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2009年大學學測英文作文22,462人考零分!一個英文句子都寫不出來!Why? 「看圖作文題」: 用地震災難圖片要考生寫出文長120單字的短篇作文。貼近生活經驗;測驗考生的英文基本寫作能力、詞彙、時態與文法結構之運用。 earthquake = earth + quake (Sichuan earthquake, May 12, 2008) looking at, photograph, sad, amazed, tragic, natural disaster, people killed, missing, survive, survivors, houses collapsed, classrooms were ruined, destroyed, rebuild, construction a farmer, approached, examined, government, protect lives

大學學測、指考的基本內涵與啟示 人類對外太空所知非常有限,但長久以來,我們對它卻很感興趣。 Human (Mankind’s) knowledge of the outer space is very limited, but we are very much Interested in it for a long time. 詞彙應用 語法練習及綜合測驗 「說、寫、譯」練習;閱讀理解 ;知識內涵 提昇英語文能力以邁向國際化、指考、學測、全民英檢、拓福、多益… 大學學測、指考的基本內涵與啟示 太空科技的快速發展,使我們得以探索它的奧秘。 The rapid development of space technology has enabled us to explore its mystery. Neil Armstrong 1969

2007 大學指考 - English

從寫作與翻譯顯視的中學生(高職生)英語文潛能,絕不可忽視。 This writing is not that bad. However, it reflects the proper teaching strategies urgently needed by the English teachers .

Vocabulary, Syntactic (Grammatical) Errors, Contents, Organization, … What if the world without electricity? We may live in the dark at night, working in the office without aircondition, and the worst thing is that we can not use the computer. In (our) daily life, the computers are used to deal with great numbers of statistices, and the communication in long distance. However, there will be a lot of inconvience if we lived without electricity. It is very bad that live in the world without electricity. We can not live as our acients millions before. Electricity, however, is the singificant power to make the world go around. The stockmarket in the Wall street will dissappear without it. The most important for me is that I can not hear any good songs on my iPod. I am a music-addicted. Secondly, I may throw my XBOX 360 into the garbage, if it cannot start without power. After all, the electricity provide us a very convience life, and we are no longer living on earth without it. (A student’s writing for the exam.) Meaningful reading and discussion can help eliminate the errors.

毫無範圍的英文考試內涵,只有靠閱讀素養來因應。 2007 大學指考 - English 毫無範圍的英文考試內涵,只有靠閱讀素養來因應。

專書 Books 雜誌 Journals, Magazines 報紙 Newspapers/News 社群媒體 Social Media Reading. Reading. Reading! (Literacy) 閱讀第一、背景知識 Develop writing and speaking skills through extensive reading. Writing as a metalinguistic (metacognitive) activity (Olson 1997; Little 2008) 專書 Books 雜誌 Journals, Magazines 報紙 Newspapers/News 社群媒體 Social Media 電影、電視 Films, TV 網際網路 the Internet 智慧型手機閱讀 Smartphone Michael Phelps 2016

融入國際文化與教育環境,進而落實學習成就與跨文化溝通,並建構未來志業。 Effective interaction: Adjustment with local culture, value and motivation 融入國際文化與教育環境,進而落實學習成就與跨文化溝通,並建構未來志業。

能力本位的學習模式: 以互動式學習建構英語文聽、說、讀、寫、譯能力 (善用並珍惜各大學所提供的國際化教育環境,與外籍學生互動的機會) May 2009


藉由博雅教育與多元學習創造成就感並肯定自我能力。 The perils of prostitution Saturday, Apr 17, 2010, Page 8 Kudos to the Taipei Times for your article on prostitution (“Sex workers coerced into trade,” April 12, page 2), reversing the popular myth that many young girls voluntarily enter the sex industry merely for money. A study by The Garden of Hope Foundation found that 60 percent of young sex workers are victims of coercion or deceit. The others, who are needy, have no choice but to become prostitutes. Most of them are controlled by large brothel groups. They did not volunteer to be sex workers. As the Taipei City Department of Social Welfare’s Chen Shu-chuan (陳淑娟) said, “Many of the girls are desperate for money, for care, or for love.” During the Victorian era in the UK, some young girls from the working class were sacrificed for the sake of their families to work as prostitutes. For example, Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles depicted how a mother intended to sell her daughter to cover living expenses. In the 19th century, girls were used in this way to get money for their needy families. However, in the 21st century, some underage girls are still forced to be sex workers for the sake of financial survival. A NOWnews article on Monday told the story of Fenfen (芬芬), whose father forced her into the sex trade when she was eight. The sad case of this girl is a typical one, characterizing the malfunctioning of our social system. The Garden of Hope study found that some of the young girls are deceived by their parents and friends. Most of these young girls in the sex trade are not in it for easy money. They are in fact victims. As a mother of a six-year-old girl, I read this report with grave concern. This issue relates to social problems and education. What can we do to safeguard these young kids? Love and care are the most treasured elements in the family and in school education. First, teachers should not only take care of students’ studies, but also take their family conditions into account. Second, establishing positive values is parents’ most important responsibility to their children. Third, reinforcing family ethics is indispensable in our modern society. Finally, with love and care, our children may steer clear of being deceived by prostitution syndicates. All women and girls should be treated fairly in terms of the humanistic concept of “gender equality,” a theme which has been globally proclaimed. It is everybody’s responsibility to rebuild a society of compassion and harmony. Irene Wang Taipei 藉由博雅教育與多元學習創造成就感並肯定自我能力。

