlington, Canada Naerum, Denmark Solna, Sweden Oslo, Norway Cork, Ireland Belleview, WA London Brussels Palo Alto, CA Cambridge, MA Paris Madrid Tokyo, Japan Basking Ridge, NJ Munich 中国北京 Mexico City McLean, VA Seoul, Korea Mumbai 中国上海 Milan Dallas, TX 中国香港 Duluth, GA 中国台湾 Bangalore, India Singapore 中国广州 Brisbane How many offices globallY? 8 Offices in Australia & New Zealand – 4 new offices opened this year Perth Canberra S ã o Paulo, Brazil 全球总部 Auckland, South Africa Melbourne Palo Alto, CA Wellington Sydney 中等规模的办公室 - 和客户支持中心 小型办公室 1


不断创新的领袖 VMware IPO EMC收购 VMware公司创立 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Workstation 1.0 GSX Server 1.0 ESX Server 1.0 用户数突破一百万 ESX Server 2.0 Virtual SMP VirtualCenter 1.0 VMotion™ 80% of Fortune 100 ACE 1.0 Workstation 5.0 VMTN Server Consolidation Service VMware Player VMware Server Virtual Appliance Challenge VI 3.0 let me share with you a little bit of our history. founded VMware in 1998, and in 1999 launched the first product - VMware Workstation 1.0. In 2000, IBM, Dell and Compaq joined our hardware partner program and we launched the channel program. Japan was the first country to sign up the channel partner. . (from partner presentation) Now, VMware business has been growing orders of magnitude faster than that, underscoring the fact that our customers are turning to all of us to drive cost out of their systems, increase flexibility, and drive value through virtualization. VMware is one of the fastest growing infrastructure software companies in history. Our goal every year is to take innovative new products to market. We started 2005 by launching VMware ACE, a great new way to create trusted endpoints and secure your PCs. In April we released our fifth generation of Workstation, our Development and Test product. In this generation we introduced new features focused on developing multi-tier applications such as VM Teams and VM Clones. We recently also introduced 64-bit guest operating system support in Workstation as well. In June we started the VMware Technology Network or VMTN. VMTN is both a service and a community for our users. It’s a place for technical users can download virtual machines from the Virtual Machine Center. We’re excited to see leading software companies such as Oracle, BEA, Red Hat, Novell, MySQL, and IBM use virtual machines as delivery containers for their software. We announced the VMware Player at VMworld Oct, a free product that allows you to run any virtual machine. With a free VMware Player, you can easily share virtual machines with co-workers, partners, and customers. Finally, I’m very excited to announce the upcoming release of ESX 3 and VirtualCenter 2.0. I would like to take a moment to show you what you can expect in these new products.

公认的最佳产品之一 But how is the virtualization economy growing when compared to other companies that have created revolutions? In the opening, we showed you that, according to eWeek Labs “25 Products of 25 Years” list, that is the 25 most influential products in the first 25 years of enterprise personal computing, VMware x86 virtualization was ranked #7, ahead of some other products that led significant change -- topping Apple Macintosh (8), Adobe PDF and Acrobat (11), Lotus 1-2-3 (12) and Notes (22), Microsoft Visual Basic (20), Windows 95 (23), Microsoft Office (24) If you look at early revenue numbers from these companies, starting once they’ve established themselves as a company earning at least $100M in revenue, VMware revenue is tracking right in there with these other revolutionary companies.

2007年台式机的创新 在企业中管理台式机 主要特性 Mac平台上虚拟化的实现 主要特性 VMware For Mac Workstation 6 为IT专业人士提供的虚拟化平台 主要特性 录制/回放 部分虚拟化 多显示器显示 IDE集成 全面的API接口 ACE 2 在企业中管理台式机 主要特性 Pocket ACE (移动) ACE管理服务器 易于打印 支持Linux服务器 Mac平台上虚拟化的实现 主要特性 支持32和64位的客户操作系统 Virtual SMP 3D图形 USB 2 快照/回滚 直观的用户界面

VMware Infrastructure 3 虚拟化产品应用推进 VMware虚拟架构 / 解决方案 分区 /入门级虚拟化 虚拟化最早应用者 主流有限应用 (开发和测试) 投入生产系统 企业标准化 VMware Infrastructure 3 Consolidated Backup DRS HA VMotion™ Virtual SMP™ VMotion VirtualCenter Virtual SMP ESX Server VirtualCenter 2006 ESX ESX 1.0 GSX 1.0 2002-2005 Workstation 1.0 1998-2001

VI3价值定位 : 一种新型数据中心架构 Exchange File/Print VPN CRM 传统数据中心视图 虚拟架构视图 虚拟层 Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System 虚拟化层 虚拟化层 CPU池 内存池 VPN CRM 存储池 Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System 虚拟化层 虚拟化层 连接部件池

使用VI3的数据中心 : 共享资源 虚拟架构 连接部件池 CPU池 内存池 存储池

Source: King Brown Survey “虚拟化”的企业 公司名字 虚拟机数量 1600+ 1000+ 1100+ 2006年x86架构的% 75% 50% 80% VMware 20,000+客户中超过43%的客户X86负载 已经架构在VMware虚拟架构上 Source: King Brown Survey Copyright © 2006 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.

某制药公司的VMware虚拟架构 2004 2007 超过1000天的连续运行

使用虚拟化的节能奖励计划,帮助客户来获得虚拟化的投资回报,推动虚拟化技术在美国的应用” “PG&E已经发布了美国第一个 使用虚拟化的节能奖励计划,帮助客户来获得虚拟化的投资回报,推动虚拟化技术在美国的应用” – Roland Risser, PG&E 2006年10月 

VI3扩展了虚拟化优势到台式机 移动台式机 文件/打印 APP OS 虚拟架构 连接 部件池 CPU 池 内存池 存储池 远程客户端

  Œ VMware产品发展方向 管理和自动化 ESX Hypervisor 分布式虚拟化 大量Hypervisor 架构优化 虚拟 桌面 容灾方案 软件 生命周期 管理和自动化  资源管理 可用性 移动性 安全性 分布式虚拟化  X 大量Hypervisor Œ ESX Hypervisor

系统架构管理的变革 系统架构服务 虚拟资源池 安全和集成 数据保护 资源管理 可靠性 18 OK, summarizing all that we have gone through: Traditionally there are servers, storage arrays, routers, and lots of cables all carefully and statically hooked together. Applications are carefully provisioned to a singe server with its available attached other resources. Once it is running, it is left alone and the hope is that the load does not change and the systems remain stable. Now with VMware infrastructure that becomes “hardware” VMware infrastructure sits on top of all that hardware and exports it to the virtual appliances as a single pool of 100MHZ of cycles, 100GBytes of memory, etc. It is a simple model and it is one that takes great complexity out of the datacenter while also adding significant utilization optimization and better data continuity through more ubiquitous HA and online backup. VI 3 18

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