Library Assessment: Libraries Enrich Lives


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Presentation transcript:

Library Assessment: Libraries Enrich Lives 图书馆评估: 图书馆丰富生活 Robert W. Fernekes, Ph.D. Associate Professor Zach S. Henderson Library Georgia Southern University Georgia 30460 United States 罗伯特 W. 福勒基斯博士 美国南佐治亚州30460 南佐治亚大学 扎克 S.亨德森图书馆 副教授

Introduction, Background & Purpose 导言,背景与目的 Concepts, Principles & Terminology Review of the Literature The Role of Your Vision & Mission Statements Putting It All Together 概念, 原则与术语 文献回顾 远景规划与任务的作用 整合

Library Assessment in Three Themes 图书馆评估三主题 Assessment Overview Assessment Practices & Methods Developing and Using a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) 评估概况 评估实践与方法 开发和利用平衡计分卡 (BSC)

Why Assess? Theme I: Assessment Overview 为什么要评估? 评估类型 规划 改进 决策 价值 广泛的分析水平 个人层面 服务层面 组织层面 社会层面 Types of Evaluation For Planning For Improvement For Decision Making For Accountability For Value & Worth Dudden (2007). Using Benchmarking, Needs Assessment, Quality Improvement, Outcome Measurement, and Library Standards, p. 4-5 Broad Levels of Analysis Individual Service Organizational Societal Matthews (2007). The Evaluation and Measurement of Library Services, p.17.

General Evaluation Model 综合评估模型 Matthews (2004) General Evaluation Model 综合评估模型 Matthews (2004). Measuring for Results: The Dimensions of Public Library Effectiveness, p. 2-3. Input Measures Process Measures Output Measures Outcomes 输入措施 处理措施 产出措施 成果

The Performance Spectrum 表现范围 Matthews (2007) The Performance Spectrum 表现范围 Matthews (2007). The Evaluation and Measurement of Library Services, p.20.

The Effective Library 图书馆绩效 Culture of Assessment: Organizational environment that facilitates evaluation Ongoing staff development: In measurement, evaluation & assessment activities To improve staff capabilities for customer service, better outcomes for customers and improved service quality Values & Rewards Results 文化评估: 有利评估的组织环境 正在进行的工作人员发展 测量,评价和评估活动 为了提高工作人员客户服务的能力以取得更好的客户服务结果并改善服务质量 价值观和奖励结果

The Effective Library (continued) 图书馆绩效 (续) Models of Organizational Effectiveness (OE) Goal Attainment Model External Systems Model Internal Process Model Strategic Constituencies Model Dudden (2007). Using Benchmarking, Needs Assessment, Quality Improvement, Outcome Measurement, and Library Standards, p. 28-29. 组织效力模式(OE) 目标的实现模式 外部系统模式 内部处理模式 战略选区模式

Models of Organizational Effectiveness and Dimensions of Library Effectiveness Dudden (2007). Using Benchmarking, Needs Assessment, Quality Improvement, Outcome Measurement, and Library Standards, p. 28. 组织绩效模式与图书馆绩效尺度

The Effective Library (continued) 图书馆绩效 (续)

The Effective Library (continued) 图书馆绩效 (续) SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Matthews (2004). Measuring for Results: The Dimensions of Public Library Effectiveness, p. 36. SWOT分析 优势 劣势 机遇 威胁

What to Measure to Determine Your Return on Investment (ROI) Customer Satisfaction Service Quality Collections & Usage Benefits & Social Value Strategic Alignment Future of Evaluation & Assessment 客户满意度 服务质量 收藏与用处 福利与社会价值 战略调整 未来的评价与评估

Needs Assessment Theme II: Assessment Practices & Methods 需求评估 Definition: Identify a gap or need Excellence in Public Libraries –defined locally through an assessment of community needs Service Roles or Responses – defined in terms of what a library does or offers to the public in an effort to meet specific community needs. Local Planning Process -- Select & Prioritize Service Responses 定义: 找出差距和需要 公共图书馆之优越:通过本地的定义来评估社会需要 服务作用或答复: 界定图书馆能为公众提供何种服务以满足特定的社会需求。 本地规划工作: 选择和优先服务响应

