The Diversified M-Commerce Services


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Presentation transcript:

The Diversified M-Commerce Services The 10th Asian Telecom & Information Exchange The Diversified M-Commerce Services in Response to Various Customer Needs with Case Study Dr. Yih-Chyau Kuo Senior Engineer, Mobile Business Group Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. 2005/04/07

Delivery Channels of VAS Content Provider SMS LBS MMS WAP IVR ….. emome Streaming Java SIP GAME IVR SMS WAP Java MMS Video Audio

Financing, Banking, & Stock Categories of emome M-Commerce Services Mobile Banking Mobile Payment USIM/SMS Mobile Stock Trading Mobile Ticketing & Handy Mall WAP Financing, Banking, & Stock 839 Micro-Payment Internet OTP Micro-Payment Java Shopping Wonderland

emome m-Commerce SIM Card  USAT and OTA is used to implement high security transaction key(Session Key). Equipped with emome m-Commerce SIM card, mobile phone is ready for bank transaction and other financial services.  Only need to change card approach is an easy way to promote by mobile operator and financial institution, if actively promote the STK card will result a great potential business opportunity.

First To Integrated Multi Service Features (All in One SIM Card) Mobile Banking Mobile Payment emome M-Commerce SIM Card Mobile Value-Added Service Mobile Broker

Mobile Banking Services Mobile phone customers can use their personal mobile phones to check their bank account balance, transfer funds, check forex rates or take advantage of other banking services whenever and wherever they choose. 選擇帳號 餘額查詢 即時轉帳 自由交易 新增帳號 刪除帳號 中華電信區 emome理財 emome加值 OK EXIT 行動銀行 OK EXIT 行動付款 行動券商

Mobile Payment Services The emome resolves many of the payment and security issues customers have with online and mail order shopping. Once product has been selected for purchase, merchants are solely notified of the customer’s mobile phone number. The customer then receives a billing notice SMS on their mobile phone, at which point all the customer has to do to complete the transaction is to pick a bank or credit card number already stored on their emome SIM card to pay that bill. 中華電信區 emome理財 emome加值 OK EXIT 選擇付款項目 轉帳付款 信用卡付款 轉帳繳款 信用卡管理 新增卡號 刪除卡號 行動銀行 OK EXIT 行動付款 行動券商

Mobile Broker Services 即時下單 現股買進 現股賣出 融資買進 融資賣出 融券買進 融券賣出 委託查詢取消 今日成交狀況 庫存股查詢 自由查詢 自選股設定 自選股查詢 到價警示 Allowing stock investor clients to place orders (buy and sell securities ), make investments, or check stock quote at any time, anywhere, whether in Taiwan or traveling abroad. 中華電信區 emome理財 emome加值 OK EXIT 行動銀行 OK EXIT 行動付款 行動券商

i Multi Banking/Broker/Store’s Open Platform Model Multi Broker Broker Instant Stock Pricing Info Acquiring Bank SMS-C SS7 emome m-commerce SIM Issuing Bank CHT Mobile Financial ASP Center Call Center, Process Center,WWW Fund Transfer Out&In Bank PSTN Multi Bank Profile Editing Multi Store

3DES Encryption Method, Highly Security 3DES End-to-End 3DES Encryption End-to-End 3DES Encryption HSM Session Key Session Key Trusted Environment emome m-commerce SIM FISC HSM: Hardware Security Module FISC: Financial Information Service Co.

Full Functional Mobile Payment Card Emome card provides its customers many choices of ways to purchase through mobile phones. The business model is preceding over the M-commerce field. Mail order TV shopping Internet shopping GSM Number emome M-commerce SIM bill payment remote shopping

Easy to Use The intelligent user interfaces of the Emome card is designed to satisfy customers needs. Rapidity emome m-commerce SIM Anytime Anywhere Personalized

Financing, Banking, & Stock Categories of emome M-Commerce Services Mobile Banking Mobile Payment USIM/SMS Mobile Stock Trading Mobile Ticketing & Handy Mall WAP Financing, Banking, & Stock 839 Micro-Payment Internet OTP Micro-Payment Java Shopping Wonderland

Mobile Ticketing Service Flow 6365 emome Ticket Booking System Booking、 Payment Booking、 Payment emome 636 Platform E-Ticket 2D Bar Code Entrance ©Philips ©Philips 可應用範圍: 體育賽事 藝文表演 交通票券 Barcode Reader & Ticket Dispenser

Handset Screen Shot (1/2) 636影城通 功夫 華納威秀訂票 手機訂票 電影時刻 電影圖鈴 電影資訊 會員好康 ------------------- 我的636 服務說明 加入/移出首頁 回首頁 華納威秀訂票 信義華納威秀 國家寶藏 (普遍級) 選擇日期 2/1(二) 2/2(三) 2/3(四) 2/4(五) 2/5(六) 2/6(日) 2/7(一) 回上一頁 回手機訂票 我的636 回636影城通 選擇電影 下一步 國家寶藏 (普遍級) 2005/02/04(五) 選擇場次: 636影城通 功夫 電影時刻 電影圖鈴 電影資訊 會員好康 ------------------- 服務說明 加入/移出首頁 回首頁 信義華納威秀▼ 國家寶藏(普遍級)▼ 18:50▼

