Gender Studies 9453022 嚴勳業.


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Presentation transcript:

Gender Studies 9453022 嚴勳業

Why we use the term “gender”(I) Gender is less determined by nature than it is by culture. Mary Jehlen claims that traditional critics wish to reduce the complexities of sexuality to a false common denominator. Sex(生理性別) Male(男) Female(女) Gender(社會性別) Masculine(陽剛特質) Feminine(陰柔特質) Sexuality(性慾取向) Heterosexual(異性戀) Homosexual(同性戀)

Why we use the term “gender”(II) David Richter notes that the rules have little to do with nature and everything to do with culture. Many theorists point out that normal sexually depends upon when and one lives Gender is a construct, “an effect of language, a culture, and its institutions Teresa de Laurestis has described the “technologies of gender “, such as cinema. In Periclean Athens

中文的性/別研究 性別並非簡單的兩性,而是還有其他可能。斜線畫出了其間曖昧複雜與分裂不穩定的可能,「性/別」因此也指涉了「性別」本身內部的多元流動,特別是「跨性別」。 「性別」與「性」在這個名稱中合成一體,以表達「性別」與「性」的複雜關連,但是斜線也指出了兩者不可化約為一。 斜線同時表達了「性」中有「別」(差異)的概念,指出「性」的多元異質和內部差異,並且還有壓迫宰制關係。 「別」就是差異,因此「性/別」也表達性與其他「社會差異」(階級、種族、年齡等)的複雜關連。 (取用自中央大學性 /別研究室)

Judith Butler The work “Gender Trouble” has revealed the definition of the anatomical sex/ social gender. The gender performativity (性別操演)

Gayle Rubin- sex hierarchy

Lesbian The word “lesbian” is derived from the Greek island of Lesbos, home to the 6th century poet Sappho. the topics she wrote about: women‘s daily lives, their relationships, and rituals. She focused on the beauty of women and proclaimed her love for girls.

Lesbian Feminism in 1970s Stonewall riot(石牆騷亂,1969) Adrienne Rich’s work “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence .“ Alterity (另類), Women-centered , difference(差異) Define the “normal “ relation of women to women, seeing the heterosexuality as “abnormal” 藍調石牆T Adrienne Rich

Eg. Gertrude Stein’s work “Tender Buttons” New genre They reject the unified text , finding corroboration in poststructuralists and postmodernist criticism as well as among the French feminists. (History ,herstory) Eg. Gertrude Stein’s work “Tender Buttons” New genre Female Gothic Female utopia Virginia Woolf

The concept of discourse from Foucault History of Sexuality Use the discourse against the homophobia (同性戀恐懼) 許多酷兒學者主張用傅柯式的論述分析對抗恐同症-不要管對方說了什麼(What)而檢視對方怎麼運作(How)

Queer and Queer Theory in 1990s Queer: a common term use in the racial way of critiquing stigmatization, choosing the derogatory name and transforming it into a slogan with pride. (將汙名的詞彙轉換成一種愉悅的驕傲) Queer Theory in particular has been involved in the so called culture wars in academia, as such postmodern concepts as gender ambivalence, ambiguity, and multiplicity of identity have replace the more clearly defined sexual values of earlier generations Queer rejects the conventions of Western sexual mores, instead, the queer celebrates desire.

Coming out of the Closet 出櫃 “Epistemology of the Closet” (衣櫃認識論) by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick What’s the Knowledge?

The rainbow flag red (life) orange (healing) yellow (sunlight) green (nature) blue (harmony) purple/violet (spirit) The original rainbow has another 2 colors : pink and turquoise, which symbolize sex (pink) and art/magic (turquoise)

LGBT Lesbian, Gay , bisexual and transgender “Gay Pride” is not only for gay Transgender 變性者(transsexual) 變裝者(cross-dresser) 扮裝者(transvestites) 扮裝國王(drag kings) 扮裝皇后(drag queen) BDSM 綁縛與調教(bondage & discipline,即B/D) 支配與臣服(dominance & submission,即D/S) 施虐與受虐(sadism & masochism,即S/M)。

The sources and the practicing in Queer Theory Oscar Wilde(王爾德) Art for art’s sake Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 尼采 酒神Dionysus

Queer commentary has produced analyses of such features as the pleasure of unruly subplot: vernacular idiom and private knowledge; voicing strategies; gossip elision and euphemism; joke; identification and other readerly reactions text and discourse.

Some Problems and Limitation To draw fire for their tendency to politicize the art right out of literature. Surely some where other than in political correctness. If feminism is to succeed it must de-idealize women. Some feminists believe that male feminists are impostors(cf. The male feminists In Taiwan, the 王雅各(北大社會系); 畢恆達(台大城鄉所);甯應斌or卡維波(中央大學哲學所) 何春蕤與甯維斌

Reference 《少年金釵男孟母》取用2009/5/3 顧燕翎主編,2000,《女性主義理論與流派》。台北:女書。 Judith Butler,2008,《性/別惑亂》,台北市:巨流。 賽菊寇( Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick ),2002,《與愛對話》。台北:心靈工坊。 傅柯,2006 ,《性意識史》。台北市:桂冠。 中央大學性/別研究室 網址 何春蕤,2001,《同志研究》。台北市:巨流。