Thomas E. Rajewski CPI(西匹埃)工程服务公司


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Presentation transcript:

Thomas E. Rajewski CPI(西匹埃)工程服务公司 食品级工业合成润滑油 Thomas E. Rajewski CPI(西匹埃)工程服务公司

什么是食品级产品? 偶尔会与食品接触 FDA(美国食品药物管理规范) 21 CFR 178.3570 USDA(美国药典规范) H-1 There are two government bodies which control the classification of food grade lubricants in the United States. The first if the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA. The FDA is responsible for the approval of basestocks and additives which may be used in lubricant formulations. This includes evaluation of the materials for toxicity, as well as acceptable limits in food grade lubricants. Historically, the role of the USDA has been to evaluate the compositions which are being considered for use as a food grade lubricant. If all of the additives and basestocks were reviewed and accepted by the FDA, and the quantities used were within the FDA guidelines, then the lubricant received an H-1 classification. If the lubricant contained materials which were not approved by the FDA, yet were not considered toxic or hazardous, then the lubricant received an H-2 rating. Recently,t he US government has announced the close o the facility which policed lubricant formulations for H-1 or H-2 classification. Potential future replacements for this program include a potential ‘pay per formulation’ program as well as possible private companies who would be given access to sensitive company formulations.

可用的食品级基础油 白矿油 Castor Oil(海狸油) 聚烯烃(PAO) 聚醚类(PAG) There are four primary basestocks available for use in food grade lubricants. However, the instability of Castor oil has eliminated it for consideration for any modern food grade machine application. While mineral oils are able to provide marginal lubrication for most systems, the use of polyalphaolefiins and polyalkylene glycol basestocks are needed for extended life in demanding applications.

聚烯烃-Polyalphaolefin (PAO) CH3 CH3 (CH2)7 (CH2)7 CH2 CH2 CH Polyalphaolefin or PAO is often referred to as a synthetic mineral oil. This product has all the desirable characteristics of mineral oil, without any of the chemistry that makes mineral oils fail. The product is a saturated hydrocarbon with minimal branching. The absence of unsaturate’s is one feature which makes the product highly stable. (CH2)7 CH3

聚烯烃(PAO)基础油 - 优点 高粘度指数 低挥发性 良好的破乳化性 优良的水解稳定性 低倾点 热及化学稳定性 良好的天然润滑性 与矿物油相容 PAO’s offer several advantages over mineral oils in food grade applications. Many of these applications are listed in this slide. Each of these properties has the ability to improve on various aspects of machine operation. The following slides will illustrate how these properties provide an cost savings through improved performance.

价格/性能比—— 聚烯烃(Polyalphaolefins) 较宽的温度操作范围 Longer Oil Drain Intervals Reduced Lubricant Consumption Extended Equipment Life The high viscosity index and low pour point properties of PAO’s allow the fluid to be used at significantly higher and lower temperatures than mineral oils. At elevated temperatures, it results in a better lubricant film, preventing pre-mature wear of the equipment. At low temperatures, it reduces the stress of low temperature start-up, and allows the lubricant to flow more freely to critical lubrication points.

温度极限的比较 矿物油 聚烯烃(Polyalphaolefins) -80 -40 0 100 200 400 600 -80 -40 0 100 200 400 600 This is a graphical representation of how a PAO based lubricant is able to extend the operating temperature limits for food grade machinery. Proper starting viscosity is critical in meeting the needed temperature requirements. Temperature, °F

价格/性能比—— 聚烯烃(Polyalphaolefins) Wider Operating Temperature Range 长的换油周期 Reduced Lubricant Consumption Extended Equipment Life The saturated structure of PAO prevents oxidative attack, and extends the life of the fluid. PAO based food grade lubricants typically operate for 4-8 times as long as a comparative mineral oil based formulation.

粘度是一种温度的函数 合成油与矿物油的比较 粘度, cSt 70 60 50 40 矿物油 One way of evaluating the amount of oxidation occurring in a system is by evaluating the viscosity of the lubricant. As a lubricant oxidizes, it will polymerize, increasing the viscosity of the product. This viscous drag will also require additional horsepower to operate the machine. PAO based synthetic lubricants oxidize at a much slower rate. The result is a product that keeps it original operating viscosity. 合成油 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 6000 7000 8000 Time (Hours)

聚烯烃(Polyalphaolefins) 价格/性能比- 聚烯烃(Polyalphaolefins) Wider Operating Temperature Range Longer Oil Drain Intervals 降低润滑油的消耗 Extended Equipment Life Another benefit of a lubricant that last 4-8 times that of a mineral oil is that the amount of lubricant consumed, and disposed is dramatically reduced as well.