Quality Improvement 质量改进 定义: 努力改善服务项程和服务程序。 全面质量管理-TQM 质量管理 原则 组织承诺 处理焦点 雇员参与 客户意识 学习组织 数据驱动 Definition: Efforts to improve a service, program or process. Total Quality Management-TQM Quality Management Principles Organizational Commitment Process Focus Employee Involvement Customer Mindedness Learning Organization Data Driven Dudden (2007). Using Benchmarking, Needs Assessment, Quality Improvement, Outcome Measurement, and Library Standards, p. 105-7.

Performance Measurement 工作衡量 Definition: Measures applied to answer the local questions: What are you trying to do? Are you accomplishing it? Three Primary Measures: Number of people served by a service or program Users’ opinions about how well library services meet their needs Library applies measures that determine the number of service units or service transactions 定义:本地问题衡量 你准备做什么? 你完成了这项任务吗? 三种基本衡量 服务人员的数目。 用户提出的图书馆服务如何满足他们需求的意见。 图书馆采用衡量确定服务单位或服务执行。

Outcome Measurement 结果衡量 定义: IMLS界定成果,造福于人民:具体而言,为项目参与者取得成就或改变其技能,知识,态度,行为,条件,或生活状况。 文献观念 图书馆和图书馆员如何帮助? 形成结果 表明结果系列 Definition: IMLS defines outcomes as benefits to people: specifically, achievements or changes in skill, knowledge, attitude, behavior, condition, or life status for program participants. Ideas from the Literature: How Libraries and Librarians Help Shaping Outcomes, IUPUI Demonstrating Results series

Outcome Measurement: Public Library Outcomes and Service Responses 测量结果:公共图书馆的成果和服务反映 Basic Literacy Business & Career Information Commons Community Referral Consumer Information Cultural Awareness Current Topics & Titles Formal Leaning Support General Information Government Information Information Literacy Lifelong Learning Local History & Genealogy Other Service Responses 基础素养 商业及职业信息 公众聚会场所 社区推荐 消费者信息 文化意识 当前主题和标题 正式学习辐助支持 一般信息 政府信息 信息素养 终身学习 当地历史与家谱 其他服务反映

Balanced Scorecard (BSC) 平衡计分卡( BSC ) Definition: Strategic management system, provides comprehensive, multidimensional view of performance Five Perspectives: Customer Information Resources Internal Business Processes Organizational Readiness Financial Perspective Developing a BSC in 6 Steps 定义: 战略管理系统,对雇员表现提供全面的多层面的观查 五项展望: 顾客 信息资源 内部业务流程 组织准备 财务角度 6个步骤发展BSC

Illustrative Library Balanced Scorecard Matthews (2008) Illustrative Library Balanced Scorecard Matthews (2008). Scorecards for Results: A guide for Developing a Library Balanced Scorecard, p.56 图解图书馆平衡计分卡

Mission Statement: Articulates Step I: Review the Library’s Mission and Vision Statements Theme III: Developing a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Six Steps Matthews (2008). Scorecards for Results: A guide for Developing a Library Balanced Scorecard 步骤一:修改图书馆的使命和远景规划 任务说明: 图书馆存在之理由 为何存在 提供何种产品和服务 远景展望声明: 目标实现后的未来状况 图书馆如何提高生活质量 图书馆的主要服务客户 图书馆的优先考虑事项 Mission Statement: Articulates The reason why the library exists For whom it exists What products and services will be provided Vision Statement: Identifies a Future State if goals are achieved How the library enhances the Quality of Life Library’s primary customers Library’s priorities

