The Psychological Approach: Freud


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Presentation transcript:

The Psychological Approach: Freud

Freud’s Theories Like iceberg, the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface (below the level of consciousness) The foundation of Freud’s contribution to modern psychology is his emphasis on the unconscious aspects of the human psyche.

Freud’s Dream interpretation Symbol Interpretation Smooth-fronted house Male body House with ledges, balconies Female body King and queen Parents Small animals Children Playing with children Masturbation Baldness, tooth extraction Castration Elongated objects (like tree trunks, umbrellas, neckties, snakes, candles) Male genitals Enclosed spaces(like boxes, ovens, closets, caves, pockets) Female genitals Climbing stairs or ladders; driving cars; riding horses; crossing bridges Sexual intercourse Bathing Birth Beginning a journey Dying Bing naked in a crowd Desiring to be noticed Flying Desiring to be admired Falling Desiring to return to a state such as childhood where one is satisfied and protected

Sigmund Freud Born Sigmund Schlomo Freud 6 May 1856, the Czech Republic Died 23 September 1939 (aged 83) London, England, UK Residence Austria, UK Nationality Austrian Ethnicity Ashkenazi Jew Fields Neurology Philosophy Psychiatry Psychology Psychotherapy Psychoanalysis Literature

Sigmund Freud Alma mater University of Vienna Known for Psychoanalysis Influences Arthur Schopenhauer Friedrich Nietzsche Jean-Martin Charcot Josef Breuer J.P. Jacobsen Influenced John Bowlby Viktor Frankl Anna Freud Ernest Jones Carl Jung Melanie Klein Jacques Lacan Fritz Perls Otto Rank Wilhelm Reich Stanley Kubrick Notable awards Goethe Prize

Psychoanalysis is a body of ideas developed by Austrian physician Sigmund Freud and continued by others. Sigmund Freud, by Max Halberstadt, 1921 Group photo 1909 in front of Clark University. Front row: Sigmund Freud,G. Stanley Hall, Carl Jung; back row: Abraham A. Brill, Ernest Jones, Sandor Ferenczi.

Freud’s second major premise is that all human behavior is motivated ultimately by what we would call sexuality. Freud in 1931 with his chow dogs in Potzieinsdorf, near Vienna. He was known as 'The Clock Man,‘ because he lived his life to such a tight timetable.

Freud’s third premise is that because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses, many of our desires and memories are repressed ( that is, actively excluded from conscious awareness).

Several corollaries of Freudian theory Freud abandoned the idea of the system unconscious, replacing it with the concept of the ego, super-ego, and id. Throughout his career, however, he retained the descriptive and dynamic conceptions of the unconscious. The id is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all psychic energy. It fulfills the primordial life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle. Freud’s assignment of the mental processes to three psyche zones: the id, the ego, and the superego.

Ego is the rational governing agents of the psyche Ego is the rational governing agents of the psyche. Though the ego lacks the strong vitality of the id, it regulates the instinctual drives of the id so that they may be released in nondestructive behavioral patterns.

Acting either directly or through the ego, the superego serves to repress or inhibit the drives of the id, to block of and thrust back into the unconscious those impulses toward pleasure that society regards as unacceptable. The other regulating agent, that which primarily functions to protect society, is the superego.

Whereas the id is dominated by the pleasure principle and the ego by the reality principle, the superego is dominated by the morality principle.

The Psychological Approach in Practice The usual Oedipal triangle of mother, son, and father has been altered by the addition of Claudius in place of Hamlet's original father.  No wonder Hamlet looks disturbed.  (from the Branagh version) Ernest Jones points out that Hamlet as a psychoneurotic who suffers from manic-depressive hysteria combined with an abulia– all of which may be traced to the hero’s severely repressed Oedipal feelings.

the character of the ghost and Claudius are dramatic projections of Hamlet’s own conscious-unconscious ambivalence toward the father figure. The ghost represents the conscious ideal of fatherhood. His view of Claudius represents Hamlet’s repressed hostility toward his father as a rival for his mother’s affection. Richard Dadd's 1840 oil painting of the closet scene.

C. Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus Prometheus Manqué: The Monster Unbound Rebellions against the restrictions of patriarchal authority The Father must die, either symbolically or literally Projection of his creator’s id The monstrous consequences of libidinous obsession, unchecked by ego and ungoverned by superego

Young Goodman Brown: Id Verses Superego The village is a place of light and order, both social and spiritual order. Brown leaves Faith behind the town at sunset and returns to Faith in the morning. The journey into the wildness is taken in the night. Illustration of Brown entering the heart of darkness

The village, as a place of social and moral order is analogous to Freud’s superego, conscience, the morally inhibiting agent of the psyche; the forest, as a place of wild, untamed passions and terrors, has the attributes of the Freudian id. As mediator between these opposing forces, Brown resembles the poor ego, which tries to effect a healthy balance

E、Death wish in Poe’s fiction Marie Bonaparte’s Life and works of Edgar Allan Poe Her main thesis is that Poe’s life and works are informed throughout by the Oedipal complex: hatred of father and psychopathic love of mother The mother’s fixation is the matrix for Poe’s poetry and fiction. Even his fatal weakness for drink is explained as a form of escape that enables him to remain faithful to his dead mother.

F. Love and death in Blake’s “Sick Rose” Romanticism is related to the unconscious – as opposed to Classicism, which, with its emphasis on restraint and order, is oriented toward the conscious, particularly the ego and superego. The sexual implication of Blake’s imagery are readily discernible. The rose is a classic symbol of agent of masculine sexuality; the worm, symbol of death, of decay, and also of the phallus(worm =serpent=sexual instinct) In “Ulalume,” flying as a symbol of sexual intercourse Image of the night, darkness, and howling storm suggest attributes of the unconscious or the id, as in the forest.

G. Sexual imagery in “To His Coy Mistress” Juxtaposition: begins with stating an impossble condition. In first stanza, the speaker has managed to refine his seductive motive of all its grossness. From eternal burning of a vegetable passion, in the face of reality, we see that all love must at last end in ashes- just as all chastity must end, the same as sexual profligacy, in dust. Fire, in the unconscious, is the classic symbol of urethral eroticism. The eating-biting metaphor(oral eroticism in its primal form) is fused with the flying symbol in “amorous birds of prey.”

H. Morality over the pleasure principle in “Everyday Use” Two symbolic components of Freudian theory: the superego and the id Maggie is clearly associated with two basic characteristics of the superego: order(the clean, neat yard) and guilt(shame over her appearance in social situations) Maggie with the superego; Dee’s affinity with the Freudian id. The id is not only amoral but totally self-centered and asocial. Dee is representing of the ego, caught momentarily in precarious tension between the pleasure principle and the morality principle. Freudian critic might put it, “Ego, bolstered by superego, has regulated the id.”

III. Other Possibilities and Limitations of the Psychological Approach If accept the premises—difficult to refute Impact upon modern writing Upon modern literary criticism Danger: Freud’s theory is not the only approach to literary analysis Though it’s useful, not only limited in this approach—still learn more

Limitations Psychological Approach makes it very easy for the reader to treat the fictional characters as real human beings (best example: Hamlet) Analyzer is not omniscient: As Freud’s own difficulty in analyzing his object (e.g. Dora) shows, sometimes in the process of analysis, the “analyzer” must also consider his/her own psychology and bias before applying this approach.

Possibilities Freud’s hypothesis have been modified and corrected, (therefore not deemed as absolute Truth) even within the discipline of psychology studies. For example, the current trend of the related science is in linking our mind/emotion to genetic and biophysical origins other than merely psychological origins.

Limitations and Possibilities The greatest danger of misusing psychoanalysis is to try applying it to everybody’s every action. This oversimplifies the complexity of the human life. E.g. While Freud gave one of the most ingenious insight of Hamlet in history. If we nail Hamlet’s every decision and trouble to Oedipus Complex then the play Hamlet will lose most of its meanings and become just a family melodrama. We human beings often do things for more than one motivation. Psychoanalysis is not an “answer-for-all-questions”, it is Freud’s way to remind us that we don’t always understand ourselves, that there is always something hidden for we to search.

