2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang.


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Presentation transcript:

2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang


2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

1 The Media 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

med = middle,表示“中間”p.1 medial a 中間的;平均的 (med + ial) median a 中央的 (med + ian) mediate v 調停a. 中間的 (med + iate→在中間[走]→調停) mediation n 調解,仲裁 (mediate + ion) mediator n 調解人 (mediate + or 人) immediate a 即刻的;直接的 (im 無 + med + iate→無中間→立刻的) mediocre a 平庸的,中等的 (med + iocre 石山→中間的山→不是高山→平庸的) medium n 媒介物 (med + ium→中間物,媒介) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. medium mediums/media: a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information 2. N + N (stress) 3. groupthink: decision making by a group (especially in a manner that discourages creativity or individual responsibility)集體考慮,集體審議 4. set one’s heart on: wish for intensely; determine on: p.2-4 She has set her heart on going to Europe after graduation. Also, have one's heart set on. 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

struct = build,表示“建立” structure n. 構造;結構 construct v. 構造,建築 (con 共同 + struct→共同建立→建造) construction n 建設 reconstruct v. 重建 (re 重新 + construct→重新建造) destructible a 易毀壞的 (de 壞 + struct + ible→把建造的東西弄壞→損壞的) destruction n. a. 毀滅 (de + struct + ion) destructive a. 有破壞力的 (de + struct + ion) instruct n. 指導,教導 (in 進 + struct→[把知識]建立進去→指導) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

struct = build,表示“建立” instruction n. 教導,指導 (in + struct + ion) instructor n. 教師,講師 obstruct v. 妨礙 (ob 反 + struct→反建設→妨礙) obstruction n. 阻礙;閉塞 substruction n. 下部結構;基礎 (sub 下面 + struct + ion→下面的建設→基礎) superstructure n. 上層建築 (super 上面 + structure→上面的結構→上層建築) instrument n. 工具;儀器;樂器 (in內 + stru [= struct] + ment→內部結構→儀器. 工具) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

struct = build,表示“建立” instrumental a. 有説明的;工具的 (instrument 工具 + al) instrumentality n. 手段,媒介 (imstrument 工具 + aliy性質→作為工具用→手段) destroy v. 毀壞,破壞 (de 壞 + story [= struct];參考:destructible) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

nounce, nunci = speak,表示“講話,說出” announce v 宣佈,發表 (an + nounce→一再講→宣佈) announcement n 通告 (announce + ment) annunciate v 報告,通知 ( = announce) denounce v 評擊,指責 (de 壞 + nounce→講壞話→評擊) denunciate v "抨擊,指責 ( = denounce,de + nunci + ate)" 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

nounce, nunci = speak,表示“講話,說出” enunciate v 清楚表達(e 出 + nunci + ate→講出來→清楚表達) pronounce v 發音;宣告 (pro 在前 + nounce→在[嘴]前講話→發音) pronounced a 著名的,顯著的 (pronounce 發音,注意 + ed→[人人都能]發的音→著名的) pronunciation n 發音 (pronounce 的名詞) renounce v 否認;拋棄 (re 反 + nounce→反過來說→否認) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

spir = breathe,表示“呼吸” spirit n. 精神;情緒 (有呼吸→有精神) spirited a. 精神飽滿的 spiritual a. 精神的;宗教的 aspire v. 熱望;立志 (a 加強 + spire→看到渴望的東西加強呼吸→熱望) aspiration n. 渴望,熱望 (aspire + ation) aspiring a. 有抱負的 (aspire + ing) conspire v. 同謀 (con 共同 + spire→同呼吸→同謀) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

spir = breathe,表示“呼吸” conspiracy n. 共謀;反叛 (conspire + acy) expire v. 斷氣;期滿 (ex 出 + spire→只出氣不進氣→斷氣) expiration n. 斷氣;期滿 (expire + ation) inspire v. 吸氣;鼓勵 (in 進 + spire→吸氣進去,引申為鼓勵) inspiration n. 吸氣;靈感 (有靈氣) perspire v. 出汗 (per 全部 + spire→全身呼吸→出汗) perspiration n. 出汗 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

