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Presentation transcript:

GENUINE BUSINESS SOFTWARE CAMPAIGN 「商業軟件正行動」 GENUINE BUSINESS SOFTWARE CAMPAIGN 1. 商業軟件合法化計劃 Business Software Legalization Programme 2. 軟件資產管理研討會 Software Asset Management Seminars 3. 打擊公司使用盜版軟件獎賞計劃 Reward Scheme to Combat Illegal Use of Software in Business 4. 商業軟件認證計劃 Business Software Certification Programme Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

BUSINESS SOFTWARE CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME 「商業軟件認證計劃」 BUSINESS SOFTWARE CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME 支持企業及機構正確使用授權的正版商業軟件 Encourage Enterprises and Organisations to use Licensed Business Software 接受申請日期: 二零零六年十月二十三日至二零零七年三月十五日 Application Period: 23 October 2006 to 15 March 2007 Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

背景 Background 「商業軟件認證計劃」為今年九月推出之「商業軟件『正』行動」的第二期其中一項試驗計劃。 Business Software Certification Programme is one of pilot programmes under the second phase of Genuine Business Software Campaign (GBSC) which has been launched in September this year. 計劃目的為進一步協助機構,無論是商業或非商業,以獲取正確的商業軟件資產管理知識及鼓勵企業及機構使用合法商業軟件。 The aim to further equip organisations, both business and non-business, with a good knowledge of Software Asset Management (SAM) and to promote proper licensing of business software. Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

簡介 (第一部份) Introduction (Part 1) 主辦機構: 香港特區政府知識產權署及商業軟件聯盟 支持機構: 香港電腦商會、中國遊戲工作委員會香港聯會、香港中華廠商聯合會、香港工業總會、香港工商品牌保護陣綫、香港社會服務聯會、香港總商會及香港貿易發展局 Organisers: Intellectual Property Department, HKSARG & Business Software Alliance Supporting Organisations: The Chamber of Hong Kong Computer Industry; China Game Publishers Association; The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong; Federation of Hong Kong Industries; Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance; The Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; Hong Kong Trade Development Council Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

簡介 (第二部份) Introduction (Part 2) 參與對象: 所有在香港營運之機構,不論任何規模及性質均歡迎參加 Target Audience: Organisations in all sizes and nature utilizing software in HK 計劃提供之免費服務: 第一部份:到訪軟件核實服務 第二部份:軟件資產管理顧問服務 FREE Services under the Programme: Part (1) On-site Software Audit Service Part (2) Software Asset Management Consultancy Service Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

參與計劃的好處 Benefits to Participant 制定良好的軟件資產管理模式 減低在不知情之情況下因使用未經授權的軟件而須承擔的法律責任 節省自行安排內部軟件核實的費用及因購買過剩軟件而浪費的支出 透過軟件資產管理達至規範化從而提升員工效率 加強電腦系統網絡保安 Help establish good practice of Software Asset Management (SAM) Lower unnecessary legal risk from unintended infringement of software copyright resulting from use of unlicensed software Save cost from arranging Internal software audit & avoiding over-licensing of business software Enhance employee productivity through standardization of SAM procedures Improve network security Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

到訪軟件核實服務 On-Site Software Audit Service 獨立的軟件資產管理承辦商: 知識產權署透過委託一個獨立的承辦商為參與機構提供免費的軟件核實及軟件資產管理顧問服務。 Independent Software Asset Management Contractor: Under the Programme, an independent Contractor will be commissioned to provide Free Software Audit and Software Asset Management Consultancy Services to participating organisations. 保密聲明: 承辦商將與參與機構簽署保密聲明,以確保參與機構的軟件核實資料受保密,不會外洩予第三者 。 Non-disclosure Agreement : The Contractor will enter into a Non-disclosure Agreement with participating organisations. It ensures that the information relating to the software licensing situation collected during the on-site software audit would not be disclosed to any third party. Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

成功完成計劃後…… What if Participants Complete the Programme successfully……. 主辦機構會向完全符合「商業軟件認證計劃」標準的參與企業及機構頒發證明書。 同時亦會透過報紙及網址等一連串的宣傳媒體高度表揚完成通過軟件核實的企業及機構。 Organisers will issue a Certificate to commend those organisations found in full compliance. These successful participants will be recognized through various publicity channels after completion of the Programme. Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

PROMOTION 直接郵遞及電話推銷 Direct mailing & telemarketing 透過各支持機構及有關商會協助宣傳 Promotion through supporters and other business organisations 網上宣傳 – 電子通訊、網站、網上橫額廣告 Online promotion – e-newsletters, website, web banner advertising 在報紙及貿易雜誌內刋登廣告 Advertising in newspapers and trade magazines 於展覽會及會議期間派發單張 Distribution of leaflets in exhibitions and conferences Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government

OUTCOME 透過直接郵遞、電話推銷等,接觸30,000家機構(商業及非商業) 30,000 organisations (both business and non-business) have been approached through direct mailing, telemarketing etc) 有170家機構擁有總數約4,200部電腦被核實 170 organisations with a total of around 4,200 PCs have been audited 參與機構中約95%擁有員工少於100人 95% of participating organisations with employees less than 100 符合軟件許可證規定標準之機構平均達95% Software compliance rate is 95% in average Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government