Prof. Ling-Ling Shih 施老师 Bard High School Early College Spring, 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. Ling-Ling Shih 施老师 Bard High School Early College Spring, 2015 Lesson 6-I (B) 约时间 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih 施老师 Bard High School Early College Spring, 2015

课文: A:常老师 B:学生 A:喂? B: ( ), 请问,常老师( )吗? A: 我 ( )是。您是哪( )? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

B:老师,今天下午您有( )吗?我想( )您 ( )个问题。 A: ( ), 今天下午我( )开会。 B:明天( )? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

课 kè “class; lesson” Used as “class”: 一节课 one class Used as “lesson”:这本书有十课。 第一课 dì yī kè(Lesson 1) 【上课 】shàngkè: attend class 【下课】xiàkè: get out of class Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

节 jié MW for class period 【一节课】 one class period 【几节课 】 how many classes 你今天有几节课? 你明天上午要上几节课? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

两节课、两门课、两课 我今天有两节课 (two class periods) 我这个学期(semester)有两门课。 (two courses) 我们两个星期学一课。(one lesson) Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College 6

Note the differences: 一天 One day 一个月 One month 一年 One year 两课 两节课 One day One month One year Two lessons Two classes Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

niánjī “grade in school” 年级 Taiwanese school system: 小学一年级、二年级、三年级、四年级、 五年级、六年级 。 初中一年级、二年级、三年级 高中一年级、二年级、三年级 大学一年级、二年级、三年级、四年级 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

你今年念(nian: study)几年级? 我念大一 。 (大一:abbreviation for 大学一年级) 你是几年级的学生? 我是大学一年级。 你今年念(nian: study)几年级? 我念大一 。 (大一:abbreviation for 大学一年级) Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

明天我们要考十四个生字。 kǎo “to give or take a test Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

考试 考试 kǎoshì “to give/take a test” 我们今天有一个中文考试! 考试时间、大考、小考、考大学、 考试 考试 我们今天有一个中文考试! 考试时间、大考、小考、考大学、 期中考试、期末(mò)考试 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

以后 yǐhòu “after” 下午一点以后 Note: “_________以后 --》 In English, ”after___________” Ex. 1. After 1:00 p.m. 下午一点以后 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

Time+以后 or V O +以后 after 4:30 四点半以后 after this Wednesday 这个星期三以后 after knowing his elder sister 认识他姐姐以后 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

Pair Activity: Q: 你什么时候给我打电话? A: 我____以后给你打电话。 (三点、回来、回家、考试、下课) Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

yǒukòng(r) “to have free time” 有空儿 yǒukòng(r) “to have free time” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

S+什么时候+V+O? Q: 您什么时候有空儿? A:_________________ Q:_________________ 他想明天下午去打球。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

几点 vs. 什么时候 Ask for a specific time: What time is it now? 现在几点了? The general question word for “when” is 什么时候(什麼時間) When are you going? 你什么时候(要)去? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

要是 yàoshì “if” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

要是。。。,(那)(S) (就) 要是你不喜欢吃美国菜, (那)我们(就)吃中国菜吧! 要是你喜欢那个女孩儿,(那) 我(就)给你介绍一下。 If you don’t like to eat American food, let’s eat Chinese food. 要是你不喜欢吃美国菜, (那)我们(就)吃中国菜吧! If You like that girl, I can introduce her to you. 要是你喜欢那个女孩儿,(那) 我(就)给你介绍一下。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

要是 if yàoshi 要是你不喜欢唱歌,那我们去跳舞,怎么样? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

More Practice on 要是: Lang. Practice C 要是 and D on p. 157-158. Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

方便fāngbiàn “convenient” A polite saying: “要是您方便,...”: If it is convenient for you. In China, eating is very convenient. 在中国,吃饭很方便。 Other combination: 方便面 fāngbiàn miàn 便饭 biànfàn Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

