The muscles of limbs 四 肢 肌


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Presentation transcript:

The muscles of limbs 四 肢 肌

The muscles of upper limb 上肢肌 The muscles of upper limb are divided into: shoulder arm forearm hand The muscles of

Muscles of shoulder 肩肌 Deltoid 三角肌 Supraspinatus 冈上肌 Infraspinatus 冈下肌 Teres minor 小圆肌 Teres major 大圆肌 Subscapularis 肩胛下肌

Muscles of shoulder 肩肌 Deltoid 三角肌 Origin: lateral third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action: abducts the arm; anterior part may flexes and medically rotates the arm and the posterior part extends and laterally rotates arm

Muscles of shoulder 肩肌 Teres major 大圆肌 Origin: dorsal surface of inferior angle of scapula Insertion: crest of lesser tubercle of humerus Action: medially rotates and adducts arm

Muscles of arm 臂肌 Antererior group Biceps brachii 肱二头肌 Coracobrachialis 喙肱肌 Brachialis 肱肌

Biceps brachii 肱二头肌 Origin: long head, supraglenoid tubercle; short head, coracoid process Insertion: radical tuberosity Action: supinator of forearm, flexor of elbow joint, weak flexor of should joint

Muscles of arm 臂肌 Posterior group: Triceps brachii 肱三头肌 Origin: long head, infraglenoid tubercle; lateral head, above groove for radical n., medical head, below groove for radical n. Insertion: olecranon of ulna Action: extends elbow joint), long head can extend and adduct shoulder joint

Muscles of forearm 前臂肌 Anterior group (9) Superficial layer Brachioradialis 肱桡肌 Pronator teres 旋前圆肌 Flexor carpi radialis 桡侧腕屈肌 Palmaris longus 掌长肌 Flexor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕屈肌

Pronator teres 旋前圆肌 Origin: medical epicondyle of humerus and deep fascia of forearm Insertion: middle of lateral surface of radius Action: pronation of forearm

Second layer- flexor digitorum superficials 指浅屈肌

Fourth layer- pronator quadratus 旋前方肌 Third layer Flexor digitorum profundus 指深屈肌 Flexor pollicis longus 拇长屈肌 Fourth layer- pronator quadratus 旋前方肌 Action: flex radiocarpal joint and fingers, pronate forearm

Posterior group (10) Superficial layer (5) Extensor carpi radialis longus 桡侧腕长伸肌 Extensor carpi radialis brevis 桡侧腕短伸肌 Extensor digitorum 指伸肌 Extensor digiti minimi 小指伸肌 Extensor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕屈肌

Deep layer (5) Supinator旋后肌 Abductor pollicis longus 拇长展肌 Extensor pollicis brevis 拇短伸肌 Extensor pollicis longus 拇长伸肌 Extensor indicis 示指伸肌 Action: extend radiocapral joint and fingers, and supinate forearm

Supinator Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus and upper part of lateral border of ulna Insertion: upper third of anterior surface of radius Action: supination of forearm

Muscles of hand Lateral group-thenar 鱼际 Abductor pollicis brevis 拇短展肌 Flexor pollicis brevis 拇短屈肌 Opponens pollicis 拇对掌肌 Adductor pollicis 拇收肌 Action: flex, abduct, adduct and oppose thumb

Muscles of hand Medial group-hypothenar Abductor digiti minimi 小指展肌 Flexor digiti minimi brevis 小指短屈肌 Opponens digiti minimi 小指对掌肌 Action: flex, abduct , and oppose little finger

Intermedial group Lumbricales 蚓状肌(4)- flex metacarpophalangeal joints and extend interphalangeal joints Palmar interossei 骨间掌侧肌(3)- adduct fingers towards middle finger Dorsal interossei 骨间背侧肌(3)-abduct fingers away from middle finger

The muscles of lower limb 下肢肌 The muscles of lower limb are divided into: Hip Thigh Leg foot The muscles of

2、tensor fasciae latae 阔筋膜张肌: 使阔筋膜紧张并屈髋。 一、The muscles of Hip 髋肌 (一)Anterior group 腰大肌 1、Iliopsoas 髂腰肌 髂肌 Psoas major 腰大肌 起自椎体侧面和横突 Iliacus 髂肌 起自髂窝 止于股骨小转子lesser trochanter Action:flexes the thigh and rotate thigh laterally。 下肢固定时,可使躯干和骨盆前屈。 阔筋膜张肌 2、tensor fasciae latae 阔筋膜张肌: 使阔筋膜紧张并屈髋。

(二)posterior group 1、 Gluteus Maximus 臀大肌 2、 Piriformis 梨状肌 Piriformis Action: extend the thigh and rotate the thigh laterally 使大腿后伸和外旋 2、 Piriformis 梨状肌 Action: rotate and abduct the thigh laterally 外旋外展大腿 Piriformis

