整合式行銷溝通 Integrated Marketing Communications, IMC


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Presentation transcript:

整合式行銷溝通 Integrated Marketing Communications, IMC 第 9 章 整合式行銷溝通 Integrated Marketing Communications, IMC

學習目標 了解IMC的概念與促銷策略的關係 說明IMC與溝通過程的關係 列出促銷的主要目標 解釋促銷組合的意義及行銷組合的關係 說明決定促銷組合的主要因素 比較推&拉促銷策略 說明訂定促銷預算的方法 促銷策略 Promotional Strategy

9.1 大綱 促銷promotion: 經由告知,說服,進而影響消費者決策的作用及過程 行銷溝通由行銷者至消費者的資訊傳遞 目標建立及維繫買賣雙方關係 行銷者 消費者 資訊科技

IMC 只有行銷部門在做? 整體目標 整體行銷目標 行銷部門 促銷目標 & 促銷策略 促銷計畫(工具,活動)

9.2 整合式行銷溝通 ★★★ IMC: 整合所有促銷活動(如:媒體廣告,直接信函,人員銷售,銷售促進,公共關係),塑造一致的,以顧客為重心的促銷活動 成功的行銷: 必須發展顧客導向的行銷活動 了解顧客的需要是什麼 不是只有產品的介紹

IMC的技術 行銷者必須運用互動式媒體的力量 蒐集顧客的反應 進而建立完整的DATABASE 利用市場區隔,設計特定訊息,進行有效的溝通 1/3 以下有具體整合式行銷計畫 15%企業利用DATABASE

IMC的範例 Example of an Ad Enhancing GM’s Integrated Marketing Communications Program “GM Rides” www.gm.com

IMC須要一個整體性策略,包括行銷活動,而不是只有促銷活動 公司內部合作&外部協力廠商的互動,包括: 9.2.1 團隊合作的重要性 IMC須要一個整體性策略,包括行銷活動,而不是只有促銷活動 公司內部合作&外部協力廠商的互動,包括: 所有行銷部門人員 通路成員 業務代表 售貨員

微軟 -- IMC 公共關係的新聞稿 名人推薦 促銷活動 廣告 零售點的爭取 ... WIN 95 2億美元

9.2.2 資料庫行銷在IMC的重要性 With the growth of the Internet, marketers have been given the power to gather information faster and to organize it easier than ever before 資訊蒐集的範圍 不是只有消費者的資訊 消費者零售商大盤商企業內部

9.3 溝通過程 圖9.2 發動者 (行銷者) 製成符號 媒體通路 解碼 (了解C的經驗,喜好) 接受者 (顧客) 干擾 反應 回饋

可以激起訊息接收的需要並提供滿足需要的手段和方法 AIDA模式: 有效溝通的三項任務 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 獲得接收者的注意 達成訊息接收與發動者間的相互瞭解 可以激起訊息接收的需要並提供滿足需要的手段和方法 AIDA模式: ATTENTION 引起注意 INTEREST 產生興趣 DESIRE 激起慾望 ACTION 採取購買行動

AIDA Concept TUMS A Print Message Following the AIDA Concept

回饋 回饋的機制: 改變消費者的態度 直接刺激採取購買行動 有可能拒絕購買特定商品市場研究 參考 表9.1

9.4 促銷的目的 9.4.1 提供消費者資訊 9.4.2 增加需求 9.4.3 創造商品的特色 9.4.4 提升商品的價值 一般性需求 primary demand 選擇性需求 selective demand 9.4.3 創造商品的特色 9.4.4 提升商品的價值 9.4.5 穩定商品銷售的波動 如:夏季時銷售冰咖啡 產品 差異化

Daewoo Lanos Television Ad Differentiating Its Product from Those of the Competition “Skateboarder”

Promotional mix: 結合各種不同促銷手段,以達成促銷的目的 例如: 9.5 促銷組合 Promotional mix: 結合各種不同促銷手段,以達成促銷的目的 例如: 人員銷售 廣告($X) 促銷($Y ≈ 2 倍 $X) 直銷 公共關係

凡是與購買者直接面對面的銷售方式稱為人員銷售,但透過電腦或電話所進行的銷售亦歸納於此類 9.5.1 人員銷售 Personal Selling 凡是與購買者直接面對面的銷售方式稱為人員銷售,但透過電腦或電話所進行的銷售亦歸納於此類

9.5.2 非人員銷售 Nonpersonal Selling 買賣雙方不透過面對面方式所進行的促銷活動,包括: 廣告 Advertising 促銷 Sales promotion 貿易促進 Trade promotion 直銷 Direct marketing 公共關係 Public relations 公共報導 Publicity