Handset Screen Shot (2/2) 華納威秀訂票 台北信義華納威秀 國家寶藏(普遍級) 2005/02/04 18:50 座位: E11, E10 (系統保留最佳座位) 會員優待票2張 小 計: $480 手續費: $0 總 計: $480 下一步 其他場次 回上一頁 回手機訂票 我的636 回636影城通 台北信義華納威秀 信義華納威秀 國家寶藏(普遍級) 2005/02/04(五) 18:50 636優待票(NTD240) 全票(NTD285) 學生票(NTD265) 下一步 回上一頁 回手機訂票 我的636 回636影城通 華納威秀訂票 以下資料採SSL 128bit加密傳輸. 信用卡種類 信用卡卡號 16碼連續數字 有效期限 月 年 確定 回上一頁 回手機訂票 我的636 回636影城通 華納威秀訂票 我們將透過 MMS傳送行動式電子 票券至您的手機上 注意: 請於開演三十分鐘前 持行動式電子票券 至現場售票口讀票機 確認後,取票進場。 回線上訂票 我的636 回636影城通 VISA▼ 2▼ 1234567890123456 0▼ 09▼ 0▼ 06▼

2D Barcode Ticket

Financing, Banking, & Stock Categories of emome M-Commerce Services Mobile Banking Mobile Payment USIM/SMS Mobile Stock Trading Mobile Ticketing & Handy Mall WAP Financing, Banking, & Stock 839 Micro-Payment Internet OTP Micro-Payment Java Shopping Wonderland

Handy Mall Service Flow 4 Supplier Shipment CHT Payment Gateway 3 2 Acquire Bank 1 Handy Mall Platform

Item Categories 手機 手機配件

Screen Shot (1) Enter Handy Mall and Select Category Nokia Motorola SonyEricsson Simens Samsung Enter Handy Mall and Select Category 2. Select Item 『Sony Ericsson』 3. Select Product: SonyEricsson Z600

Screen Shot (2) 6. Enter ID &Password 4. Put in Shopping Cart 5. Check out

Screen Shot (3) 7. Enter Shipping Address 8. Enter Credit Card No. 9. Confirmation

Financing, Banking, & Stock Service Categories of emome M-Commerce Services Mobile Banking Mobile Payment USIM/SMS Mobile Stock Trading Mobile Ticketing & Handy Mall WAP Financing, Banking, & Stock Service 839 Micro-Payment Internet OTP Micro-Payment Java Shopping Wonderland

emome WAP Commerce Services Financing Banking Stock Services

Financing, Banking, & Stock Categories of emome M-Commerce Services Mobile Banking Mobile Payment USIM/SMS Mobile Stock Trading Mobile Ticketing & Handy Mall WAP Financing, Banking, & Stock 839 Micro-Payment Internet OTP Micro-Payment Java Shopping Wonderland

839 Micro-Payment Transaction Flow subscriber 9: provide service Merchant Internet 10. 1 3 2 6 7 Phone Bill 8:confirm 4 MBMS 839 Micro-Payment System 5 Billing 839 Data Base

839 Micro-Payment Monthly Fee Flow 9: service delivery subscriber Merchant Internet 1 3 10. 2 6 7 8 Phone Bill 4 MBMS 839 Micro-Payment System 5 Billing 839 Data Base

839 Micro-Payment OTP Transaction Flow 13. Merchant 1. 12. MBMS 8. 11. 10. 5. 9. 6. 2. Payment Gateway 3. 資料庫 4. Subscriber 7.SMS SMSC OTP: One Time Password

Financing, Banking, & Stock Categories of emome M-Commerce Services Mobile Banking Mobile Payment USIM/SMS Mobile Stock Trading Mobile Ticketing & Handy Mall WAP Financing, Banking, & Stock 839 Micro-Payment Internet OTP Micro-Payment Java Shopping Wonderland

Screen Shot 1: Start the Service

Screen Shot 2: Enter Shopping Wonderland

Screen Shot 3: Enter Store

Screen Shot 4: Browse Merchandise

Screen Shot 5: Browse Details

Screen Shot 6: Place Order

Screen Shot 7: Confirmation and Payment 在傳送STK簡訊電子帳單時 會中斷GPRS連線,用戶收到電子 帳單後,可直接確認送出,完成 付款交易。或可稍後再進行付款, 此時電子帳單將儲存於emome理 財通行動付款中。 用戶於收到電子帳單後可直接回 到之前商城瀏覽點,不需重新開 啟應用程式。

Thank you !