义务教育教科书 小学英语语音教学
一、语音板块的功能 Why do we teach phonics?
Why do we teach phonics? 帮助学生发准单词的发音。 培养学生学习与记忆单词的能力。 (见词能读,听音能认,听音能写) 培养学生的“独立阅读能力”。 促进学生的各项语言技能的发展。
二、语音教学内容 What do we teach?
What do we teach? 1.教学26个字母在英语单词中的发音规律 2.教学字母组合在英语单词中的发音规律 3.训练学生拼读单词,做到见词能拼 (blending/ making words) 4.训练学生拆分单词的读音,做到听音能认/听音能写 (isolation/ segmentation)
册 次 语 音 体 系 三上 26个字母,辅音字母的发音规律 三下 a, e, i, o, u对应的短音发音规律 四上 a, e, i, o, u对应的长音发音规律 四下 字母和字母组合:er, ir, ur, ar, al, or, le 五上 字母和字母组合:y, ee/ea/, ow, oo, ai,/ay, ou 五下 字母组合cl /pl, br /gr, sh /ch, th, wh, ng/nk 六上 学习重音、连读、升降调等 六下 在复习单元中综合复习
1. 学习26个字母以及字母组合在单词中的发音规律。 2. 能运用字母的发音规律拼读单词(blending)。
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训练学生学会听单词,分辨出单词的首音字母。 训练学生学会拆分所听到的音去辨认单词。
四、 教学方法 How do we teach?
教学策略 1 2 3 4 5 6 体验 分析 推理 巩固 拓展 运用 Video 2
导入 尽量采用多种形式在有意义的语篇语境中导入所学内容,从意义入手再过渡到音形。
Zac the rat. By story
By chant
By cartoon
By picture
操练活动类型 1.记忆活动 2.拼读训练 3.拆音训练 4.听音写词 5.篇章阅读
拼读活动 手指拼读活动
What sound do you hear at the beginning of ______? (sun, foot, yes) 听音拆音活动 What sound do you hear at the beginning of ______? (sun, foot, yes) What sound do you hear at the end of ____? (water, buff, candy, ten)
Listen and circle the right number How many sounds can you hear in “cat”? 1 2 3 Model for participants a SBRR PA strategy (Picture Box Sound Counting). Model this activity as a “think aloud” for the participants. “This is a picture of a cat. I am going to say the word cat slowly. As I say the word slowly I will slide a chip into a box each time I hear a sound. CCCC (click mouse), AAAA (click mouse), TTTT (click mouse). Cat has three sounds.” 26
√ Read and tick ( ) ( ) ( ) Have participants join you in an example. ( ) √ ( ) ( ) Have participants join you in an example. As teachers work with this strategy they begin by modeling the strategy with children. Then they encourage children to join them. When they see the children are ready, they gradually release responsibility to them and have children do the modeling for the teacher. Stop here: View and discuss PA video clip. Read “Supporting phonemic awareness development in the classroom,” IRA pages 10-17. Discuss: which activities would be appropriate for volunteers to do with students? What would the teacher need to do to prepare for the volunteer to use the activity? Have participants discuss whether the strategies, activities and materials they currently use in their lessons align with SBRR. What can they do to better align their teaching of PA with SBRR? 27
Hot seat
Catch the sound
Blending /Making words
句子读音训练 通过听音了解句子中的重音、连读以及升降调的发音规律; 2. 提供大量例句,让学生通过听和读进行判断; 3. 在对话教学版块以及读写版块中训练学生巩固运用句子的发音规律。
五、 教学资源 What can we use?
phonics入门网站 http://www.kalamazooliteracy.org/worksheets.html:免费下载,多种phonics活动,PDF文件,配图 http://www.abcfastphonics.com/index.html:教师自学phonics的绝佳网站!所有的讲解都带有音频。 http://www.classroom.com.hk/weblink/c-phonics/index.asp:香港端口的免费phonics歌曲和游戏。就像卡拉OK一样,附歌词,配乐,方便学习者在音乐的伴奏下唱phonics歌。
http://www. risingstarreading. com/freedown/movie_p1 http://www.risingstarreading.com/freedown/movie_p1.asp:这是中文网站,有相当多可以免费下载的phonics配套阅读材料。 http://www.starfall.com/ :这是美国网站,站内有相当多精美的彩绘故事。 http://www.english-4kids.com/phonicsheets.html:据友人介绍,这个网站的开办有一个神奇的故事。站内有大量的phonics和其他的英语教学资源。