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Presentation transcript:

PROFESSIONAL & STAFF DEVELOPMENT 图书馆员专业发展 Karen T. Wei 陈同丽 美国伊利诺伊大学亚洲图书馆馆长 Michael Bailou Huang 黄柏楼 美国石溪大学健康科学图书馆副研究馆员 2009年11月7日 中国 广西 南宁

Outlines 演讲大纲 Definition, purpose & needs 图书馆专业发展的定义, 目的与需求 ALA’s core values and competencies in librarianship Responsibilities & skills of a library director Continuing education & training programs Role of the Human Resources Office Hiring, evaluation, and promotion of academic librarians 图书馆专业发展的定义, 目的与需求 美国图书馆学会的图书馆 核心价值和馆员的核心职 业技能 图书馆馆长的责任和必备 的专业技能 继续教育和在职培训 图书馆人力资源办公室的 角色 大学图书馆员的招聘,评 审与晋级

Definition 图书馆专业发展的定义 Professional and staff development is the ongoing process that orients, trains, and develops, through a systematic approach, each member of a library organization to work together to serve its customers. It is a more focused form of continuing professional education. 专业人员和职员的发展是一个持续不断的过程。 它透 过一个系统的方法,为每一个图书馆的成员提供培训, 使他们熟悉并提升工作能力,以期大家共同努力为客户 提供服务。 这是一个持续专业教育比较侧重的形式。 *Trotta (1995). Successful Staff Development, p. 2.

Purposes 专业发展的目的 Update existing knowledge & skills - 更新现有的知识和技 能 Develop new knowledge & skills - 发展新的知识和技能 Improve staff capabilities & service quality - 提高员工的能 力和服务的品质 Improve staff productivity & efficiency - 提高员工的生产 力和有效性 Achieve a uniform standard of performance - 达成工作表 现的统一标准 Use the best methods to deliver services that meet current patron needs - 用最好的方法提供当前用户需求的服务

Needs 专业发展的需求 Rapid changes in library profession - 图书馆界的 快速变化 Advancement in library & information technology - 图书馆和信息技术的飞速进展 Changes in service model: from collection-centered to user-centered service 服务模式的变化: 从馆藏 为中心向以用户为中心的服务 Users’ behavior change 用户行为改变 Collection: from print to electronic resources 馆藏: 从纸质到电子资源

ALA’s Core Values of Librarianship 图书馆的核心价值 Access tement/corevalues.cfm ALA’s Core Values of Librarianship 图书馆的核心价值 Access 获取 Confidentiality /Privacy 隐私权 Democracy 民主 Diversity 多元 Education & Lifelong Learning教育与终身学习 Intellectual Freedom 知识自由 Preservation 保存 The Public Good 公众利益 Professionalism 职业理念 Service 服务 Social Responsibility 社会责任 The foundation of modern librarianship rests on an essential set of core values that define, inform, and guide our professional practice. These values reflect the history and ongoing development of the profession and have been advanced, expanded, and refined by numerous policy statements of the American Library Association. Among these are: 现代图书馆事业的基础建立在一些重要的核心价值上。这些价值用来界定,明喻和指导我们的专业实践。这些价值观念反映了图书馆职业的历史和持续发展,并已推进,扩大和完善了美国图书馆协会许多政策的陈述。

ALA’s Core Competencies of Librarianship 图书馆员应具备的核心职业能力 Foundations of the profession - 专业基础 Information resources - 信息资源 Organization of recorded knowledge and information - 组织有 记录的知识与信息 Technological knowledge and skills - 技术知识与技能 Reference and user services - 参考与用户服务 Research - 研究 Administration and management - 行政和管理 Continuing education & lifelong learning - 继续教育与终身学习 *ALA’s Core Competencies of Librarianship, Final Version (2009)