spir = breathe,表示“呼吸” respire v. 呼吸;恢復精神(re 再 + spire→再呼吸→恢復精神) respiration n. 呼吸 transpire v. 洩露 (trans 交流 + spire→互相呼吸→洩露) dispirit v. 使沮喪 (dis 去掉 + spirit 精神) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 4. set one’s heart on: wish for intensely; determine on: She has set her heart on going to Europe after graduation. I am sorry you didn't get to pick the one you wanted. I know you had set your heart on Fred. Jane set her heart on going to London. Also, have one's heart set on. 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Adverbs of Degree p. 2-16 not fairly quite pretty very p. 2 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

it = go,表示“行走” p.2-20 exit n 出口,出去 (ex 出 + it→走出,出口) ambition n 雄心,志向 (amb 大 + it + ion→走大步→雄心) ambitious a 有雄心的 (amb + it + ious) initial a 開始的,最初的 (in 進入 + it + ial→走進→開始的) initiate v 開始;開創 (in + it + iate) initiative a 起步的 n. 原動力 (initiate 開始 + ive) 2018/11/20

it = go,表示“行走” p. 2-20 transitory a 短暫的 (trans 交換 + it + ory 交換走→你走他來→短暫的) transition n 過渡,轉變 (trans 交換 + it + ion→交換走→過渡) itinerant a 巡迴的 (itiner 是it 變體 + ant→走的→走來走去的) itinerary n 旅行安排,旅程 (itiner + ary) circuit n 環行;電路 (circu 環 + it→環著走→環行) sedition n 叛亂,煽動叛亂 (sed [= se 分開] + it + ion→分開走→叛亂) seditious a 煽動叛亂的 (sed + it + ious) 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 5. hype: publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading manner 【俚】人為地刺激;使增加;大肆宣傳 p. 2 6. circus: a performance given by a travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and trained animals 【貶】吵鬧的活動(會議,地方等) 7. empire: a group of countries under a single authority 8. campaign: a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 競選運動 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 9. tycoon: a very wealthy or powerful businessman p. 3 10. analyst: someone who is skilled at analyzing data 11. correspondent: a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media通訊記者;特派員 12. guru: a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher古魯(印度教的導師) 13. mogul: a very wealthy or powerful businessman大人物 14. magnate: a very wealthy or powerful businessman (實業界的)巨頭 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 15. pundit: an honorary title in India giving a Hindu scholar梵學家 16. livelihood: the financial means whereby one lives生活;生計 p. 3-10 17. satellite: man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon人造衛星 p. 3-11 18. magnate: a very wealthy or powerful businessman (實業界的)巨頭,大王;要人,權貴 19. the Palace Museum 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

in one’s behalf vs. on one’s behalf in behalf of: for the benefit of; in the interest of. on behalf of: as the agent of; on the part of. p. 3-13 (d) I thank you for all the trouble you have taken in my behalf. He saves in behalf of his son. He interceded in my behalf. Don't be uneasy on my behalf. My husband could not be here tonight, but l want to thank you on his behalf. 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Programmes & people p. 3 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. host: be the host of or for 2. disc : 3. jockey: an operator of some vehicle or machine or apparatus操作者 4. broad: having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other 5. board: a committee having supervisory powers a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose 6. aboard: on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle 7. abroad: to or in a foreign country 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 8. due to: 由於、起因 於,(= because of)習慣上,due to 多用於陳述 災難、 意外, 以及其他不好的事件 The accident was due to careless driving. Our problems were due to a combination of bad management and bad luck. The accident was because of careless driving. Our problems were because of a combination of bad management and bad luck. 用 due to 句子顯得比較道地。 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase I won the contract due to his help. 因為贏得合約是好事,談到好事,比較恰當的用語是 because of 或 thanks to。 I won the contract because of his help. Thanks to his help, I won the contract. 用到 thanks to 的句子當然是表達發生了某件好事, 然而為了諷刺,表達壞事也 可用 thanks to,例如:Thanks to your stupidity, we lost a lot of money. (多 謝你的愚蠢,我們損失了一大筆錢)。 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 另外, 在正式文件、官方通告上,表達「因為某個事故」 時, 習慣上,多半使用 owing to, Owing to Princess Diana's ill-health, her visit to the new school is to be postponed. 在新聞報導上、或開會討論公眾議題時,習慣上用 as a result of 表達因果關係 , Many people were homeless because of the earthquake. As a result of adverse weather conditions, all flights were canceled today. 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Language Note 1 8. unsportsmanlike: violating accepted standards or rules 沒有運動道德的;不公正的 p. 4-5 9. provocative: serving or tending to provoke/excite/stimulate氣人的;挑撥的 p.4-5 10. flourish: grow vigorously 繁榮,興旺 p. 4-10 11. anchor: a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute主持(廣播節目等) 12. front: be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to朝向;面對 13. in one’s own right: by reason of one’s own ability or ownership etc; through one‘s own skills or qualifications; 根据自己的权利,憑自己的能力或资格,独自地 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Language Note 2 14. crew: an organized group of workmen 全體船員,機員,空勤人員;一組(或一隊等)工作人員 15. personality: a person of considerable prominence名人,名士 16. cult: followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices (對人、思想、事物等的)狂熱崇拜,迷信;狂熱 17. missile: a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional or nuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remote control 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Language Note 3 18. cult: followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader (對人、思想、事物等的)狂熱崇拜,迷信;狂熱 p. 4-39 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

