泌尿系统疾病 课程介绍 Diseases & Disorders of Urinary System BEA Confidential
Urinary system-----人体下水道?
Function of Urinary System Urine Production Nephron Nephrology Micturition Urinary Tract Urology
Nephron---Basic unit of kidney Structural and functional How many nephron in a kidney? How does nephron work? What cause malfunction of nephron? What happens if nephron does not work?
Kidney --- vital to life 0.5 billion with kidney problem Chronic kidney disease: Global public health problem After Cardiovascular disease Cancer Diabetes
Uremia--- Late stage of CKD Renal Failure Edema Hypertension Anemia ………… Renal Replacement Dialysis Kidney Transplantation
Story of Alonzo Mourning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alonzo_Mourning On November 25, 2003, Mourning's cousin and a retired U. S. Marine, Jason Cooper, was visiting Mourning's gravely ill grandmother in the hospital. Mourning's father was present and informed Cooper that Mourning was retiring that very same day from the NBA because of a life-threatening kidney disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, the same problem that Sean Elliott had in 1999. Cooper asked if there was anything he could do, and began to contemplate donating one of his kidneys to his estranged cousin, whom he had not seen in 25 years and whom he only knew through basketball. Cooper was tested for compatibility, along with many other family members and friends (including fellow NBA center and good friend Patrick Ewing); during his grandmother's funeral, Mourning received the news that Jason Cooper was a match. Mourning received Cooper's left kidney on December 19, 2003. BEA Confidential
Urinary Tract Upper urinary tract Lower urinary tract Renal collecting system Pelvis and Calices Ureter Lower urinary tract Bladder Urethra
Expell the urine out of the body ----- How? Kidney Persistent excretion Bladder Intermittent micturition One way of Urine flow Structural and functional
Benign prostate hyperplasia Micturition reflex Dream of aging male ? Benign prostate hyperplasia Prostate cancer
Urinary Tract --- Openning to external enviroments Pathogensis Retrograde infection Urinary Obstruction Clinical Manifestation Abnormal Urine Abnormal Urination
Urinary Tract --- Openning to external enviroments
Transurethral Cystoscopy
Transuretheral ureteroscopy
Percutaneous Nephroscopy Lithotripsy Percutaneous Nephroscopy
One of the Innovations of Urology ---- Laparoscopic Surgery You name it ! Nephrectomy Partcial Nephrectomy Radical Cystectomy Radical Prostatectomy How about Dissection of Inguinal lymph node?
Laparoscopic Bilateral Inguinal lymphadenectomy
Now,the core concern is coming……. How to be a good doctor ?
医学之所以神圣,是因为 病人的利益永远在第一位
How to be a good doctor ? 病人心目中的好医生 When you are treating the patients, they are watching and judging you. Be professional, Beyond Professional Care + Service Care + Service Knowledgeable + Skillful Knowledgeable + Skillful Experienced + Creative
课程安排 Kidney Urinary Tract 大课 见习 技能训练 病案讨论(PBL/TBL) 学时 47 20 4 2 81 慢性 急性 肾小球炎 肾衰 透析 肾盂肾炎 Kidney 肾脏生理 肾脏病生 病理 功能检测 结石 畸形 肿瘤 移植 结核 损伤 Urinary Tract 影像学 组胚发生 梗阻病生
考核方式 泌尿系统疾病课程-考核评估 考核方式 权重 时间 备注 基础知识 半期考试 20% 10月30日 闭卷笔试,前半学期基础部分 基本理论 期末笔试 40% 学校安排 闭卷笔试,基础20%+临床80% 基本技能 考查 15% 见习 10次见习,每次10分,共计100分,折算权重15% 应用能力 TBL和PBL 组内成员评价80%,导师评价20%,总分100分,折算权重15% 职业素养 考勤 5% 不定时 助教大课抽查,课前课后抽查迟到、早退,发现1次扣完 终身学习 自我学习 课程网站 助教负责安排通知,每完成1次加1分,满分不超过5分。 总计 100
课程师资 课程指导教授: 魏 强 教授,四川大学华西医院泌尿外科 付 平 教授,四川大学华西医院肾脏内科 课程 负 责 人: 魏 强 教授,四川大学华西医院泌尿外科 付 平 教授,四川大学华西医院肾脏内科 课程 负 责 人: 李 响 教授, 四川大学华西医院泌尿外科 何亚萍 副教授,四川大学基础医学院生理学教研室 授课教师:包括解剖学、组胚、生理、病生、影像、内外科等多位经验丰富教师 多学科一体化的整合课程体系基础
课程负责人或教学秘书及助教联系方式 本课程中心网站网址 课程负责人: 李 响-华西医院泌尿外科 助教: 邱 实-华西临床医学院泌尿外科 18200449076 刘 菁-华西临床医学院肾脏内科 15102837860 本课程中心网站网址 http://cc.scu.edu.cn/G2S/Template/View.aspx?action=view&courseType=0&courseId=2811
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