Library Director Responsibilities 图书馆馆长的责任 “The library director works closely with the library board to realize the public library mission, develop long range plans, and implement policies for the library’s operations. The director works at the nexus of community and staff. Directors are expected to handle numerous responsibilities.” 图书馆馆长与图书馆委员会紧密合作,以实现公共图 书馆的使命,发展长期规划,并执行图书馆的业务的 各项政策。 加强社区和工作人员之间的联系。 *McCook (2004). Introduction to Public Librarianship, p. 141

Library Director Responsibilities 图书馆馆长的责任 Lead the planning cycles Organize human resources Represent the library in the community Oversee financial operations Interact with local, state, & national library entities Develop the library’s fiscal base through development and fund- raising Manage facilities & technology Plan, design & evaluate services 主导规划周期 组织人力资源 是图书馆在社区的代言人 监管经济运作 与当地,本州,及国家图 书馆实体互动 通过发展和筹款以扩充图 书馆的财政基础 管理设施和技术 规划,设计和评估服务

Public Library Director Knowledge and Skills 公共图书馆馆长必备的知识和技能 People skills Vision Marketing ability Communication Collaborative skills Technical skills Customer services Problem-solving ability Risk-taking Self-renewal *Sager (Sept/Oct 2001). Evolving Virtues: Public Library Administrative Skills, Public Libraries, p. 268-272. 人事技巧 远见卓识 营销能力 沟通交流 协作技能 技术技能 客户服务 解决问题的能力 承担风险 自我更新

Professional Commitment 专业的承诺 Although the director sets the direction of the library, the staff carries out the tasks to achieve that direction - 虽然馆长设定了图书馆的发展方向,但还需要馆 员努力执行任务,以达成这个方向的目标。 The effective delivery of library services is dependent on competent library personnel. In order to achieve that direction, we must keep our staff current through continuing education and in-service training - 有效的图书馆服务是取决于馆员的职业 能力。 为了实现这个目标,我们必须不断的通过 继续教育和在职训练以达成任务。

Professional development guidelines 专业发展的原则 IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Quality Guidelines “… Growth in professional knowledge demands that information workers must expand their understanding and update their skills on an ongoing basis.” 专业知识的成长,必须仰赖资讯工作者持续扩充他们的知识和技能 *IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1994

IFLA Guidelines国际图联准则 IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Quality Guidelines --cont. 基本原则 - 持续职业教育和在职学习的责任由个 人,工作单位,专业协会,和图书馆/资讯科技教 育计划 共同承担。 最佳实践方法 - 定期的培训需要评估;广泛的正 规和非正规的学习机会;用于专业发 展的预算至少为0.5至1.0 %; 10 %的工作时间应当用于教育 活动和非正规学习项目 Responsibility for development shared by individuals, employing institutions, professional associations, and library/information science education programs Best practice – regular learning needs assessment, broad range of formal and informal learning opportunities, minimum of 0.5 to 1.0% of institutional budget for staff development, 10% of work hours for educational activities and informal learning projects. Handout of Chinese version of the excerpt

Training and development 培训和发展 Set goals & start needs assessment 确定目标开始进行需求评估 Includes a broad range of activities 包括一个范围广泛的活动 Formal education 正规教育 Membership services 会员服务 Conferences/Seminars/Workshops 会议/研讨会/工作坊 Online courses/distance learning 在线课程/ 远程教育 Work place learning: colleagues, mentors, collaboration 工作场所学习: 同事,导师,合作伙伴 Can be position or career related 职位或职业有关 Address quality of work life 讨论提高工作生活质量 Provide a means of personal enrichment 提供个人改进的一种方法

ALA-ALP- Certificate Programs 专业证书计划 The ALA Allied Professional Association is a nonprofit organization that promotes the mutual professional interests of librarians and other library workers. 美国图书馆学会联盟专业协会是一个非盈利性组织,促 进专业图书馆和其他图书馆工作者的共同利益 Two certification programs 提供两种专业证书 的项目 Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA) 公共图书馆管理认证 Library Support Staff Certification Program (LSSCP) 图书馆辅助人员认证计划

