授人以渔 北京外国语大学 中国外语教育研究中心 王文斌 2014年7月 长沙.


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授人以渔 北京外国语大学 中国外语教育研究中心 王文斌 2014年7月 长沙

I. 授人以渔 授人以鱼, 不如授人以渔 ——《老子》 英语: 授人以鱼, 不如授人以渔 ——《老子》 英语: 1. It is better to teach one the skill of fishing than to offer him fish. 2. Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime. 主旨:(1)To teach a student how to fish is much more important than to give him fish. (2)To teach “how” is much more important than to teach “what”.

II. 为人师者,传道乎?解惑乎? 1. 唐代韩愈《师说》:“古人学者必有师,师者, 所以传道授业解惑也。” 2. 传道授业解惑新解 传道:传授道理 授业:教授学业 解惑:解释疑难 2. 传道授业解惑新解 道:方法、办法、技术,如门道、医道、生财有道等。 惑:心疑不定;对方法感到疑惑。如智者不惑。 惑常缘于不得要领。 业:学习的功课。如学业、毕业、业精于勤等。  教师的要责:传学业之法,授学业之精,解学业 之惑。

教与学的关键,就是要“教要领”、“学要领”;专业的教与学同样需要“教专业要领”、“学专业要领”,而“得专业要领”就是“得专业能力”。 III.外语教师的学业功力 教与学的关键,就是要“教要领”、“学要领”;专业的教与学同样需要“教专业要领”、“学专业要领”,而“得专业要领”就是“得专业能力”。 教外语,主要还是要教语言。在此主要谈谈教师在语言方面的功力,涉及9个方面:

1. 音系知识 co- :col- com- con- cor- col-: 以“l”为首字母的词或词根时,“co-”遂变成“col-”,如 “collocate”等 com-: 以“m”、“b”或“p”为首字母的词或词根,这一前缀遂变为 “com-”,如“community”、“combine”和“compete”等。 con-: 粘附于以“n”、“c”、“d”、“f”、“g”、“j”、“q”、 “s”、“t”或“v”为首字母的词或词根,那么就变为“con-”, 如“connect”、“concours”、“condense”、“confirm”、 “congenial”、“conjoin”、“conquest”、“consolidate”、 “context”和“conversation”等; cor-: 粘附于以“r”为首字母的词或词根,那就变为“cor-”,如 “correlation”等; co-: 在以其他任何字母为首字母的词或词根前,这一前缀保持“co-”这 一形式,如“cooperate”和“co-author”等。

1. 音系知识 fable + ous → fabulous(极好的) scruple + ous → scrupulous(有顾忌的) angle + ar → angular(有角的) triangle + ar → triangular(三角的) particle +ar → particular(特定的) spectacle + ar → spectacular(壮观的)   与语音相关的汉译英(汉语的双音化): 长江:the Yangtze River, the Changjiang River 国名:泰国、英国、越南、瑞典 县名:保定市:易县、雄县;邯郸市:涉县、邱县、魏县;沧 州市:沧县、青县、献县

(1)及物动词 + -able train → trainable accept → acceptable operate → 2. 词汇知识 (1)及物动词 + -able train → trainable accept → acceptable operate → separate → educate → eradicate → differentiate →

2. 词汇知识 单调的:monotonous: mono- tone -ous 荒谬的:nonsensical: non- sense -ical 自传作家:autobiographer: auto- bio- graph -er 自行车:bi cycle 独轮车:mono cycle 三轮车:tri cycle

3. 词义知识 仰卧:脸朝上 to lie on one’s back 俯卧:脸朝下 to lie on one’s stomach 侧卧:以身体一侧躺着 to lie on one’s side 电话:tele + phone(远声); 彩虹:rain + bow (雨弓) Story: (1)The war has become the most important story of this generation. (事件) (2)Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.(内情) (3)He’ll be very happy if that story holds up. (说法) (4)A young man came to Scotti’s office with a story. (案情)

3. 词义知识 反义词: 赢 败 英国队打赢了美国队。 英国队打败了美国队。

4. 句法知识 (1) John thinks that William praises himself. (2) 小李认为小张表扬了自己。 (2) 小李认为小张表扬了自己。 (3) John wants William to respect himself. (4) 小李要小张尊重自己。 want to = wanna ? (5) They want to go. → They wanna go. (6) Who do you want to beat? Who do you wanna beat? (7) Who do you want to go? * Who do you wanna go?  