Related Sources about Freud Maier, Norman R. F. A Psychological Approach to Literary Criticism. Folcroft Library Editions,1972. Jacobs, Michael. Sigmund Freud. London :SAGE P, 2003. Guttman, Samuel A. The Concordance to the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. N.Y. :International U P,1984. Sigmund Freud Museum

《追憶似水年華》Le Temps Retrouve 158m/1999/法國 導演/編劇:《三死一生》勞爾魯斯 Raoul RUIZ 原著:馬塞爾普魯斯特 Marcel PROUST 演員:《鍾愛一生》凱薩琳丹妮芙 Catherine DENEUVE 《今生情未了》艾曼紐琵雅 Emmanuelle BEART 《瑪歌皇后》文森培瑞茲 Vincent PEREZ 《在雲端上的情與慾》約翰馬可維奇 John MALKOVICH

A first galley proof of À la recherche du temps perdu: Du côté de chez Swannwith Proust's handwritten corrections.

作者簡介 普魯斯特(Marcel Proust,1871年7月10日—1922年11月18日),出生時命名Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust,生於法國奧特伊(Auteuil)。父親為醫生,母親為猶太裔。遭到紀德為編審委員之一的出版社退稿後,終於在1913年出版《追憶似水年華》第一部《在斯萬家那邊》。1922年過世前本書只出版三部,第二部《在少女們身旁》獲法國龔固爾文學獎肯定,全套書直至1927年才完整出齊。 普魯斯特與當時巴黎名流及藝術家皆有接觸及認識,晚年長住巴黎,因精神狀況不佳影響生理,在生前最後兩年長期獨處自我封閉,雖時有客人來訪,或宴會邀約,但皆不久留,過著與外界隔絕的生活。完成巨作《追憶似水年華》,成為普魯斯特一生渴望完成的終極目標。 葛林(Graham Greene)譽普魯斯特為「二十世紀最偉大的小說家」 「經過精心選擇,並由一連串圖景和形象表現出來的時刻去完成這一召喚。」  --納博科夫

內容簡介 之所以成為小說藝術的巔峰經典, 是因為它不是一部過去的描繪, 而是對往日的召喚。 之所以成為小說藝術的巔峰經典,  是因為它不是一部過去的描繪,  而是對往日的召喚。  創作藝術的關鍵,在於重塑再造個過程。普魯斯特精心計算出這一連串的意象和詞彙,細緻描繪出某段時間,達到他想達到的藝術成就。整部作品從第一句:「在很長一段時間裡,我都是早早就躺下了。」開始布下敘述的情緒。因為追憶過去描述,及強烈藝術表現企圖,整部作品不停圍繞著「彷彿」。 當時巴黎社會各種角度的現實在這部巨作中精準呈現。普魯斯特父親身為精神醫學專家,也讓他耳濡目染接受當時已經相當盛行的精神科學研究。書中對人物的設計,幾乎可見當時所知的所有精神狀況。普魯斯特交遊廣闊,在社會各階層觀察細微,對音樂、藝術、文學、花草、人物無不精深,讓作品中四處可見相關的知識。所有人物描述都透過他人角度的破碎片段,組成人性的各種面向。創造出十九世紀末已經進入的現代文學脈絡。

內容簡介 這部作品細膩刻畫出19世紀末、20世紀初的法國上流社會、文人雅士,從單純地描寫人類社會轉向對人類心理情緒的分析,完成了在文學作品中對人類情感的第一次成熟地剖析,開「意識流」小說之先河,成為文學史上新的文學形式發軔的標誌。作品的總體構架是敘述者對所經歷的往事的回顧,而這種回顧是與遺忘的一種抗爭。同時這部作品是第一部以記敘一部作品的誕生為題材的著作,普魯斯特認為人的生活只有在回憶中才形成「真實的生活」,「回憶中的生活比當時當地的現實生活更為現實」;安得烈·莫羅亞在序中就提到:「唯一真實的樂園是人們失去的樂園」,而「幸福的歲月是失去的歲月。」 小說第一卷《在斯萬家那邊》中的第二部分,《斯萬之戀》(Un amour de Swann),常常單獨出版。其主要內容是查爾斯·斯萬和奧黛特·德·克雷西之間的愛情故事。這一部分篇幅較短、獨立性較強,因此被認為是初讀《追憶逝水年華》最好的選擇,在法國的一些學校中被作為法語課或哲學課的重要閱讀材料來研讀。