port = carry, 表示“拿,運” 1 portable a 可攜帶的 (port + able 能…的) portage n 搬運;運費 (port + age 費用→運費) porter n 搬運工 (port + er) portfolio n 文件夾;投資組合 (port + folio 樹葉,頁→拿樹葉[書頁]的東西→檔夾) comport v 舉止,行為 (com 共同 + port 拿,動作→[一個人]的全部動作→舉止) comportment n 舉止 (comport + ment) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

port = carry, 表示“拿,運” 2 disport v/n 娛樂 (dis 分開 + port→拿來分心的東西→娛樂) deport v 移送,放逐;舉止 (de 去掉 + port→拿出來→放逐) deportation n 驅逐出境 (deport + ation) deportment n 舉止行為 (deport + ment) export v 出口 (ex 出 + port 拿,引申為港口→拿出港口→出口) import v 進口;意味著 (im 進 + port→拿進港口) importance n 重要性 (import + ance→帶有意義的狀態→重要性) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 19. streak: a sudden flash光線;閃電 p. 5-4 20. hard-hitting: characterized by or full of force and vigour有力的;有闖勁的 p. 5-5 21. crack: make a sharp sound使霹啪作響 p. 5-8 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

News Programmes 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 22. footage: film that has been shot (影片的)連續鏡頭 p.6-4 23. talking head: a talker on television who talks directly into the cameras and whose upper body is all that is shown on the screen 【俚】(電視銀幕上的)發言人人頭特寫 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

voc, vok = call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音” vocal a 聲音的 vocalist n 歌手 (vocal 聲音的 + ist 人) vocation n 職業;使命 (voc + ation→[受到]召喚→有職業) avocation n 副業 (a 不 + vocation 職業→不是職業,是副業) vocabulary n 辭彙 (vocabul [= vocable 詞] + ary→辭彙) advocate v 擁護;倡議 (ad 增強 + voc + ate→增強聲音→擁護) advocator n 擁護者 2018/11/20

voc, vok = call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音” convoke v 召集 (con 共同 + vok + e→喊到一起) convocation n 召集,集會 (con + voc + ation) revoke v 取消,撤回 (re 回 + vok + e→喊回來→取消) revocable a 可廢除的 (revoke + able) irrevocable a 不能改變的 (ir 不 + revocable→不可廢除的) vociferous a 喧鬧的 (voc + i + fer 帶來 + ous→帶來聲音的→喧鬧的) 2018/11/20

voc, vok = call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音” evoke v 喚醒,喚起 (e 出 + vok + e→喊出[思想等]→喚醒) equivoke n 雙關語 (equi 平等 + vok + e→有兩重聲音[平等]→雙關語) equivocal a 雙關語;模陵兩可的 (equi 平等 + voc + al→平等聲音→模陵兩可的) equivocate v 推脫,支吾說謊 (equi + voc + ate) invoke v 請求,使[使[法規]生效 (in 進 + vok + e 喊進去→請求) invocatory a 祈求的 (in + voc + atory) provoke v 觸怒,煽動 (pro 前面 + vok + e→到[別人]面前喊→激怒) provocative a 激怒人的,激發人的 (pro + voe + ative) 2018/11/20