Action:abdut the thigh 外展大腿 Gluteus medius Gluteus medius 臀中肌 Gluteus minimus 臀小肌 Action:abdut the thigh 外展大腿 piriformis Gluteas minimus Obturator inernus Quadratus femoris Obturator internus闭孔内肌 Quadratus femoris股方肌 Obturator externus闭孔外肌 rotate thigh laterally

二、 The muscles of thigh 大腿肌 (一)Anterior group 1、Sartorius 缝匠肌 Origin: anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: the upper part of the medial surface of the tibia Action: flexes the thigh and the leg ,When the knee is flexed, it medially rotates the leg. 缝匠肌 2、Quadriceps Femoris 股四头肌 Rectus femoris 股直肌 Vastue lateralis 股外侧肌 Vastus medialis 股内侧肌 Vastus untermedius 股中间肌 股直肌

二、 The muscles of thigh 大腿肌 2、Quadriceps Femoris 股四头肌 Origin: Rectus femoris: anterior inferior iliac spine Vastus medialis: medial lip of linea aspera Vastus lateralis: lateral lip of linea aspera Vastus intermedius: anterior surface of femur 股直肌 Insertion: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Action: extend the leg ; rectus femoris also flexes the thigh 屈大腿作用

(二)Medial group Adduct and rotate the thigh laterally 耻骨、股薄、三收肌 Pectineus m.耻骨肌 Adduct and rotate the thigh laterally Adductor longus长收肌 Adductor bravis 短收肌 Gracilis m.股薄肌 Addcor magnus 大收肌 耻骨、股薄、三收肌

Action: extend the thigh and flexes the leg伸大腿,屈小腿,可使小腿稍旋外, (三)posterior group 半腱、半膜、股二头 1、 Biceps Femoris 股二头肌 Action: extend the thigh and flexes the leg伸大腿,屈小腿,可使小腿稍旋外, 2、 Semitendinosus半腱肌 3、Semimembranosus 半膜肌 Action: extend the thigh and flexes the leg 伸大腿,屈小腿,,使小腿稍旋内 股二头肌 半膜肌

前群 三、The muscles of leg 小腿肌 (一)Anterior group Tibialis anterior胫骨前肌 Invert the foot使足内翻 (一)Anterior group 前群 Extensor digitorum longus 趾长伸肌 extend 1-4 toes Action of anterior group:Dorsiflex of ankle joint Extensor hallucis longus 拇长伸肌 extend the big toes 伸拇趾

三、 The muscles of leg 小腿肌 (二)lateral group Action:plantar flexes the ankle and the eversion of foot 跖屈踝关节,并使足外翻。 Peroneus longus 腓骨长肌 Peroneus brevis腓骨短肌

Gastrocnemius 腓肠肌 Soleus 比目鱼肌 Triceps surae 小腿三头肌 (三)The posterior group 后群肌 1、Superficial layer Gastrocnemius 腓肠肌 Soleus 比目鱼肌 Triceps surae 小腿三头肌 Gastrocnemius 腓肠肌 Soleus 比目鱼肌 Action:plantar flexe the ankle, Gastrocnemius also flex the leg Tendo calcaneus跟腱

Action: plantarflexes and inverts foot 1、deep layer: consists of 4 muscles. Popliteus 腘 肌 Action: flex leg and rotate the leg medially Flexor hallucis longus 拇长屈肌 Action: plantarflex ankle joint and flexes the big toe Flexor digitorum longus 趾长屈肌 Action: flexes lateral four toes, plantarflexes foot Tibialis posterior 胫骨后肌 Action: plantarflexes and inverts foot

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles on the dorsum of foot 足背肌 extensor digitorum brevis 趾短伸肌:extense the 2-4 toe. extensor hallucis brevis拇短伸肌:extense the big toe.

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 1. Medial group 内侧组 Abductor hallucis 拇展肌 Flexor hallucis brevis 拇短屈肌 Adductor hallucis 拇收肌 Flexor hallucis brevis Abductor hallucis

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 1. Medial group 内侧组 Abductor hallucis 拇展肌 Flexor hallucis brevis 拇短屈肌 Adductor hallucis 拇收肌 Adductor hallucis

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 2. intermediate group 中间组 Flexor digitorum brevis 趾短屈肌 Quadratus plantae 足底方肌 Lumbricalis蚓状肌 Interosseous m.骨间肌 Lumbricalis Flexor digitorum brevis

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 2. intermediate group 中间组 Flexor digitorum brevis 趾短屈肌 Quadratus plantae 足底方肌 Lumbricalis蚓状肌 Interosseous m.骨间肌 Quadratus plantae

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 2. intermediate group 中间组 Flexor digitorum brevis 趾短屈肌 Quadratus plantae 足底方肌 Lumbricalis蚓状肌 Interosseous m.骨间肌 plantar interosseous m. dorsal interosseous m. plantar interosseous m dorsal interosseous m.

四、The muscles of foot 足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 3. lateral group 中间组 Flexor digiti minimi brevis 小趾短屈肌 Abducentor digiti minimi 小趾展肌 Action:collectively they are sigificant in posture and locomotion,and mainly support the arches of the foot.