A Threshold C-E Translation Course for Advanced EFL Students


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Presentation transcript:

A Threshold C-E Translation Course for Advanced EFL Students Translation Theory & Practice(2) Course No. 1400142 A Threshold C-E Translation Course for Advanced EFL Students Lecturer:

This course is a mind-opener for beginners in learning Chinese-English translation. Amen!

1.The fourfold goal of the course: The course is designed: Key items of the Course Syllabus 1.The fourfold goal of the course: The course is designed: To help you acquire a clear and adequate understanding of English syntax and English communicative rhetoric; To introduce to you the common ground and differences between English and Chinese in making sentences;

To acquaint you with the main principles and criteria governing C - E translation practices; To equip you with some necessary theory about translation and with the fundamental strategy and system of skills of translating sentences and texts.

2. Textbooks: 英语应用:汉英翻译( Applying English for Practical Purpose: Translating from Chinese Into English. ). 王晓农. 北京: 中国电力出版社, 2005. 汉英翻译基础. 陈宏薇. 上海: 外语教育出版社, 1998.

For a better learning result, it is strongly suggested that you study read: 句法与翻译. 李玉陈. 2004. Also: 汉英时文翻译. 贾文波. 2000. 汉英对比翻译导论. 邵志洪 . 2005. 口译证书:高级翻译教程. 孙万彪 王恩铭. 2004.

And: The weekly Beijing Review can be a source of information for you to keep in touch with the hot current affairs of China reported in English, and the Journal of Chinese Translators, a major domestic source of information for academic and theoretical pursuits of translation issues.

3. Course requirements: Presence, Participation, & Assignment 30%; Final Exam 70%. 4. Format of Written Assignments: Following the same requirements

Lecture One Introducing C-E Translation

I. C-E translation ---As the most important subject for developing your ability to use English ---The target language & the target readers ---The English idiom & linguistic esthetics ---Consultation to various information sources

II.1. Basic concept C-E translation typically as a process of reproducing in the English language the closest natural equivalent of the Chinese language message, first in terms of substance and secondly in terms of structure and style.

II. 2. Basic procedure From reading to translating is a process of reincarnation. 1) Understand the meaning of the contextualized words, and on a word-by-word basis, the phrases, clauses, and sentences in the original on the basis of such factors as:

A. Linguistic context: (1)他的英语水平比我高。 (2)各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。 (3)他这次考试水平发挥地比较好。 (4)必须提高管理水平,向管理要效益。

Collocation: (5)那个小孩闯到马路中间,一个警察赶紧抓住他的手,把他拉到安全地方。 (6)那个受惊吓的小孩紧紧抓住母亲的手。

B. The intended objects or ideas referred to in the original: (7) 他总觉得自己只是个为别人做嫁衣裳的打工仔。

C. Force of lexical meaning (8) 有些日本人企图粉饰日本侵略军对中国人民的暴行激起了中国人民的极大愤怒。

D. Laudatory / derogatory implication: (9) 他们说上翻译课就是要讨论理论问题;我说没有实践支持,谈理论只能是空谈。

E. Logic relationship conveyed in the original implicitly or explicitly: (10) 中国的发展与进步,不会对任何人构成威胁。 (11) 只有抓住机会,发挥优势,才能最终获得市场。

F. Background knowledge: (12) 明代郑和“七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。

2) Reproduce the original information contained in the original substance, structure, and style. (13) 我多么希望有机会出国进修,提高自己的业务水平。

(14) 这次会议将达成一项保护知识产权的协定以遏制盗版恶流的蔓延。

(15) 我们的先哲通过观察宇宙万物变动不居,提出了“天行健,君子以自强不息”的思想,成为激励中国人民变革创新、努力奋斗的精神力量。

卦辞:Commentaries 卦象:Divinatory symbols 八卦:The Eight Trigrams 易经:The Book of Changes (I-Ching; Yi-Jing) 乾象:天行健,君子以自强不息 (君子自励犹天之运行不息,不得有一暴十寒之弊;且学者立志,犹须坚思强毅,虽颠沛流离;不屈不挠) A gentleman should exert himself unceasingly just like the constantly operating Heaven, never subjecting to the practice of slackening oneself for lack of perseverance.

坤象:地势坤,君子以厚德载物 (君子接物,度量宽厚如大地之博,无所不载;君子责己甚厚,责人甚轻) A gentleman should be broad minded when getting along with other people, just like the vast earth that carries everything on it. He should be stricter with himself and tolerant to others.

(15) 我们的先哲通过观察宇宙万物变动不居,提出了“天行健,君子以自强不息”的思想,成为激励中国人民变革创新、努力奋斗的精神力量。 Through observing the changing nature of all things in the universe, ancient Chinese philosophers proposed the following doctrine: “Heaven operates vigorously, and gentlemen exert to strengthen themselves unceasingly”, which has become an important moral force for spurring the Chinese people to work hard for change and innovation. (literal translation)

3) Polish and proofread

Exercise A: Exercise B:

Preview work for the lecture next week: A Syntactic Approach to C-E Translation (1): Clarification & Illustration

Thank You & Goodbye!