relative clause modifying phrase The book which is on the desk is Tom’s. The book on the desk is Tom’s. John has a lot of things which he must/has to/need to do on the weekend. John has a lot of things to do on the weekend. Mary met her uncle who walked on the street. Mary met her uncle walking on the street. The dog which was run over by the bus is Jane’s. The dog run over by the bus is Jane’s. 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 23. vox: the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract p. 6-12 24. vox-pop: public opinion as represented by informal interviews with members of the public 【拉】民意,公眾輿論 24. clip: sever or remove by pinching or snipping 25. feature: wear or display in an ostentatious (炫耀的,賣弄的) or proud manner特載 26. disaster: a state of extreme ruin and misfortune災難 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 27. over: overt: open and observable cover: covert: secret or hidden discover: find unexpectedly p. 6-22 28. giant: gigantic; tremendous; titanic; immense; enormous; colossal; huge; vast; big; large; 29. worldwide: involving the entire earth 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

The Sound-Bite & the Photo-Opportunity 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

photo-, phot-, -photic (Greek: light; ultraviolet and infrared radiation; radiant energy) photosynthesis : 其中有希臘字根‘photo’ ﹐表示‘光’ ﹐另一個‘synthesis’ 表示‘合成﹑收集’ ﹐最後意譯為‘光合作用’ photographer  photo + graph + er = 攝影師 (light) (picture) (person) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Blaming the Beltway 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. beltway: a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the centre 【美】環城快道 2. rally: gather; (尤指政治上的)大集會,大會 3. glad-handing: 過分熱烈地歡迎 4. baby-kissing: 吻嬰兒以贏得支持或選票 5. hark back: return to a previous point, as in a narrative言歸正傳;回溯到,追溯到 6. bellow: shout loudly and without restraint怒吼 7. attune: adjust or accustom to; bring into harmony with 8. silly hat:滑稽的帽子 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 8. stage-managed: artificially arrange so as to have a particular effect or give a particular impression擔任...之舞臺監督;幕後監督 9. one-liner: a one-line joke 【美】【口】小笑話;雋語;俏皮話 10. pre-packaged: prepared and wrapped beforehand and ready for sale 預包裝的 11. cross-examine: question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side 【律】向(對方證人)反訊問 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase p.8 12. candidate: a politician who is running for public office候選人;攻讀學位者 13. in advance: ahead of time; in anticipation 14. currency: the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used 通貨; 傳播 15. bland: lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting枯燥乏味的 16. unappetizing: 索然無味的 17. grand-prix: international races 【美】國際長距離賽車 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 18. thrill: the swift release of a store of affective force顫動;顫抖 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

The TV Diet 2018/11/20

doc, doct = to teach, 表示“教” p.8 doctor n 博士,醫生 (doct 教 + or→教的人→有學問的人→博士) doctoral a 博士的;權威的 (doctor + al) doctrine n 教義,教條 (doctr + ine→教的東西→教條) doctrinaire n 空談家a.教條的 (doctrine + aire 人→教條之人) docile a 可教的;溫順的 (doc + ile 能…的→能教的) indioclie a 難馴服的 (in 不 + docile→不可教的) document n 文件;證書 (docu[ = doc 教] + ment→用來教的東西→檔) 2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. sitcom: situation comedy 情境喜劇 2. God slot: the time at which religious programmes are usually broadcast on television or radio. Some people consider this word offensive. 3. 2018/11/20

The Rating Battle 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. at the expense of: to the detriment of someone or something; to the harm of someone or something. with the loss of something 2. in the past: at present: in the future: 2018/11/20

Three Blind Mice 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p.11 1. smorgashbord: p. 11 1. A buffet meal featuring a varied number of dishes. 北歐自助餐 2. A varied collection: “a smorgasbord of fashionable paranormal beliefs” (Martin Gardner). 集 2. take over:接管p.11 1. To assume control, management, or responsibility. 2. To assume the control or management of or the responsibility for: She took over the job after he left. 3. To become dominant: Our defense took over in the second half of the game. 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 9. dwarf: make appear small by comparison侏儒 3. dealmaker: one that makes deals, as in business, finance, or politics.決策者 4. stun: make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow令人震驚的 5. craftily: in an artful manner巧妙地 6. draconian: of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws 【動】飛蜥;飛龍屬動物嚴格的,太殘酷的 7. nickname: a familiar name for a person綽號 8. bagel: (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust 【美】硬麵包圈 9. dwarf: make appear small by comparison侏儒 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 10. lunacy: foolish or senseless behaviour愚蠢的行為 11. Balzac and Dickens:巴爾扎克 狄更斯 (驢皮記巴爾扎克;雙城記狄更斯) 12. inexorable: impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason無法改變的; 無情的 13. quadruple: increase fourfold四倍數 14. number-cruncher: a computer capable of performing a large number of mathematical operations per second 【口】能迅速進行大量複雜運算的電腦 2018/11/20