4. 句法知识 (8) 动词 FIND的句法行为: (8.1) find + NP (8.2) find + that clause (8.3) find + NP + (to be) + NP (8.4) find + NP + (to be) + AP (8.5) find + NP + (to be) + PP (8.6) find + NP + (to be) + past participle (8.7) find + NP + (to be) + present participle

4. 句法知识 (9) praise sb. for sth. 类似的动词有: blame, criticize, scold, reproach, thank, punish, reprimand, excuse, forgive, reward,等 (10) be grateful thankful) to sb. for sth.  (11) be symbolic of sth. be indicative of be suggestive of be emblematic of be representative of

5. 句法语义 (1b) They loaded the truck with hay. (1a)的同义替换: (1a) They loaded hay onto the truck. (1b) They loaded the truck with hay. (1a)的同义替换: They put a load of hay onto the cart. A load of hay was put onto the cart. The cart was put onto a load of hay. (1b)的同义替换: They filled the cart with hay. The cart was filled with hay. The cart was loaded with hay.

5. 句法语义 (2) I taught English to William. I taught William English. (closer, more direct.) (3) I found that the chair was comfortable. I found the chair comfortable.  (4) DRINK He drank himself sleepy.

5. 句法语义 (5) KICK The horse kicked. The horse kicked the ball. The horse kicked the ball into the basket. The horse kicked me the ball. The horse kicked his way out of the playground. (6) LAUGH We laughed her out of the classroom. (7) TICK The clock ticked the baby awake.

5. 句法语义 (8)HIT, BREAK (8a) John hit the bottle 5. 句法语义 (8)HIT, BREAK (8a) John hit the bottle. (8b) John broke the bottle. (8c)  The bottle hit. (8d) The bottle broke. (8e) John hit me on the nose. (8f)  John broke me on the nose HIT: strike, punch, pat BREAK: crash, smash, shatter

6. 文体知识 (1a)His beloved father has joined the heavenly choir. (1b)His dear father has passed away. (1c)His father has died. (1d)His old man has kicked the bucket.   (2a) The nature of his statement was not in accordance with the facts. (2b) His statement was not true. (2c) The facts disproved his statement.

6. 文体知识 (3a) I desire to explore your feelings concerning the lecture. (3b) I’d like to have your ideas about the talk. (3c) What do you think of the talk? How do you like the talk?  

6. 文体知识 (4b) Please do not spit. (4a) Expectoration is forbidden. (4b) Please do not spit.   (5a) Having finished his homework, he went home. (5b) When he finished his homework, he went

7. 句型转换 I saw a car moving rapidly. (1) I saw the rapid movement of a car. (2) What I saw was the rapid movement of a car. (3) The rapid movement of a car was what I saw. (4) It was a car that I saw moving rapidly. (5) I saw the movement of a car was rapid. (6) I saw a car moves with rapidity. (7) It was the rapidity of the movement of a car that I saw. (8) What I saw was the rapidity of the movement of a car. (9) It was I who saw the rapid movement of a car. (10) The rapidity of the movement of a car was seen by me.

7. 句型转换 (11) The rapid movement of a car was seen by me. (12) The thing that I saw was a car moving rapidly. (13) A car that I saw was moving rapidly. (14) A car that I saw was in a rapid movement. (15) A car that I saw was moving with rapidity. (16) The movement of a car that I saw was rapid. (17) I saw the way a car moved was rapid. (18) The way that a car moved rapidly was seen by me. (19) A car moving rapidly was seen by me. (20) A car seen by me was moving rapidly. (21) A car seen by me was in a rapid movement.

