Chap. 12 A fMRI study on the brain reactions of natural landscape (II)


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Presentation transcript:

Chap. 12 A fMRI study on the brain reactions of natural landscape (II) 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系 【園藝療法 】 Chap. 12 A fMRI study on the brain reactions of natural landscape (II) 張俊彥 Chun-Yen Chang 國立臺灣大學園藝學系教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】

Landscapes Does people's brain response differently when they viewing various types of landscapes? Does people's brain function differently when they see different AR landscapes? 2

Attention restoration landscapes Landscape types Urban Mountain Forest Water Attention restoration landscapes Being away Fascination Extent Compatibility Brain reactions 3

Design 4 landscape types 4 different attention restoration landscapes 15 seconds each Baseline slide RGB adjustment 13 subjects, 6 males, 7 females

Interpretation and consent Procedure 5 Interpretation and consent Functional magnetic resonance imaging Pre-test check 5 minutes rest Setup machine fMRI 說明實驗流程及填寫同意書:實驗開始前請受試者詳細閱讀「核磁共振影像實驗受試者說明及安全問卷」,並口頭再次說明實驗目的流程及回答受試者任何疑問,確認受試者健康狀況符合要求,高磁場的實驗不會對受試者健康造成危害,最後雙方於同意書上簽名。 2. 前置檢查:「實驗受試者前置檢查問卷」進行前置檢查,內容包含身上已無攜帶戒指、手錶、信用卡等類似物品,安全問卷及個人資料核對無誤。 3. 休息五分鐘:請受試者放鬆心情及先行如廁,避免實驗需中途停止。 4. 儀器架設及確認慣用手:進入fMRI實驗室中,配帶儀器及固定腦部,同時囑咐受試者盡量維持不動,輕微的移動都會造成實驗誤差,儀器運轉過程會有高分貝噪音,也請受試者先有心理準備,確認慣用手後給予安全鈕,如實驗過程中有任何不適的地方便按下按鈕,實驗者及儀器操作員會立即協助停止實驗。 進行fMRI實驗:於fMRI中播放實驗測試片為期約10分鐘,將詳述於後。 填寫後測問卷:完成fMRI實驗,拆除實驗相關設備,請受試者至實驗室外收做休息並填寫後測問卷。 Questionnaire

Urban landscapes Urban landscapes 6 Urban landscapes Urban landscapes 加號那張的目的有兩個, 一個是避免受測者眼神亂飄引發其他反應, 會請他盯著加號, 藉此在雜訊圖時不會產生其他聯想 另外一個目的是因為我們的實驗都是看圖片, 為了確保並證明受測者在裡面沒有睡著, 一般實驗會加這張, 請受測者看到這張時按鍵讓我們知道他還醒著

Urban Mountain Forest Water 7

8 Urban landscapes Urban landscapes

Being away Fascination Extent Compatibility 9

有限度的矯正,若rotation超過±1,translation超過1.8即無法使用此份資料 Realign Normalize Smooth 10 Statistical Parametric Mapping version 8 (SPM 8) 第一步為Realign 由於每位受測者在實驗過程中,腦部可能有稍微移動,進行此步驟的目的為矯正受測者頭轉動(rotation)或前後偏移(translation)的情形 有限度的矯正,若rotation超過±1,translation超過1.8即無法使用此份資料 第二步為Normalise,此步驟是將受測者的大腦對到模板腦的位置 第三步為Smooth 在接收訊號時會產生許多不必要的雜訊,此步驟的目的為強化訊號,並提高統計上偵測出腦區反應的能力,使腦區點狀反應顯示為區塊狀,也較符合一般對腦區模樣的認知

Urban landscapes Right superior parietal lobe The parietal cortex plays an important role in integrating information from different senses to build a coherent picture of the world. ...It contains a number of distinct reference maps of the body, near space, and distant space, which are constantly updated as we move and interact with the world. SPL related to the use of direct attention(Berman et al., 2008; Kaplan & Berman, 2010) 11

Urban landscapes Right superior temporal gyrus The superior temporal gyrus contains the primary auditory cortex, which is responsible for processing sounds. 12

Urban landscapes Right lateral globus pallidus The basal ganglia comprise a group of structures that regulate the initiation of movements, balance, eye movements, and posture. 13

Mountain Right superior occipital gyrus Water Left middle occipital gyrus The occipital cortex is the primary visual area of the brain. ...encode different visual information such as color, orientation, and motion. Changes in blood flow in the occipital lobes have been correlated with depression (Ishizaki and colleagues, 2008). 14

Being away landscape Right middle occipital gyrus Left middle occipital gyrus Right cuneus The occipital cortex is the primary visual area of the brain. ...encode different visual information such as color, orientation, and motion. Changes in blood flow in the occipital lobes have been correlated with depression (Ishizaki and colleagues, 2008). 15

Being away landscape Left middle temporal gyrus The middle temporal gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus are involved in a number of cognitive processes, including semantic memory processing, language processes (middle temporal gyrus), visual perception (inferior temporal gyrus), and integrating information from different senses. 16

Being away landscape Right cerebellum posterior lobe The cerebellum monitors and regulates motor behavior, particularly automatic movements. Some recent studies have associated the cerebellum with cognitive functions, such as learning and attention. 17

Fascination landscapes Left middle occipital gyrus Right superior occipital gyrus Right middle occipital gyrus The occipital cortex is the primary visual area of the brain. ...encode different visual information such as color, orientation, and motion. Changes in blood flow in the occipital lobes have been correlated with depression (Ishizaki and colleagues, 2008). 18

Fascination landscapes Left superior frontal lobe Left middle frontal gyrus Left inferior frontal gyrus Right middle frontal gyrus Right inferior frontal gyrus The frontal lobes are part of the cerebral cortex and are the largest of the brain's structures. They are the main site of so–called 'higher' cognitive functions. These substructures are involved in attention and thought, voluntary movement, decision–making, and language. 19

Fascination landscapes Right superior parietal lobe Left precuneus The parietal cortex plays an important role in integrating information from different senses to build a coherent picture of the world. ...It contains a number of distinct reference maps of the body, near space, and distant space, which are constantly updated as we move and interact with the world. 20

Extent landscape Left superior occipital gyrus Left middle occipital gyrus The occipital cortex is the primary visual area of the brain. ...encode different visual information such as color, orientation, and motion. Changes in blood flow in the occipital lobes have been correlated with depression (Ishizaki and colleagues, 2008). 21

Compatibility landscape Left middle occipital gyrus Right superior occipital gyrus The occipital cortex is the primary visual area of the brain. ...encode different visual information such as color, orientation, and motion. Changes in blood flow in the occipital lobes have been correlated with depression (Ishizaki and colleagues, 2008). 22

Compatibility landscapes Left superior frontal gyrus The frontal lobes are part of the cerebral cortex and are the largest of the brain's structures. They are the main site of so–called 'higher' cognitive functions. These substructures are involved in attention and thought, voluntary movement, decision–making, and language. 23

Thinkings React at different brain region Urban vs natural 24 React at different brain region Urban vs natural Mountain, water Depth of landscape Texture Fascination, indirected attention Extent, not consistent

Never stop looking for things that's not there Thank you 25

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版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 7 臺灣大學 / 張俊彥 8 9

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 9 臺灣大學 / 張俊彥 10 11 12

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 13 臺灣大學 / 張俊彥 14 15 16

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 17 臺灣大學 / 張俊彥 18 19 20 21

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 22 臺灣大學 / 張俊彥 23