Zapping 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. despite: in spite of 2. lurid: horrible in fierceness or savagery可怕的 2018/11/20

Going for the Big Break p. 13 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. bip: One billion instructions persecond is 1 BIPS, not 1 BIP. 2. telly: an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen 3. haul out of: draw p. 13 4. tackle: accept as a challenge 5. minutage: timing, calendrier 造幣,鑄幣材料,鑄造貨幣 p. 13 2018/11/20

TV Violence 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. clean up:改邪歸正 2. extraordinary: highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable異常的;特別的,破例的;非凡的 3. hype: blatant or sensational promotion大肆宣傳 4. intrigue: a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends陰謀 5. intriguing:有趣地;有魅力地 6. downcast: directed downward下垂的 7. somber: dull; grave or even gloomy in character憂鬱的;悶悶不樂的 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 8. denial: the act of refusing to comply (as with a request) 9. damning: threatening with damnation詛咒 10. concede: admit (to a wrongdoing) 11. remedy: act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil補救 12. unveil: remove the veil from揭開...的幕 13. malady: (社會的)弊病,腐敗,歪風 14. pre-emptive:先發制人的 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 15. palpable:可觸知的 16. unsupervise: not supervised or under constant observation無監督的 17. rouse: cause to become awake or conscious弄醒 18. gore: coagulated blood from a wound血 19. impose: compel to behave in a certain way把...強加於 20. howl:怒吼 21. palpable: tangible可摸到的;極其明瞭的 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 22. voluntary: of your own free will自願的 23. volunteer: a person who freely enlists for service志願者,義工 24. unstaunchable: cannot stop the flow of sth. especially blood 無法止住(血等的)流出 25. First Amendment:美國憲法第一修訂案 26. National Coalition:全國聯盟 27. Band-Aid: Trade name for an adhesive bandage to cover small cuts or blisters受傷時急救所用的「OK蹦」 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 28. advisory: an announcement that usually advises or warns the public of some threat報告;公告[C] 29. not to mention: much less更不必說;更別提 2018/11/20

Multimedia & Virtual Reality 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. entail: impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result使承擔 2. : 2018/11/20

The Promise of Multimedia 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. delicate: easily broken or damaged or destroyed 2. plethora: extreme excess過多 3. tune in: regulate (a radio or television set) in order to receive a certain station or program 4. tangible: perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch可觸知的;有形的;有實體的 5. embryonic: in an early stage of development初期的 6. mead: made of fermented honey and water草地;蜂蜜酒 2018/11/20

press = press, 表示“擠壓” 1 pressing a 急迫的 (press + ing) pressure n 壓力 (press + ure) compress v 壓縮,縮短 (com 全部 + press→全部壓到一起) compressible a 可壓縮的 (com + press + ible) compression n 壓縮,緊縮 (com + press + ion) depress v 壓下;使沮喪 (de 向下 + press→向下壓→使情緒低下) depressed a 感到壓抑的 (depress + ed) 2018/11/20

press = press, 表示“擠壓” depression n 沮喪;蕭條 (depress + ion) express v 表達;特快 (ex 把[思想]擠出來→表達) expression n 表達;表情 (express + ion) impress v 蓋印;使感動 (im 進 + press→壓進去→蓋印→印入頭腦→感動) impression n 印象;感想 (impress + ion) impressive a 給人深刻印象的 (impress + ive) oppress v 壓迫,虐待 (op 加強動作 + press→拼命壓→壓迫) oppression n 壓迫;苦難 (oppress + ion) 2018/11/20

press = press, 表示“擠壓” repress v 鎮壓;抑制 (感情) (re 回 + press→壓回去→鎮壓) suppress v 鎮壓;忍住 (眼淚等)(sup 下去 + press→壓下去→忍住) suppression n 鎮壓,平定 (suppress + ion) 2018/11/20