8. 英汉互译

8. 英汉互译

8. 英汉互译

8. 英汉互译 (1) 凭本券用餐,隔日作废。 With this list meals, the next day canceled. (The coupon is required when taking meal. It expires if it is not used today.) (2)老弱病残孕专座。 Special for old sick weak or pregnant. (3)请讲普通话 Please Mandarin (4)禁止下水、戏水 Forbid water to launch, play with. (5)请带好自己的物品,到室外整理。 Please take your belongings outside for pack up.

8. 英汉互译 汉语句子喜短不喜长。 (1) 我们的干部基本上是好的,或者是比较好的。 * Our government officers are basically good, or better. (2)你不能这样做,老师看见会说的。 You can’t do it this way. Our teacher will blame you if he sees it.

(3)If you don’t do it, I’ll do it

(4) Her face burnt with shame. 她的脸因羞愧而发烧。 她羞得脸上发烧。 8. 英汉互译 (5a) 他很高兴地玩儿。 (5b) He is playing very happily. (6a) 他玩儿得很高兴。 (6b) He is very happy from playing.

(7) Prices are subject to variation without notice. 价格若有变动,不再另行通知。 8. 英汉互译 (7) Prices are subject to variation without notice. 价格若有变动,不再另行通知。 (8) She gazed ruefully in the mirror for her graying hair. 她凝视着镜子中自己日渐花白的头发,不禁感慨万千。 (9) 他激动得两眼闪光。 His eyes shone with excitement. (10) 从山顶俯瞰,城市美丽的景色尽收眼底。 The top of the mountain offers a beautiful panorama of the city. (11) 他好逞强,所以人缘不好。 He made himself unpopular by being pushy.

AN ARGUMENT IS A JOURNEY 9. 认知语言学知识 概念隐喻(conceptual metaphor) EMOTION IS FIRE/HEAT (1) He was on fire with emotion. (2) They were hot with emotion. (3) The events kindled several emotions in him. (4) I am burning with emotion. AN ARGUMENT IS A JOURNEY (1) We have set out to prove that bats are birds. (2) When we get to the next point, we shall see that philosophy is dead. (3) So far, we’ve seen that no current theories will work. (4) We will go on in a step-by-step way. (5) Our goal is to show that cognitive linguistics is effective in analyzing languages. (6) This observation points the way to an elegant solution. (7) We have arrived at a disturbing conclusion.

AN ARGUMENT IS A CONTAINER 9. 认知语言学知识 AN ARGUMENT IS A CONTAINER (1)Your argument doesn’t have much content. (2)That argument has holes in it. (3)You don’t have much of an argument, but his objections have even less substance. (4)I’m tired of your empty arguments. (5)Your argument won’t hold water.

9. 认知语言学知识 (1)What he said left a bad taste in my mouth. IDEAS ARE FOOD (1)What he said left a bad taste in my mouth. (2)All this paper has in it are raw facts, half-baked ideas, and warmed-over theories. (3)There are too many facts here for me to digest them all. (4) I just can’t swallow that claim. (5) That argument smells fishy. (6) Let me stew over that for a while. (7) Now there’s a theory you can really sink your teeth into. (8) We need to let that idea percolate for a while. (9) That’s food for thought. (10)He’s a voracious reader. (11)We don’t need to spoon-feed our students. (12)He devoured the book. (13)Let’s let that idea simmer on the back burner for a while. (14)This is the meaty part of the paper. Let that idea jell for a while. (15) That idea has been fermenting for years.

9. 认知语言学知识 (1)The theory of relativity gave birth to an enormous IDEAS ARE PEOPLE (1)The theory of relativity gave birth to an enormous number of ideas in physics. (2)He is the father of modern biology. (3)Whose brainchild was that? (4)Look at what his ideas have spawned. (5)Those ideas died off in the Middle Ages. (6)His ideas will live on forever. (7)Cognitive psychology is still in its infancy. (8)That’s an idea that ought to be resurrected. (9)Where’d you dig up that idea? (10)He breathed new life into that idea.

