The Art of Public Speaking


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Presentation transcript:

The Art of Public Speaking By Guo Yin School of Foreign Languages Qingdao University of Technology

Course Overview Introductory speeches Choosing topics and purposes Analyzing the audience Organizing the body of the speech Introductions and conclusions Outlining the speech Delivering the speech Using visual aids

Informative speeches Introduction to persuasive speaking Gathering materials Using supporting materials Methods of persuasion Analysis of persuasive speeches Listening to speeches Using language effectively

Speaking strategies Speaking and debating

Reference books: Lucas, Stephen, The Art of Public Speaking, 外研社, 2004 何高大,盛之,《实用英语演讲口语》, 中南大学出版社,2003 马壮寰,《演讲英语》,北大出版社, 2005 邹海峰,《英语演讲高手》,世界图书出 版公司,2004

Question: What’s the significance of public speaking?

“I started crying during the speech and wept for a good while after Dr “I started crying during the speech and wept for a good while after Dr. King finished. He had said everything I believed, far better than I ever could…That speech steeled my determination to do whatever I could for the rest of my life to make Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream come true” My life, Bill Clinton

“在二年级时,休业典礼上,我接连四次到讲 台上去接受三种奖章,并因领导讲演队参加比 赛获胜而接受银杯,当时全校轰动。邻近的女 子大学圣玛丽大学的女生,一定相当震动。这 与我的结婚是有关系的。” --《林语堂自传》 public speaking, as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public, of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people.

演讲作为一门艺术,在古今中外都受到了极高的 重视。 中国第一部论说文和记叙文的总集《尚书》中不 少篇章就具备演讲辞的性质。其中《盘庚》三篇 是我国文字记载史上最早最典型的演说辞。春秋 战国时代,演讲论辩大大兴盛起来。孔子、孟 子、荀子、庄子、墨子、晏婴、李悝、商鞅等都 是一定意义上的演讲家。孔子弟子三千,在讲学 中设立德行、言语、政事、文学等四科。并提出 “言以足志,文以足言;不言,谁知其志?”, 认为说是表达思想的工具。孟子重视辩说,有 “好辩”之称。荀子在《非相》篇中主张“好 言”、“乐言”。

在西方,古希腊荷马史诗第一次提出演讲 艺术的概念。公元前六世纪到公元前四世 纪,古希腊时期的演讲达到了震古灼今的 高峰,出现了西方演讲是上第一个黄金时 代。古希腊亚里士多德(384-322 B.C.)的 《修辞学》(Rhetoric)等著作初步奠定了 演讲的理论基础。亚历山大大帝(356-323 B.C)在征服欧洲的过程中,极大地推动了 演讲的盛行。

可以说,演讲能力是一种现代生活不可或缺的 能力,同时也是一种可以通过后天努力而获得 的能力。英国前首相邱吉尔(Winston Churchill) 幼年时期既害羞有口吃,表达能力很差,但经 过潜心苦练,终于成了世界闻名的大演讲家。 美国前总统卡特(Jimmy Carter)的声音较 尖,直到选举前一年全国知名度还很低,后来 他控制了发音,演讲的听众越来越多。克林顿 在从政之初,演讲能力并不强,声音小,缺乏 美感,经过锻炼而成了优秀的演讲家。

Exercises for Critical Thinking 1. Think back on an important conversation you had recently in which you had wanted to achieve a particular result but failed. Explain: 1) your purpose and the strategy you chose to achieve your purpose. 2) why you failed to achieve the original purpose. If you had a second chance, how to improve your communicative skills?

2. List five most important characteristics of an effective and ineffective public speaker respectively. 3. Identify three primary aspects of speechmaking you most want to improve.

Chapter 1 Speaking in Public I The Power of Public Speaking II Public speaking: a long history III Similarities between public speaking and everyday conversation IV Differences between public speaking and conversation V Conquering stage fright VI Public speaking and critical thinking VII elements of the speech communication process VIII Keep pace with the multicultural world

I The Power of Public Speaking A. Effective speakers Franklin Roosevelt; Ronald Reagan Martin Luther King; Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher; Nelson Mandela; Jimmy Carter; Barack Obama B. Need for public speaking 1. it helps people succeed in nearly all professions 2. it is a vital means of civic engagement 3. it is a form of empowerment

II Public speaking: a long history A. recognized for millennia in many cultures 1. first handbook known: papyrus in Egypt 4500 yrs ago 2. eloquence highly valued: ancient India, Africa, China, America B. Classical Greece and Rome 1. Aristotle’s Rhetoric 2. Roman leader Cicero

II Public speaking: a long history C. notable thinkers Roman educator Quintilian Christian preacher St. Augustine Francis Bacon D. aim of the course

III Similarities between public speaking and everyday conversation A. organize thoughts logically B. tailor message to the audience C. tell a story for maximum impact D. adapt to feedback from listeners

IV Differences between public speaking and conversation 1) more highly structured 2) more formal language * slang, jargon, and bad grammar * four-letter words (Forrest Gump 1:04) 3) different method of delivery * like, you know, uh, er, um

V Conquering stage fright 1) acquire speaking experience (v: speaking effectively 2’) 2) prepare thoroughly 3) think positively (v: mental 2-6) It ‘s a chance for me to share No one is perfect, and I am getting better. Every one is nervous. I am fully prepared. They will be interested. 4) use the power of visualization (v: mental -07:50) 5) know that most nervousness is not visible 6) don’t expect perfection

V Conquering stage fright Other tips: 1. be at your physical and mental best 2. make eye contact (v: mental -10:45) 3. quietly tighten and relax hand or leg muscles (v: mental -12:10) 4. work hard on introduction 5. take slow deep breaths 6. concentrate 7. use visual aids

VI Public speaking and critical thinking A. Critical thinking involves a number of skills 1. assess the strengths and weaknesses of an argument 2. distinguish fact from opinion 3. judge the credibility of sources 4. assess the quality of evidence 5. discern the relationships among ideas B. Critical thinking can be enhanced

VII elements of the speech communication process A. speaker B. message C. channel D. listener E. feedback F. interference G. situation

VIII Keep pace with the multicultural world Avoid ethnocentrism for both speakers and listeners