Unit 2 Language points.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Language points

… people aged 60 and over are packing their bags and heading south along the freeway to…(line4) head v. (1)朝着…方向走去 We're heading home. The ship was heading for Cuba. (2) 走向…;势必会遭遇(常与for连用) Forecasters predict the region's economy is heading for disaster. You're heading for an accident if you drink and drive. 如果你酒后开车,势必会发生车祸。 (3)为首;率领; 主持;领导 Who headed the department?

4. We are looking at some population trends in the USA. (line 1) trend n. ﹝c﹞ 趋势;趋向( a change or development towards something new or different) There’s been a downward trend in sales in the last few years. 最近几年销售有下降的趋势。 年轻人喜欢追求最新的流行款式。 The youth like to follow the latest trends in fashion. v. 倾向 The prices of houses are trending upwards. 房价趋于上涨。

A trend is a change or development towards something new or different. A tendency is a worrying or unpleasant habit or action that keeps occurring. Greg's tendency to be critical made him unpopular with his co-workers. The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.

5. Older Americans are on the move.(line3) (1) on the move (to be travelling from one place to another) 他总是在迁徙中,从不会在一个镇上超过几天。 He was always on the move, never staying in one town more than a few days. (2) on the move (to be changing and developing a lot)在发展变化中,前进中 Science is always on the move.

Vocabulary extension: on the go on the run on the increase on the air 在进行活动, 忙碌 在忙碌 正在增长 广播中, 播送中 The drinks are on me! What's the next item on the agenda? Whose team are you on? What time is the program 'Star Trek' on? All he had on was a pair of tattered shorts. 10

I've been __________ all day and I'm exhausted. on the run/go The demand for primary products is ___________ in African market. on the increase This talk show comes __________ every morning at 7 am. on the air Don't jump off a train when it's __________. on the move

cater for sb./sth 1.承办宴席,为…提供酒菜 (to provide food and drinks for a social event) Most of our work now involves catering for weddings. 2.迎合 (to provide the things that a particular person or situation needs or wants) The class caters for all ability ranges. Our politicians should learn to cater for the man in the street.

Important sentences and phrases (reading)

Useful expressions in the text: 讨论美国人口的一些趋向 look at some population trends on the move 在移动中;繁忙中 往南去 head south 根据国家的人口调查 according to the national population survey 是...所在地 be home to/be the home of 给出了各种原因 give a variety of reasons

turn into ice 变成了冰 make sense 有道理 cater to sb 迎合某人 为某人而设计 be designed for sb 减少滑倒的风险 reduce the risk of slips be attractive to sb 对某人很有吸引力

适应新的地方和新环境 adapt to new places and situations 毕业后/大学毕业 after graduation/graduate from university elect to live in cities 选择在城里生活 寻找刺激和好玩的事做 seek exciting and fun things to do speak with one voice 异口同声

根据最近所做的全国人口普查,佛罗里达州有最多的65岁及以上的人口.这个人群大约占到该州人口的17%. (line 7) According to the national population survey ________(conduct) recently, Florida is _____ ____ the largest population of people _____ 65 and older. This group _________ _____ over 17 per cent of state’s population. home to conducted aged makes up 因此也就不奇怪佛罗里达州被认为是美国最老的地方. So it is not ___________ that Florida is _______ _____ the oldest place in the USA. known as surprising

Snow can turn into ice. It is easy to slip on ice. (line 18) Snow can turn into ice, which is easy to slip on. 随着搬迁到那里的老年美国人增多,更多的变化发生了,以照顾到他们的需要。 (line 23) _____ the number of older Americans moving there increases, more changes are ______ to _____ ___ them. As made cater to

许多房子有专为老年业主设计的浴室,配有如步入式浴盆的设备以减少摔倒的风险.(line 25) And many houses have bathrooms ________ (design) for older owners, with things like walk-in bathtubs that _____ ____ _____ ____ slips and falls. designed reduce the risk of 最近,移动人口激增.(line 34) Recently , there has been a boom in population movements.

Thank you for your attention!