价格/性能比- 聚烯烃(Polyalphaolefins) Wider Operating Temperature Range Longer Oil Drain Intervals Reduced Lubricant Consumption 延长设备的寿命 The wider operating temperature range of the synthetic lubricants offers an additional advantage to the food grade machinery. At low temperatures it extends the life of the equipment by reducing drag and wear on the equipment. At elevated temperatures, it prevents breakdown of the viscous film, resulting in improved lubrication and extended bearing life.

粘度随着温度的改变——关系图 粘度 优秀的流动性 矿物油 PAO ISO VG 较好的保护 40 100 温度, °C This chart is a graphical explanation of how a synthetic lubricant is able to extend equipment life. 40 100 温度, °C

聚醚类(PAG)—— Polyoxyalkylene Glycol R1 R2 R - O ( - C - C - O - C - C - O - )n - R3 Polyalkylene glycols, or PAG’s are compounds that have a fixed ratio of carbon and oxygen in the backbone. The structure also has fixed side branches that are typically hydrogen or carbon. The oxygen in the backbone plays a major role in the water solubility. The amount of side carbons will determine the the product is water soluble or water insoluble. Where: R1 and R2 = H or CH3

聚醚类(PAG) 基础油 – 优点 优越的润滑性 稳定的润滑油膜 高的粘度指数 良好的热稳定性 与金属及弹性体有良好的相容性 不积碳 PAG based lubricants have an extremely high viscosity index. This results in very effective film formation, making them suitable for use in highly loaded gear applications. Te other unique property of PAG based lubricants is that they will volatilize at high temperatures, leaving little to no carbon residue. It should be noted that while this may apply to open high temperature chains, it may not be suitable for all oven applications due to the potential to impact the taste of the food.

物理特性的比较— 食品级基础油 This slide illustrates the uniquely high viscosity index of PAG based lubricants in relation to mineral oil and PAO based lubricants. It also points out another important property in the low temperature characteristic of the PAO based lubricants. One drawback to using PAG based lubricants in food grade applications is that the viscosity of the fluid must be over 140 cSt at 40°C. For this reason, the primary focus for most PAG based lubricants in food machinery has been heavily loaded gear boxes, and some specialty chain applications that require water separation or low carbon forming tendencies.

温度极限的比较 矿物油 聚烯烃 聚醚类 -80 -40 0 100 200 400 600 温度, °F This slide is a graphical illustration of the operating limits for PAG based lubricants in comparison to the PAO and mineral oil based lubricants. -80 -40 0 100 200 400 600 温度, °F

工业应用 压缩机的形态 液压系统 齿轮箱 输送链条 润滑脂 导热油系统 螺杆式 活塞式 螺旋叶片式 离心式 There are several potential types of machinery that can benefit from the use of a synthetic food grade lubricant. The primary applications are listed on this slide.

气体压缩机的应用—惰性气体 聚烯烃(PAOs) : CP-4624-F 系列 聚醚类(PAGs) :CP-1518-F 系列 二氧化碳 乙烯 氮气 聚醚类(PAGs) :CP-1518-F 系列 氢气 氦气 Inert gas applications benefits from the use of both the PAO and PAG based lubricants. Carbon dioxide compression is often used in the bottling of carbonated drinks. The low vapor pressure of the PAO prevents carryover into the gas. Similarly, ethylene is often used as a precursor for many plastics. The purity of the gas is critical. PAG based chemistry is often used in hydrogen and helium applications due to the low affinity of the lubricant to these gasses.

空气压缩机的应用—螺杆式压缩机 (CP-4600-F系列) 主要使用聚烯烃 (PAOs)材料 可延长换油周期4~8倍 低的油品挥发性 低的油品消耗量 低的油泥及胶质的形成 降低维护的需要 延长轴承寿命 The CP-4600-F series is the standard lubricant for use in food grade rotary screw compressors. This lubricant is rated for 4000 hours use at 808C discharge temperature. Lower discharge temperatures will further extend the lubricant life. The primary benefits of using this lubricant type are the low oil carryover, extended life and reduced maintenance. Another benefit to this product is that it is completely demulsible with water.