ALA-ALP Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA) 公共图书馆管理认证 CORE (required) 必修 Budget and Finance 预算和财务 Management of Technology 技术管理 Organization and Personnel Administration 组织和人事管理 Planning and Management of Buildings 建筑的规划与管理 ELECTIVES (3 of 5 required) 选修 Current Issues 当前的问题 Marketing 营销 Fundraising/Grantsmanship 筹款/基金申请 Politics and Networking 政治与建立关系网络 Serving Diverse Populations 服务不同的群体

Library Support Staff Certification Program (LSSCP) 图书馆辅助人员认证计划 CORE (required) 必修 Foundations of Library Service 图书馆服务基础 Technology 技术 Communication and Teamwork 沟通方式和团队合作 ELECTIVES 选修 Access Services  接入服务 Cataloging and Classification 编目和分类 Collection Management 馆藏管理 Readers Advisory 读者咨询 Reference and Information Services 参考咨询与信息服务 Supervision and Management 监督和管理 Youth Services 青年服务

How can the Human Resources Office help? 图书馆人力资源办公室如何帮忙? Support the Library’s vision, mission, goals, and service priorities Focus on three Human Resources functions: Recruitment & retention Training and development Performance management 支持图书馆的展望, 使命,目标和服务宗 旨 将重点放在人力资源 的三项职能上: 人员招聘及保留 人员培训与发展 人员绩效管理

Hiring, Evaluation, and Promotion of Academic Librarians: Experience from Stony Brook University HS Library 馆员的招聘,评审与提拔: 石溪大学健康科学图书馆的经验 基本要求 美国图书馆学会承认的学校 毕业的图书馆学硕士 良好的口头和书面交际能力 二年相关的大学,医学或研 究图书馆经验 有以下资历优先考虑 教学经验 优秀的教学设计技能来支持 教室和基于计算机的学习环 境 有教学科技于使用的高级培 训或学位 Required Qualifications ALA accredited MLS Excellent interpersonal written and verbal communication skills Two years relevant experience in an academic, health sciences, or research library Preferred Qualifications Demonstrated teaching/instructional experience Strong instructional design skills to support classroom and computer based learning environments Advanced training or degree in the use of instructional technology.

Job Listing for a Reference Librarian 参考咨询馆员的招聘广告 Descriptive Title: Senior Assistant Librarian (高级助理馆员) Department: Health Sciences Library Campus: Stony Brook West Campus/HSC Salary: $42,000-$50,000 Commensurate with experience Required Qualifications: MLS or its equivalent from an ALA accredited program. Excellent interpersonal written and verbal communication skills, commitment to public service, and the ability to and flexibility to both work independently and in a team environment. The librarian should be highly self-motivated, with demonstrated organizational, analytical, and communication skills within a diverse academic environment. Candidates must command well developed web authoring, computer applications, and graphic design skills and be proficient with Internet and web based resources. Two years relevant experience in an academic, health sciences, or research library. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated teaching/instructional experience and strong instructional design skills to support classroom and computer based learning environments. Advanced training or degree in the use of instructional technology. Responsibilities & Requirements: Under the supervision of the Director for Center for Healthcare Informatics Education, the primary responsibilities include supporting and teaching specialized courses in the library's formal education program including curriculum-integrated Informatics instruction and support of evidence-based practice. Active participation in web authoring, general and specialized reference service including database searching, electronic and traditional resources, general and specialized instruction, research/consultation services, and outreach to the hospital, university, and community. Participation in special projects as required. Special Notes: Anticipated start date: July 1, 2005. This is a 12 month, tenure-track faculty position. Continuing education and professional development opportunities encouraged and supported. Application Procedure: Interested applicants should submit a resume, cover letter, and the names and contact information of three professional references to: Health Sciences Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8034