Gossip & Glitterati p. 21 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. gossip: light informal conversation for social occasions ; a report (often malicious) about the behaviour of other people流言蜚語;社會新聞,小道傳聞 2. glitterati: fashionable famous or beautiful people 【俚】(總稱)社會名流;(文學界、社交界的)知名人士;富有魅力的知名人士 3. down to earth: practical p. 22 4. put a cap on an active volcano: 2018/11/20

vad, vas = go,表示“走” evade v 逃避;偷稅 (e 出 + vade→走出去→逃避) evasion n 逃避;藉口 (e + vas + ion) evasive a 逃避的 (e + vas + ive) invade v 侵略 (in 進 + vad + 走→走進去→侵略) invasion n 侵略 pervade v 蔓延;普及 (per 全部 + vad + e 走→全部走遍→蔓延) pervasion n 蔓延,彌漫 pervasive a 普及的,滲透的 2018/11/20

trud, trus = push,“推” extrude v 擠出;沖出 (ex 出 + trud + e→往外推→沖出) intrude v 硬擠進;侵入 (in 進 + trud + e→推進去→擠進) intruder n 侵入者 (in + trud + er) intrusion n 侵入;干涉 (in + trus + ion) obtrude v 管閒事;插嘴 (ob 加強動作 + trud + e→硬推→管閑事) protrude v 伸出,突出 (pro 向前 + trud + e 推→向前推→伸出) protrusion n 突出,隆起 detrude v 推倒 (de 下去 + trud + e→向下推→推倒) abstruse n 深奧的 (abs 離開 + trus + e→離開[人的知識]理解不能推進→深奧的) 2018/11/20

Mellor: the right to know & the right to stay in office 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 1. endorse: approve of背書;簽署 2.barricade: render unsuitable for passage擋住 3. distress: psychological suffering苦惱 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase 2018/11/20

Stalking the Stars 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 25 1. stalk: follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to追蹤 2. lurk: lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner埋伏 3. reconnoiter: explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody 【軍】偵察 4. eavesdrop: listen without the speaker's knowledge竊聽 5. ritzy: luxuriously elegant豪華的;高雅的;最高級的 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 25 6. together with: in conjunction with; combined連同;和 7. exclusive: not divided or shared with others獨有的,獨佔的 8. implicit: implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something不言明的; 9. explicit: precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication清楚的;明確的 10. cutthroat: ruthless in competition劇烈的 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 25 11. intrepid: invulnerable to fear or intimidation大膽的 12. clandestine: conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods祕密的;暗中的 13. reclusive: withdrawn from society; seeking solitude隱遁的;孤寂的 14. frolicking: play boisterously嬉戲;嬉鬧 15. yacht: An expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing快艇;遊艇 16. high-up: an important or influential (and often overbearing) person 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 25 18. far-right: extremely conservative極右派的 19. to my knowledge: a.  as I understand it b.  as I know 20. as a result: consequently 21. penetrate: pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance滲透入 22. taboo: excluded from use or mention禁忌 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 25 23. prominent: having a quality that thrusts itself into attention突出的;顯著的;顯眼的 2018/11/20

st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, “站,立” stable a. 穩定的 (st + able→能站的→穩定的) stability n. 穩定性 (st + ability) stabilization n. 穩定,安定 (來自stabilize 穩定) obstacle n. 障礙 (物)(ob 反 + sta + acle→反著站的東西→障礙物) circumstance n. 環境 (circum 周圍 + stance→站在周圍的東西→環境) instance n. 情況;例子 (in 內 + stance→站在裏面的東西→例子) instant a. 緊急的 (in + stant→站進來的→緊急的) 2018/11/20

st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, “站,立” instantaneous a. 同時發生的 (instant 馬上的 + aneous→馬上發生的→同時發生的) substance n. 物質;本質 (sub 下面 + stance→站在下面的東西→具體物質) substantial a. 本質的;實在的 (sub + stant + ial→本質的) substantiate v. 證實 (sub + stant + iate→[把理論]物質化→證實) substantive a. 根本的;實質的 (sub + stant + ive) constant a. 不變的;穩定的 (con 始終 + stant→始終站著→不變的) constancy n. 不變;不屈不撓 2018/11/20