粘度及抗氧化剂(重量百分比)的时间函数图—CP-4600-32-F 粘度 / % 抗氧化剂 100 75 50 25 This slide illustrates how the CP-4600-F series lubricant is able to maintain it’s viscosity during operation. The antioxidants that are present in the product act as sacrificial chemicals, and are depleted with time. 100 500 1500 2000 3000 6000 8000 10000 时间 (小时)

空气压缩机的应用—螺旋叶片式及活塞式(CP-4608-F) 较高的粘度配方需求 延长换油间距 减低在阀门上的沉积物 润滑及设备的综合考量 减少在空气经过途径的润滑油 延长阀门的寿命 The CP-4608-F series food grade lubricants are the products to apply to reciprocating and rotary vane compressors that require a lubricant that is suitable for direct food contact. The typical viscosity's used in this application are 68-150 ISO. CP-4608-F series lubricants contain an antiwear additive to prevent sliding wear.

液压设备的应用 使用聚烯烃(PAOs)材料再加上适当的添加剂 在低温的润滑情况的改善效果非常显著 热稳定性 氧化稳定性 水解稳定性 改善的破乳化性可保护系统 增加效率 This slide outlines the advantages of using a PAO based food grade lubricant in hydraulic applications.

液压油 系统压力超过 1000 PSI 系统压力在 1000 PSI以下 正确的粘度 聚烯烃(PAO) 材料: CP-4608-32, -46, -68-F 半合成(HT)加氢裂解材料: CP-9000-32, -46, -68, FMO-32-68 系统压力在 1000 PSI以下 聚烯烃(PAO) 材料: CP-4601-32, -46, -68 半合成(HT)加氢裂解材料: CP-9001-32, -46, -68, FMO-32-68 正确的粘度 This slide provides a guideline for food grade and non-food grade based lubricants for use in hydraulic applications. The typical viscosity range for hydraulic lubricants is 32-68 ISO.

齿轮油的应用 聚烯烃(PAOs)和聚醚类( PAGs) 较高负载以及操作温度 改善的效率 改善的负载/极压特性 The primary requirement a lubricant in a gear box application, is that it is able to withstand the higher loading and operating temperatures generated by the meshing of the gears. The extremely high film forming tendencies of the synthetic lubricants makes them an ideal candidate for this application when a food grade approval is required.

FZG 极压齿轮试验 (ISO 220) 白矿油 聚醚类 聚烯烃 0 5 10 15 20 基础油 含添加剂成品油 This chart illustrates the ability of the PAO and PAG based lubricant to handle significantly higher loads. The test used is the FZG test. 0 5 10 15 20 基础油 含添加剂成品油

工业齿轮油 合成油 聚烯烃(PAO) - CP-4617-F 系列 (H-1) 聚醚类(PAG) - CP-1520 (H-2) 半合成油 CPI FMO 系列 (H-1) 用于低负载 The following is a product recommendation list for CPI’s Food grade and non-food grade lubricants.

链条上的应用 CP-4608-F, FMO, CP-9078, CP-4678-F 使用聚烯烃(PAOs)在 低温特性的要求 改善的流动性可降低磨损 用增粘剂来改善链条的附着性 高速链条 悬挂式链条 降低油品消耗 The low temperature characteristics of the PAO base fluids make them the ideal product for use in low temperature chains. The improved fluidity of these products reduces loss of lubrication problems that can be experienced with mineral oil based fluids. In addition, CPI has formulated these products to be able to tightly adhere to high speed chains. This reduces oil consumption.

链条的应用 链条油 温度 CP-9078-68, -100 环境温度到- 70°C FMO-68 -100 链条油 温度 CP-9078-68, -100 环境温度到- 70°C FMO-68 -100 CP-4678-68, -100-F 70 - 95°C CP-4208-220, -320 95 - 250°C CP-4608-15-F -55°C 到环境温度 This table outlines CPI’s product recommendations for use in food grade and non-food grade applications.

滑脂的应用 调配的聚烯烃(PAO) 滑脂 对氧化的抵抗 高温的功能 低温的功能 低的挥发性 对水冲刷的抵抗 对化学品反应(攻击)的抵抗 CPI offers a food grade PAO grease for use in food grade applications. This product offers the advantages of the PAO basestocks, and is compatible with the other CPI lubricants. One of the most beneficial aspects of using a PAO based grease is the resistance to water washout that often occurs with mineral oil based greases.

未来的发展—解决困难 极端的温度 较高的负载 对磨损保护的改善 减少废油