第一卷 《追憶似水年華》以第一人稱描寫,敘述者馬塞爾患有重度失眠症,經常處於半睡半醒的狀態,開始回憶起童年時在貢佈雷的生活。男主人翁年幼時的體弱多病,敏感異常,有一年夏天晚上,鄰居斯萬先生,沒有斯萬夫人奧黛特陪同,來看望敘述者的父母。敘述者睡前等不到母親的親吻,心裡非常難受。有一年冬天,他把瑪德萊娜小蛋糕浸泡在茶水中吃,這味道使他想起他童年時在萊奧妮姨媽家裡。在貢佈雷家,有兩條步行小道,一條通往斯萬家,稱為斯萬家之路,另一條通往蓋爾芒特府邸,稱為蓋爾芒特家之路。斯萬先生在劇院裏結識了交際花奧黛特·德·克雷西,事實上是一名高級妓女,一開始斯萬先生不喜歡她,後來逐漸愛上她。維爾迪蘭夫人覺得斯萬令人厭煩,便不再邀請他。

第二卷 這時男主人翁又開始進入回憶狀態。他在貢布雷遇見斯萬漂亮的女兒希爾貝特·斯萬,經常同她一起玩耍。一天他收到希爾貝特的來信,她請他到家裡來吃點心,他如約赴宴,在斯萬家聽到別人談論阿爾貝蒂娜。舊日同學布洛克帶他去嫖妓。媽媽桑向他介紹一位名叫拉謝爾的妓女。後來希爾貝特·斯萬刻意迴避他,兩人的感情日漸淡薄。 兩年後,外婆帶著他和女僕弗朗索瓦絲同去海濱城市巴爾貝克,外婆向他介紹了維爾巴里西斯侯爵夫人,並乘車出遊,認識了侯爵夫人的外孫羅貝爾·德·聖盧。兩人很快成為好朋友。聖盧後來成為希爾貝特的丈夫。馬塞爾經由畫家艾爾斯蒂爾認識了阿爾貝蒂娜·西蒙納,馬塞爾漸漸愛上了她。

第三卷 回到巴黎後,父母親蓋了新房子,大夥一起討論新房子的議題。這時發生了全法國沸騰的「德雷福斯事件」。 聖盧在東錫埃爾服兵役,男主人翁想去探望。由於聖盧的牽線,在歌劇院,在東錫埃爾府邸,在韋爾珀里齊夫人的繁華沙龍中,馬塞爾受到優厚的款待。 一日男主人翁陪外婆到香榭麗舍大街散步,外婆的尿毒症突然發作。不久去世。馬塞爾的母親知道他暗戀蓋爾芒特公爵夫人。 男主人翁參加維爾巴里西斯夫人的晚會,見到蓋爾芒特公爵夫人,他心裡暗暗愛慕著蓋爾芒特公爵夫人。還結識了夏爾呂斯男爵。

第四卷 馬塞爾第二次來到巴爾貝克海濱,偶然遇到阿爾貝蒂娜,又恢復了親密交往,兩人在舞會、花園和遊樂場中盡情歡樂。最後馬塞爾還是決定娶她為妻。

第五卷 馬塞爾與阿爾貝蒂娜在巴黎同居,阿爾貝蒂娜跟一個名叫安德萊的女子很要好,馬塞爾懷疑她們有同性戀關係,後來此事得到證實。於是他想離開她,卻無法痛下決心。一日阿爾貝蒂娜離家出走,給他留下一封信,說他們不能再這樣生活下去,還是趁早分手。

第六卷 阿爾貝蒂娜離去後,男主人翁從此沒有她的下落,後來從蓬當太太的電報中得知她騎馬不慎摔在樹上撞死了。這使他想去尋找別的女人。母親帶馬塞爾到威尼斯旅行,仍然時常想起阿爾貝蒂娜,不久母親回到法國,馬塞爾一個人留下。他收到吉爾貝特的信,說她已跟聖盧結婚。但後來聖盧竟愛上了男提琴手莫萊爾。

第七卷 第一次世界大戰爆發,聖盧在前線戰死,男主人翁一直待在療養院,有一回見到夏呂斯,是一名同性戀,常往來於同性戀旅館,男伴男爵是性虐待狂,經常鞭打他。夏呂斯是親德份子,常在林蔭道上散布失敗論。 大戰結束後,男主人翁來到蓋爾蘭特王府門前,又回想起吃浸泡在茶水中的瑪德萊娜小蛋糕的那種口感,又遐想到威尼斯,他想:「真正的天堂是已經失去了的天堂。」交際場中更是景物已非,有人淪為乞丐,有人早己死去。他決定用文字將這些回憶記錄起來,找回了失去的時間。