方便fāngbiàn 您什么时候方便呢? 要是您方便,我今天下午可以 来看你吗? When is convenient for you? If it is convenient for you, may I come to visit you this afternoon? 要是您方便,我今天下午可以 来看你吗? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

到 dào 你到家了吗? 我到中国了。 to go to; arrive Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

dào…qù “to go to (a place)” 到…去 dào…qù “to go to (a place)” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

Go to (place word)—two ways of saying “go to” 1) 去 “qù” + (Place word) Q: Where are you going? 你(要)去哪儿? Ans: I’m going to the library. 我去图书馆 2) 到 “dào”(place word) 去 “qù” Q: 你到哪儿去 Ans: 我到图书馆去。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

办公室 bàngōngshì “office” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

你要去哪儿? 你要到哪儿去? 1. 去 +Place 2. 到+Place+去 (老师的办公室) Create a dialogue: One student asks the other student where is she/he going? The other student said that she/he is going to the teacher’s office to ask a few questions. 你要去哪儿? 你要到哪儿去? 1. 去 +Place (老师的办公室) 2. 到+Place+去 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

Lang. Practice: Transformation:去___--》到__去 我去学校打球 我去图书馆看书 你想去哪儿玩儿 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

WK HW Part D (wkbk, p.101) 1)到/去/学校/上课/我/八点五 十分 2)两/星期四/节/我/有/中文课 Ask your teacher what her typical school day is like. Take notes, and transcribe what he/she has told you. 1)到/去/学校/上课/我/八点五 十分 2)两/星期四/节/我/有/中文课 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

3)九年级/九点五十五分/我/给/学生/ 上/中文课 4)十一年级/我/给学生/上/中文课/下 午十二点五十分 5)我/办公室/去/下午三点半/到。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

6)办公室/到/找我/学生/有时候/ 来 7)回家/我/以后/下午四点。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

行 xíng “all right; O.K.” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

___________,行吗? ——————,可以吗 Example: Q: May I go to your office at 4 p.m.? 下午四点我到你的办公室去, 行吗? Q:——————————,行吗 Positive Ans.: 行!(or “可以”) Negative Ans.:不行!(or “不可以”) Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

děng “to wait; to wait for” 等 děng “to wait; to wait for” Hold on for a minute please! 请等一下! Please wait for me. 请等我一下!Or 请等等我。 I am waiting for my friend. 我在等我的朋友。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

气 kèqì “polite” 您(你)太客气了! Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

búkèqì “You are welcome; don’t be polite” 不客气=别客气 búkèqì “You are welcome; don’t be polite” Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

The Adverb 別 (bié, don’t) (G. 3, p.155) (不要=别) “想学好中文, 不要做什么?” 【上中文课的时候】,別 ______________。 Simp:(说英文、睡觉、跟同学聊天、 画画儿、吃饭、想女(男)朋友…) Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

Find a partner and be prepared to act out the following scenario: You call your teacher, Shi Laoshi 施老师, and would like to make an appointment with her. Your teacher happens to be busy at the time you suggest. Ask your teacher when he/she will be available. Decide on a time and place to meet. Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

课文: A:常老师 B:学生 A:喂? B: ( ), 请问,常老师( ) 吗? A: 我 ( )是。您是哪( )? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

B:老师,今天下午您有( )吗? 我想( )您( )个问题。 A: ( ), 今天下午我( )开会。 B:明天( )? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

A: 明天上午我有两( )课, 下午三点( )给二年( ) 考( )。 B:您什么( )有( )儿? (aft. 4) A:明天四点( )才有空儿。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

B:( )您方便,四点半我( ) 您的办公室( ), ( )吗? A:四点半,没( )。我在办 公室( )你。 B: ( )您。 A: ( )客气。 Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College

Speaking exercises说话练习 Why did Li You call teacher Chang? Will Teacher Chang be free this afternoon? Why or why not? Will Teacher be free tomorrow morning? Why or why not? What will Teacher Chang do at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon? When will Li You go to visit Teacher Chang? Prof. Ling-Ling Shih, Bard High School Early College