9. 认知语言学知识 IDEAS ARE PLANTS (1)His ideas have finally come to fruition. (2)That idea died on the vine. (3)That’s a budding theory. (4)It will take years for that idea to come to full flower. (5)He views chemistry as a mere offshoot of physics. (6)Mathematics has many branches. (7)That seeds of his great ideas were planted in his youth. (8)She has a fertile imagination. (9)Here’s an idea that I’d like to plant in your mind. (10)He has a barren mind.

9. 认知语言学知识 IDEAS ARE FASHIONS (1)That idea went out of style years ago. (2)I hear sociobiology is in these days. (3)Marxism is currently fashionable in western Europe. (4)That idea is old hat! (5)That’s an outdated idea. (6)What are the new trends in English criticism? (7) Old-fashioned notions have no place in today’s society. (8)He keeps up-to-date by reading the New York Review of Books. (9)The idea of revolution is no longer in vogue in the United States.

婚恋是炒股 刚谈朋友,叫“探行情”;订婚叫“入市”;结婚叫“成交”;初婚叫“原始股”;结婚后离婚,被对方搞去不少钱财,叫“割肉”;结婚后双方感情不和,叫“踏空”;婚姻平淡,无可奈何地凑合着,叫“套牢”;这种婚姻费尽神思终于离了,叫“解套”;结婚三五年后,感情时好时坏,叫“箱形整理”;婚姻彻底破裂,不可挽回,叫“崩盘”;恋爱时往往挑三拣四,选对象如“选股”;这个时候最考验人,如果选到“成长型的”的“黑马”股,便可稳稳当当地“赚钱”“发财”;如果不慎选到“垃圾股”,则只好被“套牢”;恋人们不妨学学股经,以“发展”的眼力和“长虹”的气概对待自己的恋爱婚姻,你的人生也许会有更好的“回报”。

女人像咖啡 女人像咖啡,一种集众多的味道的极品生活的饮料。 女人的纯洁是ESPRESSO,在生活深深的压力下却压榨出独特的品味,尝起来浓浓的苦,想起来淡淡的香。 女人的浪漫是CAPPUCCINO,可以不停地涌起丰厚、细腻、持久激情,停留在唇边和舌尖是爱的狂潮。 女人的娇媚是特级哥伦比亚,隐隐约约,似有似无,但分明是将安静灵魂打扰,并再也不能平静下去。 母亲是黑咖啡,是可以在想起它的苦的时候记得她的醇厚流过心的甜。 妻子是爱尔兰咖啡,夹杂着多种异样的甘醇,似母,似女,似朋友。 恋人是雀巢,在轻松中完美,在简单中体会。

男人如茶 男人应该是淡淡的,如茶。气定神闲之中便可决胜千里之外;历练百转千回之后方可品出其真味…… 十岁的男人是海马宫茶,人性初显露,淡淡的青涩醇味,回味甘甜。似茶又似淡淡的溪水。 二十岁的男人是雨花茶,初识情怀,至真至纯,滋味鲜凉而气色清香。是男人不同于女人的美和媚。 三十岁的男人是碧螺春茶 ,阅历人生是一种去粗取精过程,去除了浮躁又保持了香味而具有了独特美的风格。 四十岁的男人是西湖龙井茶,简单中体现了完美,成熟中体现了高贵。而又让这高贵是如此可以亲近于人,缭绕回转中归于简单。 五十岁的男人是冻顶茶,经历了岁月磨炼,开始磨炼岁月。事过千万,不需过分显露,真情自然涌出。 六十岁的男人是白兰花茶,经自然调和,收日精月华,滋味浓厚。 七十岁的男人是银针白毫,已经不必要看见全人,只见其一点一滴,便可以勾勒出全部风华,人性已飘荡其身形之外,与天地山水合一。 过了七十岁的男人是寿眉,是众茶的甘香于一体,经历了性情爱欲而观止。 不要以为都是饮料,两样东西就可以互通交流,也不要以为都是人,男女就可以互相了解包容。生活就是这样的,好像很像,但往往就是两回事。
