The Development of Business Aviation in Macau


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The Development of Business Aviation in Macau 4th CPSCAC 澳門商務航空的發展 The Development of Business Aviation in Macau 26 September 2013

1 2 3 澳門商務航空的發展 The Development of Business Aviation in Macau 澳門國際機場定位 The positioning of Macau International Airport 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 商務航空對澳門經濟多元發展所扮演的角色 The role business aviation plays in diversifying the economic development of Macau 1 在發展中所遇到的契機 Opportunities in Developing Business Aviation 在發展中所面對的挑戰 Challenges in Developing Business Aviation 2 總結 Conclusion 3

1 澳門國際機場定位 The Positioning of Macau International Airport 多功能中小型國際機場 Multi-functional Small and Medium Sized International Airport 傳統航空 Legacy Carrier 低成本航空 Low-cost Carrier 商務航空 Business Aviation 多元發展 Diverse Development ENG

1 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 1996年開始公務機服務 Asia's Premier Business Aviation services providers since 1996 擁有專用商務候機樓和機庫 Dedicated Business Aviation Terminal and Hangar 澳門商用航空中心有限公司(MBAC) – 商務航空服務的分專營商 Macau Business Aviation Center Limited (MBAC) – the specialized handling agent (FBO) for business and general aviation in Macau International Airport 在澳門注冊的商務機公司: Macau Jet, Jet Asia, Fortuna Jet Registered Business Jet Airlines in Macau: Macau Jet, Jet Asia, Fortuna Jet

商務航空升降班次 Movements of BA 1 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 商務航空增長趨勢 Growth Trend of Business Aviation 商務航空每年的增長比例 The Annual Growth Rate of Business Aviation 年份 Year  商務航空升降班次 Movements of BA 增長率(%) Growth Rate 2013 (1-8)* 1,281* 21.42%* 2012 1,659 22.62% 2011 1,353 10.90% 2010 1,220 24.10% 2009 983 *2013 是根據本年首8月的總數計算,增長率與去年1-8月相比。 *Total movements of the first 8 months in 2013; growth rate is compared with the same period last year

1 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 商務航空增長趨勢 Growth Trend of Business Aviation 商務航空升降班次佔澳門國際機場整體升降班次比率 The Proportion of BA Movements in MIA 商務航空升降班次 BA Movements 澳門國際機場升降班次 Total Movements in MIA (%) 商務航空旅客人數 PAX of BA 澳門國際機場整體旅客人數 Total PAX of MIA 2013 (1-8) 1,281 29,526 4.34% 5,486 3,295,797 0.17% 2012 1,659 41,997 3.95% 7,771 4,491,065 2011 1,353 38,946 3.47% 4,846 4,045,014 0.12% 2010 1,220 37,148 3.28% 4,833 4,078,836 2009 983 40,601 2.42% 4,350 4,250,249 0.10%

1 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 商務航空與其他航空業務的協調關係 Appropriate Business Mix with respect To Business Aviation and other Aviation Business 2011年歐洲大型機場的每日商務機數目 (對比2010年的增長) Number of Business flights/day at European Biggest Airports in 2011 (growth figures compared to 2010) References: ^ EUROCONTROL – Briefing: Business Aviation in Europe in 2011. Average: 10.776 3.34%

1 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 2013年1-8月及去年同期公務機機型分析 (根據ICAO Annex 14飛機的分類) Movement Analysis by the type of Business Jet from Jan to Aug 2013 & 2012 (according to ICAO aircraft classification in Annex 14) * 資料來源: 澳門商用航空中心 * Source: MBAC

1 商務航空發展概況 Overview of current development of Business Aviation 十大使用澳門國際機場的商務機公司 (1-8月) Top ten Business Jet Airlines in MIA (Jan-Aug) * Source: MBAC * 資料來源: 澳門商用航空中心

1 商務航空對澳門經濟多元發展所扮演的角色 The role business aviation plays in diversifying the economic development of Macau 發展商務航空業務,以配合政府把澳門打造成為 “世界旅遊休閒中心”的規劃。 The development of Business Aviation is in line with the Tourism Master Plan of Macau SAR Government to build the World Centre of Tourism and Leisure.

1 商務航空對澳門經濟多元發展所扮演的角色 The role business aviation plays in diversifying the economic development of Macau 商務航空是推動澳門經濟發展的催化劑: Business Aviation also plays a “catalyst” role in facilitating the economic development of Macau: 商務航空的乘客大多與博彩業有關,主要包括: a) 賭場營運商的賓客  b) 賭場主管及相關客人 The trip purpose of our BA traffic are mainly flights carrying gaming-related passengers, consisting largely of either a) guests of casino operators or b) casino executives and business-related guests. 商務航空有助帶來高端博彩客戶及相關客人。 Business Aviation help to bring in high-end gaming and business-related guests.

