合作中求发展 共享中求创新 Development through Cooperation, Innovation by Sharing


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Presentation transcript:

合作中求发展 共享中求创新 Development through Cooperation, Innovation by Sharing ——以通渭县图书馆与其他机构合作为例 Tongwei County Library and its partnerships 通 渭 县 图 书 馆 Tongwei County Library 范 红 梅 FAN Hongmei 2012.11.1

甘肃省通渭县图书馆,是西部贫困地区一所公共图书馆,近年来通过与社会其他机构的合作,得到了快速发展。在与青树教育基金会的合作中,率先在全省图书馆界中实现自动化管理,转变了服务理念,以小项目,拓展服务的方式,对社区群众开展各项信息服务工作;在与杭州市图书馆的合作中,建起了杭州市图书馆事业基金会美术资料阅览室;在与甘肃省图书馆的合作中,建立了馆际服务流通站。在合作中求发展,在共享中求创新。 Tongwei County Library is a public library located in the economic backwaters of Western China. It has, however, grown quickly through its cooperations with Evergreen Foundation. Not only was it the first in the province to achieve computerized management, it has also diversified its services, established an Art Reference Reading Room, and initiated inter-library loans with Gansu Provincial Library.

通渭县图书馆概况 General Information of Tongwei County Library 主要内容: Summary 引言 Introduction 通渭县图书馆概况 General Information of Tongwei County Library 与其他机构的合作、共享,使得通渭县图书馆迅猛发展 Swift development through its many partnerships 与美国青树基金会合作,实现了图书馆业务自动化管理, 转变了服务理念 Partnership with Evergreen Foundation (realization of computerized management, and switch of service paradigm) 与杭州市图书馆合作,创建了美术资料阅览室 Partnership with Hangzhou Municipal Library (Art Reference Reading Room) 与甘肃省图书馆资源共享,建立了馆际服务流通站 Sharing with Gansu Provincial Library (Inter-Library Loans) 结语 Conclusion

1 引 言 Introduction 21世纪的图书馆与其他社会机构之间开展协作,加强信息资源的有效配置,实现资源共享,才是唯一正确的选择。 图书馆事业发展到今天,合作已不再是一种选择,而是一种必须。 As we enter the 21st Century, it has become an imperative that libraries partner with other social institutions to improve the distribution and sharing of information resources. Today, such partnerships are no longer just a recommended option, but a categorical imperative.

2 通渭县图书馆概况 General Information, Tongwei County Library 馆藏图书分布情况: Our Collection 外借室 For Loan 103604册 少儿阅览室 Children’s Corner 11304册 美术资料阅览室 Art Materials 3000册 古籍文献室 8600册 过期报刊库 Past Periodicals 12000册 地方文献与工具书库 Local Gazetteers and Other Reference 5000册

Editing Room, Special Collection, Auditorium, Electronic Reading Room 部门设置 Facilities 自 学 室 外 借 室 少儿阅览室 美术资料阅室 Study Room, Loan Collection, Children’s Corner, Art Reference Reading Room 采 编 室 古籍文献室 报 告 厅 电子阅览室 Editing Room, Special Collection, Auditorium, Electronic Reading Room

2 通渭县图书馆概况 General information, Tongwei County Library 荣誉墙 Honors

3 与其他机构的合作、共享,使得通渭县图 书馆迅猛发展 Swift development through partnership with other institutions 3.1 与美国青树基金会合作,实现了图书馆业务自动化管理,转变了服务理念 Partnership with Evergreen Foundation (realization of computerized management, and switch of service paradigm) 硬 件

国际学术研讨会 International Academic Conference 软 件 Software 业务知识培训 Job Training 国际学术研讨会 International Academic Conference 参 观 考 察 Site Visits

小 型 服 务 项 目 Services and Events 《通渭人家》公益讲坛 Public Lectures 少儿故事会 Story-telling Fair Services and Events 《悦读导报》 Reading Guide 携老网上游 Internet for Seniors

拓 展 服 务 《通渭县农村沼气使用手册》 “再生能源的利用”主题绘画 《健康文摘》 Health Digest 为农民朋友开展健康教育 A Handbook for Methane Utilization “再生能源的利用”主题绘画 Children’s drawings on Recycling 《健康文摘》 Health Digest 为农民朋友开展健康教育 Health Education for Farmers

3.2 与杭州市图书馆合作,创建了美术资料阅览室 3.2 与杭州市图书馆合作,创建了美术资料阅览室 Partnership with Hangzhou Municipal Library and the creation of the Art Reference Reading Room) 创建背景 Background 通渭县是中国书画艺术之乡,最大的特色是写字画画的人多,无论男女,无论老少,也无论干部农民,据不完全统计,如今在全县从事书画专业与业余创作的人员达3000人以上,爱好者达8000多人。 Tongwei is known in China for its Paintings and Calligraphy. Numerous people here engage in artistic activities. A partial counting yields that over 3000 people in the county are either professional or amateur artists, and an additional 8000 paint or write calligraphy as a hobby.

美术资料阅览室基本情况 The Art Reference Reading Room 2008年,杭州图书馆事业基金会针对通渭是中国书画艺术之乡这一名片优势,建立了美术资料阅览室,已捐赠了10万余元的书画艺术类图书,这批图书囊括了全国各大专院校美术学院的所有美术类考生的考前辅导资料,共2332种3000余册。截止2012年10月底,共接待读者15000多人次。 In 2008, taking into consideration Jingwei country’s long tradition in art, the Hangzhou municipal library donated over 100,000 RMB (USD16000) worth of Art related books and help established the Art Reference Reading room. The collection included preparation guides for all major art colleges and universities, and amounted to 2332 titles, and over 3000 items. Until October 2012, over 15 thougsand reads have used the room.

3.3 与甘肃省图书馆资源共享,建立了馆际服务流通站 3.3 与甘肃省图书馆资源共享,建立了馆际服务流通站 Sharing with Gansu Provincial Library (Inter-Library Loans) 物质援助 Material Donations 大木质书架 Wooden Bookcases 40个 铁皮期刊架 Cast Iron Periodical Shelves 10个 办公桌 Office Desks 10个 办公椅 Office Chairs 10个 阅览桌 Reading Room Desks 6张 阅览椅 Reading Room Chairs 36个

Interlibrary Loan with Gansu Provincial Library 甘肃省图书馆流通站 Interlibrary Loan with Gansu Provincial Library 2006年,我馆建立了省图书馆图书服务流通站,并一次性配置图书2000册,每个季度一更新。流通站的建立,是资源共享的最大体现,既丰富了我馆馆藏,方便最大多数人获取所需知识与信息,又使得图书更新率上升。 In 2006, the Gansu Provincial Library started loaning their collection to us, 2000 titles at a time. The collection is refreshed every season. It is a great way to take advantage of the resources that are available to us, and increase the utilization rate of books.

4 结 语 Conclusion 近些年来,通渭县图书馆在地方政府的大力支持下,在社会各界的全力帮扶下,特别是2011年免费开放政策的实施,步入了发展轨道。但是还存在许多困难还需要社会各界的帮助,我们的合作之路将越走越宽广。 我们坚信,有合作就会得到发展,有资源的共享就会有所创新。 In recent years, Tongwei County library has developed significantly thanks to the unwavering support of our local government and unreserved assistance from societal entities. Nevertheless, we are still facing difficulties, and we need everyone’s help. We firmly believe that, cooperation leads to development and resource-sharing induces innovation.

谢谢观赏! Thank you! 2012.11.1