2015 Annual Results Announcement


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Presentation transcript:

2015 Annual Results Announcement Dongfeng Motor Group 2015 Annual Results Announcement 1

Company Declaration All information presented here is publicly available and for the purpose of understanding the operation and development planning of the Company. The Company might adjust the contents without pre-note in any forms. Besides, investors should note that the data presented in this document does not constitute an invitation to trade the Company’s stock and does not guarantee the performance of the stock in the future. 2

Content 2015 PRC Auto Industry Overview 2015 DFG Business Performance 2015 DFG Finance Performance 2016 Business Outlook Guidelines for DFG 13th Five-Year Plan 1 2 3 4 女士们、先生们,大家好。 欢迎出席东风集团2015年年度业绩发布会。今天我将与大家分享以下内容: 一、2015年中国汽车行业概况; 二、2015年东风汽车集团经营情况; 三、2015年东风汽车集团财务情况; 四、2016年业务展望; 五、东风汽车集团“十三五”工作思路。 5 3

2015 PRC Auto Industry Overview 4

2015 PRC Auto Industry Overview Sales Highlights PRC Auto Industry Entered ‘New Normal’ PV Sales Recorded a New Record High CV Sector Continued Adjustment NEV Sales Achieved a Record High Data source: CAAM 5

2015 PRC Auto Industry Overview Operation Highlights Clear Signs of PV Consumption Upgrade V-shape Recovery due to Stimulus Policy Improved Market Share of Local Brands Mid-western Regions Became new Growth Driver France Korea USA Germany Japan China 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 6 Data source : DFG,CPCA

2015 DFG Business Performance 7

2015 DFG Business Performance Sales Performance (unit) YoY Growth (%) Market Share(%) PV 2,521,812 7.81 11.9 Sedan 1,352,986 -8.75 11.5 MPV 235,852 -33.96 11.2 SUV 931,808 87.55 15.0 Cross 1,166 -52.49 0.1 CV 345,225 -18.56 10.0 Truck 296,372 -21.64 10.4 Bus 48,853 6.88 8.2 Total 2,867,037 3.76 11.7 Data source: DFG 8

DF Honda Back to Fast Growth Track 2015 DFG Business Performance JV Business Performance DF Nissan Step Over 1mn Sales Milestone DF Honda Back to Fast Growth Track Successful launch of key new models such as Lannia and New Qashqai. Grasped market opportunity by timely and successful launch of compact SUV, MPV Sedan Unit, 0’ 2015 275356 60040 71072 406468 2014 168705 70844 68666 308215 YoY 63.2% -15.3% 3.5% 31.9% SUV total Unit: 0’ 2015 880202 120476 1000678 2014 837675 114035 951710 YoY 5.08% 5.65% 5.15% total Sylphy Teana Lannia Sunny CRV XRV Jade Greiz X-Trail Qashqai Murano T70 Civic Spirior Elysion Ciimo 9 Data source :DFG

2015 DFG Business Performance JV Business Performance DPCA: Focused on Quality Growth DF Infinite: Top Growth Rate among Luxury Brands Achieved a new sales record with further improved operating quality and efficiency, Stood out among luxury brands by means of innovative marketing. Unit: 0’ 2015 301943 408753 710696 2014 317997 386019 704016 YOY -5.0% 5.9% 0.95% Total Unit: 0’ 2015 17413 8054 25467 2014 2441 - 2441 YOY 613.36% - 943.3% Q50L QX50L Total 408 308 3008 2008 Q50L QX50L Elysee C-quatre C3-XR C4L 10 Data source :DFG

Own Brand Business Performance Steady Growth of DFG Own Brand Business DFG Own Brand Business Structure Sales Performance of DF Own Brands DF Own Brand JV Local Brand PV CV 11 Data source :DFG

2015 DFG Business Performance Own Brand Business Performance DF Liuqi: Coordinated Development of PV & CV DF PV Company: broke through 100,000 unit sales Focused on SUV & MPV segment, with MPV sales maintaining among top 10 Strong sales of AX7, successfully seizing opportunity in the booming SUV segment PV CV Unit: 0’ 2015 250678 31658 282336 2014 240899 39129 280028 同比 4.06% -19.09% 0.82% Total Unit:0’ 2015 61937 38569 100506 2014 8127 71980 80107 同比 662.11% -46.42% 25.46% SUV Sedan Total Future Joyear X3 A9 AX7 AX3 霸龙507 霸龙406 龙卡牵引车 A60 L60 A30 12 Data source :DFG

Steady & sustainable development of auto finance business 2015 DFG Business Performance Auto Finance Business (227,57,59) (181,181,181) (223,156,67) (202,220,246) (128,157,204) (181,216,231) (66,141,191) (255,219,171) Steady & sustainable development of auto finance business Profitability Steadily Improving Penetration Rate Gradually Increasing Data source :DFG 13