增加1家FBO營運商 + 1 FBO operator 商務航空對澳門經濟多元發展所扮演的角色 The role business aviation plays in diversifying the economic development of Macau 商務航空在澳門多元發展進程中扮演著重要的角色: Business Aviation plays an “important” role in diversifying the economic development of Macau: 澳門國際機場開放FBO業務 Through liberalizing the “Exclusive FBO” of Macau International Airport 增加1家FBO營運商 + 1 FBO operator FBO服務多樣化可帶來更多高端旅客 More variety of FBO services so can bring in more high-end passenger

1 商務航空對澳門經濟多元發展所扮演的角色 The role business aviation plays in diversifying the economic development of Macau 商務航空在澳門多元發展進程中扮演著重要的角色: Business Aviation plays an “important” role in diversifying the economic development of Macau: 增加1家MRO營運商 + 1 MRO operator MRO為商務航空提供全套飛機維修及大修服務,澳門國際機場在過去16年都沒有提供過這類服務。擁有商用/通用航空維修專業資格的飛機維修員將帶領澳門國際機場展開這項嶄新的業務領域。 MRO will provide full aircraft repair and maintenance support services for the BA/GA which have never been provided in the past 16 years. It will train up engineers with specialization in BA/GA aircraft maintenance leading to the establishment of a new business sector of MIA.

2.1 在發展中所遇到的契機 Opportunities in Developing Business Aviation

2 在發展中所遇到的契機 Opportunities in Developing Business Aviation 澳門國際機場專營股份有限公司與澳門商用航空中心的分專營合約將於年尾到期,將以 “1+1”方式開放公務機分專營服務,引用現有營運商與新公司合作的 “1+1”形式,希望在引入競爭的同時,能夠確保服務持續。另外同時引入一家MRO營運商提供飛機維修及大修服務。 The contract between CAM and MBAC will be expired at the end of 2013, CAM will open up the BA handling market and introduce a new FBO to provide services with the current operator in the form of “1+1” in order to ensure the services is uninterrupted. Meanwhile, CAM will introduce a MRO operator to provide maintenance, repair and overhaul services in MIA. 將建八千平方米公務機庫:在基建方面,包括將會啟動八千平方米的公務機庫建造工程(現已完成評標階段),預計明年下半年完成。 An 8,000m² business jet hangar will be built: The construction of a 8,000m² hangar will be expected to complete at the end of 2014 (Tender evaluation has been finished).

2 在發展中所遇到的契機 Opportunities in Developing Business Aviation 2012年訪澳旅客超過2,800萬人次。 Macau’s 2012 visitor arrivals is over 28 millions. 公務機發展的潛在市場是蘊含在眾多旅客數字中的高端客戶。 The high-end passengers is the potential market of Business Aviation.

2 在發展中所遇到的契機 Opportunities in Developing Business Aviation 得天獨厚的地利優勢 : 位處世界上發展最快的地區之一 - 珠江三角洲 Favorable geographical position: Located in the fastest developing area – Pearl River Delta. 港珠澳大橋將成為連接三地的陸路運輸新通道,有助推動三地經濟發展。 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will be a new land transport link, which can enhance the economic development of the three places.  

2 在發展中所遇到的契機 Opportunities in Developing Business Aviation 城市中的機場 : 世遺景點、世界級品牌酒店、會展及旅遊娛樂設施 近在咫尺, 為澳門帶來高端客戶 。 Airport in the city: Scenic spots of World Cultural Heritage, world-class branded hotels, conference and exhibition and tourist facilities are everywhere which bring high-end tourists for Macau.  

2.2 在發展中所面對的挑戰 Challenges in Developing Business Aviation

a b 2 在發展中所面對的挑戰 時刻資源 Time slot resource Challenges in Developing Business Aviation 公務機與商業航班的關係 The Relationship between Business Aviation and Commercial Flight a 時刻資源 Time slot resource b 解決方案: 增加跑道快速滑出通道,提高跑道利用率 Solution: Adding a rapid-exit taxiway to improve the utilization of runway

a b 2 在發展中所面對的挑戰 停機坪資源 Apron resource Challenges in Developing Business Aviation 商務航空及商業航空停機坪資源分配的矛盾 The Conflict of Apron Resources Allocation for Business Aviation and Commercial Flight a 停機坪資源 Apron resource b 解決方案: 合理有效提高現有資源的利用率 Solution: Implementing Apron Optimization Plan to enhance the utilization of current apron reasonably and effectively

2 在發展中所面對的挑戰 Challenges in Developing Business Aviation 機場設施資源分配的矛盾 The Conflict of Facilities Allocation in Airport a 土地資源緊拙 Land resource constraint b 解決方案: 翻新現有商務候機樓以容立兩個固定基地營運者營運並同享移民、海關及安檢通道。 Solution: Refurbished the current Business Aviation Terminal to accommodate 2 independent FBO operators sharing common CIQ channel.

2 在發展中所面對的挑戰 Challenges in Developing Business Aviation 機場公務機與商業航班收入矛盾 The Conflict of Airport Revenues from Business Aviation and other Aviation Business a 平均單位收益巨大差異 Enormous Difference in Average Revenue per Traffic Unit b 解決方案: 增加高收益服務收入 Solution: Introducing more value-added BA services with higher profit margin

3 Conclusion 總結 總結 Conclusion 澳門特區政府鼓勵商務航空的建設和發展。 Macau SAR Government encourages and support the development of Business Aviation. 澳門國際機場會充分發揮中國與葡語國家機場平台作用, 積極引入知名公務機生產商和運營商到澳門。 Macau International Airport will fully utilize the platform of China and Portuguese-Speaking countries Airport to attract famous business jet manufacturer and operator to Macau. 澳門的航空業人才來自世界各地,有利於引入各種優秀的公務機管理運營理念。 The aviation personnel of Macau came with International Aviation Background which is beneficial to the introduction and implementation of “Best Practice” BA management technique. 為了商務航空在澳門的健康和可持續發展, 一定要發揮差異性優勢, 建立具有鮮明澳門特色的公務機運行環境。