Interpreting Theory and Practice Unit 5 Terminology Interpretation


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Presentation transcript:

Interpreting Theory and Practice Unit 5 Terminology Interpretation ZHANG Hui Shenyang Normal University

Terminology Interpretation -2 When preparing the terms of some certain fields, students can follow the steps below: For acronyms or abbreviations be familiar with some abbreviations or acronyms and their translation get to know a brief introduction of the organizations that those abbreviations or acronyms stand for

Give the complete form of the following abbreviated forms or acronyms. UNESCO UNICEF ASEAN APEC IMF IOC ASEM EFTA IAEA WHO WTO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Association of Southeast Asian Nations Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation International Monetary Fund International Olympics Committee Asia-Europe Meeting European Free Trade Association/Area International Atomic Energy Agency World Health Organization World Trade/Tourism Organization

APEC APEC, one of the most important economic cooperation bodies in the Asia-Pacific region, was initiated in November 1989 at the proposal of former Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawke in Canberra, Australia, as a forum for informal discussion between the six ASEAN members (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) and their six dialogue partners (Australia, the United States, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Canada) around the Pacific. 亚太经济合作组织是亚太地区最为重要的经济合作组织之一。 亚太经合组织是于1989年十一月在澳大利亚前总理罗伯特怀克的倡议下于澳大利亚首都堪培拉成立的组织。成立初期,亚太经济合作组织只是东盟的六个成员国文莱,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡和泰国以及他们的六个对话伙伴,环太平洋的澳大利亚,美国,日本,韩国,新西兰和加拿大六国之间的一个非正式的论坛。

APEC APEC’s goal is to advance the economic dynamism and the sense of community in the Asia- Pacific region. The heads of government of all APEC members meet annually in a summit called "the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting" rotating in location among APEC’s member economies. Meanwhile, APEC is famous for its tradition of having attending leaders dress in the national costume of the host nation. 亚太经合组织的目标是增强亚太区域经济实力以及增进各成员之间的一致性。各国领导人之间每年召开一次 “亚太经合领导人会议”,在各成员国之间轮流举行。同时, “亚太经合组织” 也以与会各国领导人身着主办国民族服装的传统而闻名。

WTO The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is the only intergovernmental organization that offers membership to the operational sector. It is vested by the UN with a central and decisive role in promoting the development of tourism. It was established in 1975; the headquarter is situated in Madrid, Spain. The aim of the organization is contributing to economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. In pursuing this aim, the Organization pays particular attention to the interests of the developing countries in the field of tourism. 世界旅游组织是政府间唯一接纳旅游经营者的组织,它受联合国委托,在各国旅游业的宣传和发展中起着核心作用。它成立于1975年,总部设在西班牙首都马德里。 世界旅游组织的宗旨是促进和发展旅游事业,使之有利于经济发展、国际间相互了解、和平与繁荣以及不分种族、性别、语言或宗教信仰、尊重人权和人的基本自由,并强调在贯彻这一宗旨时,要特别注意发展中国家在旅游事业方面的利益。

Terminology Interpretation—translating abbreviations Listen to the following sentences, paying attention to the abbreviations or acronyms and their translation. NASDAQ, acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks. The long-term focus is a major element of the current Chinese environmental policy initiative termed the “National Plan of Total Emission Control for Major Pollutants in the Ninth Five- Year Plan” (TEC), which was officially approved by the State Council in September 1996. It is a great honor for me to open this inaugural session of the inaugural event, of the AFDP---APEC Finance and Development Forum.

Terminology Interpretation—translating abbreviations 纳斯达克是全美证券交易商协会自动报价系统的首字母缩写, 它是当今世界上最大的股票交易市场之一。 长期关注构成了当前中国环境政策中的一个主要部分, 国务院于1996年9月正式批准了名为 “九五计划中对主要污染进行总体控制的国家计划”(排污总量控制) 的环境政策。 能够参加首届 “亚太经合组织金融与发展项目年度论坛” 的开幕仪式, 我深感荣幸。

Terminology Interpretation—translating abbreviations Listen to the following sentences, paying attention to the abbreviations or acronyms and their translation. 1. 在最近的一次调查中, 有四分之一的美国人表示他们相信美国航空航天局并没有真正实施登月行动。至今为止,人类还没有在月亮上行走过。 2. 在所有比较发达的经济大国中,服务行业都非常高效,而且在国内生产总值所占的比例也很高,超过二分之一。 3. 国际奥委会将全力支持世界反兴奋剂组织的工作,通过这个战略,我们将能够更为有效的与兴奋剂作斗争。

Terminology Interpretation—translating abbreviations 1. In a recent survey, 25 percent of Americans said they believed that NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) had faked landing on the moon and people had yet to walk upon its surface. 2. All the more developed economies have an efficient service sector which accounts for more than one half of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). 3. The IOC (International Olympic Committee) will use all its strength to support the development of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), as this strategy alone will enable us to make our fight more effective.

Read online to collect widely-used abbreviations and acronyms. Homework Read online to collect widely-used abbreviations and acronyms. Interpretation