这一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You


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Presentation transcript:

这一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You 敬拜赞美诗歌 103首

在无数的黑夜里 When I see the stars at night, 我用星星画出你 How my heart is drawn to You, 你的恩典如晨星 And their light shines Your grace on me, 让我真实的见到你 How I long to be with You. 在我的歌声里 I lift my voice in praise,

I will love You with my life, And Your goodness never end. 我用音符赞美你 I will love You with my life, 你的美好 for Your beauty 是我今生颂扬的 And Your goodness never end.

这一生最美的祝福 就是能认识主耶稣 就是能信靠主耶稣 Nothing compares to knowing You, 就是能认识主耶稣 You are the treasure of my life, Trusting in Jesus Christ my Lord, 就是能信靠主耶稣 My richest blessing in the world. 走在高山深谷 In the valleys or on high,

他会伴我同行 这是最美的祝福 You are with me all the time, 我知道 Thank You Lord, 这是最美的祝福   For the gift of knowing You.

这一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You

在无数的黑夜里 When I see the stars at night, 我用星星画出你 How my heart is drawn to You, 你的恩典如晨星 And their light shines Your grace on me, 让我真实的见到你 How I long to be with You. 在我的歌声里 I lift my voice in praise,

I will love You with my life, And Your goodness never end. 我用音符赞美你 I will love You with my life, 你的美好 for Your beauty 是我今生颂扬的 And Your goodness never end.

这一生最美的祝福 就是能认识主耶稣 就是能信靠主耶稣 Nothing compares to knowing You, 就是能认识主耶稣 You are the treasure of my life, Trusting in Jesus Christ my Lord, 就是能信靠主耶稣 My richest blessing in the world. 走在高山深谷 In the valleys or on high,

他会伴我同行 这是最美的祝福 You are with me all the time, 我知道 Thank You Lord, 这是最美的祝福   For the gift of knowing You.