Pierce County Library System, Washington: Outstanding Community Involvement Greiner (2004). Exemplary Public Libraries: Lessons in Leadership, Management and Service, p.126-7 美国华盛顿州皮尔斯县图书馆系统:优秀社区参与 Vision Statement: The library will enrich lives and strengthen communities by creating opportunities for the discovery and exchange of information and ideas. Mission Statement: To connect the people of our communities to a world of information and imagination through: Skilled Staff Diverse Resources Response to Community Needs Excellent Customer Service Community Involvement Values: At Pierce County Library System we value: The Public; Service; Equitable Access; Freedom of Access; Resources; Staff and Accountability 远景规划:该图书馆将丰富生活和加强社区的创造机会为发现和交流信息和意见。 任务说明:要连接的人对我们社区的世界信息和想象力通过: 熟练的工作人员 不同的资源 针对社会需要 卓越的客户服务 社区参与 价值:在皮尔斯县图书馆系统,我们重视:公众;服务;公平机会; 自由进入; 资源; 工作人员和问责制

Developing a Balanced Scorecard (continued) 发展图书馆平衡计分卡

Step 2: Develop a Strategy Map 第2步:制定一项战略地图 目的: 直观说明图书馆的战略选择以缩小现在和未来展望之间的差距。 为了3到4个战略目标提供一个可视化框架 广泛战略: 卓越运营 增加更多的价值-个性化 创新服务 Purpose: To visually illustrate the strategies the library has chosen to close the gap between what the it is today and its vision for the future To provide a visual framework for 3 to 4 strategic objectives Broad Strategies: Operational Excellence Adding More Value – Customization Innovative Services

Step 3: Select Performance Measures 第3步:选择衡量绩效表现的措施 Select 3 – 5 Performance Measures per Perspective Input, Process, Output & Outcome Measures Extensive Lists of Possible Performance Measures* *Matthews (2004). Measuring for Results: The Dimensions of Public Library Effectiveness, p.193 -222. Select Measures from the following categories: Services, Staff, Materials, Facilities, & Costs 选择3 – 5个绩效评估指标为展示。 投入,过程,产出和绩效评估措施。 绩效评估的详尽措施*。 绩效评估选择措施类别:服务,工作人员,材料,设备和开支。

Step 4: Identify Targets and Initiatives 第4步:确定目标及措施 确定现有的数据测量每个绩效指标 建立各项测量绩效指标 扣篮目标 有奖娱乐目标 到达目标 延伸目标 确定倡议 优先考虑的倡议 Determine Existing Data for each Performance Measure Establish Targets for each Performance Measure Slam-Dunk Targets Cakewalk Targets Reachable Targets Stretch Targets Identify Initiatives Prioritize Initiatives

Step 5: Integrate the Scorecard 第5步:整合平衡计分卡 Traditional Management ► Strategic Management – aligns planning & budgeting to optimize strategy execution Become a Strategy-Focused Organization that assigns & reallocates resources to support initiatives Cascade the Scorecard to library departments & programmings 传统管理 以战略重点为中心组织与重新分配资源来支持倡议 落实记分卡到图书馆各个部门及活动

Step 6: Communicate the Value of Your Library Using the Scorecard 第6步:沟通图书馆利用平衡计分卡的价值 选择一种格式 讲述你的故事的提示 价值 Select a Format Tips for Telling Your Story Value Adapted from Matthews (2004). Measuring for Results: The Dimensions of Public Library Effectiveness, p.4. 经济影响 价值 社会效益

The Libraries Engaged Enrich Library Lives 卓有成效的 图书馆 图书馆 丰富生活 图书馆

Questions and Comments 问题和意见 Contact Information 联系方式: Bob Fernekes, Associate Professor Information Services Librarian, Business Specialist Henderson Library, POB 8074 Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30460, U.S.A. Email: Phone: 912-478-7822 Chinese Translation : LiLi Li, E-Information Services Librarian 中文翻译:李立力,美国南佐治亚大学副教授扎克 S.亨德森图书馆电子图书馆员 E-Mail: