Salutation To The Triple Gems


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Presentation transcript:

Salutation To The Triple Gems TISARATANA VANDANA Salutation To The Triple Gems 禮敬三寶 求授三皈五戒

世尊是阿羅漢,正等正覺者,我禮敬佛陀世尊。 ARAHAÑ, SAMMâ-SAMBUDDHO BHAGAVâ, BUDDHAÑ BHAGAVANTAÑ ABHIVâDEMI Lord, the most Worthy One, the Perfectly Self-Enlightened One, The Buddha, I revere. 世尊是阿羅漢,正等正覺者,我禮敬佛陀世尊。 www.

DHAMMAÑ NAMASSâMI. 法是世尊所善説的,我禮敬法。 SVâKKHâTO BHAGAVATâ DHAMMO, DHAMMAÑ NAMASSâMI. The Dhamma of the Blessed One is perfectly expounded, this law, path, teaching, I venerate. 法是世尊所善説的,我禮敬法。 www.

SUPAòIPANNO BHAGAVATO SâVAKASAðGHO , SAðGHAÑ NAMâMI. The Sangha of the Blessed One’s disciples has entered on the good way, that pure community, I revere 世尊的弟子僧團是善行道者,我禮敬僧團。 www.

PANCA SILA YâCANâ Asking For The Three And The Five Precepts 求授三皈五戒

YOGIS (修襌者) : AHAM AYYA, TISARAöEðA SAHA, PA¥CA SäLAM DHAMMAÑ YâCâMI, ANUGGAHAÑ KATVâ, SäLAÑ DETHA ME AYYA. Venerable,may I request to observe the FIVE precepts together with the Three Refuges, out of your compassion, (so that I can get rid of the cycle of rebirth) 尊者大德,懇請您慈悲, 爲我傳授三皈及五戒 (以便我能脱離生死輪回) www.

DUTIYAMPI, AHAM AYYA, TISARAöENA SAHA, PA¥CA SäLAM DHAMMAÑ YâCâMI ANUGGAHAÑ KATVâ, SäLAÑ DETHA ME AYYA. Venerable,for the second time, may I request to observe the Five precepts together with the Three Refuges, out of your compassion, (so that I can get rid of the cycle of rebirth) 第二次,尊者大德,懇請您慈悲 爲我傳授三皈及五戒 (以便我能脱離生死輪回) www.

TATIYAMPI, AHAM AYYA, TISARAöENA SAHA, PA¥CA SäLAM DHAMMAÑ YâCâMI ANUGGAHAÑ KATVâ, SäLAÑ DETHA ME AYYA. Venerable,for the third time, may I request to observe the Five precepts together with the Three Refuges, out of your compassion, (so that I can get rid of the cycle of rebirth) 第三次,尊者大德,懇請您慈悲 爲我傳授三皈及八戒 (以便我能脱離生死輪回) www.

YOGIS (修襌者) : AYYA : YAMAHAÑ VADâMI, TAÑ VADETHA Well, repeat the chanting after me. 請跟随我念。 YOGIS (修襌者) : âMA AYYA Yes, Venerable. 是的,尊者大德。 www.

BUDDHâBHIVâDANA Homage to the Buddha 禮敬佛陀

Namo tassa bhavagato arahato sammà sambudhassa Homage to Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Fully Enlightened One. 禮敬世尊,阿羅漢,正等正覺者。 (3 times) www.

TISARAöA The Three Refuges 三皈依

Buddhaÿ saraõaÿ gacchàmi Dhammaÿ saraõaÿ gacchàmi Saïghaÿ saraõam gacchàmi I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dhamma. I take refuge in the Sangha. 我以佛陀爲皈依處。 我以佛法爲皈依處。 我以僧伽爲皈依處。 www.

Dutiyampi Buddhaÿ saraõaÿ gacchàmi Dutiyampi Dhammaÿ saraõaÿ gacchàmi Dutiyampi Saïghaÿ saraõam gacchàmi For the second time, I take refuge in the Buddha. For the second time, I take refuge in the Dhamma. For the second time, I take refuge in the Sangha. 第二次,我以佛陀爲皈依處。 第二次,我以佛法爲皈依處。 第二次,我以僧伽爲皈依處。 www.

Tatiyampi Buddhaÿ saraõaÿ gacchàmi Tatiyampi Dhammaÿ saraõaÿ gacchàmi Tatiyampi Saïghaÿ saraõam gacchàmi For the third time, I take refuge in the Buddha. For the third time, I take refuge in the Dhamma. For the third time, I take refuge in the Sangha. 第三次,我以佛陀爲皈依處。 第三次,我以佛法爲皈依處。 第三次,我以僧伽爲皈依處。 www.

SARANA GAMANAÑ PARIPUööAÑ AYYA : SARANA GAMANAÑ PARIPUööAÑ The taking of the refuge is purely completed. 三皈已授完畢。 YOGIS (修襌者): âMA AYYA Yes, Venerable. 是的,尊者大德。 www.

PA¥CA SäLA The Five Precepts 五戒

Pàõàtipàtà veramaõã sikhàpadaÿ samàdiyàmi YOGIS (修襌者): Pàõàtipàtà veramaõã sikhàpadaÿ samàdiyàmi I undertake the training precept to abstain from killing. 我受持不殺生學處 Adinnàdanà veramaõã sikhàpadaÿ samàdiyàmi I undertake the training precept to abstain from taking what is not given. 我受持不偷盗學處 www.

Kàmesu micchàcàrà veramaõã sikhàpadaÿ samàdiyàmi I undertake the training precept to abstain from sexual misconduct. 我受持不邪淫學處。 Musavada veramaõã sikhàpadaÿ samàdiyàmi telling lies. 我受持不妄語學處 www.

Suràmeraya majjapamàdatthànà veramaõã sikhàpadaÿ samàdiyàmi I undertake the training precept to abstain from distilled and fermented intoxicants which cause heedlessness. 我受持不喝一切發酵及含酒精的飲料。 www.

End~ www.