Hiring, Evaluation, and Promotion of Academic Librarians 大学图书馆员的招聘,评审与晋级 Title Assistant Librarian=Instructor (Tenure- tract) Senior Assistant Librarian=Assistant Professor (Tenure-tract) Associate Librarian=Associate Professor (Tenure, or Continuing Appointment) Annual Review Standard Curriculum Vitae: higher education, professional service, honors, department and university service, membership, research, teaching activities, and professional service outside university Committee Approval 职称 助理馆员=讲师 (终身轨道) 高级助理馆员=助理教授 (终身轨道) 副研究馆员=副教授 (终身教席, 终身教授) 研究馆员=教授 (终身教席, 终身教授) 年度评审 标准履历表: 高等学历, 专业服务, 荣誉, 本馆和大学服务, 学会会员, 研究, 教学活动, 校外服务 评审委员会投票表决

Job Listing for a Library Director 馆长的招聘广告 石溪大学诚聘一个富有想象力的领袖来指导健康科学图书馆。 必要的资格: 拥有图书馆学硕士,情报学或相关的高级学位。有七年全职的大学健 康科学图书馆的管理和领导经验为佳。 有支持图书馆服务的信息技 术的经验,有资金筹措的经验, 有卓越的领导和管理技能, 能支持 并提供员工发展和继续教育的机会。有良好的口笔头交际水平,有优 秀的分析,协作,和作决定的能力。有良好的专业成就和知识的记录 ,了解生物医学图书馆正在变化中的角色和有关科技,并有能力来引 导这种变化中的角色。有制定政策和战略发展的能力。有评估图书馆 情报服务和医学信息的发展趋势的能力。有强烈的顾客服务至上的意 识。 有规划和管理图书馆资金的能力, 有通过开展活动和申请拔款 来获得新的收入的能力。 有开发和维护设施以及空间设计和使用来 改善学习环境的经验。

Job Listing for a Library Director 馆长的招聘广告 DIRECTOR, HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY Stony Brook University is seeking a visionary leader to direct programs of the Health Sciences Library. Required Qualifications: Master's degree in Library Science from an accredited program or an advanced degree in information sciences or other appropriate field, and seven years of increasingly higher levels of full time management responsibility and leadership, preferably in an academic health sciences library. Information Technology in support of library services experience. Demonstrated fund raising initiatives. Excellent leadership and management skills, and a strong commitment to providing staff development and continuing education opportunities. Strong written and verbal communication and presentation skills, including the ability to effectively communicate in both technical and non-technical environments and have excellent analytical decision making and collaborative skills to meet organizational goals. A strong record of professional achievement and knowledge, and understanding of the changing roles and technologies of biomedical libraries, and the ability to guide their continuing evolution. Experience should include demonstrated policy development and strategic planning experience; the ability to evaluate issues and trends in information services and medical informatics as they apply to libraries; strong proactive customer service orientation with a broad understanding of contemporary approaches to the use of knowledge resources and services to support education, biomedical research, and patient care; ability to stimulate innovation and creativity in new service initiatives and utilize resources for the advancement of programs in the health sciences; ability to plan and manage the library's financial resources and to identify and secure new revenue sources through development activities, and grant writing; experience developing and maintaining facilities including space design and utilization to meet objectives of the learning environment; ability to promote diversity of views as a manager and colleague, and to effectively collaborate with faculty, staff, and administration of the academic and clinical community.

Job Listing for a Library Director 馆长的招聘广告 (续) Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated service to the profession. Responsibilities & Requirements: The Health Sciences Library Director is responsible for: creating and communicating a strong vision for the Health Sciences Library in a digital age; administering the budget and strategic planning; formulating policies for the library's resources, programs, and services; advancing new and innovative technologies in the provision of information in the education, research, and clinical enterprises in the health sciences; and providing leadership and well-reasoned future directions for the library. The Director serves as a strong advocate for the library with a variety of on and off campus constituencies. The Health Sciences Library serves the academic needs of the Schools of Dental Medicine, Health Technology and Management, Medicine, Nursing and Social Welfare, Graduate Programs in Public Health, and the University Medical Center. The user population includes over 3,000 students in these five schools and 11,000 campus-wide faculty and staff. The Medical Center includes a 504 bed tertiary care hospital, Veteran's Home, and several remote medical facilities. Library personnel are 40 FTE, including five librarians. Salary: Commensurate with experience Special Notes: This position comes with tenure as a Librarian in the HSC Library. The selected candidate must successfully clear a background investigation. Application Procedure: Interested applicants should submit a resume, cover letter, and the names and contact information of three professional references to: Dr. Jane Yahil, Assistant V.P. for Health Sciences , HSC, L-4, Room 225, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8430 Applications will be accepted until 06/30/2008. STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND EDUCATOR.

