網路心理與行為 Cyberbully 網路霸凌


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Presentation transcript:

網路心理與行為 Cyberbully 網路霸凌

Outline Introduction Definition Criterion Cyberbully vs. Traditional Bully Prevalence Outcomes Prevention Discussions 針對班級/專案所需的初級課程詳細資料及 (或) 書籍/教材。

Introduction Cyberbully型態 Willard (2006) listed seven categories of behaviour depending on its content. flaming To post an email message intended to insult and provoke. Online harassment 線上騷擾 針對選擇性的時段/目標而設計的時間表。

Cyberbully cyberstalking 網路跟蹤 denigration 詆毀 To blacken or sully; to defame. masquerade 假裝 to take part in a masquerade. outing exclusion 排除 the state of being excluded. Huang & Chou (2010) Roles (角色) victims aggressors bystanders  

harassment and threats as the most common behavior followed by making jokes about the victim or fun out of the victim.   Rivers & Noret (2010) 其他行為 Sexting: circulation of sexualized images via mobile phones or the internet without a person's consent Trolling: persistent abusive comments on a website griefing: harassment of someone in a cyber-game or virtual world

網路霸凌定義 Cyberbully 目前沒有一致的定義, 最近的定義如下: Li (2008) Bullying via electronic communication tools such as email, cell phone, personal digital assistant, instant messaging or the World Wide Web. Tokunaga (2010) Cyberbully is any behavior performed through electronic or digital media by individuals or groups that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages intended to inflict harm or discomfort on others.

網路霸凌三條件 Intention 故意? Whether intention to cause harm is really needed because messages sent as a joke and not meant to harm have the same effects on the victim. 被害人是否認為加害人故意,似乎是個重要條件。 Repetition重複 Negative behavior has to happen on more than one occasion in order to be differentiated from a single act of aggression. Power imbalance 權力不平衡 The power is different with the more technologically savvy individuals appearing to hold the power.

工作場合的網路霸凌 工作場合的網路霸凌 研究很少 Cyber aggression: an aggression expressed in a communication between two or more people using ICTs, wherein at least one person in the communication aggresses against another in order to effect harm. Cyber incivility: communicative behavior exhibited in computer-mediated interactions that violate workplace norms of mutual respect.  

Cyberbully vs. traditional bully Invisibility/anonymity Lack of physical and social cues Bystander’s role The breadth of potential audience is increased in cyberbully There is no place to hide   。

Prevalence Rate 盛行率 Prevalence rates 過去研究主要針對青少年網路霸凌的被害人和加害人做調查。盛行率大約在10%~72%。英國Rivers and Noret (2010)四年調查11227兒童網路霸凌的研究顯示:15%收過不雅或攻擊性的文字和email,而且年年增加。 簡介備註。

Outcomes 網路霸凌的結果 被霸凌者(兒童或青少年)最後導致身體上、社會上和心理上的問題。例如社會焦慮,低自尊以及沮喪。情緒困擾包含悲傷、無助沮喪和焦慮,生氣、不安、易受傷害等。有更高風險的內部調適問題以及藥物濫用的風險,但最嚴重的是自殺。 也有相當多研究顯示網路霸凌和低學業成就相關、注意力不集中、蹺課以及負面的校園氛圍。 相關的詞彙清單。

Risk 風險因素 Intensive use of the internet is a risk factor for child cyber harassment. The location of the computer within the family house has been found to be a predictive factor of cyber victimization. A young person’s involvement in school violence and bullying. 傳統被霸凌者在網路上容易成為加害人,傳統霸凌者反而在網路霸凌上容易成為被害人。

Risk 年齡因素 傳統霸凌在青春期早期達到高峰,言語霸凌會一直持續整個青春期。男生比女生容易發生身體的霸凌。網路霸凌發生在所有年齡層,但研究集中在兒童和青少年。有研究顯示不管網路霸凌和傳統霸凌都在中學達到高峰,之後逐漸降低。Tokunaga (2010) 網路霸凌與年齡的關係成曲線,最高發生率在13~15歲。 性別因素 研究結果不一致:有些認為無差異,有些是男生霸凌比例較高,有些是女生。所以網路霸凌和性別的關係很難有一致的結論。

理論解釋 General Strain Theory 一般化緊張理論:一般人經歷緊張最後會有負面情緒例如生氣、沮喪、震怒等最後有可能導致犯罪或偏差行為例如霸凌和網路霸凌。有研究顯示:緊張以及負面情緒例如生氣和沮喪,和傳統霸凌以及網路霸凌顯著相關。

理論解釋 Social Identity Model of De-individualization 去個人化效應的社會身份模型。Zimbardo 認為去個人化的狀態可能由許多面向引發,例如匿名、喪失個人責任、覺醒、知覺過渡承載或新奇情境或酒精藥物誘發。匿名性以及缺乏自我覺查感在去個人化扮演重要角色。 視覺匿名性可以增加群體常模以及去個人化的影響力。  

理論解釋 Cues-filtered-out Theory 文字為基礎的電腦中介傳播,因為缺乏身體以及社會線索,因此容易出現攻擊和衝動的行為。因為缺乏被害人的直接回饋,加害人不容易察覺被害人的困難,因此少有機會後悔或同理。 但去個人化以及匿名也有正向的好處,例如在傳統科層組織中,經理通常意見表達比員工多,但去個人化後,可以讓所有人有相等的發言權,而非組織內部的地位。 Disempowerment Theory

控制網路霸凌 Creation of new policies or updating existing bullying policies Updating existing criminal law to include online communication creation of new laws addressing cyberbullying interventions

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