Beyond the EMI classroom: Prospects and challenge of fostering students’ academic learning outcome and holistic language skills by presenting papers off campus: Tungnan Univ 2012, Kaohsiung Univ of Hospitality/Tourism 2012 The joy of academic accomplishment through EMI and personal empowerment

邁向國際:南向政策的務實作為 ICS India

“Stakeholders: Teachers, Students, Workplace. 2005: Sophomore /EMI 2016: Supervisor Tsai Lee & Chen Patent Attorneys & Attorney at Law 2006: Junior /EMI 2016: Special assistant, htc “Stakeholders: Teachers, Students, Workplace. Students + EMI universities = Success!!!” (Bergman, 2015) 1988: NTU

it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way.... Charles Dickens 1812 -- 1870 雙城記 這是最好的時代,也是最壞的時代; 這是智慧的時代,也是愚蠢的時代; 這是篤信的時代,也是疑慮的時代; 這是光明的季節,也是黑暗的季節; 這是希望的春天,也是絕望的冬天; 我們什麼都有, 也什麼都沒有; 我們全都會上天堂, 也全都會下地獄。

All we need to have is faith, and that dream will come true. As Carl Sandburg said, all we need to begin with is a dream that we can do better than before. All we need to have is faith, and that dream will come true. All we need to do is act, and the time for action is now. (Economic Recovery Program April 28, 1981) Reagan in Congress for Economic Recovery Program April 28, 1981

Thank you Q & A

李振清 Prof. Chen-ching Li, Ph.D. 教育部國家教育研究院學術名詞審譯委員會召集人 世新大學英語系終身榮譽教授 美國夏威夷大學 (University of Hawaii) 語言學博士 專長:英語教學法、英文閱讀、英文寫作、口譯、國際文教研究、研究方法 主要經歷: 世新大學人文社會學院院長 (2003-2006) 教育部國際文教處處長 (1997-2003) 駐美國台北經濟文化代表處(華盛頓)文化參事兼文化組組長 (1992-1997) 美國馬利蘭大學亞洲與東歐語言文化系兼任教授 (1993-2000) 國立台灣師範大學英語系及英語研究所教授 (1980-1992) 國立台灣師範大學國語教學中心主任 (1980-1990) 國立台灣大學外國語文學系兼任教授 (1983-1989) 美國夏威夷大學東亞語言及文學系客座副教授(1985-1986) 美國Monterey Institute of International Studies翻譯學客座研究教授 (1989) 亞太經合會教育論壇國際協調人(International Coordinator, APEC HRD EDNET) (1998-2002) 國立空中大學(華視) 《實用英文》、《英文文選》、《基礎英文》著作與電視節目主講 (1980-1992) 最近著述/評論: 《臺灣翻譯發展與人才培策略研究》,編著。國家教育研究院.。106. 07. 《紐約時報英文解析》I-IV 冊,編著。聯經出版社。 83 - 87. 〈科學探索黑暗 人性本質是燭光〉 。《聯合報》 106. 06. 12. 〈落實研究方法與學術倫理素養,重建高等教育品質〉。 《台灣教育》703期(106. 02)、頁2-14。 〈提升雙向國際交流品質,化解高教與人才危機。 〉 《台灣教育》689期(103. 10)、頁8-18。 〈家庭教育是品格教育的根源〉,《聯合報》 103. 05. 26. 〈建構台灣高等教育新視野的挑戰:危機與轉機〉《台灣教育》 102. 12. 684期:頁2-13. 〈提升公務人員英語能力的基本策略〉, 《研習論壇月刊》144期(101. 4)、頁17-28。 〈親職素養與家長參與教育之新趨勢〉 《台灣教育》 100. 7. 669期: 頁2-14. 〈英文作文錯誤分析與研究〉,著。 東華書局。78. 09.