Job Listing for a Public Library Director 公共图书馆长的招聘广告 City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California (加州圣伯南地诺市) Salary: Over $100,000 (年薪10万美元以上) Status: Full-time (全职) Posted: 10/07/09 (广告日期) Deadline: 11/12/09 (应征截止期)

Job Listing for a Public Library Director 公共图书馆长的招聘广告 (续) 馆长由董事会任命; 馆长负责全馆的管理事务,开展有效的社区活动,执行董事会 制定的政策,条例和规定。馆长的职责是全面的,并且有高度 的行政管理权; 理想的应征者是一个有信心的,可靠的,充满活力的领导; 成功的应征着愿意投入各层次的工作,倾听同行和员工的建议; 他/她有创造力,有企业家的素质,并尽可能贯彻图书馆“最好 的实践” 该应征者要尊重本市的公民,下属,和传统; 他/她将是一个有外交手腕的,专业的,能协作的,可信的,敬业 的,主动的,能团队合作的,有优良的人际交流和表述能力的领 导。

Job Listing for a Public Library Director 公共图书馆长的招聘广告 Salary: $111,624 – $135,684 Annually, DOQ plus excellent benefits: Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Administrative Leave, $525/mo Auto Allowance, City Contribution amount of $1059.31 to be applied towards Health/Life Benefits and Employer Paid Retirement Benefit (PERS 2.7% @ 55). The Library Director is appointed directly by and works at the pleasure of the Library Board of Trustees. The incumbent is responsible for the Library’s administrative operations, programs, community outreach activities and for administration of library policies, rules and regulations established by the Library Board. Assignments are broad in scope and allow for a high degree of administrative discretion in their execution. The position allows for a high degree of flexibility in Board assigned duties. The ideal candidate will be a confident, credible and energetic leader who is willing to be involved at all levels. The successful candidate will be open to peer and staff input and should be creative, value-driven, entrepreneurial and able to implement “Best Practices” whenever possible. This person will also be respectful of the City’s citizens, staff, and traditions. The selected candidate will be able to make difficult decisions, have good follow through, and see the big picture. He/She will be diplomatic, professional, collegial, collaborative, trust-worthy, dedicated, proactive, and team oriented. He/She should be a seasoned manager with a proven record of success. This person should have strong communication, interpersonal and presentation skills. .

Job Listing for a Public Library Director 公共图书馆长的招聘广告 (续) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Requires a Master’s degree in Library Science from a college accredited by American Library Association (ALA) and at least seven years of progressively responsible public library experience, at least two of which were in a management capacity; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Possession of a valid Class “C” California Driver’s License is required. Out of State applicants must possess a valid Class “C” California Driver’s License within six months of hire. EMPLOYEES ARE CURRENTLY WORKING A 36 HOUR REDUCED WORK WEEK THROUGH 06/30/2010 (EQUAL TO A 10% PAY REDUCTION). APPLY BY: November 12, 2009 by 5:30p.m. Apply online at

References 参考书目

Thank You! 谢谢! Karen T. Wei 陈同丽 Head, Asian Library Professor of Library Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学亚洲馆 馆长, 教授 Michael Bailou Huang 黄柏楼 Associate Librarian Health Sciences Library Stony Brook University 石溪大学健康科学图书馆副研究馆员