(1) Advertising Advertising: paid, nonpersonal communication through various media by a business firm, not-for-profit organization, or individual identified in the message with the hope of informing or persuading members of a particular audience

(2) Sales promotion marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising, and publicity that stimulates consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness (includes displays, trade shows, coupons, premiums, contests, product demonstrations, and various nonrecurrent selling efforts)

A Free Premium with the Purchase of an Item TV Ad Using a Popular Sales Promotion Technique: Calvin Klein(卡文克萊) “Free Jacket” http://www.bgo.com.tw/contact/allbrand.asp

(3) Trade promotion Sales promotions aimed at marketing intermediaries rather than ultimate consumers

(4) Direct marketing direct communications other than personal sales contact between buyer and seller, designed to generate sales, information requests, or store visits

(5) Public relations & (6) Publicity Firm’s communications and relationships with its various publics Stimulation of demand for good, service, place, idea, person, or organization by unpaid placement of commercially significant news or favorable media presentations 參考 表9.2 各種促銷方法的比較

9.6 Sponsorships Sponsorship: provision of funds for a sporting or cultural event in exchange for a direct association with the events; in e-commerce, a long-term linkage between a Web site and a marketer Sponsor IBM is prominently featured on the Sydney 2000 Olympic WebSite

9.7 Direct Marketing 直銷目的: 提高商品的能見度 讓目標市場中的可能消費者採取行動,如: 下單訂購 打免費電話查詢 利用E-MAIL查詢 直接到零售店選購

9.7.1 Direct Marketing Communications Channels 圖 9.6 (已更新) Marketers often combine two or more media in one direct marketing program

9.7.2 Direct Mail Marketers combine information from internal and external databases, surveys, personalize coupons, and rebates that require responses to provide information about consumer lifestyles, buying habits, and wants As the information improves, direct-mail has become a viable channel for identifying a firm’s best prospects Direct mail is a critical tool in creating effective direct marketing campaigns

9.7.3 Telemarketing Promotional presentation involving the use of the telephone for outbound contacts by salespeople or inbound contacts initiated by customers who want to obtain information and place orders

Offering Toll-Free Telephone Numbers to Catalog Shoppers

9.7.4 Direct Marketing Via a Broadcast Channels ※ Broadcast direct marketing includes: 直效廣告 Direct response ads: Brief (30 to 90 and second) on television or radio 電視購物頻道 Home shopping channels: Quality Value Channel (QVC) Home Shopping Network (HSN) 廣告化節目 Infomercial: promotional presentation for a single product running 30 minutes or longer in a format that resembles a regular television program

Factors that influence the effectiveness of a promotional to mix: 9.8 發展最佳的促銷組合 Factors that influence the effectiveness of a promotional to mix: 市場的品質 Nature of the market 商品的本質 Nature of the product 商品生命週期之階段 Stage in the product life-cycle 商品的價格 Price 促銷的預算 Funds available for promotion 參考 表9.3

9.9 推與拉的促銷策略 ★★★ Pulling strategy: promotional effort by a seller to stimulate demand among final users, who will then exert pressure on the distribution channel to carry the good or service, pulling it though the marketing channel Pushing strategy: promotional effort by a seller to members of the marketing channel intended to stimulate personal selling of the good or service, thereby pushing it through the marketing channel

9.10 制定促銷預算 工業性商品: 人員銷售 > 廣告預算 消費性商品: 人員銷售 < 廣告預算

邊際分析 marginal analysis ★★★ 預算支出的制定方法: 銷售百分比法 Percentage-of-sales method Promotional budget is set as a specified percentage of either past or forecasted sales. 固定單位銷售額法 Fixed-sum-per-unit method Promotional budget is set as a predetermined dollar amount for each unit sold or produced. 競爭對比法 Meeting competition method Promotional budget is set to match competitor’s promotional outlays on either an absolute or relative basis. 目標任務法 Task-objective method Once marketers determine their specific, promotional objectives, the amount (and type) of promotional spending needed to achieve them is determined. 表9.4

MEASURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROMOTION Two basic measurement tools: Direct sales results measures the effectiveness of promotion by revealing the specific impact on sales revenues for each dollar of promotional spending Indirect evaluation concentrates on quantifiable indicators of effectiveness like: Recall - how much members of the target market remember about specific products or advertisements Readership – size and composition of a message’s audience

Measuring Online Promotions Early attempts at measuring online promotional efforts involved: Counting hits, user requests for a file Counting visits, pages downloaded or read in one session Two major techniques for setting online advertising rates: Cost per impression (CPM), technique that related the cost of an ad to every thousand people who read it Cost per click (CPC) Cost per action (CPA)