商检英语宝典 锦程物流网.


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Presentation transcript:

商检英语宝典 锦程物流网

目录 一、情景对话(1)…………………………………………3 二、情景对话(2)…………………………………………5 三、情景对话(3)…………………………………………6 四、名词大全………………………………………………..9

一、情景对话(1) Shall we take up the question of inspection today? 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。 The inspection of commodity is no easy job. 商检工作不是那么简单。 Mr. Black is talking with the Chinese importer about inspecting the goods. 布莱克先生与中方进口商就商品检验问题进行洽谈。 As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. 作为合同里的一个组成部分,商品检验具有特殊的重要性。

We should inspect this batch of porcelainware to see if there is any breakage. 我们要检查一下这批瓷器是否有破损的。 The exporters have the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line. 出口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品。 The inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods. 商品检验工作在到货后一个月内完成。 How should we define the inspection rights? 商检的权力怎样加以明确呢?

二、情景对话(2) Where do you wish to reinspect the goods? 您希望在哪里复验商品? The importers have the right to reinspect the goods after their arrival. 进口商在货到后有权复验商品。 What's the time limit for the reinspection? 复验的时限是什么时候? It's very complicated to have the goods reinspected and tested. 这批货测试和复验起来比较复杂。 What if the results from the inspection and the reinspection do not coincide with each other? 如果检验和复验的结果有出入该怎么办呢?

三、情景对话(3) Who issues the inspection certificate in case the quality do not confirm to the contract? 如果货物的质量与合同不符,由谁出具检验证明书呢? The certificate will be issued by China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau or by any of its branches. 检验证明书将由中国进出口商品检验局或其分支机构出具。 The Inspection Certificate will be signed by the commissioner of your bureau. 检验证明书将由商检局局长签字。 Our certificates are made valid by means of the official seal and personal chop of the commissioner. 我们的证明书以盖公章和局长签字为有效。

As a rule, our certificate is made out in Chinese and English. 通常证明书是用中文和英文开具的。 You may have another certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination. 你们还要出具另一份证明书,以证明货物没有受放射线污染。 Our goods must be up to export standards before the Inspection Bureau releases them. 我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,商检局才予以放行。

Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards. 商检局将出具动物检疫证明书以证明货物符合出口标准。 Is it convenient for you to engage a surveyor? 你们联系公证方便吗? We have the best surveyor, China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau. 我们有最好的公证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。

四、名词大全 inspection 检验 inspect 检验 to inspect A for B 检查A中是否有B inspector 检验员 inspector of tax 税务稽查员 inspection of commodity 商品检验 reinspect 复验 reinspection 复验 Inspection Certificate 检验证明 Inspection Certificate of Quality 质量检验证书 Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书 surveyor 检验行,公证行

Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量检验证书 Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书 Inspection Certificate of value 价值检验证书 Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书 Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书 Veterinary Inspection Certificate 兽医检验证书 inspection of packing 包装检验 inspection of loading 监装检验 inspection of material 材料检验 inspection of risk 被保险物价的检查 inspection of storage 监装 inspection of voucher 凭证检验 inception of carriage 货车检查 inspection of document 单证检查

inspection of fixed asset 固定资产检查 inspection of incoming merchandise 到货验收 Inspection Certificate on Damaged cargo 验残检验证书 Inspection Certificate on Tank 验船证书 Certificate of Measurement & Weight 货载衡量证书 Authentic Surveyor 公证签定人 inspection on cleanliness 清洁检验 inspection on cleanliness of dry cargo hold 干货舱清洁检验 inspection on cleanliness of tank 油舱清洁检验 inspection and acceptance 验收 inspection before delivery 交货前检验 inspection after construction 施工后检验

inspection during construction 在建工程检验 inspection between process 工序间检验 inspection report 检验报告 inspection tag 检查标签 Inspectorate General of Customs 海关稽查总局 inspection and certificate fee 检验签证费 to issue(a certificate) 发...(证明) Sworn Measurer 宣誓衡量人 Underwriters Laboratory 保险商实验室 Loyd's Surveyor 英国劳氏公证行 General Superintendence & Co, Geneva (S.G.S) 瑞士日内瓦通用签定后司

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