Major:Materials Engineering.


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Presentation transcript:

Major:Materials Engineering. Name: WangShengyan

What is the Material ??? The Material is a substance that people used to make useful items, devices and components. The Material is a symbol of human progress, is the cornerstone of modern civilization. The Material is a material basis for human survival and development, high-tech pilot, the industrial development of common technologies, is a sign and a milestone of the development of the human era.

Structural component、 Synthesis processing、The nature and Use of performance called as the four basic elements of the Material.

按照化学成分划分材料主要包括无机非金属材料、高分子材料、金属材料、复合材料。 Divided in accordance with the chemical composition Materials mainly include inorganic non-metallic materials, polymeric materials, metal materials, composite materials. 按照化学成分划分材料主要包括无机非金属材料、高分子材料、金属材料、复合材料。

Because my undergraduate and postgraduate learning inorganic non-metallic materials, so I will be in this area to introduce my professional.

Inorganic nonmetallic material refers to some elements of the oxides, carbides, nitrides, borides, sulfur-based compounds and silicates, titanates, aluminates, phosphates, etc. oxysalt mainly composed of inorganic materials. The traditional inorganic non-metallic materials, including Cement, Glass, Ceramics, Concrete, refractories and artificial crystal。 无机非金属材料是指某些元素的氧化物、碳化物、氮化物、硼化物、硫系化合物和硅酸盐、钛酸盐、铝酸盐、磷酸盐等含氧酸盐为主要组成的无机材料。传统无机非金属材料主要包括水泥、玻璃、陶瓷、混凝土、耐火材料和人造晶体等

水泥 Cement Process of production: Clay and limestone (粘土和石灰石) The main raw material : Auxiliary materials:Gypsum - role to regulate the speed of hardened cement (石膏—作用是调节水泥硬化速度) Major equipment: Cement rotary kiln(回转窑) Process of production: Grinding of raw materials, high-temperature calcination of clinker, gypsum plus research into powder ordinary portland cement (生料研磨,高温煅烧得熟料,再加石膏研成粉末得普通硅酸盐水泥)

水泥回转窑(Cement rotary kiln)

水泥的制作过程(The Cement preparation of process)


Cementitious materials, water and aggregates with an appropriate proportion of mixed Made of mixture hardening artificial stone, after a certain period of time. 由胶凝材料、水和粗、细骨料按适当比例配合、拌 制成拌合物,经一定时间硬化而成的人造石材。

Concrete applications


从实用角度讲,玻璃是一种透明的无定形固体材料。通常包括普通玻璃、石英玻璃、有色玻璃、光学玻璃、钢化玻璃和玻璃纤维 From a practical perspective, the Glass is a transparent amorphous solid material.Usually include Ordinary glass, Quartz glass, Colored glass, Optical glass, Tempered glass, and Glass fiber. 从实用角度讲,玻璃是一种透明的无定形固体材料。通常包括普通玻璃、石英玻璃、有色玻璃、光学玻璃、钢化玻璃和玻璃纤维

Ordinary glass: easy to soften (软化)at high temperatures, often used to make window glass, glass bottles, glass, etc.

Colored glass: metal oxides are uniformly dispersed into the glassy substance, so that the glass presents a characteristic color (金属氧化物均匀地分散到玻璃态物质里,使玻璃呈现特征颜色) 机场出口处的蓝色玻璃隔离墙 红色玻璃产品

Glass fibers: glass ball or scrap glass as raw material manufactured by the high temperature melting, brushed, yarn, woven craft.(它是以玻璃球或废旧玻璃为原料经高温熔制、拉丝、络纱、织布等工艺制造成的) 玻璃纤维 玻璃纤维短切丝

Ceramics China is one of the world-famous ancient civilization, have to write a brilliant chapter in the world history of science and cultural history. Ceramic production process and its development is more colorful, most vivid page. China is the home country of porcelain, the hometown of the Tao, we as descendants of the dragon should learn and pass our national culture.

Mixing, forming, drying, sintering, cooling Ceramic Production Mixing, forming, drying, sintering, cooling

Chinese ceramic art appreciation 康熙青花瓜棱瓶

清雍正胭脂小瓶 粉彩瓷

Artificial crystals. Natural crystal material is very scarce, the 1902 artificially grown ruby (Cr), sapphire (Fe), and successfully applied.Later, the use of artificial methods successively grown diamond, quartz, silicon, and so many of the artificial crystals. 天然晶体材料十分稀缺, 1902年用人工方法 生长出红宝石(Cr) 、蓝宝石(Fe) ,并成功应用。 后来,用人工的方法陆续生长出了金刚石、石英、单晶硅等等许多人工晶体。


星光红宝石 星光蓝宝石 月光石 金绿宝石猫眼

Those are pictures of the laboratory synthesis of diamond, diamond also belongs to the kind of the artificial crystals. I postgraduate research direction is the diamond.

Material good material (材料人好材料) Materials Science for every small step forward, human civilization is a big step forward. In the long history of mankind, the new materials continue to create new human life.The advent and application of a new material, often lead to a major change in human society.

Thank you The end