2015 Business Performance Auto Related Business Orderly Development of New business such as Second-hand Car Business, E-commerce and Car-rental Business Second-hand car business in full swing Probing multiple patterns to conduct e-commerce business Gradually carrying out car-rental business DPCA: 6 second-hand car franchised stores DF Nissan: certificated brand in Yicheng Second-hand Car Net DF Fengshen, DF Future, DF Honda have all undertaken their second-hand car replacement business Conducting on-line business through e-commerce platforms such as vertical websites and T-mall DF Nissan launched its own e-commerce platform called Che-ba-ba Providing customized service and products targeting e-commerce market DPCA: conducting car-rental business in Longxin Shicheng Second-hand Vehicle Operating & Management Co., DF Nissan: started car-rental business 14 Data source: DFG

Continuously Advance International Cooperation and Opening-up 2015 DFG Business Performance International Business Continuously Advance International Cooperation and Opening-up PSA met in advance major objectives set in Back in the Race revitalization plan DF PSA Strategic Alliance orderly carrying out its business PSA 2014 recurring operation income broke even, 2015 consolidated operating income broke even; PSA initiated Back in the Race revitalization plan in 2014, aiming to meet set objectives in 2018 PSA Back in the Race revitalization plan well received by the market with a steady share price hike. PSA was back to France’s CAC 40 Index on 23rd March, 2015 DF PSA Strategic Alliance enhanced cooperation in products, technology synergy, sourcing and supply system CMP and DPCT projects completed on schedule Laying out South-east Asia strategy, power-train strategy and global sourcing strategy 2015 PSA Share Price Performance Data source: PSA ,DFG 15

International Cooperation and Opening Development Further Enhanced 2015 DFG Business Performance International Business International Cooperation and Opening Development Further Enhanced DFCV, a CV JV between DF and Volvo was officially established and started operation in 2015, which marked DF’s CV business going global DF Renault completed its 1st phase capacity construction and started SOP in Feb, 2016. 1st model KADJAR came out to the market on 18th March, 2016 DF Getrag completed plant construction, equipment installation and testing; 1st product to be mass produced soon DF Import & Export Co., achieved an export of 25,000 units against backdrop of a sliding export situation and a sluggish recovery in targeted export market Data source: DFG 16

2015 DFG Finance Performance 3 2015 DFG Finance Performance 17

The Group(Consolidated) 2015 DFG Finance Performance Highlights Unit: RMB mn The Group(Consolidated) The Group(Equity ) 2015 2014 rate Revenue 226,863 198,000 14.6% 126,566 83,114 52.3% Selling Cost 183,340 159,485 15.0% 109,637 72,297 51.7% Shares of profits & losses of associates & JVs 1,460 2,277 -39.5% 11,719 12,753 -8.1% Total Profit 18,483 19,138 -3.4% 14,065 14,621 -3.8% Equity attributable to equity holders of the parents 11,550 12,797 -9.7% 2015年本集团按比例合并的收入为2268.6亿元,同比增加14.6%,按权益法核算的 收入为1265.7亿元,同比增加52.3%。收入增长除来自于乘用车销量的增长、新 产品投放对销售收入的贡献以外,还包括东风标致雪铁龙销售公司对合并口径 的调整。 2015年本集团按比例合并的销售成本为1833.4亿元,同比增加15.5%,按照权益法 核算的销售成本为1096.4亿元,同比增加51.7%。 2015年本集团按比例合并的应占合营&联营企业溢利14.6亿元,同比下降39.5%,按 照权益法核算的应占合营&联营企业溢利127.5亿元,同比下降8.1%。 2015年本集团实现归属于母公司权益持有人净利润115.5亿元,同比下降9.7%。 扣除PSA投资收益、汇兑收益等因素后,2015年归属于母公司权益持有人净利润 105.5亿元,2014年同口径净利润为108.2亿元,同比下降2.5%。 18 Data source: DFG

2015 DFG Finance Performance Sales Revenue 按比例合并核算, 2015年,本集团乘用车销售收入约为1800.2亿元,同比增幅约为27.1%。销售收入的增长除来自合并口径变化影响外,主要来自乘用车整车销量的增长。 本集团商用车销售收入约为467.5亿元,同比下降约16.2%。主要是受商用车销量下滑的影响。 本集团金融分部收入约为25.2亿元,同比增加约28.7%。汽车金融保持较快增长。 19 Data source: DFG

(Proportional Consolidated) 2015 Finance Performance (Proportional Consolidated) Continually Improved Cost-control Capability Steady Margin Performance with a Slight Decrease Capex Reasonable Debt Ratio 20 Data source: DFG

