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Chapter 5 Culture Shock(2) 讲授者:余敏军

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1 Chapter 5 Culture Shock(2) 讲授者:余敏军


3 What is Culture Shock? Culture Shock Oberg 于1960年首次使用 概括种种跨文化不适宜症状

4 角色期望、价值观念、感情和自我认同方面感受混乱 察觉文化差异后感到惊奇、焦虑、厌恶、气愤
失去朋友、地位、职业和财产而引起失落感 不断进行必要的心理调整而引起的疲惫 2、文化休克六大表现 不能接受属于新文化的成员或被拒之门外 角色期望、价值观念、感情和自我认同方面感受混乱 不能对付新环境而产生无能为力感觉 察觉文化差异后感到惊奇、焦虑、厌恶、气愤

5 3、 旅游者——异国停留的时间短,有各种“保护”(呆在旅馆里,与当地人有肤浅接触;有向导出面解决困难和问题;通常不会感到生活上的不便或工作上的挫折,情绪高涨) 短期出访的商人、政府官员、外交官——生活条件优越,与当地人只是业务往来,对于异文化可能会有不适应的地方,不会感到很大冲击。 留学生或长期在外工作的人员——在异文化环境停留两年或更长时间,与当地人充分接触,困难较多,心理承受能力要求较高 移民和政治避难者——必须重新学习一套新的符号、习俗、行为模式和价值观念,心理承受压力特别大

6 生理上的反应 *失眠次数日益增多 *白天昏昏欲睡 * 食欲不振,十分想念自己国家的食物 * 头痛及肩膀酸痛 心理上的反应 * 日益感到烦躁不安 * 非常情绪化 * 遇到一点小事就勃然大怒 * 性格变得内向,时常沉默寡言 * 容易哭泣 人际关系上 的反应 * 容易与上司及同室发生口角 * 经常对孩子乱发脾气 * 独来独往 * 频繁给国内亲友打电话 * 依赖性增强,一点琐事就麻烦别人 其他社会生活中的反应 * 工作上没有自信 * 容易发生车祸 * 大量酗酒 * 疯狂参加各种宗教活动

7 Key words & phrases: 1 disorientation 迷失方向,迷惑 2 hostility 敌对期 3 transitory 暂时的,短暂的,瞬息的 4 confusion 困惑,混乱,混淆,分辨不清 5 flavor 滋味 6 non-consistence 不连贯,不一致性 7 home culture 原语文化 8 host culture主体文化 9 fondle 爱抚,抚摸

8 10 affection 影响,感情,喜爱,慈爱
11 offensive令人不快的,冒犯的,侮辱的,与进攻有关的 12 humiliated 蒙羞的,丢脸的 13 oversensitive 过分敏感的 14 onlooker 旁观者 15 reverencen.  N.敬畏, 尊敬, 尊严 v.尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬 16 customary 习惯的, 惯例的

9 17 hospitalityn. 款待,殷勤,好客,酒店 管理
18 treat v. 对待,视为,探讨,治疗n. 款 待,宴飨 19 be fed up with v.  吃得过饱, 感到厌烦 20 insomnia [in'sɔmniə n. 失眠,失眠症 21 vulnerable 易受伤害的,有弱点的,脆弱的

10 24 compliment称赞,恭维,(复数)致意
22 conservative 保守的,守旧的 23 taboo n. 禁忌,禁止接近,禁止使用 adj. 禁忌的 24 compliment称赞,恭维,(复数)致意 vt. 恭维,称赞 25 phobia .  恐怖病, 恐怖症 26 nailed [neild] adj.  驻住, 钉住, 钉牢 动词nail的过去式和过去分词

11 27 hasten [‘heisn; ’heisən] v. 催促,赶快,加速
28 panicn.  N .惊慌,恐慌 v. 使…惊慌,感到恐慌 adj. 恐慌的,惊慌的

12 Lead-in If you have just arrived in a completely new place or country where you don’t know anyone , how will you feel physically and emotionally?

13 What do you think are the causes
of such responses? and what do you think of the negative respones, helpful or unhelpful?

14 Fouces What is culture shock and its causes?
How to deal with culture shock? What are the four stages of acculturation?

15 What is culture shock? We can describe culture shock as the physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when coming to a new country or another new place of his native country. The main symptoms include confusion, anxiety, disorientation, melancholy, loneliness, insomnia, lack of appetite, allergies etc.

16 2. What are the causes of culture shock?
Smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing, the unfamiliar langauge and behavior, the strange place, the strange people.

17 What will you do if you see a kid of a friend?
How will you feel if others unfamiliar with you touch you?

18 Will you laugh when you see others fall over or make a show of themselves?
How do you understand this laughing? If it is you that are laughed at, how will you feel?

19 On the street, if you happen to see one or two foreigners, what will you normally do?

20 How will you treat a friend visiting you at home?

21 2. How to deal with culture shock?
(See p.58)

22 Discussion: What phases do you think you will go through emotionally after you have come to a new place or country?

23 3. What is acculturation? and What are the four stages of acculturation?
(See P ) 广工

24 Discussion: After you have accepted the culture in the new place or country, what do you suppose willl happen when you come back to your hometown?

25 Acculturation It is culture change that results from continuous firsthand contact between two distinct cultural groups. It is through acculturation that personal transformation from cultural contact takes place. Acculturation includes psychological, physiological and social changes.

26 4. What is reverse/ reentry culture shock and how to deal with it?
(See P )

27 1、中西文化主要特征的差异 中华文化 西方文化 基于自然经济 重视集体 讲求和合 仁性+感性 内向型的 重综合、直觉 基于商品经济 重视个人
倾向扩张 知性+理性 外向型的 重分析、理性

28 中华文化 西方文化 注重德性实践,依据自己的心性体验把握世界 重体验、直觉,感性胜于理性 惯于追问,任何事请都求有答案
缺乏理性反思 西方文化 惯于追问,任何事请都求有答案 重理性(即科学理性:演绎、归纳、推理、论证) 不断反思与批判现实 体验能力来自: 民族文化的影响 自身的人文素养 个性化的情感 如对中国园林艺术的理解 白墙黑瓦、小桥长廊、怪石假山(秀、透、露等) 九曲通幽的小径等很能代表东方文化;其艺术精神 是一种哲学精神,根在老庄,且融汇儒释,既有魏 晋的玄思,又有明清的朗明,其中一草一花,一石 一木,均富汇着中华文化的灵性

29 2.2 Color Words in Chinese and English
Group Work 红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black-tea 眼红 green-eyed 开门红 to begin well, to make a good start 红白喜事 weddings and funerals

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