st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, “站,立” distant a. 有距離的 (dis 分開 + stant→分開站→有距離的) equidistance n. 等距離 (equi 平等 + distance 距離) state n. 國家;狀態 stateliness n. 莊嚴;雄偉 (state 國家 + li [= ly] + ness→國家狀態→莊嚴) statement n. 聲明;陳述 (state + ment→站著說話→聲明立場) stationary a. 不動的;穩定的 (station 站 + ary→站著的→不動的) stationery n. 文具 (station + ery) 2018/11/20

st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, “站,立” statue n. 雕像 (stat + ue→站著的[雕像]) stature n. 身長;身材 (stat + ure) status n. 狀態;情況 (stat + us) statute n. 法令,法規 (star + ure→站著不動的東西→法令) estate n. 不動產,財產 (e 出 + state→站出來的東西→房子等不動產) static a. 靜止的 statistics n. 統計學 (stat + istics 學科→站著去計算資料的學科→統計學) 2018/11/20

st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, “站,立” apostasy n. 背教;變節 (apo 離開 + stasy→站開了→背教) apostate n. 變節者 (apo + state) obstinate a. 頑固的 (ob 反 + stin + ate→[和別人]反著站→頑固的) obstinacy n. 頑固,頑強 (ob + stin + acy) stagnant a. 停滯的 (stagn 站 + ant→站著不走→停滯的) stamina n. 耐力,持久力 (stam[stan 站] + ina→站下去→[有]耐力) 2018/11/20

st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, “站,立” steadfast a. 堅定的;固定的 (stead [= stand] + fast 穩固的) homestead n. 家園 (home + stead [= stand]→站著的家→家園) withstand v. 抵抗,抵擋 (with 反 + stand→反著站→抵抗) 2018/11/20

Was Hollow Press Victory hollow: devoid of significance or point虛偽的;空洞的,無價值的 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 27 1. juicy: full of juice富於刺激性的 2. draw up: make up plans or basic details for起草;制訂 3. repel: cause to move back by force or influence抵制 4. agonize: suffer agony or anguish掙扎 5. tip off: give insider information or advise to向...透露消息 6. pass muster: (informal) be at the required standard; be good enough; pass inspection符合要求 7. in favor of: upon the side of; favorable to; for the advantage of支持...;有利於... 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 27 8. rift: a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)不和,裂痕 9. accuse … of …: to charge someone with a crime, a violation of rules or instructions, or doing something wrong. Please don't accuse me of forgetting to lock the door. 10. ammunition: projectiles to be fired from a gun 【喻】"砲彈"(指抨擊別人的材料,手段或依據等) 11. sniff: inhale audibly through the nose嗤之以鼻地說 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 28 12. reek: a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant臭氣 13. hypocrisy: insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have偽善 14. desperately: with great urgency拼命地 15. avid: ardently or excessively desirous勁頭十足的 16. have affairs with: a romantic and sexual relationship 17. allegation: (law) a formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law)斷言;申述;辯解;主張 2018/11/20

Vocabulary & Phrase p. 28 18. peddle: sell or offer for sale from place to place散播(傳聞等) 19. bolster: support and strengthen墊枕; 支撐 20. scupper: wait in hiding to attack; spoil; drain that allows water on the deck of a vessel to flow overboard殺傷 2018/11/20

pel, puls = drive, push, “驅動,推”p. 27 appellant a 上訴的n. 上訴人 (ap 一再 + pel + l + ant→一再推動的→上訴的) compel v 強迫 (com 共同 + pel 推→一起推→強迫) compeling a 激發興趣的 (compel + l + ing) expel v 開除,驅逐 (ex 出 + pel→推出→開除) impel v 推進,驅動 (im 內 + pel→內在推動→驅動) dispel v 驅散 (煙霧等)(dis 分開 + pel→推開→驅散) propel v 推進 (pro 向前 + pel→向前推→推進) propeller n 推進器 (propel 推進 + l + er) 2018/11/20

pel, puls = drive, push, “驅動,推” repel v 擊退 (敵人),使…反感 (re 反 + pel→推回去→擊退) compulsion n 強制 (com 共同 + puls + ion→共同推→強制) compulsory a 強制性的 (com + puls + ory) expulsion n 驅逐 (ex 出 + puls + ion→推出去→驅逐) pulse n 脈搏 pulsate v (脈)搏動 (puls 脈搏 + ate) impulse n 衝動,刺激 (im 內 + pulse→內在推動→衝動) impulsive a 衝動的 (impulse + ive) 2018/11/20

