Decision Support System (靜宜資管楊子青) 決策支援系統
管理 a process by which organizational goals are achieved through the use of resources Resources: Inputs Goal Attainment: Output Measuring Success: Productivity = Outputs / Inputs Inputs Output process
管理人員的可能角色 Mintzberg [1980] 重點:need information Interpersonal (人際角色) Figurehead (象徵首腦,精神領袖); Leader (領導者); Liaison (聯絡人) Informational (資訊角色) Monitor; Disseminator (傳播者); Spokesperson (發言人) Decisional (決策角色) Entrepreneur (企業家); Disturbance Handler (危機處理者); Resource Allocator; Negotiator (談判者) 重點:need information
電腦化決策支援的需求 Speedy computations 快速運算 Overcoming cognitive limits in processing and storage 克服處理及貯存的認知限制 Cognitive limits may restrict an individual’s problem solving capability Cost reduction 降低成本 Technical & Quality support 技術及品質支援
Three Phase decision-making process Intelligence: searching for conditions that call for decisions Design: inventing, developing, and analyzing possible courses of action Choice: selecting a course of action from those available
Customer’s decision-making process
What-If analysis What-if analysis is the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes will affect the outcome of formulas on the worksheet. Use scenarios to consider many different variables Use Goal Seek to find out how to get a desired result
(1) Scenarios (藍本or情境) A scenario is a set of values that Excel saves and can substitute automatically in cells on a worksheet. You can create and save different groups of values on a worksheet and then switch to any of these new scenarios to view different results. 工具→分析藍本 Example
(2) Goal Seek (目標搜尋) If you know the result that you want from a formula, but you are not sure what input value the formula requires to get that result, you can use the Goal Seek feature. 工具→目標搜尋 Example
資料視覺化 Visual Numerics公司的JWAVE是一個Web-based資料視覺化軟體,該產品可進行時間序列分析、股價分析、氣象分析…
Data Visualization: Displaying News Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator. The size of data blocks is defined by their popularity at the moment.
Data Visualization: Displaying Data Amaztype, a typographic book search, collects the information from Amazon and presents it in the form of keyword you’ve provided. To get more information about a given book, simply click on it.
Data Visualization: Displaying Web Sites UBrowser is an open source test mule that renders interactive web pages onto geometry using OpenGL® and an embedded instance of Gecko, the Mozilla rendering engine.
群體決策制定 群體(groups):2人以上之人員,執行某項工作 群體工作之潛在利益 群體工作之潛在功能失調 群體決策制定之本質:雖然多數企業是階層式的,但是決策制定通常是共享的過程 多數的決策均為一群人所制定 群體工作之潛在利益 問題認知及發現錯誤過程優於個人、激勵參與者及 過程、危機傾向獲得平衡、求解期間因互動而獲利 群體工作之潛在功能失調 附和性思考、時間浪費、妥協解答、重複已說過之話、缺乏協調性及計畫性的會議…
資訊科技通訊支援技術之分類 <a>決策室 <c>區域決策 網路 <d>遠距決策 <b>電傳會議 <c>區域決策 網路 <d>遠距決策
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