4 2016 Business Outlook 21

2016 PRC Auto Industry Expected to Grow between 4-6% 2016 Business Outlook Industry Growth Guidance 2016 PRC Auto Industry Expected to Grow between 4-6% Favorable Factors PV: Supply-side reform will further optimize product structure; favorable stimulus policy; growth potential in lower-tier cities and rural areas; replacement demand; continued SUV growth CV: expansion of high-way system and continued urbanization; slight growth of bus segment due to rigid demand for urban public transportation and school buses; NE bus will continue growth momentum Unfavorable Factors PV: continuous downward pressure for macro economy; car-restriction in tier-1, tier-2 cities; Declining sales of sedan and cross-type PV CV: economy growth enter ‘new normal’; transfer of economy growth engines; reduced freight transportation demand 2016 expect to grow between 4-6% 22 Data source : DFG

2016 Business Outlook Company Outlook 2015 Sales (0,000) 2016 Sales Target Growth rate (%) 2016 new models DFG 286.7 304.5 6.2 PV 252.2 270.0 7.1 DF Nissan PV 100.1 105 4.9 New Tiida L42N DF Infinite 2.5 2.7 8.0 DF Liuqi PV 25.1 26 3.6 F600 SX6 DPCA 71.1 74 4.1 TX9、X81、P84C DF Honda 40.6 43 5.9 2GW、New Civic、 New Elysion DF PV Co., 10.1 11.2 10.9 A9 AX5 DF Renault - 4.6 Kadjar Koleos CV 34.5 0.0% 23 Data source : DFG

Guideline of DFG 13th Five-year Plan 5 24

Guideline of DFG 13th Five-year Plan PRC Industry Growth Guide Comparative lower ownership rate offers growth potential Increasing per capita GDP growth drives auto rigid demand Industry structure change impacts CV demand 标题 Industry growth guide for the 13th 5-year plan PV will maintain a medium-low growth rate CV will bottom out and have a low growth Industry is expected to grow at around 5.6% PV is expected to grow at around 6% CV is expected to grow at around 2.3% 25

Guideline of DFG 13th Five-year Plan Industry trend guidance Deepened SOE Reform Change of policies 标题 2 Introduction of Second-child policy 3 Auto Sales Management Measures Fuel consumption Credit Transfer System 4 New business pattern 1 Innovative Means of Transportation such as Car Sharing Internet+ Promotes Changes in Business Patterns 2 New Energy Vehicle 1 New technology 2 Internet 3 Intelligent Driving Light Weight 4 26

Guideline of DFG 13th Five-year Plan Centennial Dongfeng capable of sustainable development Going-Global Dongfeng with International competitive edge; Opening-up Dongfeng capable of independent development Company Vision Explore New Business An excellent enterprise which is capable of providing consumers with all-around quality auto products and service Explore New Business Models Company Positioning Top OEM Grasp change of travelling models Provide long-term & quality service Open & cooperative Strong & Excellent Win-win development Innovative driven Development Policy Initiative User-centered principle; market-oriented principle; quality and efficiency oriented principle; core business & core capability-oriented principle; brand-value enhancing principle; coordinated development principle; reform and surmounting difficulty principle Development Principles 27 Data source : DFG

Top priority during 13th 5-year plan period Guideline of DFG 13th Five-year Plan Strategic Measures Top priority during 13th 5-year plan period Optimize Product Structure DFG will continuously optimize product structure, upgrade whole-vehicle models and introduce more NEV products, focus on core parts & components R&D Enhance Business Integration & Synergy Enhance internal strategy & resource synergy. Improve brand influence and operating efficiency through scale of economy so as to improve DFG’s all around competitiveness. Accelerate Development of New Business While striving to the development of whole vehicle business, DFG will spare no efforts to the development of new business such as NEV, auto finance and other auto related business. Tap Resource Advantage Give full play to our own competitive edge as a key SOE with multiple sino-foreign JVs. Improve the competitive edge of all business units through unified planning and coordination of resources. Forge New Competitive Edge at the Group Level Cultivate core competitive edge on 4 major areas :quick- response, technology innovation, cross-border cooperation and application of big-data. 28 Data source : DFG

Focus of work during the 13th 5-year period Guideline of DFG 13th Five-year Plan Focus of Work Focus of work during the 13th 5-year period Consolidate Foundation so as to Achieve a Break-through and Build Core Competence in Own-brand Business Further Consolidate Industry Leading Position in CV Segment “十三五”期间东风集团重点工作包括以下四点: 一、进一步巩固保持东风商用车的行业领先地位; 二、固本强基,推动自主事业实现新突破,构建自主品牌核心竞争力; 三、下定决心,推动新能源汽车快速发展,占领新能源制高点; 四、稳妥有序坚定地推进深化改革取得成效。 2016年是东风集团实施“十三五”规划的开局之年,东风汽车集团将进一步提质增效、提高公司经营质量;进一步推动创新驱动、增强企业核心竞争力;持续深化改革、激发企业发展活力,从而实现东风集团“做优做强”,促进公司持续、稳健发展,为各位股东继续带来持续稳定的回报。 谢谢各位,以下是Q&A时间。 Resolved to Promote Fast Development of NEV and Take a Leading Position Deepen SOE Reform in a Steady and Orderly Manner 29 Data source : DFG