pel, puls = drive, push, “驅動,推” propulsion n 推進 (力)(pro 向前 + puls + ion→推進;動詞;propel) repulse n 打退,擊退(re 反 + pulse;動詞:repel) repulsive a 排斥的,擊退的 (repulse + ive) 2018/11/20

audi, audit = hear,表示“聽” audience 聽眾;觀眾 (audi + ence 表名詞→聽的人→聽眾) auditorium 禮堂;講堂 (audit + orium 場所→聽的場所) audible 聽得見的;可聽的 (audi + ible 能…的) inaudible 聽不見的 (in 不+audi + ible) 2018/11/20

months of a year In Roman Age, there were only ten months in a year. Martius (軍神) Aprilis (花神) Mair (女神) Junius (羅馬名門) Quintilis (五) Sextilis (六) September (七) 2018/11/20

Later Julius Caesar (凱撒) and October (八) November (九) December (十) Later Julius Caesar (凱撒) and 2018/11/20

Today’s Calendar January ( Latin Januarius)元月,Janus (年神) February ( Latin Februarius)二月,Februa(淨化節) March ( Latin Martius)三月,Mars (戰神) April ( Latin Aprilis)四月,aperire (花神) May ( Latin Maius)五月,maior (女神) June ( Latin Junius)六月,Junius (名門) 2018/11/20

Today’s Calendar July ( Latin Julius)七月,Quintilis (Quint) 五。Later (Julius Caesar) was born in (Quintilis), He changed Quintilis into Julius. August (Augustus)八月,Sextilis。六。Caesar’s syccesor Augustus was born in Sextilis. He changed Sextilis into Augustus. This is Augustus’ calendar. 2018/11/20

Roman’s Calendar ‧二月 April ‧七月 September ‧三月 May ‧八月 October ‧一月 March ‧六月 Sextilis ‧二月 April ‧七月 September ‧三月 May ‧八月 October ‧四月 June ‧九月 November ‧五月 Quintilis ‧十月 December

A.D.153後多加首兩個月份 一月 January [拉丁] Janus 門神 janitor 看守門口人員

二月 February [拉丁] Februa 2月15日聖母潔淨日

古羅馬 一月 現代 三月 March [拉丁] Mars 戰神 march 行軍

二月 現代 四月 古羅馬 April [拉丁] Aprilis 春天開始

三月 現代 五月 古羅馬 May [拉丁] Maius 花神

現代 六月 古羅馬 四月 June [拉丁] Junius 古羅馬共和國創始人

[拉丁] Julius Caesar 凱撒大帝  July 出生月份 現代 七月 古羅馬 五月 Quintilis [拉丁] Julius Caesar 凱撒大帝  July 出生月份

[拉丁] Augustus Caesar 奧古斯大帝  August 出生月份 august 威嚴的 (8月31日) 現代 八月 古羅馬 六月 Sextilis [拉丁] Augustus Caesar 奧古斯大帝  August 出生月份 august 威嚴的 (8月31日)

[拉丁] Septem = Seven = 七 Septet 七重唱 Septenary 七年的 現代 九月 古羅馬 七月 September [拉丁] Septem = Seven = 七 Septet 七重唱 Septenary 七年的

[拉丁] Octo = 八 Octopus 八爪魚/八達通 Octagon 八邊形 Octet 八重奏 現代 十月 古羅馬 八月 October [拉丁] Octo = 八 Octopus 八爪魚/八達通 Octagon 八邊形 Octet 八重奏

現代 十一月 古羅馬 九月 November [拉丁] Novem = Nine = 九

現代 十二月 古羅馬 十月 December [拉丁] Decem = 十 Decade 十年 Decimal 十分之一

origin of 12 months january = god janus with the two faces february = from the latin februum, purification march = from the god mars april = from the latin aprire (to open up), allusion to the spring may = from the goddess maia june = from the goddess juno july = from the emperor julius caesar august = from the emperor augustus septembre = meaning the seventh october = meaning the eighth november = meaning the ninth december = meaning the tenth 2018/11/20

2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang

2018/11/20 Wen-Shann Hwang