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Presentation transcript:

PROSPECTS LOCATION MINERALIZATION EAST ORE BODY WEST ORE BODY Mineralization of deposit is completely oxidized ore in West ore body, primary and weak oxidized ore in East ore body. East Ore Body : Chalcopyrite - sphalerite - gold Delafossite - goethite - zincite - gold Delafossite - malachite - azurite - goethite - zincite West Ore Body : Delafossite - malachite - goethite ore Malachite - goethite - delafossite ore Native copper - concentrated malachite - delafossite - goethite ore Geothite - delafossite ore Tenorite - goethite - delafossite - ore was occurred. Au-0.20 g/t, Cu-0.47%, Zn-0.24% Au-0.12 g/t, Cu-0.25%, Zn-0.17% Au-0.39g/t, Cu-0.19%, Zn-0.16% Au-0.48 g/t, Cu-0.18%, Zn-0.19% Project geological map overprinted on TMI map Hangiin gol - CuZn deposit, 10.2K,@1.72%Cu Ustiin Am - Au Prospect, Au 39.7g/t, Meleeni Am - CuAu Prospect, Au 1.37g/t, Cu 0.96% Chinbat - Cu Prospect, Cu 1.72%, Au 0.39g/t Olonbulag- Au Placer WEST ORE BODY ALTERATION HANGIIN GOL DEPOSIT GOETHITE JAROSITE HEMATITE QUARTZ-SELICITE Cu-1,6 % Copper mineralisation at the project is primarily sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, mudstone, hosting primary copper minerals including chalcocite, pyrite, bornite and chalcopyrite. The deposit has undergone significant alteration and weathering and secondary copper minerals are malachite, azurite and covellite, Cu-6,1 % Hangiin Gol Cu-Zn deposit is consist of two ore bodies, East and West. Ore bodies are different by mineral association and position. Cu-7,8 % Cu-3,6 %

BULAG Cu-Zn Project Marco Polo LLC Gobi-Altai, Western Mongolia HANGIIN GOL COPPER-ZINC DEPOSIT Potential area – 2.6-3.0km x 6.0-8.0km Potential resources –Cu 500Kt, Zn 300Kt, Au 2t, Ag 40t. Exploration area of Hangiin gol deposit – 250-400м x 800-1000м East ore body reserves - Cu-23.4Kt, Zn-35.2 Kt, Au-907.0 kg, Ag-28.0 t. Average grades –Cu 0.54%, Zn 0.8%, Au 0.21 ppm, Ag 6.61 ppm. West ore body reserves - Cu-60.3Kt. Average grades– Cu 0.67%. Multiple holes ended in significant Cu-Zn (Au-Ag) mineralization and planning expansion drilling. The deposit has been truncated by the lower fault, and consequently part of the system can be expected to be found at depth and strike directions. Focused on initially developing open pit mine leading to a low cost, extracting copper by SX-EW method. MINERAL RESOURCES BULAG Cu-Zn Project Gobi-Altai, Western Mongolia On 2015 Mineralised Solutions Pty Ltd prepared JORC 2012 Compliant Independent Technical Report for Marco Polo LLC on Hangiin gol copper-zinc deposit. Hangin Gol Class Volume Tonnes Density Cu, ppm Cu, ppm cut Zn, ppm Zn, ppm cut Indicated 8,055,600 20,380,700 2.53 2,400 4,360 3,100 2,900 Inferred 591,500 1,496,400 4,880 2,880 2,490 TOTAL 8,647,100 21,877,200 4,430 4,390 3,050 Hangin Gol project is located in 900 km southwest from Ulaanbaatar, 95 km southeast from the center of Gobi-Altai province, 52 km north from Biger soum. Resource Statement by resource category @ copper equivalent cut-off grade >2,500ppm METALLURGICAL TEST In March 2014 the Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (BGRIMM) began Column Leaching Test work with Hangiin Gol ore. There were two samples delivered on April 2014, one an oxide sample (N sample), the other a complex sample (X sample). The acid and cyanide sodium column leaching tests took more than 80 days and were completed according to the contract requirements during July of 2014. For the valuable elements of the X sample such as Cu and Ag, the recovery were all over 70% by typical flotation, whilst the recovery of Zn and Au were more than 95%. The recovery was much higher than the leaching ratio, so more flotation test work is recommended for the X sample. Marco Polo LLC Address: Suite 1604, M Plaza, 5th Khoroo, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar-151418, Mongolia Tel: (976) 7777 2525 Fax: (976) 11 312332 E-mail: Web:

布拉加/BULAG/铜矿项目 Brief introduction in Chinese XV-015337许可证区域名为“Bulag”,位于Gobi-Altai省Biger 县。汗河的铜锌矿床位于勘探许可区的中心,距离乌兰 巴托960公里,距阿尔泰/Altai/省市80公里,距比格/Biger/县西北37公里。2009年12月4日由Marco Polo公司于发布的XV- 015337勘探许可证,目前总面积为33754.24公顷。在基础设施方面,连接阿尔泰比吉和阿尔泰乌利亚斯台电力系统的35千瓦 的电线位于矿床以南20公里处。 于2011-2013年,钻孔深度为150-350米被发现有高含量的5-50米厚的可溶性硫化物型铜 - 锌型矿体 。根据位置, 矿体形状和矿物性质,汗河矿床分为两种不同的类型,被称为西部的和东部的矿体。东部矿体的总面积为100×100米宽地, 由一个5.0-30.0米厚的小矿体为组成。矿体有铜锌主矿化,部分地区有金银矿化。西部的矿体位于由800 x 400米的区域,以 厚达50米的物体为组成。在这矿体内主要是铜矿化的而含少量锌。 2015年,Mineralized Solutions Pty Ltd根据JORC标准计算了汗河的储量。根据预测评级,估计矿石资源量为21.9百 万吨,铜含量为0.25%。目前,我们已经计算了汗河矿床的以下资源。 这些包括: • 东部矿区资源--Cu-2.34万吨,Zn-35.2万吨,Au-907kg,Ag-28t。 平均含量--Cu 0.54%,Zn 0.8%,Au 0.21ppm,Ag 6.61ppm。 • 西部的矿体资源 - 铜 - 60.3万吨。 平均含量 - 铜0.67%。 2014年在北京矿冶研究院(BGRIMM)做了汗河硫化铜矿铜锌矿精矿实验分析。氧化和混合标本的矿石强度研究 的实验结果出来的是用氰化溶液加热浸出技术是最可行的。70%的铜金属回收技术已经过测试。 预可行性估算为定汗河矿床铜矿体以地下潜艇拆除系统采矿,以及堆浸技术,并使用SX-EW技术计算生产99.99 %的阴极铜。该项目还有以下有趣的领域: • 乌斯特金地的一部分 -据估计,高品位黄金石英脉预测黄金平均品位为8.06克/吨,预测黄金为4.8吨。 钻探将继续进行。 • 梅林铜金地 - 大表面裂纹区,表面标本 中发现了高含量的铜和金。 • Chinbat铜部分 -测试孔切割里被发现低品位铜区。 • Olon Bulag沙金矿地 - 深度为635毫克/立方米,含金量为7.5千克的经济利益的金矿上准备单独的开采许可证 。 11/19/2018 Confidential